8:31pm Jan 9 2011
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Zela nodded and gave into Tristons feeding. After a while things started to turn black and the next thing she knew she has pa,ssed out. ~ Ritz shook his head. I warned her. He charged at the Werewolf and tackled her to the ground pinning her arms down. She turned her head and yelled. "Run Forra!" He struggled with the werewolf but soon concered up the streangth to hold her as Forra dissapeared.
9:26pm Jan 9 2011
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Faolan ran after Forra running as fast as he could "Forra we need to hurry, we can't let your brother try and kill her." He said and ran faster. When he reached the cave he saw Zela ignoring the sight of Triston.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
10:14pm Jan 9 2011
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Rutz got of Luna once both of the vampires where long gone "Whats your problem?" He said coldly. " I know you and the human girl arnt the gratest friends but did you really have to act like that?" He walked away in the direction the vampires went. A faint smell of blood and 3 strong sents of vampires laied ahead. He looked at Luna once more and sighed turning around and walking.
8:36pm Jan 10 2011
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Luna was furious with the werewolf boy. After he left she went after the others. Forra made it to the cave. She looked at Faolin then over at the cave. She saw her brother inside. He had just finished feeding. Zela was p*censored*ed out. "Triston!" Forra yelled and ran over to him. Triston had just finished feeding when he heard Forra yell his name. He turned his head and looked at his little sister running over to him. She had an upset look on her face. "Hey don't worry she's only p*censored*ed out." He shouted at her. Triston smiled at her. Forra stood next to Triston then went over to look at Zela. She was p*censored*ed out but she lost a lot of blood from her brothers feeding. "Idoit's." Forra whispered then started tending to Zela's bite.
12:00am Jan 11 2011
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Zela moaned as her eyes rolled oppen. She was now pale as ever. Looking up she saw Forra, Triston, and Faolan. "Uhhhh.... How long was I out?" She weakly brought up her wrist and looked at it seeing dried blood. She opened her mouth ready to talk but no sound came out due to the weakness. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she p*censored*ed out again. ~~ Ritz made his way to the cave and lingered outside of it.
11:15pm Jan 11 2011
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Forra was about to answer Zela when she pas.sed out again. Heading to the back of the cave she grabbed her few things and put them in her backpack. Forra went over to her brother and snatched her journal. "If you read any of this." She left the threat unfinished to let his mind wonder what she was going to do. It worked as a small frown crossed her brothers face. Forra went over to Zela and started to wrap it with a cloth she had grabbed. When she was done she looked at her brother. "Can you walk?" He nodded and stood up. Forra looked at Faolin. "Could you carry Zela?" Triston looked at his sister. She's grown. A lot it seems in both body and mind. Triston smiled. She's defiantly changed into a vampire. That's for sure. I wonder what other changes she's made over the years? Triston's thoughts were interupted as Luna ran into the cave. "Luna." Triston smiled. Luna went over to Triston and let him pet her head. She was glad to see he was ok.
7:53pm Jan 12 2011
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7:59pm Jan 12 2011
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6:11pm Jan 13 2011
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((sorry im grounded so i wont be on much D:)) Faolan nodded at Forra and leaned down and picked Zela up. He looked at Luna who just enterd the cave and glared at her. He didn't want to say anything "Well... since we found your brother what now?" He asked Forra.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
8:52pm Jan 13 2011
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Triston looked at Forra and said, "Well. why not my place?" Forra looked at her brother and said, "Sure, where is it?" Triston looked away and said, "In New York." Forra looked at the entrence of the cave. "New York? Hmm fine. Let's go." Forra headed over to the entrence of the cave and waited for the others. Luna looked at Triston and wagged her tail. He petted her head and said, "Ok. let's go." Triston went and stood by his sister and looked back at Faolin. Luna stayed next to Triston the whole time.
6:28pm Jan 14 2011
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Zela moaned her eyes slowly oppening. She was in Faolan's arms. "Where am I?" She struggled in Faolan's arms. She weakly brought one of her hands to her head and moaned again she had a pounding headace. ~~ Ritz approched the group and turned to Forra. "Is the opportunity still open?" he asked unusually shy. He looked at the ground and then looked at Zela who laied in Faolans arms limp looking around with a hand on her head. He then looked at the boy who must have been Forras brother triston. But he compleatly ignored Luna. He looked back to Forra and explained alittle further "You know to go with you." He laughed awkawardly.
9:59pm Jan 14 2011
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Forra was about to answer Zela when she heard Ritz. She turned around and said, "Sure." Forra looked back at Zela and said, "We're about to leave and go to New York." Forra turned and headed out the cave. "Come on! I want to get there as soon as possible." Triston followed Forra. Luna trailed next to Triston and ignored Ritz.
10:40am Jan 15 2011
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Faolan held Zela in his arms and nodded after Forra awnserd Zela's question "And it would be easier if you wouldn't squarm." He said annoyed already.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
12:48pm Jan 15 2011
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Zela looked at Forra and nodded then looked at Faolan and laughed weakly. "I can walk" She said getting out of his arms and balancing her feet on the ground. She still held on to his shoulder. ~~ Ritz looked at Luna keeping his gaze on her.
1:01pm Jan 15 2011
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Faolan chuckled and held Zela for support "I don't think it's really a good idea for you to be standing up maybe we should rest here for tonight." Faolan suggested.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
4:01pm Jan 15 2011
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Posts: 1,248
Forra turned around and looked at Faolin and Zela. "Hmm. I geuss we should. We'll stay here then." Triston nodded his head in agrement. "Sounds nice." ((brain dead. Does anyone want to do a time lapse. like for the next morning or they just arrive in New York.))
7:07pm Jan 15 2011
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<< Sure! It will make it go faster >> Zela smiled her eyelids felt heavy but she ignored it "No no Im fine." She smiled and took a steep almost loseing balance.
7:27pm Jan 15 2011
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Forra went over to Zela. "No you're not fine. A rest will do you and everyone else good. Now come on and rest." Forra smiled kinldy. Triston looked at his siter a little surprised. She's changed a lot. She used to be such a baby and now she's the complete opposite. I wonder what changed her so much? Luna looked at Triston worried. He seemed a little sad and she could feel it. But he was also happy. She could see it in his eyes. ((hey i've been thinking and i thought that our charries could posses a special ability. But first has anyone here seen tower prep? also if blue agrees will go ahead with the time lapse.))
9:13pm Jan 15 2011
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<< Dude I love Tower Prep! (Not just cause Ian's hot lol!) And yah and ability sounds good.... >> Zela nodded at Forra. She looked at Luna looking at Triston and sighed remembering how exausted she was. Ritz lurked into the cave with out being noticed and sat next to a dead firepit. << BRAINDEAD xD >>
9:28pm Jan 15 2011
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Posts: 2,023
((Ablility's sound good! And time lapse! 8D)) Faolan sat on the ground and leaned against the cave, his eye's feeling heavy, but he kept them open watching everyone especially Forra, smiling.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end