2:55pm Nov 25 2010
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Zela nodded understanding as Forra brought up not wanting to talk about why she lived here. She stood up and laughed. "Yah i kinda figured we where we where borderline," Zela walked over to a tree. She had tons of questions and something in her was telling her to explore. "So why where you out this far?" She asked not expecting and answer. She leaned up aginst the tree looking around. She was on her gaurd for some reason. Something didnt feel right, but she just guessed it was not being familiar with the place.
3:02pm Nov 25 2010
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Forra watched Zela explore and said, "I wanted to explore, see if I could find any food." Well I'm not lying just not telling the whole thing. "But instead of finding any food I fall off of that ledge back there and got myself found by you." Forra laughed but quickly stopped. Her hunger was getting worse. Forra leaned forward and cluched her stomach with her right hand. This isn't good... not at all.
3:10pm Nov 25 2010
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Zela turned around to see Forra grab her stomach. "Wow, you look hungry!" She giggled alittle before continuing. "Well, we can always go back to my brothers apartment. We have food." She was getting worried about Forra, though she didnt know her too well. "We have steak, veggies, apples, bacon, eggs, pancakes, all that good stuff." Zelatrina smiled a wry smile and walked a few steps closer. "When was the last time you ate." She now knew what was wrong. There were no animals in the forest. Not even a frog. It could just be that they scared them off but something was really creeping her out.
3:20pm Nov 25 2010
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Forra looked at Zela and said, "That's nice and everything but I can't." The last time I ate? How long ago was that? A caouple days, a week? I can't remember. Forra's stomach started to hurt more so she clutched it with both hands. Whatever you do... don;t come near me. Forra bent her head down so Zela couldn't see her face.
3:28pm Nov 25 2010
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Zela was confused she could tell the girl was hurting. Why wont you let me help you?! She thought looking at Forra concerned. Zela steped back to where she was before letting her have her space. Zela hated being sad and concerned, it made her mad that she couldnt do anything. She sighed and sat down aginst the tree. She leaned her head back aginst the wall and closed her eyes thinking of something to do. Why, why why?! She thought trying so hard to think what to do. She came up empty. She couldnt think. Not now, not when she knew NOTHING would help the girl.
3:34pm Nov 25 2010
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Forra peered over at the girl to see her leaning against a tree with her neck exposed. Forra looked away to atop temptation an got off the boulder. She faced away from Zela and said, "Hey I'm fine just hungry... so don't worry ok." Forra was a little curious and asked, "Zela, do you belive in things that don't exist?" Maybe she'll think I'm trying to change the subject. I hope it goes the way I want and she doesn't panick cause that will just make it worse for the both of us.
3:50pm Nov 25 2010
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Zela looked up and giggled at her question. She remembered her and her brother guessing what mythical creatures there parents where hiding when they wouldnt let them see there reletives. "Yah I do!" She looked away from Forra. "Why do you ask?" She was thinkinging about her past. "Hey James I think grandma and grandpa are vampires and our cousins are werewolf" Zela giggled as her brother now guessed. "Maybe they will turn us into a vampire or werewolf and we will live in the woods and form a pact, only feeding off animals." Zela nodded as her brother left the room and she fantisised. Zela sighed and mimicked Forras position
3:55pm Nov 25 2010
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Forra laughed. "So you do. What about vampire's, do you belive in them?" Forra was very interested for some reason and waited for a reply. ((failness))
4:04pm Nov 25 2010
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"Of course!" Zela chuckled. She smiled to herself, a sad smile. She wished she really knew her whole family, not just what her and her brother imagined. <<FAIL :( I gtg... family has arrived! Have a great Turky day!>>
5:01pm Nov 25 2010
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Posts: 1,805
((I had lost the tab)) Ivory walked gracefully through the forest. There was little she could do. Kill, kill, kill. Not much of a life. She leant against a tree and dug her nails into the bark. The gentle crunch as the finger nails pierce the tree's crust made her feel at ease. It was one of the few memories she had left. the tree apple orchard on the old mansion estate, the smell as her boots grazed the bark leaving an aroma of fresh, living wood. The smells where what really triggered the flash backs. Nothing else really, She remembered her mother. How could she ever forget that sight, The Dark surrounding her where blobs of un-identified beings. How she despised them greatly, they took her mother away from her, Now she wanted to take something from them. Ivory spotted a deer. It grazed on the gr*censored* that was dotted about the trees. Ivory's eyes became slit-like as the instincts kicked in. She darted for the deer's neck, drawing blood from it in an instant. The beast attempted to kick itself free, but fail as its strong legs became limp. Ivory pulled her head away and looked at her hand. "Never done that before."
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

10:47pm Nov 25 2010
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Posts: 1,329
<<Eeeee! goodie people =D>> Zela became suddenly verry curious why Forra wanted to know all this. Was she one? No, she coulnt be. Could she? Zela walked over to the straming water. She never noticed how clear and reflected it looked. It seemed so peaceful, like nothing around it matters. She envyed the feeling at the moment. She knelt on her knees making her thigh high socks get soaked with dirt and snow. She sat back on her heels looking at the beautiful water not caring about anything but family at the moment. She could see hereslf in the waters reflection. She stared at herself for several seconds wondering who she was acctually was. "James what will we do when we find our family" The girls voice was all innocence and curious. "We will ask how it was becoming a vampire or a werewolf." The boys eyes where staring off in the distance as the little girl stared at him with deep curious blue eyes. "Yes James, yes! And we will have them turn us into one also!" The boy chuckled and looked at his sister who had no idea what the consequences' where. Zela wished that she could be anything but herself right at the moment. She wanted to be special. She wanted to feel loved not abandoned.
10:15am Nov 26 2010
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Posts: 1,805
((please can you give me a recap? so i know what to post next?))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

10:23am Nov 26 2010 (last edited on 10:25am Nov 26 2010)
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Posts: 1,329
<<Zela and Forra are in the forest border line of New your And Pennsylvania. Forra fell off an edge of a ciff and pas,sed out, Zela found her woke her up, but in that process Zela got a small little scrape on her elbow which bleed alot making Forra more hungry. So now they are at a creek, Forra is on a bolder and Zela is knelt by the creek wondering why Forra was asking about mythical creatures.... Forra is verry verry hungry btw.>>
12:19pm Nov 26 2010
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Posts: 1,805
((Thanks)) Ivory looked at the beast lying dead on the floor, jolting now and then, as the last few impulses ran down its spine. She peered back at her stained hands, unsure of what just happened. She brought her hand to her mouth, running her fore-finer along her bottom lip. The smell was intoxicating. Her neck twitched, eye's rolling back into her skull as she shut her lids. She exhaled out and smiled curiously. This is so peculiar. She though to herself. Making a fist, she started to search for somewhere to wash her hands. Hearing the rush of water in the distance in the now deadly quiet forest. She started to search for the river, soon approaching the source of the sound. It was a fast flowing river, soon cleansing her tips from the death written all over them. She followed the streak of red for as long as it remained solid in the slowing water. It eventually slowed down and the red, gone. She picked her head up, m*censored*aging her neck with the palm of her hand. There was a stabbing sensation that wouldn't go away, and she did not know the cause. "Oh Darn it all." She muttered, picking up the sound of chatter. This is most odd. She noted, realising that her hearing had drastically improved. She shrugged it off, now, following the sound waves as they weaved in and out of the forest edge.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:40pm Nov 26 2010
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Posts: 1,248
Forra looked at Zela. "You're probably wondering why I amasking you these odd questions. Truthfully I don't know why I'm asking them myself. Probably from being up here alone-" And hungry. "Finally got to me and I'm going crazy." I need to feed. "Now tell mewhat's theworst possible situation for a human to be in when near a vampire?" Forra was eyeing Zela's neck with hunger but looked away when she realized what she was doing.
5:04pm Nov 26 2010
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Posts: 1,329
Zela was shooken from the trance of her missing her family and focused on the question. "Im not exactly sure." Zela said truthfully. "But I guess its when they are starving or hungry that its the worst wait-" She was going say Your hungry and its bad to be around vampires when they are hungry so! But instead she said. "Or when they first turn?" She wasnt entirely sure if she should be on her gaurd around her or be backing away thinking she was crazy. But she decited to be on her gaurd. She stood up and walked over to the tree again and leaned aginst it once more watching the girl. She heard some noises up the river but thought nothing of it. She just kept looking Forra!
5:18pm Nov 26 2010 (last edited on 5:19pm Nov 26 2010)
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Forra heard the noises but quickly ignored it and looked over to Zela. "Probably think I'm crazy. I most likely am." Forra said with a distant sort of look on her face. Forra laughed a little histaric. Then stopped and placd a hand on her forhead. "It's a good thing you are being defensive and not running. If you ran it would probably not end well." Forra said. She could tell that her voice sounded odd, full of hunger.
6:09pm Nov 26 2010
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Posts: 1,329
Zela chuckled with scared and questioning in it. She looked down at her feet waiting for the worst to happen. She usually doesnt get scared to easily but now she was frightened. She didnt want to wait here in silence just to find out something bad would happen so she just thought she would put something out testing her life. "So..." Her voice trailed off and got even more quiet as she spoke. "Are you saying your a vampire?" She scoffed a little to hint that she didnt care but quickly added "Cause you know you could of just said that." She would give anything right now just to make some one come down from up stream and break this awkward tention.
6:17pm Nov 26 2010 (last edited on 6:18pm Nov 26 2010)
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Forra smiled. "Ah you get. I thought you wouldn't." Forra closed her eyes and when she reopened them they were crimson red. She smiled showing off her fangs that gleamed when hit with light. "But please don't be afraid I won't hurt you. Well try not to, seeing how I haven't eaten for over a week now it's very hard to control myself at the moment." Forra spacedoff for a moment then looked right into Zela's eyes. "Well it would be nice if you would allow me to have some of your blood. But do remember this, do not run or I may lose control and kill you!" ((like her bio says she's very odd when hungry but can be gentle. But ya have to go I should be back on later today. bye.))
7:14pm Nov 26 2010
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Posts: 2,023
((how can i have my chara jump in?))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end