New Blood 2 (Vampire, werewolf rp)

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6:10pm Apr 16 2011 (last edited on 8:35pm Apr 16 2011)

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Posts: 1,248

All over the world teens have been dissapearing and with the dissapearances came the findings of dead bodies of either humans and/or animals. People are terrified and worried as to what had killed these people and animals and if they may be next on the list.

Before the teens went missing they had strange dreams of a wolf or a women telling them that it is time to wake up. The teens also became very distant to their friends and family, loss of appetite and are very aggressive. Each teen became nocturnal after about a week from having the dream. After two weeks the teen would dissapear. Soon after the teen has gone missing a body would appear, either drained of blood or savagely torn apart.

The teens that went missing started popping up in places far away from their home. Mostly around New York and it's neighboring states. None remembering what happened and all wondering how they got to where they are. For each of them the dream of that wolf or women still haunt them and they all had a strange hunger for blood.


So pretty much you are visited in your dreams by an ancient vampire or werewolf. But you don't really know that at the time. After that strange things start to happen to you and you go pretty much insane. One day you take off. The next thing you know you are waking up covered in blood(and if you're werewolf. Well you know) and far from your home. If you are lucky you might find someone else like you nearby. But the wierdest thing of all is you find a bag full of suplies with you. Inside is a note that says: Find others and become strong. When the time is ready We shall come for you.


Humans can not be made into vampires from a bite or being drained of all their blood or any of that stuff. They can only be created from a blood transfer(which is a rare occurance) or if they are in a family of vampires. A blood tranfer is only done by an older and more experianced vampire and only people who are chosen and are willing are turned. Not very many in the family become vampires. Usually happens every thirty generations or so. Vampires can be seen in mirrors. They can feed on humans and animals but feeding on animals tends to leave them weakened. It's very important for a vampire to have it's first feed soon after they wake or they die. When you reach a certain age that you like you can stop the ageing of your body and stay that way forever.(please ask if you would like any other background stuff about vampires)


Humans can be turned into werewolves the same way a vampire is. It's still rare if the human will even survive the first transformation. Other then that werewolves are born like vampires. Werewolves look like overgrown wolves but can turn into something in between if they are very skilled with their abiliteis. They rarely ever use that form though due to the favoring of their wolf selfs and that it's next to impossible to control themselves. Some times getting stuck like that forever and become what is known as a Lycan. Werewolves don't change unwillingly on fullmoons but tend to be out more on these nights. When you reach a certain age that you like you can stop the ageing of your body and stay that way forever. (Please tell me if you have any questions about the werewolves background.)


Looks(if werewolf please have a pic of your werewolf self aswell):

Name(first & last)







Crush(don't have to have one):

Pet(Can be anything.:


(get rid of coments attached to the bios.)


  1.  Res rules.
  2. Must be semi literate.
  3. Have to be active. Try to be on everyday if you can.
  4. The pets can't be to big. I'm pretty sure you'll know the limits for it.
  5. You may have romance and violence but keep it to a Pg-13 level.
  6. No falling in love at first glance.
  7. Age must be 15-19. Must ask to be younger or older.
  8. Please put "I love dragons" In your bio somewhere.
  9. No killing or feeding on another person's charrie without permission.
  10. Vampires walk in sunlight and drink animal blood if necessary. Werewolves look like overgrown wolves.
  11. If you have read the rules put the pa.ssword in orange.
  12. Dissobey any of the rules and suffer my rath. For I will, unleash a Lagicrus and a Deviljho on you from Monster Hunter Tri.
  13. HAVE FUN!!!


6:11pm Apr 16 2011 (last edited on 3:11pm Apr 17 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,329

<< Reserved for me! >>


Looks: Aza is kinda short, 5'5. She has a slender figure. She has a red tint to her sandy gold hair. Her hair is naturally curly. Not crazy curly but nice soft even ringlet curls that are shoulder length. She has Bright green eyes that compliment her pale skin perfectly. Her face is some what round. Her cheeks are chubby because of her low cheekbones. Her nose is a cute little slope that doesn’t stick too far up nor down. . She usually has a light rose pink tint to her cheeks, which is normal. She usually wears dark colors for some odd reason.

Name: Aza Leppie 

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Power: None

History: She lived with her older brother James in Rhode Island who is never home. Her parents died in a car crash when she was 10 and it has been her and her brother ever since. They have no family that they know of. Their parents never talked about any one related to them. Like they had something to hide. It wasn’t bad her first 10 yrs of her life, though like her brother, her parents where gone a lot.

Personality: She likes to joke around a lot and tease people but she is also utterly nice. She speaks her mind in a sorta shy way, but she also makes people mad doing that. I guess you can call her a loner because she doesn’t like to talk to people much. She won’t even admit it to herself. But if they talk to her that’s a different story. Aza is also stubborn and doesn’t like being wrong. Some times she has low self esteem and she has a shot temper.

Crush: Open

Pet: None yet...... I love Dragons

Other: We can be humans right? I will be making a boy soon!



Name: Sam Rakjin

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: werewolf

Power: He has supper good hearing

History: Sam's history is rough. His mom died when he was young and his dad was abusive. Sam started to bottle up his feelings and his tempers at a young age and when he started to go to school he would take his anger out on the other kids. After the kid got expelled his dad went to prison for abuse and Sam had to go to a foster home. When Sam was 10 he got adopted and was sent off to bording school but when he was nearing 11 he was walking alone at night when he got turned into a werewolf by one of the teachers there. and ever since he had been hiding in the woods. 

Personality: Sam is a very ambitious; a very bright person. He has hopes and aspirations for the future and isnt afriad to achieve them. He Never quits imagining or trying new things. He can do anything if he puts his mind to it.He likes to get into trubble and likes to have fun, in a twisted determined way.

Crush: Nope

Pet: Nope

Other: Nope


6:34pm Apr 16 2011 (last edited on 4:59pm May 1 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,248


Name: Forra Colleen

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Vampire

Power: She doesn't know yet. When her emotions like anger, fear and stress are really high she tends unknowingly activate her power. 

History: She lived with her mother, father and older brother down in Sydney. Her and her brother had started changing at the same time.

Personality: Sweet. She's very curious as to how she is a vampire. A little off from her usual self when hungry for blood but can be strangely gentle at the same time. (Rp the rest out)

Crush: Open

Pet: None for now.

Other: Has a crescent moon birth mark on her left shoulder(where the tattoo is on her pic). She has a hidden power that even she doesn't know about. When this power shows her eyes are a dark crimson and her pupils turn cat like. She looks a little older then in her pic.


Looks:(not my art)

Name: Triston Colleen

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire

Power: Manipulate people to do his bidding.

History: He had a normal life living down in Sydney with his family. He started to change the same time his little sister started.

Personality: Rp it out.

Crush: Open

Pet: None for now.

Other: Nope


Looks: (Not my art)
Wolf Form:black and white wolf

Name: Flint Arlin

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Werewolf

Power: Healing and she can control plant life.

History: She had the perfect teenage life back in LA. But she never really liked it. Her parents treated her ok but they never really understood her. She changed nearly a month ago and is in search for others.

Personality: Decieving. So it's hard to tell really. Rp the rest out.

Crush: Open

Pet: An crimson colered male demon bird. He hides his true form as a blacl raven. His feathers shine red when hit by sunlight just right.

Other: She doesn't like talking about her past. Her eyes are violet. She also has a chibi skull hair clip in her hair. (It's the Yoko chibi skull- ) Her wolf form doesn't have the gem on the forehead. The chibi skull is where the gem is. Her human form is wearing the necklace and bracelet.


6:38pm Apr 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,248
((accepted and yes you can be human.))


6:48pm Apr 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,329

<< Coolio! C'mon people join! >>


7:22pm Apr 16 2011 (last edited on 7:49pm Apr 16 2011)

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Posts: 3,934

Name: Homura Aurena

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire

Power: Fire

History: Rp it out

Personality: Can be haughty, rude, obnoxious, and immature at times. Don't do or say anything that you'll regret to him, he takes things the wrong way. He's really not one to be messed with.

Crush: Open

Pet: None


-----.jpg anime guy image by dragonreno 

Other: eh... I love dragons? o.o'



7:43pm Apr 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,248
((accepted. and it's i love dragons. and it's in orange but that's ok.))


7:48pm Apr 16 2011

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Posts: 3,934
((I swear I need to get some rest >.<))


7:50pm Apr 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,248
((lolz it's ok.))


7:58pm Apr 16 2011

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Posts: 1,248
((now let's try not to die of boredom. Oops to late. *Falls over dead*))


8:09pm Apr 16 2011

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Posts: 3,934
((oh noes D8 you cannot die QnQ))


8:11pm Apr 16 2011 (last edited on 11:37pm Apr 16 2011)

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Posts: 15,067


Name: Damon Salvatore

Age: Unknown, over 500

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire

Power: Can manipulate shadows, turn into a raven, can compell, etc.

History: Unknown

Personality: Rp it out?

Other: Damon has a dragon tattoo, because he loves dragons.



8:19pm Apr 16 2011 (last edited on 8:23pm Apr 16 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,329

<< Omg dont die tiger! oh well too late.... >>


8:35pm Apr 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,248
((*Gets back up* False alarm. It was just a stroke. Oh and chance your charrie ia accepted as soon as you re-read the the rules and fix the few things that are off. Thanks.))


8:42pm Apr 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,329

<< Awe I mean YAY Tiger came back to life. Urg I want to start this RP so bad haha people join... >>


8:46pm Apr 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 15,067
What did I miss? I put oranges and that I (And by extension) damon likes dragons.


8:55pm Apr 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,248
((well he's a vampire so he shouldn't be able to turn into a wolf. And you forgot to ask if you could be over the age limit of 15-19. Oh and i knew you got the dragon thing. Just fix that thing, ask if you can be old and that's it. After those few fixes we can start the rp.))


9:01pm Apr 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 15,067
((Oh, my bad. Oh, and I got that 'turn into a wolf' thing because Damon salvatore is a book character, and he turn into a black wolf or a raven. Oh, and can he be over the age limit xD?))


9:03pm Apr 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,248
((lolz. Yes he can. Just take the wolf thing off. Then we have to wait for my friend Hiba who just got on and is going to join. hopefully.))


9:47pm Apr 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,248
((ok my patients has expired for hiba. hiba can join later like Blue if he wants. Ok then we can start. Ok other then chance's charrie damon and my charrie Flint should be the only ones that have already been what they are longer then rest. Unless you want your charrie to have changed a little bit before the others please tell me. All the other charries should be waking up now. Time is noon. Place is a forest near New York. Chance since your charrie is older he can be some where else. Ok then who wants to start. If no one wants to start I will.))

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