8:38pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 8:40pm Feb 7 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
(( Storm sounds cool. owo Although, someone else already has a storms element, but I don't think there are any limits on how many of the same elements there are, so. ~ ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:41pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 1,551
Klair stared at the smoke rising from the tips of Erin's fingers. She had felt the power of the lightning. To answer the girl's question, she felt for the shadows around her. There were many now, with the clouds blocking the sun's rays. She drew some shadows to her hand. She held out her palm so that Erin could see the shadows that danced around, looking like black fire. She concentrated and the shadow formed into a throwing dagger. Taking a second to aim, she made a flicking motion with her hand and the shadow dagger slammed into the wall nearby Erin, leaving a huge crack there before the dagger disappeared into shadows. "I'm a shadow Elemental," Klair answered. ((Perhaps we should wait a little while for Wolf before posting too much more D: ))
8:43pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( True. D: -waits- ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
4:38pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 1,299
Rakoren glanced around again, searching to see if any more Elementals were wandering around. It was apparent that there might be more of his own kind, fire element or not. Dark brown hair fell into his eyes, which he flicked back irritated, with his fingers. Rakoren paused in his search when he spotted Dravius. He shivered as he noticed ravens examining him.
4:50pm Feb 8 2010
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Kaina took a deep breath of air, as she paused in her run. She imagined in her terrified mind of normal people, some who she had befriended, following her, yelling curses at her, saying that those like her are filthy worms. Kaina shuddered. The tears came even more, until she was almost blinded by them. Everything wasn't fair. Elementals weren't that horrible. The teenage Elemental held her head in her hands, giving soft sobs of sadness. Nobody could get along with the Elementals. They treated them like their number one enemy. We are treated like pests that need to be rid of. We are thought to be heartless just because of who we are. Kaina's sobs became a bit louder now.
6:03pm Feb 8 2010
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Tempest walked up to the guy she had saved. "Who are you?" she asked curiously. She had tried to stay away from other of her kind due to the fact she didn't want to be thought as one, even if she was an elemental.
7:00pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( Ohheylook. o3o Wolf ish back. ))
Erin watched the dagger disappear, puffing like smoke and leaving a whisp of black stuff in the air. The crack that the shadow dagger had left in the wall was, admittedly, impressively big. "That looks dangerous." Was all she said, still staring at the wall. The truth was, she was frightened of the power displayed, but didn't show it. Was there any way to deflect a shadow? Erin glanced at Klair, trying to push the thought into the most fathomless corners of her mind. Years on the street honed one's sense of cautiousness and suspiciousness, above all else. She had learned that anyone could hide their true selves. Anyone was a potential culprit. Even the ones like her; the Elementals.
She opened her mouth to say more, but froze when the patter of footsteps sounded from nearby. Whoever they were, they were either not careful enough, not practiced enough, or heavy enough that they sounded like they didn't give a damn if anyone heard them. Erin immediately slipped behind a huge, messy pile of crates. She glanced up, motioning to Klair, just as a tracker began turning the corner, swinging his flashlight warily back and forth.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:03pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Tempest froze and turned, to see a Tracker with a dart gun aiming at her back. "Run!" she yelled, her panic causing the rain clouds above to rain down, soaking everyone. Sprinting to an alley, she almost ran into another tracker. Cursing her luck, she drew her sword, hoping to scare him off.
7:19pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 4,093
Erin frowned. What the heck was that tracker doing? He had stopped walking, then turned around, disappearing back into the alleyway, then suddenly reappeard and was backing up slowly, holding his hands in front of him as if scared. Then Erin saw it; the glint of a sword. Wouldn't be another tracker. She thought. Since they're all on the same side. And besides, they carry guns. So that's what? A street thug like me? An a.ssa.ssin? Or maybe... Erin felt a strange pressure, then blinked. It was an Elemental. The clouds above her suddenly began pouring rain down on her. The tracker drew his gun and aimed at the other Elemental, who had just come into view. Erin darted forward, placing only her index finger on the man's shoulder. "Don't let your sword touch him!" She snapped at the other Elemental. If it did, the electricity would be currented towards her as well. She sent a large shock of electricity through her fingertip. It connected with the rain that soaked the tracker, and he was electrocuted savagely. He fell, dead, to the slippery cement floor. Erin glanced up at Tempest. "Simply scaring them off won't do any good." She said quietly. "There will always be more to hunt us- killing them off might just increase our chances of survival."

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:19pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 1,299
Rakoren felt a stab of fear for the first time as he saw a tracker again. Why couldn't they just buzz off? He started to turn and flee, as quietly as he could, which wasn't really that silent. Rakoren ended up running into Kaina. Kaina almost screamed in terror, as a figure loomed in front of her, running in her direction. She thought it was a tracker or maybe a mob of angry normal people. Before Kaina could get out of the way, the figure smacked into her. She fell down onto the cold metal of the street. The wind was knocked out of her. Rakoren felt the person he had ran into break his fall. He gave a groan still and forced himself to stand up. His legs felt as if they might be broken. Rakoren looked at who broke his fall. It was a girl, the same girl who he had called out to in the crowd. The same glowing aura an Elemental had was surrounding her.
7:59pm Feb 8 2010 (last edited on 8:01pm Feb 8 2010)
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Posts: 1,551
Klair smiled as she saw Erin be impressed with her control over the shadows. Really, though, she was weak to anyone who controled the Fire element or Light. It was then that she noticed the oncoming footsteps. A tracker. More footsteps. They were probably chasing an Elemental. And they were heading in their direction. Before Klair could react, Erin had killed the Tracker, and saved the other Elemental. How many of us are there really? she thought. She nodded as Erin warned Tempest about the Trackers; the world was better off without them. Had it not been for the Trackers, Klair would have been able to live peacefully. No such luck. Then Klair heard yet another sound; the sound of tears. She beckoned for Erin and the other Elemental to follow. Soon, even in the rain, Klair could make out a crying girl and a boy who tripped over her.
8:10pm Feb 8 2010
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Dravius watched the procedings carefully, dark eyes glittering like river stones. His face was imp*censored*ive, eyes narrowed and breathing quickened. He cocked his head at the sound of soft sobs, and he stood, bag swinging around his knees as he crept closer, ravens hopping along behind him. He posed a threatening figure, tall and lanky, and he seemed to suck the light out of the cool night air. He walked up to Rakoren and studied his face, eyes dancing over his features calmy, before tilting his head and settling back on his haunches. He grabbed Rakoren's leg and pulled viciously, face impas.sive.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
8:11pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 1,299
Rakoren stared at Kaina. "I'm sorry, really I'm sorry," he said to her. "I didn't see you there." Kaina took large gulps of air, then glared at Rakoren. "Get away from me," she yelled. Kaina started to drag herself away from Rakoren. "I won't hurt you again," Rakoren promised, voice almost a whine. He let a spark play across his finger and blew it out. Kaina stared at Rakoren. "Fire Elemental," she spat, even more angry and distrustful. "I mean it. Get away from me, or I'll douse out your stupid flames." She pulled away more.
8:12pm Feb 8 2010
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Rakoren felt the tug, which made him think his leg was being torn away. He turned his head around. "What's the meaning of..." he started to say, but his words died away when he saw the figure.
8:16pm Feb 8 2010
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Dravius looked surprised to see Rakoren speak, and released his leg and stood once again. His eyes glittered menacingly, and the ravens let out a smattering of caws and croaks. Dravius diverted his attention to dig through his bag, before tossing a strip of rotting meat down at the birds. They fluttered their wings and quieted while a smile flitted across the darkness Elemental.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
8:16pm Feb 8 2010 (last edited on 8:17pm Feb 8 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
Erin peeked around the wall. She saw a strange thing; a female Elemental, bruised, lying on the floor. Two males, one pulling the leg of the other. Literally. Oh-kaaaay. Her confused thought was cut short when she saw the glint in Dravius's eyes. It sent a chill up her spine, and then she realized that Dravius wasn't just pulling at Rakoren's leg; he seemed to be tearing at it, with the intent of taking it off. Then he let go, and his raven companions screamed harshly as the guy threw meat at them. She felt her heart beat faster. That guy seemed dangerous. She frowned, but stayed put, in case she would need to help the other two Elemental. Geez, Erin, when did you start caring about other people? She thought to herself. Regardless, she stayed put.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:18pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((-waits for Wolf to post- ))
8:18pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((o.O I actually didn't mean for him to be that creepy, but oh well...))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
8:23pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((I always want my characters to act different and they end up having a whole mind of their own.. O_o So they're personality I meant to give them doesn't fit with their real character in the end. O.o ))
8:24pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 1,299
Kaina stared at the fire Elemental and shadow Elemental with curiosity. She shakily tried to stand up, but her legs folded beneath her, and she gave a sudden yelp. The fire Elemental, Rakoren, looked at her again. "Don't worry, maybe we can get you some help for those legs of yours." Rakoren reached down and tried to help her up. Normally Kaina would've resisted, but under these circumstances, she allowed him to move her.