6:50pm Feb 7 2010
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 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
6:53pm Feb 7 2010
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((Dust: Yes!)) Kaina felt the gazes of everyone on her. She felt rage burning in her now. "Yes, I'm an elemental!" she snapped. "If you had not been so paranoid, maybe this would never have happened." Kaina turned and ran away, tears streaming down her face. Rakoren gave a sigh of relief as the tracker released his grip and fell to the ground. He gave a smile and hit the tracker in the jaw before setting his clothes on fire. "That's why you don't mess with elementals," he laughed at the unconscious tracker, then he turned and ran down the metal street.
6:53pm Feb 7 2010
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((Ferro: Of course!))
6:54pm Feb 7 2010
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ooc; Hey dusty :P
6:55pm Feb 7 2010
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Tempest followed the boy. Now that people had seen her unleash the storm, they knew she wasn't normal.
7:00pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 7:01pm Feb 7 2010)
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Name: K'aral Age: 15 Gender:Male Element: Darkness Personality: I don't know until I play him. Sorry... Looks: ~rar~ (That's what he usually wears...) History: K'aral was born into a normal family, and seemed ordinary enough until about 13, when his power started to emerge. It bleached his skin, left him unable to sleep, and turned his eyes into black orbs. His tounge and the inside of his mouth are a dark purple, and the lack of sleep has his eyes permanantly shadowed. Horrified, the family cast him out of their house to fend for himself. Bf/Gf:None Other:Blind in one eye
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
7:02pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 7:02pm Feb 7 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
(( Hey Detneth. ;3 ~ )) +Bio+ Name: Erin. Age: 16. Gender: Female. Element: Lightning/Electricity. Personality: Coming in a sec. :0 Looks: Erin. (Note: Full credit to messa on Deviantart for this piece.) Obviously, she's not wearing a white dress and she doesn't have wings; her face and hair just look like that, as well as her build. She wears a tight-fitting black hoodie with a very dark blue t-shirt underneath. Her left eye is green and her right eye is blue. Erin is short and slim, but fast. She's got very little power, in raw terms, so she makes up for it with speed and accuracy. Her sense of smell is pretty much shot, but she has very keen eyesight and hearing. History: Erin doesn't remember her real parents; they both died when she was young, from sickness. She was adopted and she lived a happy life until she turned 10, when her foster mother found out that she was an Elemental. She turned her in to the government hunting the Elementals, but she ran for it. Because of this she's become more wary of the people around her; after all, anyone can seem nice and then rat you out.
Other: Ever since the betrayal she's been living a street life, and learned on her own how to handle a gun as well as use hand-to-hand combat. She's better at using knives than either of them, though, and sometimes projects her lightning through the knife's blade.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:03pm Feb 7 2010
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Name: Klair Age: 15 Gender: Female Element: Shadows Personality: Klair is hard to get to know at first; she's a bit shy when you first meet her. Despite this, when you gain her trust, she opens up to you completely and will be a fierce friend. Looks: Klair has light, strawberry blond hair that drapes gracefully on her shoulders. Her eyes are a striking dark blue, but she doesn't often look at people with them. She has a good figure; she is curvy, not skinny. History: Nothing much to put here... Bf/Gf: Open, none currently Other: Nothing here.
7:07pm Feb 7 2010
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Kaina didn't know where she was going. Anywhere but there of course. Now that everyone knew, they would alert the government and then she would have to be on the run like the other Elementals. Running for her life wasn't something Kaina liked, but this dispute with normal people gave her no choice. Rakoren ran for ten more yards before stopping to catch his breath. He glanced around to see if anybody normal had followed him and saw a girl, same age as him. She had to be an Elemental of course, when he noticed the aura of power that most of his kind had. "So who are you?" he asked.
7:16pm Feb 7 2010
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Klair walked down the street. She was wearing a pair of jeans that were getting thread bare and a green form fitting t-shirt with the words BUBBLY printed on it in fancy writing. She was walking with a group of people her age, trying to blend in and not be noticed by the trackers. Many nights she had dreamt of the tracker's eyes finding out her secret and throwing her in a place where she would be left until she died. Every day she simply focused on not getting caught. She kept a pocket knife with her at all times that she could use to her advantage. And she also had the shadows, of course. Suddenly a tracker walked nearby the group she was traveling with. She scowled. Quickly she turned into a different street.... Where a girl and a boy were talking. She could've ran right past them, but something about them felt different. So she stayed.
7:19pm Feb 7 2010
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Dravius was hunched behind a large crate, rummaging throught the red bag resting on his shoulder. Digging through it, he pulled out a rotting peice of meat and tossed it to the ground in front of him. Within seconds, a few ravens had swooped from the sky and were squabbling about the bit of carrion.Dravius jumped at a human vioce behind him, whirling around to see a boy surrounded by a glowing aura, and he squinted his eyes, an involutary hiss escaping his lips. The ravens let out a simultanous croak, beady eyes fixed on Rakoren.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
7:42pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 3:41pm Feb 9 2010)
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Name: Sayuri Age: Sixteen Gender: Female Element: Darkness(?) Personality: I don't know. I haven't rpied with her in a while so we'll see. Looks: 
History: Theres nothing all that interesting. She her mother died when she was young and she never knew her father. She lived with her aunt for a while until her her aunt finally figure she was an elemental. Since then she's been on he run. Trying to blend in with the humans but her purple hair doesn't really help. Bf/Gf: Nope. Other: Nothing Sorry I took so long. I'll finish in a sec.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:49pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 7:50pm Feb 7 2010)
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Erin flicked the switchblade open, twirling it in her fingers so that it caught the sunlight. She slid it so that it was inside her sleeve but still accessible to her hand. She would need it. Outside of the cramped alleyway she had been sitting in, huge crowds of people walked by, shopping or biking or whatever normal humans did. Erin paused before taking another step, directly into a swarm of university students. She matched her step with theirs, trying to go with the flow, subtly approaching one individual, who had a bright pink purse slung over her shoulder. Right... While she's laughing at that joke... Erin whipped out the switchblade and sliced the strap of the purse, grabbing it and tearing it off the woman's shoulder. Just then, a surge of people pushed her forward, and she bumped into the student, who glanced behind her to see Erin holding her purse. Crap! Erin thought, shoving her way through the crowd as several students made a lunge for her. No one chased her as she bolted for the nearest alleyway. When she glanced behind her, though, she saw three trackers racing just a few metres back. While she ran, Erin took out the switchblade again. She gripped it for a moment, then raised it high behind her and made a slicing motion through the air. Lightning errupted from the tip as she swung it, shooting behind her. Her aim was off; it didn't get the trackers, but it was enough to scare them off. Erin glanced down at the purse she held in her hands, zipping it open and taking out the wallet. She felt a bit guilty when she realized how much money was in there. Maybe not alot to other people, but it would buy her a few meals. And that was enough. She started walking again in case the trackers had called for backup, purse straps trailing on the dirty ground, quickly losing their neon pink colour.
She knew the streets well; they had been her home for six years. She was wanted as a purse-snatcher as well as an Elemental; even as she walked along, she saw a posted with a picture of her fluttering around. An furious snarl was plastered on her face in the picture, chocolate brown hair flying around her as she ran, mistmatched eyes seeming to flash angrily. Erin smiled, picking up the sheet. Ah, She thought, remembering the incident. One of my more fruitful attempts. Almost got caught, though... She pocketed it, then continued walking in the shadows of the alleyway.
Suddenly, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She had never felt it before, but for some reason, she recognized the sensation. There was an Elemental nearby. Erin whirled around. "Who's there?" She asked warily.
(( That other Elemental can be anyone, by the way. o3o ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:58pm Feb 7 2010
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((-takes offer- :3)) Klair turned to see another girl run into the alley. "Who's there?" the girl asked her. Klair felt a strange aura coming from this girl two; not unlike the other two teens ahead of her. Klair felt it safe to tell the truth in this case. "I'm Klair. Nice to meet you. You're an elemental like me, right?" she asked. She decided to be straightforward. If the girl wasn't an elemental, she could always deal with her.
8:12pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 8:19pm Feb 7 2010)
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Erin blinked, surprised by the girl's straightforwardness. "Um... Yeah, I'm an Elemental." She said after a moment. "And I'm Erin. It's nice to meet you too." She added. She wouldn't have ordinarily given Klair her name, but since she had said hers it was only fair. Besides, she was an Elemental. She fell silent uncomfortably. She really didn't have much experience with interacting with people; after all, she had been on the run since she was ten, avoiding people wherever possible. Unless she needed to snatch a purse or two. That didn't exactly make one a social magnet. "I've never met another Elemental." She said finally, her voice quiet in case there was a tracker patrolling the area. "I thought most of them were caught by the government."

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:15pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 4:39pm Feb 8 2010)
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Name: Sais Tanaka Age: Seventeen Gender: Male Element: Srorms Personality: It depends well see. Looks:
 History: Nothing fun here. He been on the streets eversince he could remember. He's always been discreet making sure no one ever found out he was an elemental Bf/Gf: Nope. Other: He is an amazing pickpocket. Like the ones in movies when they walk by and then your wallets gone.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:20pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 8:21pm Feb 7 2010)
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(( Perhaps ice or wind, Serenity? Or does metal count as an element? x3 ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:27pm Feb 7 2010
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"So did I," Klair said. She felt a drop of water hit her head. More drops followed. She looked up to the sky to see the clouds that had been lingering there all along finally start to rain. "I've met some other Elementals. Only briefly though..." she trailed off. Obviously over the years she had never had much to talk about. There was nobody she could trust most of the times. Any Elementals she bumped into never paused to have a word with her.
8:31pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 8:32pm Feb 7 2010)
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Erin made a neutral sound, glancing away. A fat raindrop hit her on the nose and she looked up at the dark, tumbling clouds. "A thunderstorm." Erin said serenely. There was a faint smile on her lips, and suddenly lightning flashed somewhere, lighting up her face eerily. She was at home in a storm; lightning was a part of her. Erin held up her hand when another flash of lightning struck. It connected with Erin's fingers, sending a strong current of electricity through her body. She felt refreshed, somehow. A thin trail of smoke came from the tips of her fingers where the lightning had touched. "I'm a lightning Elemental." She told Klair, lowering her hand. "What about you?"

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:36pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Ice? That's cool but I just thought of one. How does storms sound XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.