1:48am Nov 29 2010
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Ivory looked up through the canopy. It was dark already. Ivory scuffed her shoe in the leaf litter before continuing to return towards where she had left the two girls, three apples at hand. she paused. They where no longer there. Must have moved at dusk. Ivory picked her head up and listened closely. She snapped her head in the direction of a kindling fire. Lets see then shall we. Ivory had come to terms with what she might be. When she woke up that morning, she was unsure of herself, but that feeling subsided as she killed the dear and had aches in her neck. Ivory Bit into the crisp green apple and closed her eye's the taste was divine, however something was lacking, she picked it up however almost instantly. Arriving before a cliff face, Ivory scanned it as best she could due the circumstances of tree's blocking her view. Suddenly she heard a shrill of terror, followed by a roar. Bear. This would be most interesting. Ivory started to dash for the creature, her eyes became slitted and falcon like, teeth extending. Her speed had also increased. approaching the beast, the lobbed her bitten apple at the bears head to distract it from the male in its path. She leaped onto its back and grabbed its neck viciously. The beast attempted to bat her off but failed as it toppled over backwards. Ivory left its back as it fell, landing beside the fallen bear who was scrambling to get to its feet. Ivory's breathing was heavy, she quickly turned her yellow gaze towards Forra before she braced herself from the impact of the bear. Although she was new to the whole situation, she was sure she could of finished it off when she had the beast neck, her other senses aswell as speed had increased, so why not strength?
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:02pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 2,023
Faolan looked at the bear who was scramdeled back to its feet. Faolan looked at it and grabbed a dagger he has in his jacket pocket and held it in defence and waited for the bear to attack again. As soon as the bear stood up straight Faolan ran and jumped into the air and landed on its back and slashed its neck with his dagger and jumped down and watched the bear fall back down.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
6:21pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 1,248
Forra was standing upand ready to fight. She was sruprised to see the girl from earlier and a guy thatshe'd never before seen. The bear had collapsed and blood was flowing from the gash in his neck. The smell of the blood tantalized her senses and was very tempted to drink it's blood. The bear struggled to breath then stopped. It lay motionless with blood still seeping from the gash. Forra looked at the girl then the boy. "Are you two alright?"
7:58pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 1,248
((Well I gtg. See you people's tomorrow. Bye!!!))
9:49pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 2,023
Faolan looked at Forra and nodded with a strange smile and a slight blush when he caught a glimps of her and then said "yeah im fine alittle frightened at first but im doing alright." he chuckled but kinda weird tone now. ((fail sorry x.x))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
10:06pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 1,248
Forra said, "That's good." She looked over to the fire. "If you want you two can come sit by the fire. Just don't wake Zela up." Forra turned and walked overto the fire. She sat down and looked at them. The boy is kinda cute. She thought but didn't show interest in the boy. But the girl... well I don't know about her.
10:13pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 2,023
Faolan smiled "yes thank you." he said and sat down in front of the fire and looked at Forra every once in a while and looked away quickly when his eyes met hers she's the first one in years that i've ever been attracted too. he thought to himself and looked at the fire blushing
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
10:44pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 1,248
Forra saw the boy glance at her now and then. I can sense that same similarity about him like the girl. If they are vampires how did they end up here? Forra thought. She looked at the boy and said "My name is Forra. That's Zela."Forra pointed to the girl asleep behind her. "What's your name?"
10:46pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 2,023
Faolan jumped when he heard her say something "uh... my sames Faolan." he held out a hand "im pleased to meet you." he said smiling like an idiot and looked around making sure no one or anything else was around. He slowly put his dagger in his case and put it back in his inside coat jacket,
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
11:01pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 1,248
Forra shook his hand. She pulled her hand away and said, "It's nice to meet you Faolan." Forra looked at him and wondered, Why is he up here in the forest? I thought this place would be deserted this time of year. Geuss not. Forra let out an exhausted yawn. She was bored and had nothing to do at night. Just staying up looking at the starlit sky. She looked up at it and saw a shooting start go by. She made a wish then continued looking at the sky. She had wished, I wish I could find my brother. ((gtg. night... *yawn*.))
1:25am Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 1,805
Ivory knelt down by the now dead bear, picking up her apple that had previously been used as a projectile. She scooped the fruit off the floor and took another bite. Initially, she would of had the bears blood, however now that she was too her senses once more, she no-longer had the desire for blood, and also because the lad intervened so it was now his kill and she saw that as disrespect full. Ivory glanced to the two now by the fire talking and decided to join them. She tossed one apple to each of them and sat cross-legged onto the ground taking another bite.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

7:23am Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 2,023
Faolan looked at the apple then tossed it back to Ivory "im not hungry."he said but it was a lie he was starving but he guessed it wouldnt matter for one more day. He leaned back and looked at the stars and saw another shooting star and closed his eyes i wish i knew what happened to my family he wished and kept his gaze at the sky
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
6:57pm Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 1,329
<<Darn! Sorry schools been hestic... Can some one re-cap for me?>>
9:16pm Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 1,248
((while your charrie slept a bear chased Faolin and then Ivory attacked it. Faolin killed the bear. Now We're all sitting down at the fire and your charrie is still sleeping.)) Forra looked at the apple. "Thanks." She said before taking a bite. The apple was very juicy. Forra looked at the girl and asked, "We've met before but I never learned your name." Forra helld out her hand and said, "My name is Forra. You are?" Forra was feeling better then earlier that day and didn't think the girl was as bad as she thought.
9:29pm Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 2,023
Faolan finally took his eyes off the sky and looked at he fire the picked up a little stick and threw it into the fire and watched in go into the flames. He leans back and slowly closes his eyes. ((fail))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
9:56pm Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 1,329
<<Oh wow my charrie must be a heavy sleeper lol!>> Zela woke up not knowing what time it was. Her eyes slowly peled open as she sat up slowly looking around. In her head she counted 1...2...3...? She blinked once 1...2..3...?! She blinked again 3!? She thought for a second looked at the crackling fire and then looked at the two people she couldnt name at the moment.She grunted and whiped her eyes. Wait is that the girl from before! She shook her head and looked at Forra. "who are these people?" She looked at the boy and then at the girl and finnally back at Forra. Zela scratched her head and then smoothed down her soft light brown hair,
2:00pm Dec 1 2010
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Posts: 1,805
Ivory was staring out of the cave as she was addressed. "Yes, I was aware of your name." She turned to Forra and dipped her head acknowledgement. "My name is Ivory." She said bluntly, starring out of the cave once more. "I'm also aware that I may seemed to come off negative and harsh... pay no heed to that, I am not a social person." She informed Forra taking the final bite of her apple, tossing the core into the fire, listening to it crackle as the air inside the porous fruit expanded and popped. A light aroma of cooked apple drifted past her nostrils restoring yet another memory. "Miss Sky?" She heard a voice amongst a rustling of leaves. "Miss Sky supper is ready." Said the voice. A young Ivory opened her eyes revealing herself to be in an old oak tree south of the Estate. The breeze carrying the scent of cinnamon and apple crumble from the kitchen. "Miss Sky, please get down from that tree, it is not suitable for a lady of your stature." spoke a young woman in her twenties. "Don't worry yourself Mary, I'm coming." Replied Ivory, hopping down from the high tree, her skirt flailing in the wind. she landed on her knee's and hands and laughed. "That could of ended up worse." She chuckled. "Miss Sky..." Started Mary, before she was interrupted by ivory, insisting that she call her by her first name. "Ivory. you truly need to be more careful." She said in a soft voice. "I am careful, arn't I?" Chuckled Ivory, taking Mary by the hand and running towards the house. Ivory looked to the newly awoken Zela who sat rather startled in the cave. Ivory stood up and headed to the entrance of the cave, looking up to the moon in the sky.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

3:43pm Dec 1 2010
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Posts: 1,329
<<Wait we are in a cave? Lol, i just thought we where out side near a tree or something haha>> Zela blinked. So it was the girl frome earlier. Ivory huh? She smiled a weak un-sure smile to Ivory, now knowing her name. She looked at the boy. "And you are?" Her voice was soft not nearly awoken yet. Wait? Zela looked back at Forra remebering earlier that day or was it yesterday? Vampires? She thought looking at all of them. Forras good, Ivory is well I dont know yet, and the boy? She didnt know him but guess he was a vampire too. Did they know that? That was the only question the flew wildly in her head. Ha! Its probably not good to be the only human in the circle then. Zela looked down and smiled suddenly finding the forgotten bite marks on her wrist. She quickly turned her wrist down wards so no one could see. Maybe the two wont expect me to be human, Maybe since I was around Forra I had a vampire sent to me. Do vampires have a certain smell? Zela shook her head making all the thoughts leave. Her stomach growled and she laughed bringing one hand to it, silencing the growl.
5:44pm Dec 1 2010
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Posts: 1,805
Ivory's now highly developed ears heard Zela's scuffling. She the scent of blood. It was differen't to that of the bears and deer's. She had not smelt it earlier due to Zela being in the open, but now she was in a confined space, the fire enhancing the smell. Ivory fell slightly, her elbow bent as she leant against the wall of the cave, her head flopped forward. Flecks of Lemon yellow started to form in her emerald eyes, pupils dilating. The others however, couldn't see this due to her back being turned. "Zela... Do you like apples?" She asked, almost in a tranced state. She had had these 'trances' on many other occasions. The first was shortly after her mother was violated before her. Her ex pression seemed emotionless, despite her having an eerie grin plastered on her face. She had killed her dog, choking it. The last gruesome happening had been with Mary... "Mary, If you truly like Geoffrey you should tell him." Encourage Ivory In a towel.This particular memory, was many years post the one she just had. She walked behind a screen and started to get dressed. "You would say that though Ivory..." said a nervous Mary. "Besides, I'm not as upfront as you are." She sighed, p*censored*ing over a blouse and sweater vest. "Yes, yes you have a point there." Chuckled Ivory, Mary soon joining in on the laugh. A few minuets p*censored*ed, and Ivory walked from behind the screen, pinning the sash round her arm. "Why does this thing never go on right." She struggled, taking the safety trying to close it whilst positioning the sash. "Oh, your useless, come here." Smiled Mary, taking the pin from Ivory, fastening it to her blouse. "Ouch, Pricked my finger... thats not a good trait to have being a made." She smiled softly. "Don't say that, your the best, who else could put up with me?" Ivory smiled back, taking Mary's good hand. "Lets go get you a plaster." In the kitchen, Ivory removed the first aid kit from the shelf and put it on the counter. She turned to see Mary with her finger in her mouth, removing it slowly. Ivory's neck twitched. Her mothers limp hand running across her killers face repeated itself in her head. Cold. Lifeless. Blood. "Ivory... whats wrong..." Mary asked. "Ivory... Ivory no, IVORY!" Mary screamed as she came at her with a cleaver. Ivory turned quickly to face Zela, her yellow gaze beaming at her, a grin across her face. She hissed, and started to lunge at Zela, before hitting a wall. "Stop it." She staggered backwards then forwards again, gripping her head, eye's shut tight. "No!" she screamed. P*censored*ing out on the leaf litter under her feet.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:57pm Dec 1 2010
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Posts: 1,248
Forra turned around startled by the sound. She saw Ivory p*censored*ed out. "What happened?" Forra said while getting up. She walked over to Ivory and bent over to look at her. The light of the fire caught on her face. Ivory looked tired. I geuss she was tired. She looked up at Zela and asked, "Zela do you know what happened to her?"