11:55am Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((Woah. You have really good deductive skills. The only thing I gfot before you posted all that was, "Huhuh, Professer Plum, like from Clue."))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:04pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 2,962
"Oh jeez!" Christian muttered, startled awake by his phone ringing insistently. He grumbled, checking to see who was calling. Jeremy, a very annoying kid who had skipped several grades to hop into college would not leave him alone. And, of course, he was calling him. "Never in a million years," Christian said, rolling his eyes and making a motion to go back to bed. As he leand back, though, his head made a crunching sound. "What the...?" he muttered, sitting up again to look behind him. There lay the letter. Its innocent white coloring belied the cruel, dark intentions of the person who had addressed it to him. It was also a summons to some weird meeting. Christian glanced at the clock and muttered a curse. The meeting was right now! He leapt out of bed, gunning it to his closet, where he pulled on some jeans and a black T-Shirt. He ran a comb through his hair at lightening speed before sprinting out of the dorm room. He was half way across campus when he ran out of steam. He stopped on a stretch of gras.s, panting, when he spotted Jeremy. Dang it. That sight gave Christian the energy to make it to the room in record time. He burst through the doors, his lungs screaming. Suddenly embaras.sed beyond belief, he looked down and took one of the open seats. Well, that could have gone better. ((Sorry for the unorganized post. I'm tired today.))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
2:09pm Jun 22 2010 (last edited on 2:23pm Jun 22 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
~{Woah. You should have a posting order here, what with there being 12 RPers. xD It could get a little hard to keep up with otherwise. >.<}~ Listening to the dull sounds of movement and conversation beyond the walls of his dorm room, Raphael allowed his mind to wander over the strange and downright horryfying events of the past few days; The blonde male laying on his bed, eyes closed. Really now... How were they expected to catch a killer?... They weren't proffessionals, and as such, they weren't exactly prepared for this sort of situation; As for why the Star signs had been made such a major factor he didn't know...
Clearly, however, they had no choice whatsoever. It was either try do something, or simply sit around and wait for the rest of them to be picked off. One by one. Raphael lifted an arm, and allowed it to fall over his gray eyes as he lay in his dorm, simply thinking; His thoughts seeming to get more complicated the longer he lay there.
He had woken a good two hours or so ago, getting himself dressed into his favourite black cambats and a white, button up, short sleeve shirt left slightly open at the front and untucked. He had re-read his letter atleast a dozen times, his face seeming to darken with each reading, before finally allowing himself to simply fall onto his bed. It was strange, really, how thinking about such things could tire someone out in such a short space of time.
Raphael sighed quietly, allowing his arm to move away from his face as he reached over towards his bedside table, groping around for his phone. Once he felt the cool glas.s under his fingers, he lifted it, eyes narrowing in response to the light as he read the time.
Sitting up quickly, the tall male blinked at the number. Damnit, he was gonna be late. Good thing he was already up... Standing, he shoved his phone into one of the pockets on his pants before heading towards the door, pulling a plain black tie off the back of a chair as he pas.sed and throwing it over his shoulders. He didn't bother to tie it, leaving it to simply hang loosely around his neck as he headed into the hallway; Closing his dorm door behind him.
On his way down to the alloted meeting room, he watched as a boy around his age ran off hurriedly, right towards the hallway Raphael himself was heading for. He blinked, then ran a hand through his white-blonde hair as he put two and two together. Looks like he wasn't the only one not keeping track of time today...
Placing his hands into his pockets, he followed after the boy at a hurried pace, only pausing to read the room number, before walking in. It looked like most of them were here already, but unless he was counting wrong, they were still waiting on a couple of people. Supressing another sigh, he strolled past the boy he'd seen earlier, sitting on one of the available seats and crossing his arms over the desk in front of him.
He glanced around, his eyes eventually coming to a stop on the clock in the room, reading the time and silently aknowledging the start of the meeting.
2:42pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 993
((Ferrooo.... x3 It was Cori who spoke, and she's the Virgo. She was talking to Mand's character and isn't the one with the kitty. I apologize, I'll post later but I'm at Fizzy's house and she wants the computer. D:))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
2:50pm Jun 22 2010 (last edited on 3:03pm Jun 22 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[@Kurokayce: There wont be twelve for long. If you think about it. Heheh. Well, eleven is hard to keep track of too, but eh *shrugs* If I am posting too much just slap me once with a ruler. @Ferro: Yes, I have the deduction skills of... someone who is good at deducting? Actually I think my deductive skills are on par with Sock's. Neil's rambling just sounds smart. @Win: Kiri the cat girl did talk to Alyx. Ferro did not make a mistake. *nods*]]
3:33pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((Kiri the cat girl? Dx Lawl. Actually, that fits rather well. ^^ And winter says: Omahfail.)) A loud hiss echoed across the room. Ziggy had suddenly awoken, and she wasn't feeling any great vibes towards her or her protector. In a way, Ziggy was the protector in the relationship. Kiri took her cat with her because she was nervous. Ziggy wasn't exactly a kitten, but she was still small. Her mother was killed when she was just a kitten, and Kiri had seen her plight and helped her. Ziggy didn't want her new mother to die, either. And Kiri didn't want one of her only friends to leave her. Kiri's eyes were wide and she tried to subdue the angry hissing from her companion. "Honey, calm down. Ziggy. You know that's not very nice." Kiri whispered now to her cat, noticing people were starting to become uncomfortable. Kiri turned to the newcomers, eyes smiling. Her heart was beating a million times per minute. Kiri, you need to get working on this mystery. Focus. Kiri looked to the notepad she had brought with her to cl*censored*. A few splatters of ink showed on it from the blue pen in her pocket. Kiri wondered what she should do, not knowing where to start. She decided to sketch out the scene of the murder as she thought of it from the deions in the papers. Stars, leading up to a body. Some strange symbol underneath, a triangle with circles around it... What did it mean? Kiri counted the spaces in between the circles. Twelve. Twelve blanks... Twelve signs! Kiri smiled to herself. She was getting a nice head start. Once Kiri had gotten off track (I lost the game) again, she decided to study her surroundings. The redhed wasn't very friendly. Kiri sighed and shook out her hair again. Focus. As hard as she tried, her eyes kept drifting back to the clock, or the redhed, or the newcomers. What time is it? What is the redhead drawing? How come that guy over there is so scared? Is he hiding something? Is she hiding something? Kiri's brain was filled with the static of her memories.

3:46pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 1,789
~{Lol. xD Alrighty. :3}~
3:58pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((Has everyone posted at least once now? :D Keep going.))
5:18pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 853
[[8 out of 12 so far, I think.]]
7:11pm Jun 22 2010 (last edited on 7:11pm Jun 22 2010)
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Posts: 1,864
((Okay. D: Well, hurry up Fox, Det, Choco, and Serenity. xD))
11:26pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 480
(Oh! I'm sorry, Winter.. I didn't see that...) Renee looked away from the window at the sound of someone speaking to her and turned to see that it was Corrine, the virgo. She smiled brightly for the first time upon entering the room and then stood, moving to a seat closer to Cori and Kiri. "Hey, I'm Renee." Her eyes scanned the two other girls more carefully than she had a moment ago and realized that her and the virgo were wearing matching shirts. "Um, you're the Libra, right?" she asked the girl with the black cat in her lap. "And the Virgo? I don't know much about these star signs that we've all been *censored*igned. I mean, I know I'm supposed to be the Leo but why is that?" Renee cocked her head to the side and looked at the two girls questioningly. When Renee was younger, she'd never been very interested in magazines and gossip like the average teen would have. Sports were more her speed. Yeah, she liked doing her makeup and wearing all the cute clothes normal girls liked but when you grew up with three older brothers, you tend to like doing the things that they liked. Softball was her p*censored*ion and Renee, despite her size, was one of the best players on the team, always playing first base and slamming the ball into the outfield. She never had time or even thought about things like horoscopes and 'Star' signs or the Zodiac. Renee glanced over at the few males there were in the room, propping her sleek and tanned legs up on an empty chair next to her. Kiri had said something to the red-headed boy, who had been drawing something, and he looked like he might be afraid or maybe even annoyed? Another boy, who she thought was the Pisces, looked like he was deep in thought. Then, the door swung open and another male wearing a black t-shirt and jeans rushed in, appearing like he'd run all the way here without stopping. Woah, lots of guys. Behind him, once again, another guy appeared in the doorway wearing a plain black tie. Renee blinked a few times, her long lashes making her eyes seem even larger, and then turned back towards the Virgo and the Libra.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
1:24am Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 1:25am Jun 23 2010)
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Posts: 1,864
Kiri looked to Renee, her eyes studying. "Hello." She was a bit scared. Ziggy made plenty of akward moments for her when she hissed, or mewed, or chuffed. But for now, she was silent. "How're you?" A small smile played on Kiri's lips. She was alright with this girl. ((Fail.))
11:36am Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 853
[[I wonder if people look at me during my normal every day life and think, yepp, that there is a Pisces. I want to post but it would be just Neil thinking about how everyone is doomed and maybe looking at the new people. because he is so boring and grumpy]]
2:55pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((Mebbe if he fails to post, we will kill him. >;D Kekeke. Jk. Sort of. *w*))
3:08pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 480
(Okay, so most of us are going to be killed? o,o)
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
3:29pm Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 3:30pm Jun 23 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[DDD: B-but some people haven't even posted once yet! Kill them! yeah. and fine gosh but now you have to deal with his emo-ness.]] Neil's eyes rotated in their sockets to lock onto the newest arrivals as they took their seats. Severe beatings as a child had rooted it into his head that staring was a.ssociated with severe pain, and therefore, he knew that staring was rude. The same was with talking, he only spoke if he was spoken too. Otherwise, well, he didn't like to think back on it. So, he didn't turn his head to watch them. If they were out of his line of vision, he shouldn't be looking at them. But it wasn't just because of fear, he also didn't want attention. You stare at someone, and then they think you actually want to talk to them, then they want to be all close and friendly. And they always wanted something more. It wasn't just someone to talk to or to cheer someone up on a bad day. They always wanted more. Because people are selfish and greedy, and they didn't actually care about anyone but themselves. Besides, he wasn't supposed to trust anyone, right? Neil's eyes drifted to the clock. 'The meeting should be starting. We're not all here.' Typical for college students, he thought, and again rubbed his temple. 'When do we know when to start anyway? How is this going to work?'

4:05pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 993
((x3 No, Fizz is just trying to scare you all. We haven't even chosen the killer yet, so don't count yourself out. O.O)) Cori was delighted when the girl, Renee, did not make the situation more awkward by just mumbling a few sentances, as the virgo might have. "I'm not too sure. I mean, I know that you're given star signs by you birthdate, and that the first half of a month is one thing, then the second half another that carries into the first half of the next month, and so on. What confuses me is how this ties with the..." Thinking of James, she stopped a bit, coughing to cover her pause in speech, not wanting others to believe she was weaker because her boyfriend had been killed. "Sorry. The murders." There was an obvious discomfort of the girl as she shifted her weight in the chair. Glancing up at the sound of a door closing, Corrine noticed another male entering the room, then looked at the shorter boy who seemed intent on his work avioiding everyone's eyesight. She understood why, but still wanted to include everyone. This thought included, Cori was still to shy to approach anyone else, Renee aside. Earlier that morning, Cori had brushed up on the horoscopes, reading that Leos were most outgoing, and deciding that she could approach one without being too nervous.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
4:17pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Sorry, I didn't reply. I will post an intro once I read all the other posts.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:38pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((Hehe. ;D)) Kiri swathed her eyes over to Cori. "Hey, are you okay?" When she saw the obvious sorrow in Cori's eyes, she immediately rushed into a hug. "It'll be alright." Her eyes prickled, and she hoped she wouldn't start crying. Cori was her friend, and if she was sad, it made Kiri upset too. Its not like I really cared for him, but he was pretty much the highlight of Cori's life. I wish I knew him better... Kiri was upset. ((Another fail.))
6:25pm Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 9:54am Jun 24 2010)
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Posts: 3,991
"Now no one would let a stange man into their house, so that would mean she had to know the person. And it couldn't be her son, because he's gay. And the attacks were done in a sexual manner." Jethro said as he looked at his friend grinning slightly. "Wow, Jeth you are so good at this." his friend said looking down at his criminology textbook. Jethro smiled and looked at his friend who was lazying across the couch. "Or I watched Criminal Minds last night." he said his blue eyes filled with laughter. Then his friend laughed then got up when he heard a beep go off in his kitched. Jethro sat down on his couch and looked at the textbook. "So Matt whens that test coming up." he said flipping through the book. "Uh, next week." Matt said stepping out from his kitchen with a bowl of popcorn. He p*censored*ed it to Jethro and started to quiz him again. Suddenly Jethro phone buzzed, He looked down to see he had set an alarm, but he wasn't sure for what. "Hey Jeth don't you have some meeting to go to?" Jethro's eyes went wide. "Oh god yes." He shoved hiscellphone in his jeans pocket and pulled on his football jacket over his white tee shirt. He started patting his pockets for his car keys. "They're over there Jeth." Matt said not looking away from his textbook. Jethro nodded and grabbed it then rushed to the door. "Wait a second." Matt said. He turned around. "Now this meeting, will there be girls?" he asked. Jethro scatched his black hair. "I guess so why?" Matt look at him. "Make to give all the hot girls my number." He said grining. Jethro rolled his eyes and thew the empty popcorn bowl at his head. Mat ducked. "Knock 'em dead Gibbs!" Matt called after his friend. Jethro smiled at the familiar nick name which really was an inside joke about the main character in Matts favourit TV show. He jumped into his new Audi R8, that he got for his birthday a few days back. He made his way over to the campus parking lot, then rushing towards the building. He looked down at his note and he scanned the room numbers. Saw it headed and quicken his tep figuring he was late. He slowed down when a girl from his cl*censored* walked by. "Ready for the test?" He asked as she started walking backwards. She turned and smiled "Oh you know it Giblets." she said. He smiled he guessed it wasn't an inside joke anymore. He turned suddenly and ended up smacking into the door with a loud bump. He cussed and muttered something to himself before opening the door. He looked around. There were already a bunch a people inside. He figured he was the last one. "Sorry I'm late." he said as he mad his way to an empty chair. He scanned the room. He didn't regonize anyone, besides maybe two of the girls. He always saw one of them on the way to cl*censored*. To get to his criminogy cl*censored* he has to p*censored* the law room or whatever it was called. He also saw her hanging out with the cat girl a couple of time. He looked away then pulled out his textbook and started studying again.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.