New Plot >~TWILIGHT PRINCESS~< Limited Spots

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4:29pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 2,338

Mica followed ranni and link out of the hole. boy was it good to be out of the cell.

midna looked around and jumped on links back. "lets go." she said to him


4:35pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 3,029
Link began to leap around. He was trying to shake her off.
He eventually gave up and calmed down.
"What now?"he questioned Midna with a sigh.

4:40pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 4,310

Ranni padded ahead and made her way to a little glowing thing.She paused and curious asked,"What's that?"

{{Tis a person lost to the twilight if you guys don't remember them.}}


4:49pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 2,338

"that's a soul."midna told them petting links head. "its a soilder. he was lost to the twilight." she said laughing a little.

mica looked at it curiously. she backed away in fear of what it might do.


5:02pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 3,029
Link pawed over to the spirit and sniffed it.
His animal instincts kicked in and saw a transparent soilder.
He was panicing about monsters and the castle.
"Midna...where are we?"

5:09pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 2,338
(i forgot what that sight is called. help me! :(  ))


5:52pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((its Hyrule Castle, but Midna wont tell them that until they meet the pricess))

5:55pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 2,338


"the same place you were." midna said to him and laughed.

mica sniffed around and she looked back up she saw transparent soilder. "whoa" she said. the soilder was crouched down and trebling in fear.


9:08pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 4,310
Ranni cocked her head at the transparant soldier.She could hear a little of what he was saying...something like,"No!..please...make them go away!"She was suprised at how little she remembered...


9:19pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 2,338
Midna laughed. "just change your vision." she told them. "that's all you have to do." she said laughing again.


10:19pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 3,029
Link heard something.
It sounded like something was sloshing in the water.
He looked around for the sound, then small black creatures leaped out of the water.
"Those dont look friendly."he said growling.

10:21pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 4,310
"Not at all..." Ranni agreed and snapped at one."They apparently bite back too."She finnally after a moment killed the little black creature.She'd decided that it was definately fun and worth a wee amount of her time.


10:32pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 3,029
Link killed another.
By the soilder's reaction, he could see the monsters, but not them.
"Midna, where do we go now?"Link said. He was very eger to find out what was going on.

10:36pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 4,310

Ranni's tail twitched just about as eager.

{{Brain dead...i gotta go.}}


10:38pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((Kay, bye))

10:58am Jul 14 2010

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Posts: 3,029

11:40am Jul 14 2010

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Posts: 2,338


11:47am Jul 14 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((Hey! Dude its your post))

11:52am Jul 14 2010

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Posts: 2,338

((i was getting there.))

midna looked at the wolves "now you have to fid a way out. " she laughed "and im not going to help you, just try not to die." she laughed again.

Mica growled at midna. she was angry. why couldn't midna help them. oh well "lets get out of here." Mica growled


12:12pm Jul 14 2010

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Posts: 4,310

Ranni muttered to no one but herself,"My friend was right...she is just annoying and no help..."She continued on and sniffed...

{{Hey dream,you beat the Twilight princess game right?}}

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