Ranni soon returned to the spot where they had last split in the begining. She had managed to drag all three swords out, one by one. So she folded her wings and awaited Link and Mica's return.
"Lets go then."Link said taking off into the forest.
As they ran past the Ordon Spring a voice called out to them.
"Come into my Spring"the voice said lazily
Ranni was the first to head into the spring. She already knew exactly what to do and what the spirit would say about collecting its tears of light and the form the darkness takes when stealing it...
Darkness has fallen on this land. Use this vessle (grape vine thing) to capture my tears and bring them back to me. If you bring the vessle filled back to me and I will make you human again
"You heard the spirit pups. Lets go find those bugs."Midna laughed.
Ranni found a cople fo the little spider bugs and tryed to catch them. She snapped tehm up in ehr jaws skillfully and they died before she captured the tears.