12:01am Jan 6 2011
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<< Oh crap sorry I havnt been feeling good and been really strssed out cause we just got back from winter break >> Ritz laughed at the boy but then shot his glance at Forra and smiled. "Finnaly a break through." He said gesturing to the vampire boy. "Well... If you are talking about a yay high boy with dark eyes and pale hair and reaks of vampire?" He chuchled and scratched his head. "Then yah!" He looked at the awfully quiet werewolf girl. He went to search for the human but she must have left. He narrowed his eyes but couldnt find her. Hm... He looked back at the group "Yah...about that" He turn away and started walking "Thanks but no. Later" He lifted up his hand and gave a wave back still turned. ~~~ Zela was still walking trying to find the cave but couldnt and at this point, knowing that there was a vampire some where who probably hadnt eaten in a while, she was paranoied. She was on her gaured every moment of every seconed. Huh? What? She gasped turning her head left and right thinking she saw something. No she stoped in her tracks and closed her eyes bringing her hands to her head and breathed in deeply holding her breath for a few seconds before she calmed her self. Ok. she looked around nothing. She laughed as she was now fearless once again.
10:00pm Jan 6 2011
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((Sorry to say this Tiger, but I'm quitting for a while. Why? because I can't take it anymore. I'm always getting ignored by others. It's quite funny that people from a website can make a person so depressed. Besides, no one will care, so I have nothing to loose. Who knows, I might even come on again one day or even change my mind. Goodbye Tiger, it was nice knowing you.))
10:40pm Jan 6 2011
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Posts: 1,329
<< Awww Im sorry Silver! But I am kinda confussed on who ignored you O.O >>
8:40pm Jan 7 2011
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12:11am Jan 8 2011
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((Tis not from this rp Leo, no worries ;D))
12:16am Jan 8 2011
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Posts: 2,023
((Silver im sorry if i have ever ignored you DX))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
1:33am Jan 8 2011
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Posts: 1,329
<< Ohhh Ok :D I just didnt know if I was ignoring you! >>
4:04pm Jan 8 2011
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<< Anyone going to post? BUMP >>
10:04pm Jan 8 2011
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Posts: 3,934
((likes I said before, no one in this rp ignores me. I luffs you all for dat <3))
11:14pm Jan 8 2011 (last edited on 11:16pm Jan 8 2011)
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((OMG I'm so sorry that I've been gone and I'm really sad to here that you are leaving Silver. Sheesh so much bad luck lately. T_T) Forra expected he'd do this but was still dissapointed. He atleast spotted him. Right? Well then maybe I could.... "Wait where's Zela." Forra looked around. She couldn't spot her anywhere. But she did see something. Lying on the ground only a few feet away was her brothers hat. Forra ran over to it and picked it up off the ground. Forra looked at it. Yep this is defiantly his hat. Forra grinned then looked at Faolin. "I found his hat!" Luna turned her head and looked at Forra when she shouted. She found his hat. Luna scampered over and sniffed it. Defiantly his hat. And from what I smell he's in the direction that human girl Zela just went. I probably shouldn't tell them. Judgeing by how messy his trail is I'm geussing he's badly injured and that means he's hungry. Maybe that girl will run into him and he'll feed on her. Triston had finally made it. He used to play here with his siter when they were kids. Looking around he saw things that weren't there before. Things that weren't his. He spotted a journal. Triston limped over to it and grabbed it. The cover said only one word. "FORRA". Triston smiled and sat down. So she came here. Kind of surprising really. Triston layed back against the wall of the cave. I need to feed if these dang wounds are going to heal any time soon. I haven't eaten for so long that they won't heal. Triston winced as pain shot through his side. He groaned and pas.sed out. ((Hmm I decided to bring him in. Triston hides his trail usually and does a good job at it. So when Luna says how messy his trail is it means that he didn't bother to cover it.))

12:39am Jan 9 2011
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Posts: 2,023
Faolan looked at the hat and held it, he looked around peering around and his eyes went brown to red, which helped him look more further. His eyes picked up a scent 2 scents one was human and one was a vampire "I found him!" Faolan said and ran towards the scent.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
1:38am Jan 9 2011
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Posts: 1,248
Forra looked at Faolin and wondered how he had such a strong nose for a vampire. She thought only werewolves did not her own kind. Cause the only she could really pick up was the scent of blood. Which now that she payed attention to her nose she smelled blood. The smell was around the area of her cave. Most likely in it. Forra ran after Faolin. Luna watched them take off. She was worried for Triston and some what for them. She didn't exactly like the human and didn't like that she was ok with Forra. But if they went ahead they would probably get them selves in the way of a very hungry Triston. Not wanting to Luna ran ahead of Faolin and Forra and stopped in front of them. "STOP!" Luna barked at them. She saw Forra stop immeadeatly. Triston came out of consciouness when he smelled something. It smelled like human and it wasn't far off. Sadly Triston couldn't quite move so he stayed and waited. Hoping whoever it was came closer.
1:46am Jan 9 2011
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Posts: 2,023
Faolan stopped beside Forra "Out of the way wolf i know Zela is that way and if we dont stop her before she gets to Triston she's dead." Faolan said and stood there with his fists clutched at Luna, ready to get her out of his way at all costs.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
1:32pm Jan 9 2011
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Posts: 1,329
<< Ritz will lurk behind them >> Zela spotted a cave. Phew almost there. She ran to the cave and then walked causiously inside. "Hello?!" She yelled as it echoed into the cave. She looked around and spotted a boy who looked badly injured holding a jorunal that said "Forra". "Uhm.. Hello! Are- Are you forra's brother?" She looked at the boy with a smile but inside she could sence that this wasnt going to be good. "Oh gosh not again" she whispered. "Well I hope you can holds your hunger." She said to the boy. She could see the hunger in his eyes. She steeped away and was braced aginst the wall that was opposite of him.
1:58pm Jan 9 2011 (last edited on 1:59pm Jan 9 2011)
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Forra looked at Luna. "I know you care about Triston but letting him kill Zela isn't the right thing." Luna growled at them both. "I don't care what you say but Triston needs to feed and I'm not going to let you stop him! There's no way I'll let you by me. Never!" Luna snarled at them. Triston looked at the girl a liitle surprised. He was getting hungrier by the second and it was hard to resist feeding from her. The only problem was he couldn't move. "Seems you're lucky. I can't move so I can't feed off of ya." Triston smiled. "So you know my little sister? How is she?"
2:05pm Jan 9 2011
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Posts: 2,023
Faolan looked at Luna "Fine you wanna play that way? Then lets play." He said and took out his dagger, grinning. Faolan ran at Luna holding his knife in a defensive hold.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
2:25pm Jan 9 2011
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Posts: 1,329
Zela felt calmer knowing that he couldnt move. But she still felt bad. "Oh Forra. Yah she's fine. They acctually arnt that far away from here unless Luna ...." She scoffed reemembering the tention between them. "Unless she want you to feed off me." She shook her head and continued to talk about Forra. "I met Forra yestrday and let her feed on me cause she was growing week and then we met up with acoupple others." She smiled at the thought of having acctual friends. "So how much do you need to drink to be well again?" She asked knowing that danger was in the question. ~~~ Ritz was in a tree watching them. He narrowed his eyes at Luna and how she didnt want to help the human. He jummped down. "You know I bet her brother can find other humans to feed on not just Their friend." He said to Luna. He gestured at the vampires to go ahead not knowing if they would listen or not.
4:28pm Jan 9 2011
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Forra took her chance and left. She started to run towards the cave. Luna saw Forra leave. Luna quickly dodged Faolin and started after Forra. "Try that again and I'll bite your hand off." Luna growled back to Faolin. Now I have to stop her from getting to Faolin before he feeds. Triston was really surprised now. Forra's a vampire. I thought.... So hungry.... Triston looked at Zela's wrist and saw bite marks that were still healing. "I probably need a lot of blood. Maybe a third of yours. It'll probably be more then what my sister took if she was just eatng. I need both the blood to heal and feed." Triston looked at Zlea's face and said, "If you really want to hold out your wrist." If Luna is out here that means she's probably trying to stop whoever was with this girl from getting here. They probably think I'll kill her but I'm experianced when it comes to control.
6:05pm Jan 9 2011
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Zela saw the suprised ex pression on the boys face but ignored it debating if she should let him feed off her. She laughed alittle. "And I will still live after wards right?" She slowly moved over to the boy. Triston was it? She now sat next to him and held out her wrist the one Forra bit off of. She looked away from Triston and waited for him heal and feed. She bit her lip and said. "You can control yourself right?" She laughed nervosly trying not to think of the danger in this situation. ~~~ << Tiger~Can Ritz get into a fight with Luna. Nothing big just tackle her as Faolin and Forra run to the cave? >>
8:22pm Jan 9 2011
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Forra looked behind her and saw Luna gaining on her. Luna had almost reached Forra. Only a few more strides and she'd get her. Triston kindly said, "Yes you'll live and yes I can control myself. You'll probably p*censored* out while I'm feeding though but don't worry I won't kill a friend of my little sister." Triston grabbed Zela's wrist and bit down and started to feed. ((go ahead leo. and omg i be braindead.))