5:01pm Nov 24 2010
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((sure you can and you can use both if you want. ya i'll start in a bit aswell.))
5:28pm Nov 24 2010
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<<Haha I suck at two charries :D>> Zelatrina rolled over in her bed and stared at the ceiling of her brothers apartment they lived in. They have lived there for six years now. "Ok." Zela said to her self as she roled herself out of bed walking to the window. A light sheet of snow was on the ground and big flakes where falling from the grey sky. "I thought we where in pennsylvania!" She joked to the air. When she was a kid she lived in alaska and her friends there didnt think it snowed in pennsylvania. The truth was that she was on the border line of pennsylvania and New York. Zela walked away from the window and got dressed in her knee high boots with her thigh high socks and a ruffled skirt. She put a blouse on and a vest over that, pulling part of her hair back tieing it with a big bow. Once she was done she walked out side with a cup of Herbal green tea. It was chilly out side but not freezing. She didnt get cold easy, though once out side gooes bumps covered her exposed skin. Behind the apartments there was a forest miles and miles deep. She wandered in there like she does every morning, taking in the beauty. She goes in ther for hours at a time just day dreaming.
6:04pm Nov 24 2010 (last edited on 11:10am Nov 25 2010)
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Forra was wondering around the forest. Her stomach growled but she completely ignored it. She has been a vampire for almost a month now and hiding in this forest was a pain. Her cave was about a mile away from where she was and she needed some time to think so she was roaming the forest. Forra was walking by a ledge and looked down. It wasn't that far down but still made her quezy when she looked. Not noticing the dip in the ground Forra put her foot down and tripped. "Oh no." She said as she fell over the edge. "Just what I needed." She said grimly. Few seconds later she hit the ground and pas.sed out. ------- Mitch was sitting on his bead eating his breakfeast. It tasted bland to him. He was still recovering from his cousin attacking him. He was mad at her for it but deep down he was very worried about her. "That's it! As soon as I recover I'm going to look for her so I can give her a piece of my mind." Mitch said with a mouth full of food. ((I'll introduce Triston later.))
8:09pm Nov 24 2010
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8:33pm Nov 24 2010
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<<I have a quick question. How are they suppose to meet? Or...? I dont know what to do with Zelatrina, now>>
10:42pm Nov 24 2010
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((well I geuss they all could appear around New York and eventually wind up in one spot. And for you how about you went a little deeper in the forest than usual and find Forra? Now I must go add that to the first page excuse me for a moment.))
11:11am Nov 25 2010
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11:11am Nov 25 2010
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<<Haha! Ok, Thanks. And Happy Thanks Giving!!! >> Zelatrina was now deep in the forest and her tea was all gone, the cup was cold. She was lost. How long had she been walking? And what was she thinking of so deeply that she ended up deep deep in the forest. The trees over head blocked the sky, not letting her see light, if there was any. It was cold out side. and the snow was lightly layered on the ground. "Stupid trees!" She shouted letting her voice echo throught the forest. Zela kept walking not turning back, just hoping that she would find something other than trees and snow. She dropped her cup not wanting to hold the heat sucking cup that made her hands frigid. She sighed looking around to trees. "Wait" Zela said to the thin light up a head. She ran towards it tripping and falling a little. Jumping and ducking alot. She came closer to this light until she was in it. She started to walk from there noticing the trees behind her, to the right and to the left of her. In front of Zela was an edge. She wasnt afraid of hights she just was afraid of falling. She approched the edge carefully looking down. There was a girl down there. Zelatrina gasped and steped back a few feet to examine what could have happend. Zela wasnt that good of an detective so she just as,sumed she was clumsy and fell. She re-approched the edge and yelled. "Hello!?" No sign of movment but also no sign of the girl being dead. Zela quickly turned around and scrumaged for something she could possibly drop on the girl to wake her or something. She picked up a branch and claimed her spot back up at the edge. "1, 2, 3..." She droped the small branch and waited... waited for something to happen.
11:32am Nov 25 2010 (last edited on 11:34am Nov 25 2010)
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Forra felt something hit her and wake her from her sleep. "Ow...." She sat up and shook some snow that had fallen on her off. A branch was on the ground next to her and she wondered where it came from seeing how there was no trees near by. So she looked up and was surprised to see a face looking down at her. Forra stood up a little shaky. Her stomach growled once again this time a little more feirce than before. Forra looked back up to the person on top of the edge and said, "Thanks for waking me up." Now how do I get back up there. Forra thought then went over to the wall and started to climb up.
11:48am Nov 25 2010
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Zela was suprised to see the girl look up at her and shrug the whole situation of falling off and start climbing. "Yah" She hollered, Stepping a few feet back she tripped on a small rock scraping her elbow on another rock but this time it was a little sharper. Zela let out a sreach and stayed sitting. She lifted up her arm to examine her elbow. It was a mess! Her elbow had a small gash on it but for some reason, it was covered in blood and dirt. She started to laugh and she lied down on the ground. For some reason there wasnt snow on the ground. Zelatrina stood up and shook the dirt off of her but let the blood stay, she didnt want to stain her clothes. She signed and stood by a tree waiting for the person to climb up.
12:27pm Nov 25 2010
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Forra heard the girl sceam and hurried. She got to the top and was hit by the scent of blood. Forra staggered a few steps forward and looked at the girl and asked, "Are you alright?" This isn't good I haven't fed for nearly a week and... it's getting harder to control myself.
12:57pm Nov 25 2010
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Zelatrina nodded and returned the question. "Are you ok?" She noticed the girl stumbled a little Zela tilted her head but soon shook her head and looked at the cut and laughed. "I just need to get this claned." She wiped away the blood with her hand letting her palm be covered with blood while her elbow seared with it. She started to giggle looking at the mess she made.
1:10pm Nov 25 2010
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Forra was starting to feel sick with hunger and her head was buzzing. "I belive there's a stream down this trail. You can clean it there." Forra was breathing a little hard and wished the girl would stop smearing her blood all over herself. It was getting a little hard to control herself from drinking her blood. ((just wondering but do you want Forra to drink her blood? Oh and by ny chance do you have a grape drop taffy?))
1:16pm Nov 25 2010
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Posts: 12,418
Akila sighed as she got up. She sighed, looking at her twin sister in the bed next to her's. She thre her pillow at her sister, who woke up immidately. "What was that for?!"Allyssa asked. Akila shrugged as she got up. "Ugh."Allyssa muttered. Akila walked out of their room and knocked on their brother's door. "Shane! Get up!"She called. "I am!"Shane yelled. "Meow. Ch."Akila smirked.
 (Banner made by Kina)
2:05pm Nov 25 2010
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<<Acctually I was just going to have Zela wipe the blood on a leaf lol but... I dont know XD And a grape drop taffy? No sorry.>> Zela nodded "Ha I was just going to wipe the blood off on a leaf but if you say there was a river then ok." she laughed at the thought. She looked back at the girl she still didnt know the name of. "Hey are you sure you are ok? Your looking a littled pale." She looked back down at the blood then to her feet. She let her limbs fall down to her sides. "Im Zelatrina by the way. You can call me Zela though." She gestureed toward the tree line and started walking wanting to find the river soon.
2:15pm Nov 25 2010
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Forra quickly went over to help guide Zelatrina. She walked about ten feet in front of her. "Nice to meet you Zelatrina. My name is Forra. And yes I'm ok just a little shaken, that's all." They were getting closer to the stream, she could now hear it. "The stream is just up ahead." Forra went around a tree and saw the stream in front of her. "Here it is." She said.
2:24pm Nov 25 2010
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Zela didnt know why but she was feeling uncomfortable around forra. She was truly greatful for the river. Zela didnt know this right on the surface but deep down she knew that Forra was watching with hungry eyes at her blood. Zela knelt down to the river and washed up. It was cold but felt good. Once done she stood back up and looked at forra. "Nice to meet you Forra." She smiled and didnt know what to do after wards. "Uh... So what are you doing out here in the forest?" She asked trying to find something to talk about. It was amazing, she had never really been the talkable person but now she was talking. I guess my tharapist was right. She giggled a little. Like her tharapist was right. He was never right, thats why she stoped going. She shook the thought out of her head by twirling in a circle waiting for and answer.
2:30pm Nov 25 2010
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Forra watched the girl twirl around and smiled. "Well I'm here in the forest because... I live here. A small little place about two miles away from here." Why am I tellign her this? It must be from my hunger.... "But tell me why are you here in the forest.?"
2:37pm Nov 25 2010
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Zela was confused "What? You live here? why?" She was suprised that Forra acctually told her the truth so she thought she could return the favor. "Oh I am here 'Cause I was going out for a walk..." He voice got quiet and it trailed off. "Then I got lost." She looked around where was she really? "Were are we?" This didnt look like the woods behind her apartment no more. It looked like woods where all the horror happened. But she wasnt scared. She walked closer to the river and squated down next to it. She made a cup with her hands and shoved them in the water and pulled them out bringing them to her mouth and took a big gulp. This was much better than her herbal tea.
2:45pm Nov 25 2010
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Forra went over to a boulder and sat on it. "Yeah I live here still a shock for me." Forra laughed lightly. "The reason why that is something I don't want to talk about.." Forra looked at the stream and watched the water flow freely by. "But as for where we are I'd have to say that I don't really know. I just know the area around my place and this is the farthest in this direction I've explored. The other side of the forest I know better." Forra raised her hand a few inches in front of her face then put it down. "I do belive though that we are on the border of New York and Pennsylvani." Forra looked at Zelatrina.