New Plot >~TWILIGHT PRINCESS~< Limited Spots

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6:11pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((sure but I get to be the bad guys))

6:19pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 4,310
{{Yay,now please reply.I look forward to being the monkey.  :3 }}


6:38pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((sure but I get to be Zant and Ilia))

Link nodded.
"Well, if youre sure that you are ok, then I guess we should head on out."he said as he affectionately reached over and messed up Ranni's hair.
Link looked to the sky and saw the sun setting.
He saw the hunting falcon above and heard him let out his falcon screech.
"Let's go."he said as he got Epona into a gallop.

Ilia looked at the path leading to the ranch.
She heard galloping and called into the house to her father, the town's mayor.
He walked out to his daughter's shouting.

6:42pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 4,310

Ranni scowled as her hair was messed.As she let Soldier follow after Epona she flatend out her hair and fixed it.After putting her hair back into place she kicked Soldiers sides,though not too hard, and he charged forward and ahead of Link.She had issues when it came to coming out first.

{{That would be my same additude we have alot in common Ranni charrie.

Ranni;Indeed we do.



7:12pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((-stares at Ranni for talking to herself-))

 Link laughed at Ranni for her competitive personality.
When they got to the house Link got down off of his horse and greeted Ilia and the mayor.
The mayor went on with his usual greeting, but with more responsiblility.
"Hello Ranni."Ilia greeted as she looked at Soldier, then Epona.

7:16pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 4,310

"Hiya Ilia," Ranni said with a smile.She slid off Soldier only to be butted with his head and pushed over.She frowned at him,"What was that for?"She shrugged it off and dusted herself off and got up.Ranni then realized,"i almost forgot,the carrots."She handed him one and he chewed and swallowed the little orange veggie quickly.

{{i gotta go for a bit...}}


8:02pm Jul 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,338
((im here. can i make a normal charrie too??))


8:42pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 3,029

Link continued to talk with the may, who was glad that young Ranni w*censored* following in the footsteps of her older brother.
As the mayor talked about the large town at the base of the large and beautiful castle, the large crowds of people and most of all, the great and beautiful Princess Zelda.
While he was talking, Ilia looked over the horses when she noticed that Epona had a scratch on her hind flank.
She got highly upset about that and grabbed Epona and Soldier's reins and headed off with them to the forest.
Link looked up and saw that the horse were gone.
"Ilia!"was all he said as he didnt see them around.
"Come on Ranni. We have to hurry."Link said running twards the woods. He knew exactly where Ilia was going.

8:49pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 4,310
Ranni panicked,Soldier was her pride and joy.She knew too where Ilia was going and took off ahead and shouted,"Ilia!can i please have Soldier back!" She scowled at Link,"this is your fault." Ranni knew very well that Ilia got upset when Epona was hurt.She didn't have to worry about hurting Soldier because war horses could handle more than your average horse.


9:00pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 2,338
Name - mica
Age - 16
Gender - female
Human Look -
Twilight Wolf Look -
Horse's name - lilac
Horse's Gender -female


9:03pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 2,338
((where should i start??))


9:30pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((Here I will put you in))

When Link and Ranni ran by their house they saw Mica's horse was also missing.
Ilia had take all of their horses.
"Ranni, you continue to the spring. I have to tell Mica."he shouted as he climbed up the the ladder and entered the house.
He looked around and saw her sleeping on the floor next to the fire place.
"Mica, wake up. Ilia took our horses. We have to go."he said shouting from the door way.
"Ranni should already be at the spring by now."

9:37pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 2,338
mica woke. "What?" she asked "Ilia took our horses again? What did you do this time?? Was Epona hurt?" She mumbled getting up and brushing out her hair. She grabbed her bow and arrows and followed link to the spring. Mica was angry that Ilia had taken lilac again.Her horse was special to her. Ilia took the horses every time one was hurt. Mica blamed it on Link because he was usually going on adventures and Epona got scratched from time to time. "You really have to be careful with Epona" she told link glaring at her. "Gosh, when are you going to learn?"


9:37pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 4,310
Ranni frowned and said to Ilia,"May i please have Soldier back?"The spring was closed and she scowled and waited for Link and Mica to get there.She wasn't happy already that Link had ridden Epona too hard and hurt her."Dang," she muttered to herself.


9:44pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 2,338
Mica walked into the clearing. She walked over to Ilia "Ilia, you have to let us have our horses back." she tried to tell her. "What happened to Epona was an accident." she told her. "We were going to go clean them up anyway right Ranni?" she said looking at Ranni and nodding, trying to get her to agree with her. "So can we please have them back?" she asked one more time.


9:50pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 3,029
Link arrived at the spring just as Ranni asked for her horse back.
Ilia had a grumpy look on her face, but she soften after the horse pulled at their reins as the tried to return to their owners.
"You all can have them back I guess."Ilia sighed. "After all I do for them, they still prefer you three."
She let the reins go and petted each horse's snout.
Link sighed and walked over to Epona.
He opened his mouth to say something as the ground began to shake.
Link looked up at his sisters and wondered what was going on.

9:55pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 4,310
Ranni grumbled,"Oh no..."She'd watched her friends play and beat the Tiliht princess game and she memorized very well what happend at this part.She imediately ran to Soldier and said,"Don't get lost,i'll come for you." she whispered in his ear so that only Soldier could hear it.She let go of his snout and moved back to Link and Mica's side,she braced herself for what was to come...


9:56pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 2,338
Mica looked around. what the heck was going on? she ran over to lilac, jumped on and readied her bow. just in case. Lilac started whinnieing "It's okay girl, It's okay." she promised patting her black mane. Lilacs lavender eyes looked crazed. something was going to happen, and it was bad.


10:10pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 3,029
Monsters rode into the spring on evil look boars.
Link watched as a large hoard of them rode in.
He was unsure what to do.
A gaigantic monster on a mega sized boar, apparently the leader, galloped in a blew a large horn. Once he blew it a weird black and red thing appeared overhead.
The boss monster signaled for the others to take the horses as he knocked out Ilia and grabbed her. The monsters took off as quick as they came.

10:13pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 4,310
Ranni's eye's widend in suprise,they were scarier in person...she gasped as Ilia was grabbed.Soldier was gone,Epona was gone, and so was Lilac...What would they possibly do?

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