11:22pm Jan 15 2011
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((ok then that's a yes to the time lapse and abilitys. but how long should the time lapse be? And blue have you seen tower prep?))
11:27pm Jan 15 2011
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((no. Sorry DX))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
11:41pm Jan 15 2011
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((hmm. well not very good when it comes to explaining but here goes. Well first there's a school called Tower Prep. The students there each have a special ability. Ian has a version of spidey sense and reacts to it. Suki can manipulate her voice to anyones voice she has heard. CJ(a girl) can read peoples body language. Gabe can convince people he talks to to do what ever he says. do you get it? if so our charries would have similar abilitys.))
12:34am Jan 16 2011
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((Ok im game!))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
1:40pm Jan 16 2011
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<< The time lapes should be just until the next afternoon when they arrive in New York. Oh and maybe when they enter New york something happens and they get the ability one by one? But thats just a suggestion >>
7:58pm Jan 16 2011
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((ok then.)) Forra looked at the group. "Well we're almost to New York. Now all we have to do is catch a taxi." Forra looked at Luna. "You need to change back into a human." Luna looked at Forra then Triston who was holding a small bag. He handed her the bag and she walked away out of eye sight and changed back into a human. She quickly grabbed the clothes from her bag and put them on.(she's wearing the same clothes on her pic.) Grabbing her bag she came back. She placed her left hand on her right arm and looked at everyone shyly. Luna went over and stood next to Triston. Triston smiled at Luna reasuring her then looked at Forra who looked quite surprised. Forra coughed then looked at the group again. "Ok then. Now let's go." Forra turned around and headed up on a trail that led to a small gas station. Triston and Luna followed.
10:02pm Jan 16 2011
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Zela had her energy back only feeling slightly fatigue. As she walked she tried to stay near Forra and Faolan for those where the only ones she trusted. She stayed awfully quiet along with the rest of the group. It was as if they didnt know each other. She thought she should break the ice, even though Forra just said something. "So why exactly are we going to Tristons place?". As she started to see the gas station in the clearing ahead, she started to get a pounding headache."Ah" she mumbled to herself bringing her hand up to her head. ~~ Ritz lurked behind the group feeling out of place. When Luna started to change back to human form he kept a close eye on her. A feeling started to bubble in the pit of his stomach. No,no! I dont like her!! He scolded himself as relized that he was stareing at her.
11:08pm Jan 16 2011
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((Ritz be a perv! Bad! LOL. Omg I can't stop laughing! HAHAHAHA! I just read a book that had a similar situation. Don't be getting the wrong idea but that was funny. hahaha.... Oh the laughter hurts.)) Forra turned around and was about to speak when she noticed Zela was hurting. "Hey you ok?" Forra said walking up to her. Triston looked at Zela. Luna looked at Zela and walked over to her. "Are you alright?" Luna said shyly. ((Don't forget that she goes through a personality change when she changes into a werewolf. So when she's in her human form she's very shy and kinda sensative.))
11:44pm Jan 16 2011 (last edited on 11:45pm Jan 16 2011)
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<< Lol what book was it? >> Zela looked at the creatures, they where concerned. She quickly dropped her hand to her side. "What I dont know what you are talking about of course I am ok" She said. A tingaly feeling started in her head but she ignored it and looked around to each of them, dropping her head waiting for them to look away. ~~~ Ritz watched Zela and then watched Luna step closer to her. Hm... He stepped closer as well asking the question everyone was. "You ok?" His voice came out alittle horse but soon cleared it up. He looked at Luna and the back at Zela. "I got some money howabout I go buy you some water at the gas station." He walked up alittle and then said. "Anyone want to come with?" << The only reason Zela has a headache is cause I do haha! But the headache will triger her ability is that ok? And can her ability be reading people? >>
11:57am Jan 17 2011
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((Actually I don't remember what book it was. But it had a cover and pages that had words on them. Does that help? LOL)) Forra looked at Ritz. "Well we're all going to the gas station in the first place so let's all go." Forra looked at Luna. This is kinda surprising. Didn't expect her to be so young and look like that. Then there's the whole shy thing. So confusing. Forra looked at Zela a little worried then turned around and started to head towards the gas station. Triston headed after his sister. Luna tagged along side him. She looked back at Zela then took a quick glance at Ritz. She quickly looked back at Triston. ((ya go ahead. And you mean like CJ's power?))
1:13pm Jan 17 2011
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<< Haha a book with words on a page? I have never heard such a thing lol! >> Zela followed the group her head pounding still. She rolled her eyes at Ritz when he offered to by her a drink. She knew the real reason why he wanted to buy water. He just wants to Impress Luna. Ritz's face turned beat red as Forra told him they where all going to the gas station. << I would of said CJ's power but Reading people sounded more safisticated... I dont know if I spelt that right haha. >>
2:54pm Jan 17 2011
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Faolan stayed behind the group with his hands in his pockets. He walked beside Forra looking over at her every once in a while then looking back ahead. ((Fail))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
8:16pm Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 1,329
<< *Waits* I really want to bring in one of my other charries but I dont know for what >>
8:18pm Jan 21 2011
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((sorry i've been gone but the first semester finals took up all my free time. and leo how about your charrie is waiting at Triston's place and they're old friends. and Forra knows said person aswell.)) Forra took a few more steps and was out of the trees and saw the gas station only a little ways away. "Come on we're almost there." She said to the others. Forra continued to walk ahead. Luna stayed next to Triston and was very quiet. Triston just followed his sister. ((~FAIL~))
1:31am Jan 22 2011
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11:45am Jan 22 2011
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12:13pm Jan 22 2011
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((Im going to bring in a new chara, Faolan's brother)) Faolan followed Forra and looked around and saw a shadow in a tree "Hm?" He grunted and stopped. Giovanni, watched his little brother stop and look in the tree's. Giovanni jumped back into the shadows.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
6:13pm Jan 22 2011 (last edited on 6:14pm Jan 22 2011)
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Posts: 1,248
((coolness. don't forget his bio.))
9:47pm Jan 22 2011 (last edited on 6:50pm Feb 2 2011)
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<< Sure ok >> Zela Followed questions zipped through her painful head. "So, what are we going to do once we get to Tristons?" She looked down as the bell rang on the gas station door. The familiar smell of chips and un-mopped floor caught her attention. Zela looked at Faolan who had stopped. He looked as if he knew something was up. ~~~ Ritz just followed along. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Ariana Laraine June Gender: Female Age: 16 Species: Human Appearance: (not my art) Personality: She is shy and Due to her shyness she is very Observant and sees thing a person wouldn’t notice. Ariana is also unusually stubborn and loves to laugh. She is a Klutz. though you wouldn’t think so. Curious is another way to put her and also Pure basically meaning she is innocent in all the way you can think of. She is a curious girl and some times you would find her wandering off. She is Smart and is determined to do what others doubt or what’s on her mind. Some might say that she dreams to big and hardly lives. History: She dosent really have a history. She has knew Triston and Forra for the longest time but has hidden in the shadows ever since they...turned. Power: She has the power to heal wounds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Looks: Not my art Name: Zelatrina Goffer Age: 16 Gender: Female Species: Human Personality: She is fun and crazy. She over does stuff a lot and has a curious mind. She is fearless and lives for adventure. She isn’t a serious person though, she likes to goof off and joke around. You might think that she like to talk a lot but the truth is, is that she is awfully quiet. She laughs a lot which covers up the talking. Though Zela doesn’t talk a lot she does comment on almost everything, but mumbles it. She had to go to a tharapist who did absolutly noting to help her. Crush: None yet Other: er... no? History: She lives with her older brother James who is never home. Her parents died in a car crash when she was 10 and it has been her and her brother ever since. They have no family that they know of. Their parents never talked about any one related to them. Like they had something to hide. It wasnt bad her first 10 yrs of her life, though like her brother, her parents where gone alot. Power: She has the power to read minds but it gives her real bad headaces. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Rajanikant (Ritz) Jetson Gender Male Age 16 Appearance Not my art but I LOVE this picture! Again not my art Personality He doesn’t like to listen and he does his own thing. He doesn’t think age matters, meaning 'So what if you are older we have as much freedom as you'. He has strong opinions on things. He will do anything to prove that he is strong. He also has a nasty aditude. He can also be quiet and emotional at times (Rarely). He like to fool around a lot and isn’t that sociable. History He live a good life in Australia. His Father was monarchy of Australia. To him it was a duty of Honor, grace and Royalty but to Ritz it was just a boring job. Ritz father Hated him but he didn’t care he was never home. He was always in small places where it was quiet and easy for him to think. His mother died when she had her fifth kid, a boy and his father told Ritz that this year was his last year he would ever see his family again. The reason for that was 'cause Ritz's father thought it was his entire fault for the death of his mother. The only person Ritz ever talked to and liked was his younger sister Razailia who was 5 years younger than him. He sent Ritz off to america with one of his older sisters Power: He has the power to influance people or pursuade ( Gabes)
1:02am Jan 23 2011
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Forra looked at Zela. Kill my brother! Thet's what I'm going to do!!! Forra smiled and said, "Talk mostly... and a few other things." Ya I'm going to talk to him. While I'm killing him! Forra continued to smile. Triston looked at his sister. Oh crap I'm so dead. She has that look on her face. The one she always gave me before.... No not going to think about it. But it seems some of that old personality of hers is still there. Triston went over to the guy behind the counter and asked him for the phone. "i'm calling a friend to come and pick us up." Triston dialed a number and spoke into the phone. "Hey there man. Could you come pick me and a few people up?" There was a pause then Triston gave the person on the other phone the directions. "Ok then. We got ourself a ride." Luna looked at Triston then over to Forra who was smiling still. That smile has some serious evil behind it. She looked away.