11:33pm Apr 20 2011
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<< Im waiting for Tiger and I will be gone tomorrow - sunday >>
1:34am Apr 21 2011
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Damon dropped from his tree and onto the ground in front of the people. "Ugh, so sappy. You people are loud. Some of us were trying to hunt." He semi-growled, his voice cocky. Damon looked at the people, turning to the two that were hugging. "Ew."
10:47am Apr 21 2011
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Posts: 488
Sora looked annoyed, "She's not my girlfriend....." he stated looking at him. Tana nodded, "Only best of friends~" she said as she turned to Damon and smiled. She looked at the tree where he jumped out from, "What do you mean hunt exactly....." she asked confused.
4:52pm Apr 21 2011
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Damon chuckled, looking at the girl. "You don't want to know." He replied, giving the girl a cold look. He looked at at the boy. "You sure she's not your girlfriend?"
3:02am Apr 24 2011
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Posts: 488
Tana frowned, "Yes I do!" she said. Sora nodded, "Positive.... Why do you ask?" he said smirking. ((pfft short -_-))
4:13pm Apr 24 2011 (last edited on 4:14pm Apr 24 2011)
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((Sorry I was gone for so long. Had a choir thing and some other stuff. Also sad that we didn't win that stupid chunk of plastic... But hey my teachers middle school choir won. my teacher is meen she didn't even bother to say that we might win or any of that encouraging stuff. I geuss she loves her middle school choir over her highschool choir. I hate her... But I did have a blast and my best friend(she's a little crazy) had a blast at Mc Donalds. I had to chase her the whole time and my icecream melted... We also found out that my other friend is clausterphobic and afraid of spiders. She got stuck at the very top of the stupid toy and we had to go get her down. Oh then after all that the manager yelled at us. Now did anyone else have a good weekend?)) Forra looked up at this guy who was trying to make her stand up. Forra got up and leaned against a tree. She looked over at the girl who was freaking out. What? Ok I'm a little confused... Why did I come over here again? Forra could still smell whatever it was from before but now she was to distracted to even care about it. She was still in pain but she ignored it as much as possible. Forra looked over to Sam then over to where all the others were. There was a guy talking to the girl and the other guy. Triston just watched. ((I didn't know what to do for Triston))

8:09pm Apr 24 2011 (last edited on 8:11pm Apr 24 2011)
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Sam nodded reasuring that forra was ok, then he took a coupple steps back giving her space but also ready to tackle her if she made a move towards this... human girl. He looked at the people talking suprised that they were having a conversation in the middle of all this. He shook his head at them and watched, studying every one and basically spacing out. Aza turned around and started to walk away from the girl and all the others. She was confused with what was going on. Was she dreaming or wasnt she? It was a concept she couldnt grasp well. She kept walking. << haha that sounds fun! And I went camping and it was acctually sunny! I got a bit sun burnt on my nose but I had fun. >>
9:50pm Apr 24 2011
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Forra looked at the girl. She walked over to her and said, "Sorry if I scared you." Forra scratched her head and said' "It seems all of us, well except that guy, have the same problem."
Triston looked over to see his sister with a girl and the other guy. He walked over to them and said, "Everything all right? No one is gonna go into cardiac arest or randomly combust. Right?"
11:32pm Apr 24 2011
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Aza stopped and looked at the girl. She didnt know if she was telling the truth or was going to chop her up and eat her. After a short period of silence she decited to take her word and nodded. When the guy came over and spoke she choked on a laugh but pushed it away and triewd to speak. "No, we are fine. Right?" She looked at the guy then to the girl and nodded again. She looekd to her feet and spoke again but this time softly and quietly as if what she was saying was as fragile as a flower and as dangerous as a bomb "Im Aza" Sam walked up and listened and watched.
5:42pm Apr 27 2011
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<< Bump... Wow my internet goes down and nothing hapend :) >>
5:47pm Apr 27 2011
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((I know. I keep forgetting to get on.))
Forra smiled then looked at the others. "Now who's the new guy?"
Triston looked aswell and shrugged. "No idea."
((Brain dead...))
6:01pm Apr 27 2011
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<< People in the other RP are wondering where your at too, Tiger. lol! >> Aza looked at the other guy and back at Triston then to Forra and back to the guy. Sam shook his head as he heard what Forra said. He knew that they all needed answers and he wasnt going to wait. He walked over to the three and said "Ok well Im sure we're all confussed so if we all could sit and talk maybe find some answers, Im sure that will help." His voice was stern but gental. He looked at Forra and the other two and gestured them to come over where he was.
7:49pm Apr 27 2011
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Damon looked between the two people, then flashed a grin that was all fangs. "Humans, duh." He shurgged, leaning against the nearest tree. ((FAIL!!))
6:53pm Apr 28 2011
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Posts: 488
Sora looked at him dubmfounded, "Wait.... why would we?" he asked. Tana walked next to Damon, "What are you exactly....?" she asked.
8:18pm Apr 28 2011
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Sam looked at the guy who leaned aginst the tree with anger and bewilderment. Clearly he didnt care for answers and didnt take this seriously. Humans Really? He thought as the next person spoke. He liked these people better than the one on the tree so he smiled. Anger left his face though he was still a little bewildered. "I'm pretty sure its hunger." He said. Sam didnt know why he told them he was confussed cause he had delt with this before but not so much blood. " But then again I have never awoken in so much blood. Any who Im a WereWolf" He didnt know if the question was intended to him or not but he thought it best to answer. "Sam by the way. And you?" Even though the two... friends were they?... talked and most likly said each others name, he wasnt listening. Aza listened to what Sam was saying and was confussed. I tought Vampires and Werewolves only existed in books. she held her breath taking this in. She was also waiting for some one to say they were a vampire. She didnt know who was but she had a good Idea. These people seem ok. Nothing tom worry too much about She thought except for that guy. her eyes beamed at the guy leaning aginst the tree. He seemed so blunt with his answer and she didnt know what to expect form him.
5:57pm Apr 29 2011
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9:18pm Apr 29 2011 (last edited on 9:23pm Apr 29 2011)
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Forra looked at the guy who seemed just a little creepy to her. She looked at Sam when he said that he was a werewolf. "What?" She whispered. Forra went over next to him and said, "So are you saying you are a werewolf?" Forra was already freaking out but now it was worse. She turned and looked at the other guy, who was leaning against a tree. "What about you? You seem so calm and it looks like you are kind of enjoying this." Forra walked over to him and stood about five feet from him. "What are you?" Forra said with a stern voice. Triston looked at his sister. She had that look on her face of being overwhelmed that only he could detect. He watched her go up to the guy who just said he was a werewolf and talk to him. Then watched her go over to the guy leaning against the tree. Triston really didn't want him near him but he knew she wouldn't really listen to him. "Forra..." He whispered. He stood there and watched her. ((Added a little thing to Forra's power. All it says is how she activates her power. But it may help to read it so you know how not or how to activate it.))

2:33pm Apr 30 2011
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Aza just listened. She kinda wanted to chime in and say 'Human' but she figured that they already knew. Or didnt they? She shook her head at the idea and thought she should just not say anything. Sam nodded at Forras question and he guessed since she was so overwhelmed that she was a vampire. So was her brother, he thought. All his years of being a werewolf he had never encountered a vampire. Becoming what he was - A monster- and howhe changed from human to wolf was a weird concept that he will never under stand. He had questions for vampires he had been holding in for a while but never thought he would be able to ask them. Not the time. He scolded himself as he watched Forra ask this guy what he was. Sam brushed his dirty blond hair out of his eyes and took a steep closer to Forra, being ready to do what ever was needed if this guy tried to hurt her. Sam was confussed why he was being protective over this girl, she was a vampire and he a werewolf.
2:48pm Apr 30 2011
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Posts: 488
(( Has to wait ._.))
4:12pm Apr 30 2011
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Posts: 1,248
((Going to bring Flint in soon. Hey chance do you think Flint and Damon could know each other? But they don't like each other all that much.))