Neko RP (cat-people, fox-people, etc)

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9:22pm May 26 2010

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Kiri ignored the scream she heard. She was used to noisy neighbors and such. The rain seemed to have stopped, but she was wet anyway. This made her grumpy. So, she stalked over to a tree and sat down, unhappy.


12:34am May 27 2010

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Lilly Looked at the locket

she saw it wasn't hers .then she found Kiri and said "Is this yours I found it in that tree "


7:09am May 27 2010

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He continued to walk away and jumped on a tree.He layed his head back letting the rain hit his face.His light blue eyes looked at the sky,wodering in the clouds.

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

4:57pm May 27 2010

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Posts: 934

Zatch yawned, bored with his surroundings as he usually was. He hadn't pulled a fox trick on somebody in what felt like ages. He walked quietly, moving from place to place like he always had. He stayed clear of urbanized areas, cities and parks just to avoid the humans that came with them. His tail was so bushy that he was incredibly hard to hide, not to mention his ears. Wile the pair was a deep, bloody crimson his hair was blur- black, and the white tips especially jumped out at people. So, he had given up with atempting to contain them. In fact, the only place he had been comfortable was in Japan. Though he was by far taller than nearly evorybody else, they were used to people in costumes walking around Akiba or Tokyo, and he had lived there happily for nearly two years before people began to grow suspisious.

Now, he was somewhere in AMerica, he beleived. He had lost track. Sometimes within a few weeks he could cross countries on foot, not to mention the occasional car he high jacked or trick he placed on humans, It was great releif for a very lonely life, and Zatchine often wondered if there were other nekos or kitzumes any where in the world. (Which had brought him to Japan in the first place.) He was stolling through a forest, all things considered not very dence. He began to swivle his ears, sencing others close. That's when the rain began to pour. With a grumble, Zatch folded his ears  and flicked up the collar of his jacket, as if it would offer more protection to him. His tail swished, the end flicking off several dropplets from his fur in an horrid attempt to keep the water from sinking into his skin.

So, Zatch was so caught up in the mishap of the rain, he hardly noticed when he came into proximity of a small group of people. One was in a tree, two where talking about something he couldn't quite hear. (He didn't want to prick his delicate ears, knowing that they could easily be damaged in the rain. They were, after all, just thin tissue with a la
yer of fur about them.) He stayed a good distance from the group, his instincts telling him to stay low. He crouched close to a tree, ready to bound away in a moment's notice. Usually he would have already at least be high in a tree to avoid being seen, but the sents... There was something about their auras, their very being that he found compelling to stay close to.

What was it about these others that he found so intreaging? Zatchine failed again and again to place it, and eventually gave up and just watched the figures in fastination.

At long last, Zatch relized it as one of the figures, female, spoke and flicked her tail. Could it... Zatch didn't want to dare think it to be let down again. But, it had to be. Was it even possible that there were other nekos in the world? Better yet, there were other nekos only a few yards before him. Zatch found it hard to breathe for a moment. He had dedicated his life to find others like him, and now that he had by acsident, he wasn't sure what at all he should do next. So, he waited, barly noting that he stuggled to breathe as he eyed the others in awe.

Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)

6:37pm May 27 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Zanokinsu smelled the air.Too many foxes.he thought to himself.

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

6:51pm May 27 2010

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Posts: 12,384

Kirsti could smell a different neko. It was a wolf, like her. She ran in the directoin of the scent. Her tail lashed back and forth in excitment.


(I think Zanokinsus a wolf... correct me if im wrong.)


6:53pm May 27 2010 (last edited on 6:54pm May 27 2010)

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Posts: 7,620

(true,tue lol)

Zanokinsus eyes flashed open.He smelled another wolf close by.his eyes turned purple and he waited.

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

6:56pm May 27 2010

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Posts: 12,384
"Hello," Kirsti said, excited to meet a wolf neko like her. ((fail XD))


6:57pm May 27 2010

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Posts: 7,620
He looked up in shock.His eyes turned back shiny blue "hi"

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

7:00pm May 27 2010

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Posts: 12,384
"I'm Kirsti," She said. Her tail continued to lash back and fort, at a mile a minute.


7:04pm May 27 2010

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Posts: 7,620
He smirked and got up.His eyes were into hers."zanokinsu...but you can call me zano"

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

7:07pm May 27 2010

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Posts: 12,384

"okay, Zano," She said, smiling.

((im in brain lock,))


7:08pm May 27 2010

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((lol ash why))

He smirked.He saw she had green eyes and changed his to green.He never used that color before.

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

7:19pm May 27 2010

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Posts: 12,384

She got confused.

((gotta go)) 


7:20pm May 27 2010

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Posts: 7,620


he smirked

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

7:32pm May 27 2010

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Posts: 170

She remembered the cherry blossoms in the secret grove within the heart of her special hiding place--deep inland, nowhere near the sea. She remembered the seasons, and the peace she felt living there. And then...and then there was the natural disaster that destroyed her grove, made her flee...the image and peace from that place was still vivid in the fox kitsune's mind as she awoke slowly from her dreamworld to the pattering of rain outside the carved alcove in the cliff above the forest she now called her home. Smiling slightly, she arose and shed her kimono like a second skin to hurriedly dash out and dance a bit in the rain, her slip clinging to her lithe form like a sleeve as she rushed back inside to dry. It didn't take long, but by the time she dried and put back on her kimono the proper way the rain stopped. Tails now fluffed swayed slightly as Myuki pulled her long hair over her shoulder and brushed out the tangles with her fingers, humming as she took great care to make it look presentable.

 But...presentable for whom? For what? Her golden eyes closed as she thought for a minute, pulling her hair back over her shoulder to fall down her back as she then heard...voices. Faint ones, but...smiling slightly, the girl couldn't help but wonder who was there, and she made her way down the mountain, slowly but carefully.

 The kimono she had on wasn't as modest as she wanted it, for it ended at her knees instead of her ankles, and it was a pale purple color with darker-colored flowers and hem and obi tied by a silver cord to match the silver rings and pin she managed to scavenge from some place long ago...but it would do as she, barefoot, made her way into the clearing where she noticed the others. Lavender-white hair moved with her head tilt, lips pursed and golden eyes curious, but cautiously watching each other being there in turn.


10:29pm May 27 2010

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Posts: 934

Zatch stiffened, as another wolf, this one female, approached the group. He was cautious, more afraid than anything to approach the others. He had never seen others before, and he was curious about them. They all seemed so calm around eachother, like a comunity of freaky teens. Zatch crackled a smile and almost laughed at the thought, leting himself dare to dream a little: A comunity, no, why stop there? An entire city of nekomimi's, kitzunes, nekos, inus, okamis, and others that he couldn't bother himself to thinki of. These others all seemed so familiar with eachother, however, and that annoyed Zatchine. He had been neko in all his memories, and never once had he seen another. A frequently asked question appeared in his head, the familiar feeling of dread and envy washing over him shortly after.

Do I belong here, even with my own kind?

At long last he had found other Nekos, but... He didn't feel quite welcomed. Maybe he should make an entrance, introduce himself? Zatch willed his body to stand and whip out a little magic trick, but he remained crouched and mostly hidden. Dispite the rain, Zatch slowly, cautiously began to lift his ears. He didn't want to be alone any more, and even if he was outcase, what was he then to do with himself? Zatch was one of the people that wanted a plan of action before jumping into a situation, and he felt his throat close and his stomach turn as he slowly, still half hidden by the bramble, rose to his full height.

His ears rotated as he heard a footfall. Now, closer to his own, like a fox's paw upon gr*censored*. Cautiously, bending over a little, he looked over. There was a girl there with long lavender- white hair and a knee length kimono. Well, it's start, no? Is she wore kimonos, maybe she'd been to Japan, too. He might have some sort of conection, and it was as good a place as any other.

Slowly, Zatchine rose again, straitening his back and taking a step behind a tree, as he didn't want the others to see him. Not yet, anyway. He nevigated to that he was a few yards behind the female  kitzune, then slowly approached at an angle so that is she turned her head a little she would be able to see him clearly. He didn't want to startle her, especially since she'd done, as far as he knew, nothing wrong. No, he decided that this was not the time to be playing tricks on others. Not yet, anyway. Only about two yards away from the gold- eyed vixen, she said in a low, almost whisper, "Are you with them or on your own, too?"

In what seemed like years, that was the first time he'd spoken that many words at once. He was a little surprised by his own voice, how quiet and sencere it seemed dispite his panicy undertone that crawled and flinched beneth his skin. He was shaking too slightly for another to notice, his ears alert and swivling to pick up random sounds that he didn't bother his brainto process. The tip of his tail continued to switch, showing how truely annoyed he was that his hair and fur were soaked and would take hours to dry.

Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)

1:06am May 28 2010 (last edited on 1:11am May 28 2010)

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Posts: 36,303

(Character Application



Neko type (cat, fox, etc):Timber Wolf

Age (just say general, nothing specific):16

Color of ears:Black

Tail color:Black

Other deion (personality, detailed looks, etc):She has Long  Jet Black hair and likes to wear mini skirts)


Lillys friend midnight runs toward her and says "I had a great holiday how have you been Lilly hay sorry I missed your birthday ................

Hay your a neko when did that happen !!!!!!"




1:43am May 28 2010

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Posts: 1,864
Kiri looked up at the newcomer. Her tail's tip flicked as she wondered if he was approachable... She decided yes and walked over to him, next to the vixen. "Um..." she started carefully. "Listen, I'm not sure why so many... you know... of us are showing up here, but... uh..." she scratched the back of her head akwardly. "Its not very fun being in the rain, and I wondered if you guys wanted to come inside?" Her tail was slick with crystal droplets, and she wasn't that excited about it.


3:56am May 28 2010

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Posts: 36,303
Lilly still holding the locket run up to kiri and said "Is this yours I found it in a tree .....ohh and it's not very nice to attack people for no reson at all My names Lilly by the way"

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