Neko RP (cat-people, fox-people, etc)

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10:06pm Dec 13 2010

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Posts: 12,384
"Umm... Max, why do you have your hand up?" She asked.


10:10pm Dec 13 2010

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Posts: 36,303
"I want permission to speak It's urgent !"Max said


10:13pm Dec 13 2010

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Posts: 12,384
"Umm... What is it?" Kirsti asked.


10:14pm Dec 13 2010

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Posts: 36,303

"DUCK A HUGE DRAGON !"Max said pointing to a large black Dragon heading their way .

((LOL Tomix saw it first ))


10:19pm Dec 13 2010

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Posts: 12,384

((Random. xD))

 Kirsti stood there, unmoving. 



12:58am Dec 14 2010

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Posts: 36,303

((Yeah so deal with it .......I do XD))

The dragon bove right for Kirsti it's large mouth wide open a gleam in it's eyes that could only be read as Your going to Die !.Tomix dove for Kirsti "Move "he said pushing her out the way .the Dragon flew over them and circled getting ready for the next attack 


8:20pm Dec 14 2010

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Posts: 12,384

 Oh yes. Of course. A giant malicous dragon. HHow in the heck can this day get any worse!? Kirsti thought, agitated. "..." She said as Tomix pushed her out of the way, before begining to run in a seemingly random direction, grabbing Tomix's arm as she did so.



1:14am Dec 16 2010

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Posts: 36,303
Tomix ran "Ready to Fly?"He asked .Dana ran along side as Max Shifted and took into the air .


9:47pm Dec 16 2010

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9:51pm Dec 16 2010

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Posts: 12,384
"Umm, sure?" Kirsti said uncertainly. It seemed a little random, but... Whatever.


9:52pm Dec 16 2010

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Posts: 36,303

"Okay then"Tomix said Smiling as he picked her up and Shot up into the air



6:23pm Dec 17 2010

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Posts: 36,303


6:26pm Dec 17 2010

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Posts: 12,384
Kirsti's eyes were locked on the ground as soon as Tomix picked her up. "...?!?!" She mumbled. Well, at least she knew Tomix wasn't going to drop her on purpose, but...


6:40pm Dec 17 2010

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Posts: 36,303
Tomix smiled the wind blowing his hair around "Kirsti in a minute or so I'll give you to Max and try to keep the other Dragon away from you okay?"he asked


7:05pm Dec 17 2010

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Posts: 12,384
"What?!?" Kirsti said, panicing slightly, "No, don't, I don't want you to get hurt..."


7:27pm Dec 17 2010

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Posts: 36,303
"Kirsti I promise I would come back "Tomix said "And I would rather it come after me than you "


7:35pm Dec 17 2010

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Posts: 12,384
"Don't make promises if you might not be able to keep them," Kirsti said, "Don't Tomix, please..."


7:50pm Dec 17 2010

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Posts: 36,303

((LOL sounds like the bear all over again))

Tomix Nodded "Fine then Kirsti I won't Go 'he said softly "but if you get hurt it's not my fault "he said then with a Beat of his Wings They Shot off .


9:01pm Dec 17 2010

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Posts: 12,384

(( I know right? xD))

 Kirsti let ou a little sigh of relief. "Thanks Tomix," She said, just as softly.


12:05am Dec 18 2010

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Posts: 36,303

Tomix heard a large Roar "Don't worry that was a kilometer or so Away "he said .


"Your Not Getting her !"Max Growled

The Dragon Flicked his Tongue "Why not?"he hissed

"Because"Max said Then Grasped the other dragons Neck in her Jaws She Belongs To Tomix !

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