Neko RP (cat-people, fox-people, etc)

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12:54am Sep 22 2010

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"Oh never mind I can't do this take them of I can't do it I just can't Midnight said then left the cinema room crying Gah it was so easy all I had to do was press that damned button



Lilly hugged him "Your warm"she said as she was cold to the touch for some unknown reason


4:54pm Sep 24 2010

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Posts: 36,303


5:02pm Sep 24 2010

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Shiro went after her"Midnight wait"He called after her.

Zano smiled and hugged her back

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5:11pm Sep 24 2010

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Posts: 36,303

Midnight sat down on the steps and put her head into her hands "all I had to do was push the button and I would be laughing "

Lilly smiled "I love you zano"


5:17pm Sep 24 2010

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Shiro sat next to her" wanna tell me what happened back there"He said softly.

Zano kissed her and smiled"I love you too lily"

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3:47am Sep 27 2010

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Posts: 36,303

Midnight shook her head not looking up at him "I'd rather not "she whispered


Lilly looked at the clock on her wall 2:00pm hmmm she slowly got up "Zano we need to get to the airport Like now "she said in a bit of a rush .she walked out of her room and slid down the stair railing "midnight we godda go pick up Max "she rushed out side to her car .Midnight was instantly up and into the very back seat ,Tomix made his way into the middle of the car and sat down he buckled in and stared out the window  Where are you Kirsti?  


7:04am Sep 27 2010 (last edited on 7:05am Sep 27 2010)

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Posts: 12,384
((HOMG ive been gone for so long. Sorry. xD Glad to say my groundings finally 100% over c: Did I miss anything Important?  ))


4:18pm Sep 27 2010 (last edited on 4:19pm Sep 27 2010)

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Posts: 36,303
(No not reallyAsh dog nothing important happened I thought you abandoned us LOL)


4:24pm Sep 27 2010

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Posts: 7,620

Shiro rose an eyebrow"If you say"



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4:26pm Sep 27 2010

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Posts: 36,303
Lilly got into the front seat of her car and beeped the horn "Come on guys we have to go"she called out


7:56pm Sep 27 2010

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Posts: 12,384

((I wouldnt abandon you guys! At least, not on purpose. Ill post soon... hopefully. xD))




1:10pm Sep 28 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Shiro walked to the car with Zano next to him and they got in.

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2:59pm Sep 28 2010

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Posts: 36,303

((Skip to air port?))

Lilly buckled in "OK is every body ready to go?"she asked 

Midnight remained silent but gave lilly a little nod before she started to stare out the window of the car


3:06pm Sep 28 2010

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Shiro kept his eyes fixed on midnight,they were slightly narrowed and searching.

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3:22pm Sep 28 2010

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Posts: 36,303


Lilly pulled up into the parking Lot and found a parking spot near the door .She got out the car Midnight soon at her side Midnight sighed "Will you tell Shiro to stop staring at me ?"She whispered to Lilly

Tomix stayed in the car his mind was on other matters  Kirsti where are you ? 


3:35pm Sep 28 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Shiro heard the comment and looked away stubborn girl he thought to himself his eyes now red as he put his hands n his pockets.Zano looked at him with a raised eyebrow and spoke in the language only those two knew bc they made it up as kids"sekuma we vary(Whats wrong)"Zano asked."Devana(nothing)"Shiro replied sternly.

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5:10pm Sep 28 2010

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Posts: 36,303

Midnight sighed as they walked inside "I hate how airports smell "she complained "they smell worse then hospitals "She said staring at the ground her hair the normal jet black that it was supposed to be.Lilly looked at her "Something the matter?"she asked "I'm just in a bad mood "Midnight said not looking up form the floor.


9:28pm Sep 28 2010

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Posts: 12,384

((What to post, what to post. xD))

Ash wandered about the forest boredly. She glanced around every few seconds, unsure of what to do. 

Kirsti sat down on a rock. She stared at the sword. I will kill them. I will kill them all... she thought. For a moment she wondered why she wanted to kill them so much. You want to because I say so, The ghostly voice said. She felt compelled to do as it said, and figured that was a good enough reason... Sort of.

((So much for a comeback post... Braindeadness attack. Oh well. Somethings better than nothing. xD))


6:47am Sep 29 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Zano huffed but continued to walk whats wrong with those two...did something happen?

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10:57pm Oct 1 2010

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Posts: 12,384
((Bumpeh. ))

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