since I have a habit of creating characters who are mortal enemies and polar opposites, I think I'll just go with it. It tends to work.
name: Amy Michaels
age: 16
grade: Junior
personality: Unbearably peppy, hopelessly romantic, and clever as all git-out. The whole 'dumb blond' thing might be true for some people, but not Amy. Oh, no. She's happy, a little ditzy, and perhaps a tad forgetful, but she's an aspiring history major. She wants to be an archeologist, even though most people think she wouldn't know how to pronounce it. Apparently blond+cheerleader=idiot. Not for this girlie.
Crush: Open
S.O: Straight
other: Yes, cheerleader. Also Show Choir (soprano, of course) and Chess Club. She's... active.
name: Yeshua Benesch
age: 16
grade: Junior
personality: He's a very soft-spoken young man. Being a foreigner makes him a bit off to begin with, but every so often in cl*censored* he'ss open his mouth to a sharp, witty remark, made all the more poignant by his heavy Israelite accent. Sometimes he mumbles in Hebrew, always a bitter undertone. His cl*censored*mates have gotten over his quiet overtures at ignoring people, especially the younger ladies, who adore him.
Crush: Mordekai?
S.O: Gay

other: He's sickened by dead things, and is a very strict Jew. His parents, while not Has.sidic, are very serious about him remaining in the house and Temple from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. Shabbat is very important to him.