10:38pm Apr 16 2011
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((I have no idea on how to start...))
10:40pm Apr 16 2011 (last edited on 11:33pm Apr 16 2011)
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<< Ok I will start >> Sam woke up bewilldered at all the blood around him. It wasnt his. He gasped and looked around. where was he? What was he and what was he eating? He back crawled towards a tree and sat staring. The shinning sun warmed his naked body. His eyes searched the area he woke up in finding a note and a bag. After reading it he was still confussed not knowing what was real and what wasnt. He shook his head and got dressed. His mind was in a scrammble, a mess, and a cluster, He decited to so what the note said and walk around finding others. Its the only thing He could do. he stuggled to get up but managed. Walking from tree to tree steading himself, searching franticly for so clue of human life. Or any life. He waved a random thought of honey from his head. "Hello!" His voice came out scratchy and above autiable. he repeated hisself louder and clearer. "Hello!?" No answer. He kept going slowly and still searching for civilization. ~~~ Aza woke up on a damp patch of gr*censored*. She moaned and scratched her head. It was mid day and the sun shone bright behind the trees. What was she doing in a forrest? She now stood and looked around and found nothing of how she got there. She was so confussed and didnt even know what she did that day or the day before. She walked over to a log and sat on it waiting for peices of her memory to return. She listened to her surrondings. Sighing she stood up. "I cant remember anything. Why?" She grunted getting up. After a minute or two of standing thinking of what to do she started to explore her surroundings.
10:57pm Apr 16 2011
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Minutes after Homura had waken, he began wandering around. Not sure where he was, nor what happened the day before. He felt it was time to just wait, finding a place out was too much work for him. He sat in the nearest tree and slowly drifted off to sleep, praying it was all a dream.
11:05pm Apr 16 2011
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((Well ya. The plot was mostly made for the vampires and werewolves. But you can follow with it for your human gril. The blood is usually of what they ate sometimes their own. Depends really.)) Triston woke with a start. He looked around and found himself under a large oak tree. He smelled something and sat up. It was hard to but he eventualy got up. He scooted back and leaned against the tree. Triston looked up at the branches of the tree then down at himself. "What the!" He was covered in blood. Soaked in it to be exact. "How did this happen?" He looked at his hands. They were also covered in blood. "Is this mine? No, I don't think so." Triston, using the tree trunk as support stood up. "What the heck happened..." Soemone screamed off in the distance. "Forra!" Triston took a step forward and nearly fell over. He steadied himself and waited for a moment. Then he heard another scream. Triston took off in the direction as quick as his wobbly legs could. Forra had woken up and saw that she was covered in blood. She'd never been good around blood and seeing that much had freaked her and still was. She screamed a few tiems then curled up in a ball and started crying. "Triston..." She whispered.

11:12pm Apr 16 2011
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<< Sorry i switched it its Sam now... I will do Aza >>
11:49pm Apr 16 2011 (last edited on 12:24pm Apr 17 2011)
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Lurking around the forrest quietly she heard something. It was a name. Aza heard some one say a name. "Anyone there!?" She yelled in response. maybe they can tell me why Im here. She laughed at her rediculous thought. And then silented herself back up again. She studdied her surroundings carefully trying no to get lost. She looked back down at a boulder stuck in her path. "Well" she mumbled as she climmbed over a huge rock. She slipped trying to get down from the rock. She let out a high pitched yelp as she fell from it, her hands broke her fall. She held her breath at the stinging pain that came from her palms. Little scratches started to bleed or bruse. She sighed and stood up and cleaned her hands on her dark jeans. After her clumsy accedent was over and done she continued on searching for the noise. "Anyone -" She stopped herself as a stunning feeling started to bubble up in her stomach. Maybe just maybe I shouldnt continue on. But then a thought compelling her to go on. What is the worst I could find. A man or Women lost in the forest? Aza blinked her face wooden and lost in thought. Shaking herself out of her trance, she blinking again realizing she heard water running. She let out a sigh of relif as she continued towards water. ~~~~ Sam rested on a log out of strenght to continue on. He sighed up set with himself that the blood wasnt his and that he kill once again. He hated the curse his teacher gave him when he was 11. Why cant I be normal? And why cant there be a pond near by. He took a hand full of his shirt and smelled it. It smelled like Iron and blood. It made him sick.
12:17am Apr 17 2011
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The human walked down the street, looking up with a smile at the midnight raven that perched on top of a street lamp. The man kept going, deciding to take a shortcut through the forest in order to get home faster. He did not notice the suddenly building mist that filled the air with every step he made closer to the collection of trees. The raven crowed loudly, taking wing into the forest. the man watched the bird go, shrugging as he stepped into the darkness. He kept going, taken aback by how dark it now seemed. It was pretty bright outside of the forest, and now he could find his way out. Instinctually, he looked up, unable to know that the glance at the moon would be his last. The nameless human's final scream pierced the silence of the night. He dropped the now drained body, walking out into the night as he wiped his lips on his sleeves. He found himself surrounded by human bodies, apparantly he walked into a house party. A girl sauntered up to the being, twiling a curl of light blonde hair in her fingers as she asked, "What's your name?" The being looked down at her, smirking as his blue eyes glinted evilly. "Me? My name's Damon."

1:49pm Apr 17 2011
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Triston made it to a clearing where there was a strong scent of blood. What is that smell? Triston looked around and spotted blood on the ground. He walked over to it and the scent became stronger. Blood? Am I smelling blood? "Triston?" Said a shaking voice. Triston looked over at a tree where he heard his name being called. He saw his younger sister curled up in a ball looking at him. "Forra. Oh Forra, are you alright?" She was covered in more blood then he was and way more freaked out. He went over to her and crouched down next to her. "Forra are you alright?" He whispered to her. Forra looked at her brother, scared. "You're covered in blood. I'm covered in blood. Do you really think I'm ok? No I'm not ok. I've been having a mental breakdown all morning due to the fact that were in the middle of nowhere and soaked with blood. And I'm pretty sure this isn't our blood." Triston scratched his head then said, "Ok, stupid question. Sorry. Now let's go find some where to get cleaned." Triston stood up then grabbed Forras' hands and pulled her up. "I think I heard a river on my way here. It shouldn't be to far away." Forra clinged to her brother as they walked to the river.

3:01pm Apr 17 2011 (last edited on 4:15pm Apr 17 2011)
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Aza sighed at the relif of a small river. She was tristy from about 2 day of not drinking. She fell to her knees and cupped her hands dipping them in water and taking a big gulp of the water till it was all gone. She took another cup of water and slashed it on her face. It was the cool feel of the water aginst her face that made her shiver. Taking her sleeves she dried her face until only one streak of water was left. She stood and walked over to a rock covered with damp moss. Aza sat and thought, She was suprised to see no one near. Maybe I should yell again but her stomach began to grumble and she lost her thought. She squeezed her arms over her stomach to make it stop. Searching around the ground and bushes with her eyes trying to find berries, her eyes finnaly stopping as they scanned over a small bush of berries. There was about a hand full left due to the fact other animals in the forest were hungry too. She stood and examined the path over to the berries. It wasnt that hard but she would have to cross the river. Sighing she took off her socks and shoes but looked around for a decently sharp rock to cut part of her pant legs. She thought it would be better to cut her jeans into shorts so she wouldnt have to walk around with half wet pants. Her face glowed when she reached the berries. Aza carefully picked off each of the ripe berries that color was a strange dark color. She didnt care how they looked she sat down and started eating them one by one savoring the flavor.
7:33pm Apr 17 2011 (last edited on 7:18pm Apr 18 2011)
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Posts: 488
(( Join :D Can I get the bio later? I'm on the wii so yeah :P Edit: Bio: Looks: 
Name: Saika Minaru
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire
Power: CAn see the future and past by looking around that area. History: Her parents were dead because she had lost control at one point and murdered them. She did the same with everyone else in her family. She killed them when she was 14. She knew Sora since she was 7.
Personality: Find out :) Crush: None at the moment
Pet: A cat named Silvia Other: I love Dragons :D
Bio: Looks: Name: Sora Kentaro Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Power: Controlling people, but not for so long and not much can happen. History: Found out Saika's paretns and his own knew each other. His parents died from suicide and a murderer. Personality: Cold and hates being crowded.
Crush: None at the moment
Pet: None
Other: Nothing~ ))
7:49pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 1,329
<< Oh coolio! Hiba Joined! haha >> << Oh were oh where has Tiger gone? Oh were oh where can she be? >>
8:22pm Apr 18 2011
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((I'm here. I had school and freaking out about my best friend transfering to a different school. Anyways hi Hiba! I think there was something else I was supposed to say but I can't remember. *Shrugs* Oh who cares. I'll remember it eventually.)) Forra jumped into the river as soon as she saw it. "Cold!" Forra said as she popped her head out of the water. She lloked at Triston who was scrathing his head. "Of course it's cold." He said. Forra frowned and said, "Atleast I'm getting clean."Forra ducked under the water and scrubbed her hair. She did a few more times then started to scrub her skin and clothing. Triston looked around. The river here was pretty deep and calm. The area had some bushes that grew some berries. He noticed a few trails that were used a lot by the animals in the area. The trees gave them good cover and there was a nice clearing on the other side of the river. We can make camp over there and eat the berrries growing of the bushes around here. If I wanted to i could make a spear and hunt. The trails have been used recently by some deer. Triston looked over at Forra. She was still scrubbing herself. He smiled then ran over to the river and jumped in next to her. "Triston!" Forra yelled and flung herself at him. "You jerk!" Triston fell backwards and went under water. He came out a moment later and looked at Forra. "Thanks..." Forra smiled and said, "Your welcome. Now hurry up and get that blod off of you. It's hard to look at you with it covering you head to toe." She ducked under the water and headed back to the spot she was before and continued scrubbing her clothes. Triston yawned aand started to scrub himself aswell. ((My charries are a little upstream from Aza. But don't forget that all the blood coming off of them is going downstream. Don't forget to play your other charrie too.))

9:37pm Apr 18 2011
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<< haha ok ok! >> Aza got interupted by faint noises up stream. She looked up from her hands at squinted. She couldnt make out any figures. She quickly finnished her food and stood up brushing her self off. She walked over to the water to get one last drink but red streaks in the water caught her attention. Soon the whole water started to stain red. She was shocked and confussed but her instincts got the best of her. Aza started to walk slowly up stream being cautions and just over all following the blood. As she aproched the splashing and yelling she saw two people. Boyfriend and Girlfriend? No, Brother and sister. They were splashing and washing buckets and buckets of blood off of them. She gasped at the sight. They were almost clean "What the-" she whispered. She couldnt believe her eyes why did they have blood on them? Bad thoughts of what could have happened swarmed in her mind. Aza just stood there, behind a tree watching the two washing off their bad deeds, ~~~ Sam was sitting on a log but not for long. Since he had like super sonic hearing, he could hear two people splashing and a soft and distant person approch them. huh. He thought getting up and walking fast towards the noise. He was curious why before he hadnt heard the water. It was such a relif for him to be so close to water but so far away. He knew soon he would be clean and free of this grimy blood. he ran faster and faster until her collapse tripping over a log. he sighed and got up. When he got to the rivver her found no sign of anyone. "Hello?" He yelled as he ran into the river shiveringat the freezing water.
3:51pm Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 488
(( Gotcha :D )) Saika looked around. She looked at herself and felt sick for a bit. 'Why is there blood on me...?' she thought as she looked at a stream. Apparently, there was blood there too. She walked to the stream and looked at the blood covering it. She looked at the people in it, "Excuse me... But why is there blood on me and in the river?" she asked oblivious. Sora woke up in a tree and looked out. 'What the....' he thought as he jumped down. Blood was all over him. He sighed, "Did I kill something...?" he thought as he walked around looking for some place to clean up. He found a stream and walked up to it. Squinting his eyes he looked at Saika, "What are you doing here...?" he asked walking behind her.
7:30pm Apr 19 2011
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Forra looked up when she heard somebody. "Oh god... So much blood..." Forra swam a little ways away. Her stomach was really upset. I've seen way to much blood today. Ithink I'm gonna hurl! Forra stuck her head under water and hoped her brother would deal with this. Triston looked at the girl then his then back. "I have no idea why you are covered in blood. And to be honest we were also covered in blood. That's why there's blood in the river." There was some noise then this guy, also covered in blood, came out and asked the girl a question. "So you two know each other?" ((OMG Forra is gonna drownz! Not really. I'm just gonna leave her there for a moment.))
8:05pm Apr 19 2011
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Damon sat up in a tree, silent as the mist he controlled as he watched the scene in front of him unfurl. He could be held accountable for some of the blood in the river... the three people he left floating in the river undoubtedly had a play. Oh well. Damon whirled his finger once, watching as shadows and mist started building around the group.
9:43pm Apr 19 2011 (last edited on 9:45pm Apr 19 2011)
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Aza watched two more people join the other two. One of the girl went under water while the three others talked and discussed why they where covered in blood. This was all verry stange to Aza and she didnt know what she would do. She was curious too about why they were covered in blood, but she was scared to know the answer. She took a steep back and stepped on a leaf. It cunched uunder her feet. She gasped softly and clung back to the tree. She hoped none of them hear. Breathing softly she closed her eyes tight wishing this would all go away. When she opened them again she saw a boy aproch. His face was too covered in blood. She gaged, trying to keep it quiet. She turned her back aginst all the people and shut her eyes tight again. One of her hands was clutching the tree while the other was in a fist so tight that her nails broke her already wounded palm. One of her newly closed cuts reopened and a drop of blood slid down her finger and droped to the ground. Azas breath was soft but quickly as her heart started pounding. ~~~ Sam got out of the water his body clean but his face still covered in blood. The nosies grew louder and louder as he heard more people talk and talk. His clothes were drenched and he shook like a dog. The water drips flew side to side. He sighed in agony at the clothes that stuck to him that weighed a ton. He shook one last time before he walked to the area he heard the nose. It wasnt far it was a minute walk. He followed his blood streaks in the water until he reached 4 possibly 5 people. The water he stared into was red. It looked like a m*censored*ace had happened. Approching slowly he talked almost in a whisper. "You guys too huh?" He gestured to the bloody water and chuckled. He wipped the back of his hand on his forehead and walked over to the water. His hand was red from the blood he wipped off his head. Crouching down to the water her cleaned his hand, subsiding the fact it was his face that was left bloody. << hahaha leave Forra to dround lol jk. Sorry I just got done with my tennis game... We lost :( >>
10:44pm Apr 19 2011
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Triston looked at the newest member. More? I wonder if they know each other? Probably not. Triston looked at him closer. He seems different from the others. And he seems more calm with the situation he's in. I wonder if he's been through this before? Triston said, "You seem pretty calm for someone soaked in blood. Why is that?" Forra knew that Triston would deal with the problem so she had slipped away as he talked to them. She was now on land drying off. Forra caught a scent. It made her stomach clench and she slightly moaned from the pain. What's that scent? Why does it make my stomach hurt? Maybe I should call Triston... No... I think I'll go look. Forra started to head towards where the scent came from. She soon heard a noise. What is that noise? Forra paused for a moment. It sounds like a heart beating. "Ow..." Forra said silently as she clutched her stomach. What the heck is going on?! I should go back... No I should figure out what it is. Forra continued walking to where the scent and noise came from. She came out behind a girl, also covered in blood, who looked terrified. Forra fell to her knees as the pain worsened. She clutched her stomach and shut her eyes. ((See, I no drown her. I make her go after little human girl. Who's all alone. *Grins wickedly*))

11:32pm Apr 19 2011
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Sam looked up at the guy in the water and thought about his question. He stood and circled a rock. He sat on it and thought. Sighing sam shrugged. "I guess Im just a calm guy" Sams eyes flickered to the girl drying off. He watched her as she moved. "And..." He was watching the girl with confussion but carried on "I have been this way for a while." He got up and went to where she knelt, she looked sick. Sam looked up and saw another girl. Human? He wondered as he looked at the other monsters. Yes he knew, he knew they were vampires. Sighing Sam grabbed Forra trying to make her stand up and go away. Sam kinda knew how this felt and didnt want her to attack this girl. ~~~ Aza was deeply scared but she didnt know why. They are just people. She thought as she unclenched her fist and let go of the tree. She turned around and opened her eyes. They aced from being tightly shut. After a few blinks she relized that this girl was crouched on the gound while a guy tried to pull her away. Aza gasped and took a few steps back and didnt know what to do. Run! Run! Her mind kept telling her but the only thing she could do was stand frozen eyes wide awaiting for some one to kill her or harm her. Another bad feeling stuck her stomach. Another few steps back and she was out in the open. She turned her head and looked at the other two guys and a girl. What? why? She saw how much blood actually coverd them. Shaking her head she closed her eyes again waiting for the nightmare to be over. << Oh nose! Dont eat her lol jk... and only Azas Hand is bleeding and barly >>
12:57pm Apr 20 2011
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Posts: 488
Saika turned around, "Sora!" she said hugging him. She looked back at the dude and nodded, "Like best friends..., I have no idea Sora... why I'm here...." she said still holding him.
Sora sighed, "Whatever... Get off...." he said coldly.
Saika moved away and smiled.