11:13pm Dec 31 2010
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((lol yeah)) Faolan nodded and followed Forra and kept looking around when he see's shadow of Ritz jumping from tree to tree "Forra he yelled, and pointed to a tree where Ritz just jumped to "there he's there." He said. ~~ Ritz was sitting on a branch in the shadows and stared at Faolan growling lightly. ((Im going to take control of Ritz while Leoleaf is gone))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
11:19pm Dec 31 2010
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Posts: 1,248
((bluejay you can't do that! not without leoleafs permission.))
11:28pm Dec 31 2010
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Posts: 2,023
she already said we can! DX))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
12:36am Jan 1 2011
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Posts: 1,248
((oops. I missed that. Sorry)) Forra heard Ritz growl and looked over at the tree he was in. "Come out of there!" Forra yelled at Ritz. ((fail))
1:41am Jan 1 2011
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Posts: 2,023
Faolan stood his ground and got in front of Forra incase it attacked. Rits jumped down from the tree, growling and walked close to them. ((fail))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
2:04am Jan 1 2011
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Forra looked at Faolin and said, "I can protect myself but thanks." Luna wondered if the werewolf boy was going to attack. Luna was getting a little madder with each step the boy took closer to Forra. Why do I care if she gets hurt? Probably because she's Triston's little sister. I should go help. Luna jumped out of the bushes she was hiding behind and stood only a few feet in front of Ritz. Luna growled and waited for him to make a move.
2:07am Jan 1 2011
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Rita growled at Luna "why are you protecting these vampires?" He asked arritated that she was protecting them. Faolan looked at Forra and nodded and stayed out of the way and sighed lightly.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
2:27am Jan 1 2011
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Posts: 1,248
((i kinda feel bad. We don't exactly know what Ritz's personality and when leoleaf comes back she'll have to play the way you did. I think we shouldn't play as her charrie's.))
8:45am Jan 1 2011
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Posts: 2,023
((yeah me either *sighs*))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
5:31pm Jan 1 2011
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Posts: 1,248
((Ok then. Why not we pretend the stuff that happened since Leoleaf left never happened. So we'll come back tomorrow then when Leoleaf gets back. For now find people to join.))
5:38pm Jan 1 2011
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I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
4:05pm Jan 2 2011 (last edited on 4:28pm Jan 2 2011)
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<< No its fine I will just continue what Blue started :D >> Zela watched the action that was going on. Now how did this happen? I thought we where looking for triston. She hid behind the tree. He's a werewolf so he could attack judging by his adittude. She sighed waiting for this to be over. ~~ Ritz stepped closer annoyed and waiting for an answer. "Anyways what are you doing here in this part of the forrest" He growled his voice sharp and quiet. He was a few feet away so he was close enough to run or fight if needed.
9:40pm Jan 2 2011
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Luna growled and took a step closer as well. "It's none of your buisiness as to what we are doing. Now if your smart you will leave us alone." Luna said and continued to growl at him but more fiercly. Forra looked at Ritz then Luna. Hmm this is interesting. Why is Luna caring about us at all? The way she acted last night suggested she hated me and the others. Maybe when she found out that I was Triston's sister she let up a little. Forra looked back at Ritz then said, "If you're so interested as to why we're here then tell me why you are here."
11:32pm Jan 2 2011
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Ritz mimiked the girls tone "And if you were smart you would just answer my question." His eyes narrowed at the girl but softed when he was caught off gaurd when the vampire girl talked. He chuckled and said "No. Its not going to work like that. You answer my question then I will yours" He looked at the girl behind the tree then the boy infront of the girl who had talk. ~~ Zela stood out from behind the tree and silently walked away looking for Forras brother.Maybe I can find him or go to Forras cave before they noticed Im gone.
11:44pm Jan 2 2011
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Faolan had clutched his fist as Ritz mimicked Forra "Awnser the question, what are you doing here?" Faolan said in a harsh tone. Faolan wanted to rip the wolf's head right there and then.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
8:28pm Jan 3 2011
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Posts: 3,934
((Tiger, I really don't know what to do, nor do I feel comfortable starting an rp that I have no idea about. Can you let me in on a little info? I won't post till then :o))
12:03am Jan 4 2011 (last edited on 12:06am Jan 4 2011)
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Forra stepped forward and said, "It's ok Faolin I can see he won't change his mind." Forra eyed Ritz the said, "We're looking for my brother for some personal matters." Forra smiled. "If you want to know more you have to join us and help find my brother." Luna eyed Forra. She was surprised to see her acting like her brother. Luna grinned. Ritz is annoying but he can help. I'm the only werewolf in the group so it'll be harder to find Triston. ((So far Forra met Zela and they became friends. Then Faolin came in being chased by a bear. Later on in the night Luna appeared. They talked. Now we're heading to Forra's cave. They ran into Ritz on the way.))
10:10pm Jan 4 2011
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10:20pm Jan 4 2011
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Faolan stood on the side lines and looked at the scene and rolled his eyes.great another werewolf to join, 2 wolves, a human, and... someone i like... this is not going to go over so well... he thought to him self ((fail))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
11:38pm Jan 5 2011
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