7:46pm Jun 23 2010
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Alyx had been rushing to finish small sketches of all the members present, but had decided to leave the newest until he had collected information on the others. Walking over to the two girls talking quietly to each other he asked, pencil poised over a paper with both their profiles and frontal shots. "May I ask your names, I am trying to create a bit of a file on the toerhs here." His voice was smooth, with an unplaceable accent, and he flipped the pad around, showing the girl's their near perfect sketches. Alyx had even captured the strained and tired looks of Cori, and the black cat's picture resided towards the bottom half of the page, and Alyx pushed the book at them. "Full names, signatures, and age, please." His red hair had stuck in a streak of purple paint beneath his chin, so he pulled them off, rubbing the paint that still resided on his face. "I am Alyxander Saikun Dravius," He said, turning to a page with a self portrait, signing quickly and jotting down a mesyy "18" on the bottom of the page.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
7:54pm Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 8:00pm Jun 23 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[Lawl. Neil couldn't kill dust bunnies... well, he does have a small history of violence... Though usually they involve books. =P No librarians have been killed yet. ....yeeeett. edit: edited mah post a littlle]] He just ran head first into the door. Neil didn't have to look over at the door to know that whoever it was had hit the door. And cussing too. Well, it could have been an honest mistake, but it only intensified his feelings on how utterly stupid everyone here was. This of course included himself, and he admitted that fair enough. But at least he kept his stupid to himself. How many people were here now... nine? He didn't want to have to look around at everyone and count. Neil listened to the girls talking, well, at least they were reacting accordingly. Discussing the horrible tragic events and the zodiac. Now that he had calmed down a bit he realized that the one girl was... wasn't she the girlfriend of one of the students that had been murdered? How absolutely awful... how could she manage to come to this blasted thing so soon after his death? He wondered if she was motivated by vengeance, or perhaps she felt she had no choice in the matter. Well, despite whether or not anyone else was going to take this seriously, he was. To save those still alive and to at least soothe the aching hearts of the ones who've lost someone dear. He didn't fear loosing his own life, not at this point- sure, he had lots to live for and all that but not really. He'd pretty much read everything he liked in the library. He sat up straight and stared at the clock, getting a tad impatient now. Hmm, it sounded like there was someone else joining the conversation back there. Profiling? Oh great, that meant he was going to be coming over here... bah. Full name, age... what did age have to do with anything? And didn't he have a strange name. What was wrong with "Bob" these days.

10:15pm Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 11:00pm Jun 23 2010)
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Posts: 1,864
Kiri looked suspiciously at Alyx. "I don't really know you," she began softly, "and yet you expect me to tell you everything about me and you draw my face." Kiri's mouth curled crookedly. "Wow. Stalkerish." Ziggy yawned, showing her pearly white teeth. "I know this is a murder case, but for all I know you are the murderer. Its possible you will take this information, use it to find me, and kill me. You could steal my identity. Steal my money. People who know how to do these things can. And, with such good sketching skills, I think you're a bit more suspicious to me." Kiri gave Ziggy a quick kiss on the nose. "So, I'll give you my first name. Its Kiri. And my little kitty here is Ziggy. Cute, right?" Kiri didn't like the new guy. He was too nosy. And, he had no manners. People like that were rude. But hey, why would a killer care about manners? Unless killers were blonde, and tall, and muscley, and chisled. Maybe they were true gentlemen who actually CARED about her frikkin FEELINGS for once and WANTED her to be happy and didn't freaking care if she had a damn CAT in her life! Kiri's eyes burned with fire. Her last boyfriend had acted nice. He was daring, charming, and oh so attractive. She felt so lucky. One morning she had woken up to find him in her dorm room. She was okay with it. He was her BF after all. One thing was wrong-Ziggy wasn't in her usual spot on the foot of the bed. Instead, there was a golden little puppy, a retriever. "What the hell is this!?" Kiri leaped from the bed in her PJs, screaming at the intruder. "Where is my cat!?" "Er... I threw her out. Do you like Lucky?" Kiri froze. "Where? Tell me now, or I will kick your nuts until they fall off." "Um... outside?" Kiri had searched for hours, then days, for her cat. She kicked her now-ex out with his stupid dog, and kicked him out in the most uncomforable places possible. She cried during her search, sure Ziggy was lost... Her only friend, her only companion now. Eventually, Ziggy was found, on the side of a road, near death. Kiri had revived her with loving care and constant attention, mending broken bones and paws. The only thing Ziggy had to heal was a broken heart. Until Cori came along. Cori had found Kiri one day, crying her eyes out, in ruins. Kiri was still in shock that her boyfriend, who she loved so much and cared for, would "throw out" her beautiful pet... Cori had been caring and loving. In her mind, Kiri still sometimes called Cori "Band-aid". Cori was the band-aid that kept the pieces of Kiri's heart together.

10:16pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 993
Corrine grabbed the pencil from the boy, Alyxander, as it seemed, signing her own name in the bottom right-hand corner of her portait by the boy. "Corrine Alicia Thatch." She read aloud as she wrote her name, a somewhat odd, one could call it, habit she had when she was writing something short. Her signature read "CAT" in large letters, then in smaller the rest of the letters in her name. Age too? It was a bit tiring to be asked so much, but such should be expected, these were the people she would be working with, after all. By her signature she wrote a small '19', then anded Kiri the pencil, yawning a bit. Always, since she had been an infant, Corrine had been sleepy, and a night owl too, which meant waking up early was out of the question if not neccesary. A boy ran in, apologizing for being late to the meeting. Cori felt obliged to tell him that there were still three others to come, and that he wasn't really yet. There were three minutes left until the first official meeting started. She sighed, looking at the board up front, fingering the chalk that she had brought along in a small purple-and-black spotted backpack, the perfect size for carrying around law books. Six white, and one of each color in the rainbow, with a brown one added. It might have been a useless purchase to buy the colored set too, but Cori figured if anything stopped more from dying, $4.99 more was worth it. Who knew, maybe there was a specific color coding they would need to figure out to cease the murders. So used to public speaking from her clas.ses, Corrine as.sumed she should be the first to speak, which could be viewed as arrogent by the others. At this point, she didn't much care about their opinions, all but Kiri's, who knew that Cori was majoring in Law, and knew her tendancy to argue about what she believed in. Rolling her head backwards so she could look at the others that had joined them, eyes stopping on the newest boy. Oh, and him. She thought, remembering his face, as he walked by the debate room daily, most probably to get to a clas.s. Cori lead the debate each morning with reading the topic and starting with her two cents. She found it a great way to get her head started for the latter, more important debate that day.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
4:12pm Jun 24 2010
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Posts: 480
Renee looked at the sketches of Cori and Kiri that the boy did and smiled. "Wow, you're really good! How did you learn to draw like that?" She trained her bright blue eyes on Alyx and grinned, showing her brilliantly white teeth. Her father was an amazing artist and he used to draw her pictures of all different kinds of animals when she was little. That was before him and her mother's divorce seven years ago though and Renee hasn't seen him since. The girl's throat seemed to tighten from the memories of her father and turned back to Alyx. "I knew someone who could draw really well once. I haven't talked to him for a while though." She gathered her long honey blonde hair up and pulled it over her right shoulder, running her fingers through softly through it. She watched as Cori signed her name under her sketch and then seen her pull a box of colorful chalk from her bag. "Oh, so many pretty colors." Renee smiled brightly at Cori and then pointed to the orange chalk. "Orange is my favorite color. I even have had my room painted orange when I lived at home in California." (Shorter than usual.. D: Sorryy)
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
5:35pm Jun 24 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((Could you guys involve Alyx as little as possible? I'm gonna bwe gone for the next three weeks.))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
5:55pm Jun 24 2010 (last edited on 5:56pm Jun 24 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[Aw, for three whole weeks? Pooh. But yeah, someone else needs to keep the ball rollin'. I was kinda glad he stepped up and started talking... If only Neil wasn't a Pisces, I would do something about this.]]
9:51pm Jun 24 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((We need to start the meeting, lets just pretend everyone is here.))
5:21am Jun 25 2010
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Posts: 1,588
((also can someone interact with Willow, please))
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
1:40pm Jun 25 2010
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Posts: 2,962
((Hey everyone! I'm leaving on a trip for this weekend. I'll be gone for about five days. I'm going to a pretty remote area, so I highly doubt that I'll be able to log on at all. I should be back around the 30th. See you all then! ~Lola))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
2:14pm Jun 25 2010
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Posts: 993
((Cy, post your own intro. You don't need someone to interact with you to write.)) Cori grinned at Renee, who had seen the chalks that Corrine had brought, admiring them and pointed out the orange one. She herself loved the color green, ever since she was old enough to develop her own opinion of it. "It would be really fun to have an orange room." Corrine commented, not really knowing what she was saying. It was sometimes her objective to speak her way through situations when she wasn't too comfortable. As they were attending a meeting to discuss a mas.s murderer, it did feel a bit awkward for her. "Orange is a good color for you, it's bright and energetic." She smiled sweetly, standing up as she looked around, seeing that all twelve were present now. ((Improvising to move the plot along ♥)) Walking down the steps with pride, Cori made it to the flat platform at the head of the clas.sroom where the professor would stand. She went over to the blackboards, laving her colored chalk in rainbow order, a large clump of white at the beggining end. Turning to the podium, Cori stood behind it, leaning on the desk-like top. "Well." Corrine started warily, eyes meeting those of the other students, the girl holding a ferocity in her eyes that ony James and Kiri had ever seen before. "We need to begin this meeting. As you heard, yesterday anothe murder was committed, aong with that left a long note. It instructed us to solve the mystery of the killer, whom which is in this room right now. We must stop this killer before more are dead." There was now a silence, most of the 22 eyes in the room focused on her, as she pulled a manilla envelope from her bag. The creasing, the writing on the cover, it was identical to that which the virgo had been forced to read the previous day, but this time, it held more. "The first murder," She stated, pulling out six large photos and evenly spacing them, propping them up on the blackboards. "Was Professor Greyson Plumme, the Astrology professor. Though his body has gone through an autopsy, the cause of his death is still unknown. As you may or may not know, all three teachers were found hanging, but the hangings were post-mortum. Also, they all "switched" clas.srooms, Astologist in the Greenhouse, Botanist in the Physics lab, and Physisist in the Observoratory." Again, Cori reached into her bag, pulling out a large, heavy tile. "This, along with others, were found at the first crime scene." She held up the star-shaped tile, trying to keep a straight face about the murders. "They were set up in a footprint-like style, as if walking up, leading to where the professor hung. In the Greenhouse, there is a star-gazing section, where Professor Plum was found. Every night of a full moon, the moonlight shines down through a particular skylight under a tree. This is where the professor was found, under the tree with the moonlight shining down, a path of starry footprints leading up to him." Corrine stopped to let the others take some of the information in, once again glancing at the star tile. "And what's worse... The star tiles are made of pewter."
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
12:27am Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 1,588
((i've already posted my intro))
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
2:02am Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((You are a real person. Your character, as of now, is a real person. What would a real person do? Certainly not wait for someone to say hi. Or take turns moving and talking. Real people do things on their own.))
2:09am Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 993
((*agrees with fizzy* My real person has dropped the pewter star thing bomb, so I'm waiting to see how peoples react. >D))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
8:56am Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((*flails* I had an awesome intro in mind. Been thinking about it all week. DX Now I gotta rethink it.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
5:44pm Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((xD Don't think too hard. Your brain might explode.))
9:07pm Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 3,991
Jethro looked up when he heard the girl from the hallway make herway to the front. Did she organize this? He thought as he closed her book and leaned back against the chair. 'Cause she sure seems to be taking charge. He watched as the girl launched into her speech. No hello? Or my name is? She just cut straight to the point. He listened intently to her. She really knows what she talking about, really done her research. "This, along with others, were found at the first crime scene." The girl said as she held up a star shaped plate thing, she continued "They were set up in a footprint-like style, as if walking up, leading to where the professor hung. In the Greenhouse, there is a star-gazing section, where Professor Plum was found. Every night of a full moon, the moonlight shines down through a particular skylight under a tree. This is where the professor was found, under the tree with the moonlight shining down, a path of starry footprints leading up to him. And what's worse... The star tiles are made of pewter." Jethro raised an eyebrow at the last part. He raised his hand and waved it slightly to catch the girl attention. "Uh, excuse me." he said. "Well first off my names Jethro, just putting that out there, cause nobody else introduced themselves." He looked at the others then back to Corinne. "And second, what so bad about pewter, isn't just like tin or something?"
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:16pm Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((Fizzy: Whut's that supposed to mean? D<))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
2:09pm Jun 27 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((Nuffin. >D Lawl. And just in case anyone was wondering, the principal dude organized it, not Corrine. She just... loves taking charge and such.)) Kiri shyed away from Cori. It was this kind of taking over and starting ahead she rejected as a Libra. She didn't totally understand why Pewter was so important, but... She thought it was a cute name for a guy. And like, all detective-y. Oooh. Shaking herself a bit, she refocused on the room. Jethro was the guys name. "Whats so bad about pewter, isn't it just like tin or something?" Thank God. Or rather, thank Jethro. Or maybe, we should thank something new, like... Cats? Strawberries? Watermelons, codfish, Peter Pan, Michael Jackson- Kiri needed to stop thinking like this. Her chair creaked a bit as she spoke a bit cautiously, for fear of sounding arrogant, "I'm Kiri... I mean, its like 88% tin, and 1% alloy, which could be lead, which is bad, but... Other than that...?" She felt bad not knowing.
2:36pm Jun 27 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Threvan sat at the back of the room and, having woken up late, was still pulling her insanely long hair back into a ponytail. The one thing that bugged her more than her snow-white hair getting dirty was waking up late. Her phone had not woken her up until its fourth alarm, being 20 minutes after the first alarm was set. She took her hands away from her hair, satisfied, and adjusted her extremely bright, also long scarf. Then, she sat back and listened to the girl, Cori, as she'd introduced herself, talk about the murders. Threvan, being an English major, had not known the professors, but she had seen the students in the halls. Hadn't known them personally, though. Despite usually being hyper, the Gemini was oddly calm. She had these moments, and right now, it actually took all of her will to stay in her seat, as opposed to rushing off to find out more. But they'd already looked everything over, so it was being reviewed now. "And what's worse... The star tiles are made of pewter." Threven didn't really know what was bad about pewter, but when two others seemed to copy her thoughts, she felt better about not being the only one, and spoke up as well. "I'm Threvan Furvann, seeing as we're all introducing ourselves. And, I also ask, what is so bad about pewter? Is it not just a metal like most things in the world nowadays?" ((Eh. Fail intro, but I'm lazy and preoccupied.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."