10:14pm Jul 12 2010 (last edited on 10:21pm Jul 12 2010)
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"oh no!" Mica cried running after them. "come on guys we have to help them!!!!!" she said frantically turning to them. lilac was gone. her horse was gone! no this couldn't be. "come on!!!" she cried running after them. ((i am brain dead))
10:15pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 4,310
{{uh,Lilac was taken too ya know...}}
10:17pm Jul 12 2010
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Link took off after them.
He didnt know what he would do when he found them. He had no sheild, no sword, nothing.
But he
Had to try. Ilia was in danger and he was going to get her back safely.
((I have a KILLER ear ache))
10:19pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((aww seriously?? come on! i'll change it.))
10:19pm Jul 12 2010
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Ranni followed suit(sp?) and took off with Link.Being weaponless is pitiful but she didn't care,they had to try.
10:35pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 3,029
((I think it has an e on the end, but dont worry))
Link and his sissters raced in the direction the monsters galloped off.
Link looked at Ranni as they ran across the bridge.
She looked like she knew that was going to happen.
He would ask her about it later.
As they ran Link notice that the world was changing a weird dark shade.
He stopped when he saw a large black wall tha radiated an orange glow.
10:39pm Jul 12 2010 (last edited on 10:39pm Jul 12 2010)
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Posts: 4,310
Ranni yawned.She tried to look suprised also pretty much almost knowing what was happening next.She hid t pretty well though,she didn't want Link or Mica to get suspicious.But man did that wall look amazing in person...
10:45pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 2,338
"whoa." mica gasped. "thats a big wall. lets see it we can get throgh it?" she told them walking forward. she wanted to see what was on the other side. Mica smiled and touched it. ((once again totally brain dead))
10:58pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 3,029
As Mica touched the wall three black, boney hands reached out and snatched them into the wall.
They had been pulled into the Twilight by Twilit beast.
The monsters were about to attack when Link and the others began to glow with the mark of the Triforce.
The twilit beast backed away as the three turned into wolves.
The creature didnt know what to do so it dragged them to a dungeon and chained them to the floor by one paw.
11:01pm Jul 12 2010
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Ranni shook herself when she was able to get up.She was majorly confused on what to do.Sadly she forgot how her friend had gotten to break the chain..that might've been useful....argh.
11:06pm Jul 12 2010
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Mica looked down at her paw. "no! what the crap is this??!" she asked in a bark. her fur was a golden color when she looked at her back. she pulled up her paw and tried to get the chain off. it didn't work. "come on! what are we going to?" Mica asked turning to link.
11:09pm Jul 12 2010 (last edited on 9:44am Jul 13 2010)
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"No idea," Ranni replied.She had no idea what to do...all she knew is that they were in the twilight. {{I gotta go. Night all!}} {{ [e] fixed.}}
11:13pm Jul 12 2010
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11:18pm Jul 12 2010
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((Thats Midna's cue))
Link shook himself as he wobbly stood up.
"Where are we?"was all Link could say to the girls.
He looked down at the chain around his paw and tugged at it.
11:27pm Jul 12 2010
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"its not going to work" a voice told them "you might as well stop trying." midna smiled from where she was hidden. mica looked up from her chain "whos there" she asked growling.
11:27pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 3,029
((Ranni, Midna has to break the chain.))
11:33pm Jul 12 2010
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((yeah but shes gone. ranni is))
11:34pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((im really tired. im going to bed. goodnight. i'll be on twomorrow in the morning. or afternoon. night!))
9:43am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 4,310
{{I'll fix it...sorry.I forgot a little of the begining...}}
10:53am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((anyone here??))