11:50am Jul 12 2011
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Actually, I don't understand May-Sues. D: Its not like I make it seem like she's perfect at everything, so from what I know, she's not a Mary-Sue. I've made flaws. But, some say, being shy, worries a lot, or 'to themself for no apparent reason' is not a flaw. I'm just giving examples, the only ones like my charactar are the first two ^^. Nooo, I was actually thinking something normal humans, for my story. But, I'm willing to do Fantasy or something else if you hate normal humans also. And, usually I love doing role plays off of books and movies, but I don't think we should for this one. D: Because, then I'd be copying the plot from someone else in what I write, so it wouldn't be any fun. D: When Dragon comes back, I'll ask if he/she wants to do a small group then. But, just us three. No one else D: I usually get left out D:
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12:01pm Jul 12 2011
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Some people are weird, being shy is a flaw, you miss out on things. Because I'm both shy and paranoid so I don't leave my house like ever, only if I'm force to like go to school or go out with my parents XP Also characters with flaws are really fun, because if its a really good roleplay you can see them over coming a little of their shyness or selfishness whatever the case is and it just adds to the experience. And normal humans are fine with me, I don't really care, just as long as they are humanoid. I don't want to be a talking caribou XP Hopefully Drago agrees, I'm fine with just the three of us. I can't handle big groups anymore, which reminds me that I have to go drop out of one XP
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12:04pm Jul 12 2011
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Omg, that's exactly how I am! D: Except, not paranoid, I actually have anxiety issues and what not... And, I made my girl charactar like me, that's where she gets her 'worry issues' haha. What's caribou? o__o And, humanoids, like vampires and stuff, is what I meant by fantasy fiction type stuff. That's what you guys want? :D Just making sure so I know what to put on the thread... :D
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12:16pm Jul 12 2011
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I find being paranoid and having anxiety are hand in hand for me. I had a panic attack in my aunts shower the other day because the shower curtain was touching me, and I hate shower curtains Xp Don't know why I felt the need to share that... Anyways a caribou is like a moose deer thing. Its a reindeer XD I'm in Canadian so, it's on our quarter. And I just want something humanoid. Plain old humans, vampires, elves, just as long as it looks human its fine with me.
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12:19pm Jul 12 2011
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Oh, I always thought that when you say 'humanoid' it meant the fantasy things that were like humans but not fully, Vampires or Werewolves for example. Haha :D Omg, I had a clip in my hair, and it started laying on my shoulder instead of keeping my hair up, and I thought it was a huge bug on my shoulder. I. Flipped. Out. D: o___o So, I guess when Dragon gets here, will be more successful with a plot xD
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5:37pm Jul 12 2011
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Okay, I would just like to point out before I type anything else, Ser, I just post random crap and hope if comes out super long. And I work on introductions for roleplays for liek ever. I even revise them alot. And also Ser, I didn't know you "I'm in Canadian". But I suspected you were a Canadian. Not that there is anything wrong with that. |P And sorry for pointing out the randomness things. I seem to pay attenetion to that. And I am good with a small group just between us. Although, CH, I still want to know what your previous username was...
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5:57pm Jul 12 2011
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God I do that when I speak too. I'll start off saying something and half-way through I change me mind and say something else XP
Anywho any plot idea Drago? You're pretty good at those and don't give me bull saying your not XD
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6:05pm Jul 12 2011
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-shakes head while smiling- Crazy, Ser. And I don't have a plot idea at the moment. Give me a day atleast and I might have something... Or I could just make it right now and have it be really sh!tty.
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6:20pm Jul 12 2011
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Serentity & Dragoo: Sorry, I hate when people are blunt, becuase it personally embarresses me, but I'm going to have to say, please don't cuss. Or in this Ser's case 'God' or anything like it. D: Its saying Gods name in vain. Sorry D: Dragon: Actually that's a good idea. Making intro posts long before. I think I'm going to start trying that xD *Cough* EarthRabbit *Cough* Told you, you wouldn't remember me DDDDD: Lets think about it, and once we get something good just post here? I don't want it, as you say 'crappy' in a better word haha.
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6:24pm Jul 12 2011
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|P Sorry. It is just that I cuss when I roleplay. Both in and out of character. And it is rather hard to find other words that fit it. You can replace the words in your own mind, but you can't honestly except people to always follow rules. I do remember Earthrabbit. I roleplayed with chu once or twice before... I think.
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6:29pm Jul 12 2011
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Dragon: I specifically said in the first post, that was my one big requirement. So please don't.
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6:37pm Jul 12 2011
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-shrugs- Fine. Whatever. I won't swear. Even though I tend to do it.
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6:37pm Jul 12 2011
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Yeah I cuss worse than a sailor as the saying goes XP But I can probably contain myself XP But are you like super religious? I have never had anyone ask me not to say Oh my God. I've said that's so gay once and got in trouble but XP
I will try and stop although I can't guarantee the stuff just slips out sometimes XP
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6:39pm Jul 12 2011
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OOC: Uhm, no, not religion. Christian. Haha. At least try not too. I even tend to look for only Christian books so that I won't have to deal with it. Haha.
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6:44pm Jul 12 2011
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OoC:// We using OoC:// nao? -shrugs- Alright. Also, I am Christian as well, and I don't go spazztic everytime I see somebody cuss. Its a common accurance in my house considering my dad and my two younger brothers. And my mother on occasions. As to repeat what Ser said, I will attempt to try to contain my cussing chars, but you can't expect everybody to be perfect in censoring themselves.
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6:47pm Jul 12 2011
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I don't get the joke...(Feels like idiot) And That is craziness XP Wow that must really suck, so then how do you read romance isn't most of it fornication? Psh I like saying that word it sounds funny XD My religion teacher got mad at this girl and mee in class because she wrote what is love? And we all supposed to put an idea up and I put 'baby don't hurt me' and she put fornication XD Again random information XD
Anyways, on topic, Drago if you have a bad idea now we could maybe add to it or something throw ideas around and all that jazz.
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6:49pm Jul 12 2011
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I don't go 'spazztic' so to speak. It's just something I'm not used to. And, I'm having issues with Christianity lately, and the last thing I need is influence. So sorry ^^ I wasn't trying to sound rude or anything. If you weren't comfortable with something, wouldn't you want to say it? D: ^^ That's not me starting an arguement by the way, D: Now you guys got me shaking, hahahahahahaha D: ^^ OOC, is a habit. Sorry, haha.
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6:50pm Jul 12 2011
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Ser: You don't get the joke. What joke? DDDDDD: Yeah. I was hoping we could just put ideas together. It doens't matter if it's horrible. DDDD:
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6:54pm Jul 12 2011
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I'll get something up soon, Ser. Working on a bio for another roleplay. Though I am going to have to edit Lizard's appearance and Ari's personality slightly. Lizard needs clothes. XD And, CH, you are going to have to get used to people swearing because it happens all the time in the RW. And to he perfectly honest? I am very uncomfortable by not being able to put swear words in to further accentuate the feelings of my chars.
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6:54pm Jul 12 2011 (last edited on 6:56pm Jul 12 2011)
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Aww, well I don't practise relegion so I can't relate. The joke being not relegion, Christian, but I think I get it. Anyways what type of mysteries? Disapearences around town or like a physcopath is on the lose and leave a bunch of cryptic messages for some people and he wants them to solve them or something? Wait is swearing alright if I put like #!@$%^&* to block out the word?
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.