10:17am Jul 12 2010 (last edited on 4:03pm Jul 12 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,029
You are in your room alone and excited. Your parents finally got you that game you wanted so badly. You turn on your Nintendo Wii and grab a wii-mote as you push the dvd sized disk into the game console.
A Triforce picture appears on the top left corner, you get so excited.
You point the wii-mote at the box and click it, then click the START button.
You see a guy in green riding the back of a horse.
You continue on to make your file when Midna appears on the screen.
Strange. You knew from watching your friend play, that she was'nt suppose to appear this early in game.
She begins to wave with her hand and her orange glowing ponytail as if she was beckoning you to come closer.
She looks so real. You reach your hand out to touch the television screen, when Midna snatches you up with her orange glowing hand-like ponytail and yanks you into the game.
Everything goes dark. You hear someone calling your name.
You open your eyes and notice that you are on a brown horse with a black mane and red reins.
You feel as though you have ridden this horse your whole life.
"Ready to go deliver the gift to the Royal Family, little brother/sisster."says a voice.
You look back and see that it is the great hero Link. You silently nod and ride your horse after Link and Epona, his horse.
"What is going on here?"you quietly ask yourself.
1. If you have never played and completed Twilight Princess or you are not atleast Semi-Literate, then leave now, because this is not the rp for you!
2. No being a jerk!
3. No PP or GM
4. Ask to join. And please do not just join and quit. It is rude and it kills threads you murderer D:
6. This is kind of like a replay of the game, but with a big change as you can see.
8. Have fun and get creative.
Link - DrEaMxxEaTER
Person who was sucked in the game - Ranni
Midna - amh148
Name -
Age -
Gender -
Human Look -
Twilight Wolf Look -
Horse's name -
Horse's Gender -
10:37am Jul 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,310
{{May i join as teh person who is sucked into the game?I play twilight princess so i am extremely familiar with the game and its characters.}}
10:41am Jul 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,029
((Ok and Im glad you joined Ranni))
10:43am Jul 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,029
Name- Link
Age- 19?
Gender- male
Twilight Wolf Looks -
Horse's Name- Epona
Horse's Gender- female
10:43am Jul 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,310
{{No problem Dream.I've been waiting to find an twilight princess rp that hadn't been bombarded with Joiners and all the spots taken up.}}
10:46am Jul 12 2010 (last edited on 10:57am Jul 12 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 4,310
Name - Ranni Age - 15 Gender -Female Human Look -
Twilight Wolf Look -  Horse's name - Soldier(He's a pure black war horse*nod*) Horse's Gender Male
10:50am Jul 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,029
((I understand. The last one I made had people who joined that never played Twilight Princess. They made life so hard on me. Sigh. Now we just need a Midna.))
10:59am Jul 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,310
{{I don't like Midna so i refuse to play her,sorreh.I just think she's not very helpful at all,due to the fact in my stepdads game he's currently lost on what to do and she only tells him pointless things...}}
11:07am Jul 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,029
((She is aggitating, but none the less we need her. I know I've spent two weeks trying to kill the last monster,the dragon, and she didnt help me one bit. She's like Navi from Ocarina of Time. All she is good for is annoying the crap out of you in the game))
11:35am Jul 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,029
3:51pm Jul 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,029
((we should start I guess. I will just rmail someone who I know really wants to be Midna))
3:56pm Jul 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,338
((can i join?? I LOVE THAT GAME!!!))
3:56pm Jul 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,338
((i'll be midna if you want me too!))
4:00pm Jul 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,029
((Oh! Good, thank you. How literate are you and how often do you get on Res?))
4:01pm Jul 12 2010 (last edited on 4:01pm Jul 12 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 2,338
((I can be very literate when i want too and i'm on here almost every day! :) ))
4:13pm Jul 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,029
((Great! Glad to have you aboard. I think Ranni is off right now, but both of us are dedicated rpers.))
4:15pm Jul 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,338
((yeah i have to go. i'll fill out the bio when i get back later tonight okay?? bye!))
4:33pm Jul 12 2010 (last edited on 5:29pm Jul 12 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,029
((Ok and Midna doesnt need a much for her Bio))
"Thanks for the help Link and Epona."said the ranch owner. "You too Ranni and Soldier."he said shaking her hand.
"Anytime. Ranni, we need to get going."Link said waving for his sister to come to his side.
"We have get to Hyrule castle by tomorrow night. Remember, we have to deliver the present to the Royal Family."he said looking at Ranni with a questioned look.
Epona whinned. She was ready to go.
"Ranni, little sis, are you feeling ok? You dont seem like yourself today."he said with concern in his voice.
5:20pm Jul 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,338
Name -midna Age - unknown Gender - female Human Look - original-  what she looks like normally-  Twilight Wolf Look -  Horse's name - link (( when he is in wolf form she rides him.)) Horse's Gender -male
6:03pm Jul 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,310
{{Can i play that adorable little monkey that steals Links lanttern? :D}} Ranni closed her eyes for a moment and just breathed."I'm fine,just a little tired is all."She coaxed Soldier into trotting to Link's horse,Epona's side.It was a little scary at first when being pulled into the game...damn,she didn't remember having this much trouble in the other zelda games...well,though she was quite the addict.(Her old room in reality was coated in rare and collectible Zelda merchandise.*nods*{{And boy do i wish my room was.}})She tangled ehr fingers in Soldiers fine black mane,the horse snorted as she began trying to get her fingers unstuck from his mane that she alone had tangled.