4:38pm Nov 27 2010
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((toshiro isn't on so this may take a while. unless bluejay comes in being chased by a bear. lol. you don't ave to be chased by a bear but that would be hilarious.))
5:11pm Nov 27 2010
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((Sorry, I live in GTM, 6 hours ahead, so its 11pm, and my dad is kicking me off my computer.)) Ivory watched as the pale girl walked over to the river. "I like trees... and rivers, and in general, nature. It makes me feel calm, Ever since..." she trailed off an sighed. Ivory's brow softened as she looked at her hand palm. She clenched her fist. Ivory hopped down out of the fairly high tree, landing crouched on the floor, steadying herself with her fingers. She stood up and looked at at the two who obviously didn't want her there. Ivory rolled her eyes before she spoke. "I would of left if you had asked me to. I'm going to find food." She started, turning her head into the depth of the forest. " I wonder if there are any apple tree's in there?" she queried, turning to go search for some fruit.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:22pm Nov 27 2010 (last edited on 5:25pm Nov 27 2010)
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Forra relaxed a little. "I's getting late." Forra said while looking up at the quickly moving sun. "We should probably find some shelter seeing how my place is to far away." Forra went over to Zela and said, "Unless you think we can make it back to your place before the sun sets." ((wow 6 hours ahead. it's ok toshiro i completely understand.))
5:34pm Nov 27 2010
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Zela was still silence her temper had pas,sed. She was confussed thoguh. "Fruit?" She whispered still looking off in the distance. I thought Vampires only drink blood for food. She wanted to say but didnt. When Forra talked Zela stood up. "I dont know." Not knowing what time it was Zela didnt know. Her stomach growled but she ignored it. She hadnt ate all day. Only drank a cup of herbal green tea, "I dont think we can make it. I usually go out at dawn and come back at dusk, and I have never been out this far." A quick pause. "I Think we should find shelter." She completly trusted Forra now, and didnt mind that she was a vampire. She just made a mental note not to get hurt.
5:44pm Nov 27 2010
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Forra looked around. "Well this would be an ideal place so lets find a good area where we can make a shelter. I blieve there's one over there." Forra went over to a couple trees and said, "Just as I thought." Then she came back out carrying a broken branch which she placed in one of the trees. "So all we need now is some more branches to cover the top in case it rains." Forra went to a dying tree and broke a branch off.
5:53pm Nov 27 2010
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Zelatrina watched as Forra found shelter. When she asked for some branches Zela just nodded and went to search. She walked the way she would go if she were gonna go back to the apartment. She remembered a pile of branches sitting next to a tree. She soon spotted them and then turned to go back but tripped over something cold and hard. A rock maybe? She laughed "Ow!" She regathered the branches and walked over to see what she tripped over. It was her cup that she dropped earlier. Smiling she picked it up and walked back to the shelter. "Hey Forra I found a pile of branches!" She dropped the arm full of branches around the shelter along with her cup.
6:02pm Nov 27 2010
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Forra looked at the branches and said, "Those are enough. I'll start setting it up now." Forra grabbed some branches and placed them in various places in the trees. Eventually they took form and a shelter was made. "Ok it's almost done. Just need some soft stuff to lay on. Like moss, leaves and stuff like it. ((gtg. i might be on later.))
6:52pm Nov 27 2010
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<<Ok... Bye...Mines a fail>> Zela watched forra finnish and then with out a sound went off to to look for moss or dry leaves. She soon found some dry moss and some leaves, but only enough for one person. She went back to the shelter and put it down and left in the other direction to find more moss. She found tons. Walking back with an arm full she set it down. "Now what?" she said picking up her cup and smiling.
12:18pm Nov 28 2010
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9:30pm Nov 28 2010
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Forra looked at Zela and was surpised to see how much she collected. "Well now we each make a bed." Forra said while taking some of themoss andlaying it inside the shelter and started making her bed. ((faaail.))
9:34pm Nov 28 2010 (last edited on 9:35pm Nov 28 2010)
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Night was already here and Zela and Forra accomplished 2/3 things on her list. Make a shelter. Cheek. Make beds. Cheek. make a Fire. Un-cheek. It was already black out and she didnt know how to make a fire. She didnt feel the need to ask though. Instead she said. "Tell me about the boy." She said softly in her own bed. "Only if you want to. Though." She looked down at her cup and asked. "Do you have any siblings?" She set her cup aside and lied down.
9:45pm Nov 28 2010
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Forra looked at Zela and slightly frowned. "Well the boy... was my cousin." Forra got up and grabbed some sticks. She set them in a hole that she had dug while Zela was looking for moss and leaves. She grabbed some tinder and placed it under and on top the sticks. "I a have a brother." Forra said while grabbing a lighter out of her pocket. She started the fire and sat back down on her bed. "What about you?"
9:56pm Nov 28 2010
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Zela noticed she asked the wrong question but was suprised to see Forra answer. It wasnt much of an answer though. Zela understood, though. She giggled when Forra lit a fire. It was like she was reading her mind. "I just have a brother James. He is never home though. Always out working I as,sume" She said. She thought about seeing if Forra could really read her mind so she thought What else about your cousin? And was your brother a vampire too cause you didnt say you drank his blood. She rolled over on her stomach and looked at the blazing fire.
10:10pm Nov 28 2010
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Forra looked at the fire and said nothing. "Zela," Forra paused then said, "Why aren't you afraid of me? I mean I'm a vampire and you aren't completely freaking out about it. It's really confusing."
10:19pm Nov 28 2010
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Nope It didnt work. Zela looked at Forra. "Oh... I am afraid dont you see the horror on my face?" She mimicked the scream and then laughed. She calmed down "I know. I am kinda confused too but... Well I dont know why Im afraid. Well I dont get afraid often but this would have freaked me out." She sighed not knowing what to say. "you know how people say you shouldnt judge a book by its cover? Well I am judging you as a nice person. Acctually a nice vampire." She paused. "You would of killed me already if you wanted to right?"
10:35pm Nov 28 2010
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Forra smiled. "Yeah I geuss. It's a good thing I'm a good person. Well vampire." Forra laughed at the same mistake that Zela had just said. "Now you should go to sleep. I'll stay up so we don't get attacked by a bear that will chase us." Forra giggled.
10:44pm Nov 28 2010
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<<I gotta go! Night>> Zela nodded and then giggled at the joke, or what she thought was a joke that Forra told. "Ok. Wait what about you?" She thought for a second then laughed. "Nevermind oh just promise you wont kill me while I sleep" She laughed and then rolled over on her back and closed her eyes.
10:51pm Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 2,023
Faolan was walking and stopped and looked around he thought he heard something follow him. He shrugged and continued to walk after a while he saw smoke and his stomach growled. He began to jog when a huge shadow cast over him. Faolan turned around and a bear was on its hind legs. Faolan screamed and ran towards the fire "AH someone help!." he yelled
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
10:56pm Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 1,248
((OMG a bear!!! I can't belive you acctualy did it. ROFL))
10:58pm Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 2,023
((lol thats the only thing i could put in lol))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end