8:41pm Nov 26 2010
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Zela laughed finnaly knowing the truth. "Thats a relif, for a moment I thought-" She stopped not wanting to offend her in any way. "Well any, sorry. You know when I got the scrape." She looked down at her feet not wanting to look at her hungry eyes or those mocking fangs. "Its fine." She said she didnt really know how this would work but she was up for a challenge. "I can tell you are hungy so, yah you can have some of my blood." She looked up and gave a sly smile, the words felt strange in her mouth but she allowed it. Zela steeped closer to Forra slowly not wanting to strike her hunger more and for Forra to kill her. Zela held out her wrist not knowing how the process worked. <<Blue~ Maybe you can be in the same forest as them and while Forra is drinking Zela's blood you walk in or something... I dont kow XD>>
10:17pm Nov 26 2010
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Forra was surprised that Zela was allowing her to drink her blood and regained enough sense to smile kindly. Kinda hard though with the fangs. Anways she couldn't retract them at the moment. She took the last few steps between her and Zela and grabbed her rist. "I'm still new at this and have only fed off one person and I killed him." Forra frowned as she thought of her cousin Mitch on the ground not breathing. Then Forra's face took on a stern face and she said, "So if for some reason I can't stop I want you to hit me in the head and you must do it hard. Got it?" ((ok i'm back. i'llbe on till reset.))
11:36pm Nov 26 2010
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((added a who is who list on the post below my charrie's.))
11:45pm Nov 26 2010
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Zelas eyes widdened when she told her that she killed a boy. She wasnt convinced though. Her voice remained calm. "Im sure you didnt compleatly kill him." She said trying to make her head clear. She giggled and then talked "should I grab a rock?" It wasnt a serious question so she got her wrist in a comfortable position and nodded. She was verry curious about her species. She shouldnt say species, instead something more simple, maybe kind? She wasnt sure. She didnt want to stay in silence while she feed so she thought she would talk. "You know I have a brother, James, he is 21 and I never see him any more. He wakes up early and stays out late." She looked away from Forra ready for her to bite when ever. "Anyways when we where younger we use to fantasise what are relatives where. Our parents never told us about our relatives so we made them up." She giggled trying to to feel the sting. "Our grandparents are Vampires and our cousins are Werewolfs. My brother and I would be turned into vampires and live in the woods only feeding off animals. Doing what ever we please."
11:56pm Nov 26 2010
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Forra laughed a little. "That's very interesting." She said while letting go of Zelas wrist and bending over to grab a rock. She stood back up and placed the rock in Zela's other hand and grabbed her other hand. Forra quickly brought Zela's hand to her mouth and bit down. She didn't want to warn her becuse she would of tensed and that would of made it hurt alot worse. Forra tried as much as possible not to move orlose control. ((Remember she's gentle.))
12:06am Nov 27 2010
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<<Haha yah, but Zela isnt so sure.>> Zela laughed a little and started to be calm once more but when Forra gave her the rock she wasnt so sure. She felt a slight pain in her wrist looking over at Forra who was enjoing herself. She laughed in her head but thought it would be best to stand still while she drank. The rock in her hand made her think of a concerning thought. When was she suppose to know when Forra was drinking too much? What would happen if she interrupted her while drinking? No. Her thoughts dissagreeed with her questions. Forra is just a gentle person who is a tad hungry. She smiled to herself, the thought of truth made her calm. She focused on how forra was drinking and what she looked like when she did.
12:17am Nov 27 2010
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Forra immediately felt her hunger being appeased. Forra closed her bright crimson eyes and enjoyed the delightful taste of her blood. She could feel Zela's discomfort and could hear her heart beat. For some reason it sounded strangely calming. Forra relaxed and sligtly started to space out as she continued to drink Zela's blood. When Zela's heart beat started to slow down did it bring her back to her senses. She wasn't full but she had to stop herself from harming Zela any more. She opened her eyes and retracted her fangs. She let go of Zela's wrist and took a few steps back and sat onthe ground.She looked up at Zela andsaid,"Sorry I hope I didn't tak to much.You okay?" ((gtg be on tomorrow.))
12:34am Nov 27 2010
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<<Bye Bye :D>> Zela giggled. "Its fine!" Her wrist felt all tingly anf she giggled more. "Hope that was good." She wanted to help more. "When ever you need more let me know." Zela ploped on the ground. She giggled some more. It was like she was under an influance of a drug. She shook her head to get herself out of the trance. It didnt help much 'cause she felt light headed so she forced herself up and slpashed water on her face and drank some. Much better. She sat back down where she was standing and looked at Forra who was looking much better. "So tell me about this boy." She tilted her head side to side with a small grin. "Only if you want to." She thought of her brother. "Did you have any sibling?" She really missed her brother, who was now never home. Where is he? She wondered still tilting her head side to side but this time in more of a circular motion/
4:08am Nov 27 2010 (last edited on 1:54pm Nov 27 2010)
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Ivory finally reach the commotion. It was two girls at the edge of the river. She cocked her head, rotation it to try and ignore the sensation that was fumbling at the back of her skull. "Excuse me, I'm not interrupting anything am I?" She questioned in a solemn intimidating voice. She towered over the two girls, one on the floor, and the other on a rock. Whilst approaching them, she had piked up that the one on the rock was called Zela, and the other, Forra. "May I ask what you two are doing out here?" She continued, kneeling down next to the river bed, washing off a splatter of deer blood that remained on her shirt.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

11:22am Nov 27 2010
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Zela quickly jotted up as she heard a voice behind her. It was a good thing the girl wasnt here a minute ago or she probaly would have freaked out,She giggled at the thoght but then refocused her attention to the girl. She shook her head to the first question and said. "Just out for a morning walk." she hid her dotted wrist be hind her as she looked at Forra then to the girl. "What 'bout you?" She now put her other hand behind her so it didnt make the position look to suspicious. Was this the thing that kept Zela on her gaurd? She didnt know. But the thing that bugged her was that the girl was washing red stains off her shirt.
2:10pm Nov 27 2010
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Ivory continued to look down at the mark as she spoke. "Morning walk? sounds rather cliché don't you think?" She queried. Ivory stood up and patted the pinkish blob that now resided on her shirt. "No? well, I don't actually recall I asking you what you where doing, so I feel no need to tell you." She said smugly, leaning against a stray tree on the forest border. Ivory glanced down to the speechless girl on the floor. She could sense a somewhat similar presence about her. Her silver hair mimicked her own. Whether that was a mere coincidence or not, she was unsure.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

3:05pm Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 1,329
Zela laughed. "True Chiz. Well at least for me." She didnt really like this girl once she wouldnt answer her question. She shrugged the girls answer off. What was wrong? Why couldnt she just say a simple answer that didnt take much effort. Zela watched the girl eye Forra. She turned and walked to the nearest tree to lean up aginst. As she sat she studied the girl. She couldnt tell much, only that she was curious like herself. Zela crossed her arms and looked down at the bite. She really wanted the girl to leave. She had so many questions for Forra that she couldnt ask around this stanger.
3:56pm Nov 27 2010
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Forra didn't move and she was still recovering from her hunger. She could sense a strange similiarity about the girl but she had never met her in her life. Who is this girl and why do I smell dear blood? Forra looked at the girl out of the corner of her eye. She spotted the pink stain on her shirt. So that's why I smell dear blood. This is very interesting. Forra smiled wickedly.
3:57pm Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 2,023
((hm... how can i bring my chara into this?))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
4:00pm Nov 27 2010 (last edited on 4:02pm Nov 27 2010)
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Ivory ignored the fact that Zela was looking at her. She rolled her eyes and took focus on a chirping bird in tree above. She brought her hand to her neck and started m*censored*aging it once again. Inhaling deeply, dispelling the temptations that aroused her, Ivory decided to climb the tree. Stepping back off the trunk, she scanned the surface for a foot hole, quickly finding a notch where a once very low branch cropped out. She placed her black booted foot on the outcrop and pushed herself up the tree,her long legs aiding her. Grabbing the first branch in reach she pulled herself onto a sturdy branch and sat down, one leg hanging over the edge. Ivory flattened her skirt so it wasn't to revealing, then gave it not a second thought. She had no intentions of annoying Zela, however she wouldn't get out of the way of her own father, let alone some girl on a rock.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:03pm Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 1,329
<<Maybe you can be in the Forest too and walk in on the conversation, we arnt really havving lol!>>
4:05pm Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 1,248
((omg you could be chased by a bear! lol.))
4:16pm Nov 27 2010
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<<haha you could! >> Zela looked away from the girl and instead looked at Forra who was just sitting with a grin on her face. Leave! Why Wont you leave?! Zela was known for a bad temper when she was younger but now everyone says she had out grown it. They where wrong. "What do you want anyways?" She looked back up at the girl. Zelas face was blank. If the girl had been alittle nicer Zela wouldnt mind that the girl was there...but. She looked back at her wrist that had two little dots and then to Forra, the river and back to the girl she didnt care for the name.
4:23pm Nov 27 2010
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Forra looked at Zela and mouthed, "I believe she is like me. I want you to stay away from her.". Forra had finally recovered and got up. She walked to the river and washed her hands and face. She then looked up at the girl in the tree and said, "What are you doing up there?" Forra was on edge and didn't like this girl that much.
4:30pm Nov 27 2010 (last edited on 4:31pm Nov 27 2010)
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Zela caught a hint of what Forra mouthed but she understood and nodded. She shut her mouth not saying anything more to the girl who could kill her in an instance. Zela watched Forra wash up and ask the girl a question. She didnt get it, why was she so calm today but suddenly everything that happened today caught up with her, and she was amazed. "Wow." she whispered to herself. She stared off in the distance and started to hum. Its what her mom use to sing to her when she was younger. She really wanted the girl to leave now. <<Sorry mines such a fail, I didnt know what to say O.O>>