11:03pm Apr 30 2011
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5:06pm May 1 2011
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((I added Flint's wolf form and a few things to her Other that goes with her wolf form. I'll brimg her in as soon as chance replies.))
5:42pm May 1 2011
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9:12pm May 2 2011
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8:11pm May 4 2011
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Posts: 488
Tana looked over to Sam and smiled, "Hi~ I'm Tana." she said being herself again. "Hungry, werewolves, blood...? Wait... Aren't tnose just a myth...?" she asked walking to Sam, thinking about vampires and werewolves.
Sora looked over, "...Do I really care...? Nah, I'm leaving..." he said walking away with his hands folded behind his head. 'What is going on though...' he thought.
11:20pm May 7 2011
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((chance do you think you could just go back to the last thing you posted and read what happened? Unless anyone else wants to sum up what happened. I'd do it but I don't really remember. Also sorry I was gone so long. Had to deal with some stuff.))
4:39pm May 15 2011
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((Bump. Plz don't let this die...))
5:01pm May 15 2011
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<< I dont know what to post Dx >>
7:27pm May 15 2011
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((We're waiting on chance. Let me rmail him.))
7:08pm May 17 2011
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8:30pm May 19 2011
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<< Awww come on chance... Dont dieeee RP >>
8:32pm May 21 2011
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9:14pm May 21 2011
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"I'm a vampire." Damon told her. "The name's Damon. Nice to meet you, Forra." He turned to Sam, his face that of disgust. "Ugh, a mutt."
9:40pm May 21 2011
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((hey do you think Damon and my charrie Flint can know each other? Oh and they kind of hate each other.))
10:37pm May 21 2011
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((Sure, Damon has problems with most people.))
11:12pm May 21 2011
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((Lolz.)) Flint stretched out lazily and dug her claws into the dirt under paws. She'd slept till noon after she'd eaten some of her older kill the other night. Flint felt like having a snack. She lifted nose high into the air and inhaled deeply. Flint flexed her claws when she smelled a familiar scent. She could smell squirel near by but that wasn't what made dig her claws into the dirt. Flint smelled Damion. He's dead! She thought. He's on MY territory and he probably knows that... Flint ended her thought with a deep and angry growl. She took in another breath to see where he was. Flint noticed scents she hadn't noticed before. Blood. And a lot of it to be precise. She also smelled another of her kind and some vampires... Flint didn't like most vampires. Mostly because vampires tended to tick her off. Then there was the fact that one tried to feed off of her at one point. Flint sped off towards where they were all gathered. She couldn't wait to see Damons' face when he saw her. Forra stayed where she was when he said what he was. She sorta already knew that and she couldn't explain how she did. She frowned when he called Sam a mutt. She didn't know Sam at all but she knew he didn't deserve to be called that. "Don't call him a mutt." Forra said flatly. She glared at him, clenched her jaw and frowned. She didn't really like this vampire and she could tell that he probably didn't like her. Forra could feel anger start to build up inside and her body slightly tense. She could tell something was going to happen soon but she couldn't tell what. All she knew was that it was probably going to involve Damon. Triston looked at his sister. He could still see the stress in her but her confidence had grown. He looked at Damon and frowned. ((Couldn't think of what to have Triston do...))

2:17am May 22 2011
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Sam scoffed at what Damon said to him. "Im no mutt" Sam said barly autiable under his breath in anger. He watched Forra stand up for him, which he both adored and hated. He could stand up for him self and dosent need no girl to do it for him but at the same time he was glad he had some one on his side, though she wasnt his kind. Sam quickly put a firm hand on forra to stop anything tragic that she was going to do next. He smiled at her and took a steep infront of her now looking damon and letting his hand fall back to his side. "I am no mutt." Sam said this time autible. "I dont know what you have aginst me- or my kind" he added not knowing where the speech was going. "But you need to get your act together and stop acting full of your self." He took a steep towards Damon being closer than arms length away. "Grow up." He said trying to hold back his anger in his voice. "face the fact that your kind and my kind, even her kind" he pointed at Aza and lowered his hand to his side which now made a fist. "We all have to survive some how and I dont think it would be sucking life out of hundreds of humans and picking fights with werewolfs, now is it?" He asked still continuing. "You are more than welcome to leave but us over here, we are looking for answers and if you want to help then stay and if not leave" Sam being bewildered turned his back to Damon and started to walk back to the river. There was silence in the air for a while but Sam didnt care, he knelt by the river and splashed water on his still damp face trying to cool down. << Sorry sams being kinda harsh :/ >> Aza watched as Sam yelled at Damon. So Vampires and Werewolfs She thought as she started to accept it all.
8:10pm May 22 2011
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Damon laughed out loud. "Oh please," He sneered, looking at Sam. "You're a mutt. It's okay, mutts end up being the greatest dogs, right?" He turned to Forra, his eyes softening. "I'm sorry, but it's true. He's a mutt and I'm a bloodsucker." He shrugged. "It's life." Damon sniffed, frowning to himself. It couldn't be. Not her. He turned, eyes turning over every rock and leaf. "Flint, c'mere girl." He whistled mockingly. "Here puppy. Who's a good girl?"
8:39pm May 22 2011
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Sam really hated this guy right now. Did nothing he just said go through that pee brain of his, Sam wondered. He's got guts. And that was one, yes one thing Sam respected about this guy. He stood up from cooling down his face he turned back around to face Damon, Sam calm but discusted when Damon whistled like he was calling a dog to the foot steeps to an upcomming werewolf. Sam did the best he could to hold back his anger. He didnt know when he was going to break.
9:56pm May 22 2011
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Damon looked over his shoulder at Sam, feeling the anger fall off of him in waves. He threw him a chuckle. "Get used to it."