Neko RP (cat-people, fox-people, etc)

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7:59pm Mar 5 2011

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Posts: 12,384
((InuYasha's irrritated because Kagome treats him like a dog because he's a dog half-demon. She can also make him sit by going "SIT BOY! D:<" Except it's more like him falling on his face. The next response is usually "What did you do that for? :c *Whines*"))


8:01pm Mar 5 2011

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Posts: 36,303
((XD Ash 'SIT!'))


8:03pm Mar 5 2011

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Posts: 36,303
((ash needs to get her tail to the 'Last white rose 'Roleplay and make her carries ))


8:15pm Mar 5 2011

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Posts: 12,384

((*Slams into ground face first* HEEYY! What was that for?! D8

Okays. I did. ))



8:17pm Mar 5 2011

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Posts: 36,303

((I was only seeing if it worked i is sorry ))

Lillian walked to the near by Elementery school to pick up her younger sister early aparentantly Midnight was getting teased for what she was so she was going to knock some sence into all the little basterds there that were picking on her little sister .


8:23pm Mar 5 2011

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Posts: 36,303

((I really like this pic : ))


8:27pm Mar 5 2011

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Posts: 12,384
((Should Rage & Storm be Hobos? xDD LOL))


8:29pm Mar 5 2011

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Posts: 36,303
((XD your always so mean to Rage & Storm ))


8:32pm Mar 5 2011

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Posts: 12,384
((Yeah, but I have a bit of a history in mind for Rage and Storm. xDD Lol their parents died a few years ago so they became hobo's to try and aviod getting in to one of those orphanage things. Or something along those lines. xDD))


8:35pm Mar 5 2011

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Posts: 36,303
((Ash have you ever noticed Lillys farther is like never there whenever I play her ?XD ))


8:40pm Mar 5 2011

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Posts: 12,384

((Yeah. xDD Lol.

But still. Sort of want them to be hobo's. xD

It coulld be like a recent thing... Like Tomix and Kirsti could like see a missing person thing on the news or whatever and Rage and Storms pictures come up.

OMG. Your right. I AM mean to them. ajlhfsldlasj. XDD))


8:41pm Mar 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 36,303
((Okay they can be hobos XD))


8:49pm Mar 5 2011

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Posts: 12,384

((Yay~ xDD))

"I want to go home,"

"For the last time Storm, IT BURNT DOWN. We have no home. Our parents are DEAD. How many times do we have to go over this?" Rage grumbled as he ripped down another missing poster from a wall in an alley. This was getting irritating. Not that it wasn't already. "Let's go~" He said, grabbing Storm by the arm and pulling him away, stepping out of the alley and onto a sidewalk.


8:56pm Mar 5 2011 (last edited on 8:56pm Mar 5 2011)

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Posts: 36,303
Midnight ran out of the school grounds tears flowing from her eyes Lilly Wraped her arms around her little sister "I'll kill them "she said glaring at the school.


9:06pm Mar 5 2011

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Posts: 12,384
Rage walked accross the street, trying to make sure he and Storm weren't noticed that much. Which was difficult because they were nekomimis. "Where are we going?" Storm asked. "I don't know." Rage replied, wishing that for one moment Storm would be quiet so he could think. Where should we go? he wondered, his tail puffing up from irritation. Although he wasn't going to admit it to Storm, he didn't even know where they were.


9:10pm Mar 5 2011

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Posts: 36,303
"Midnight where is your bag?"Lilly asked not seeing it anywhere .Midnight cried harder "The meanies flashed it in the toilet "she sobbed .Lilly was mad now I'm going to flush them all down the toilet .she thought .


9:22pm Mar 5 2011

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Posts: 12,384
((*Braindead* xD))


9:25pm Mar 5 2011

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Posts: 36,303

Tomix turned on the television 'We interupt this program for an important news report'Tomix raise and eyebrow.

((Go news report Ash ))


9:31pm Mar 5 2011 (last edited on 9:40pm Mar 5 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 12,384

((Mmkay, xD))

 'Two boys have been reported missing after a fire in... Their parents were found dead among the ashes of the fire. If anyone see's these two, alert the nearest police station immediantly.' Two images were now shown on the screen. Two nekomimi's. "Well... That certainly doesn't happen everyday..." Kirsti said.


9:38pm Mar 5 2011

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Posts: 36,303
"no it dosen't "Tomix said .

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