5:24pm Feb 10 2010 (last edited on 5:24pm Feb 10 2010)
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Erin shook her head. "Of course not. Everyone here is their own leader." She replied, fingering a loose strand of hair. Throughout the whole incident with the dolls and the ravens and everything else, she had stayed silent. It wasn't like she was really interested. She glanced at Kaina, who she hadn't even talked to, and blinked at her tone. She frowned at Rakoren. Whether or not he was at fault, he wasn't doing anything wrong now. "I hate people who complain." She said suddenly. "Because it doesn't do anything. Just leave him alone, alright?" She glared at Kaina, then glanced away, looking at the bottles of wine on the shelves. "D'you know if any of those are still good?" She asked both Sais and Sayuri. They might know, since they had been using the place for a while.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
5:28pm Feb 10 2010
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Sayuri shook her head quickly. “Nope. That’s not good. Bitter, very gross.” She said looking at Erin. Then she looked at Criss, then back at Erin. “He said its not good for you anyways. You can try if you want to get sick.” Sais shook his head. “Try anyways. I don’t drink wine.” He said before taking a swig at he coke.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:31pm Feb 10 2010
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Kaina rolled her eyes. "Whatever," she muttered under her breath. Then she looked at Rakoren again, not sorry at all for anything she had said. "Get away from me Fire Elemental. I don't care who's at fault. You are not my kind, and are useless to anybody." Kaina moved herself away from him. Rakoren ground his teeth. "You Water Elementals are so dramatic," he spat. Kaina gave a smile for the first time here. "Finally you understand, that Water and Fire Elementals in the same place, will do no good. Now leave me in peace." She turned her back on Rakoren, leaving him to talk to the others, and to himself.
5:35pm Feb 10 2010
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Tempest looked at the wine, Blech she thought. "That wine looks nasty." she murmured. ooc; Ugh, writer's block :(
5:45pm Feb 10 2010
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Erin stared longingly at the wine for another moment, then sighed. "That's too bad." She murmured, resting her elbow on the armrest. "I really like wine. Could you pa.ss me a coke, then?" She asked, nodding towards the short, square coffee table beside Sais's chair. Her gaze was drawn to Kaina as she spoke, silently committing what she had said to memory. Rakoren was a fire Elemental and Kaina water; that may have explained why they didn't seem to get along well. Always a.ssuming personalities had anything to do with your element. After a moment of silence Erin spoke up. "There's alot more of you than I expected to ever find. I thought those government scum had wiped most of them out." Her eyes darkened with what appeared to be a kind of grim excitement. "Think we could take them?"

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
5:46pm Feb 10 2010
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Oh, I will edit first post, clans have certain colors now. Post in your cat's clan color
5:46pm Feb 10 2010
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ooc; Oops, ignore that :O
5:47pm Feb 10 2010
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ooc; I got dinner, bye :(
5:49pm Feb 10 2010 (last edited on 5:55pm Feb 10 2010)
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((Uh, what do you mean Detneth? Lol. Bye )) Sais narrowed his eyes at her question. First Sayuri lets them stay now he had to share his coke. What is the world coming too? He grunted and got up. He grabbed a coke from his fridge and had half the mind to throw the bottle at her. He walked up and handed it to her. "don't ask for anymore. You guys can stay drink the wine if you want but don't eat me and Say's food."He said. He pulled an ipod from his pocket and stuck the earbuds in his ear.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:06pm Feb 10 2010
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Erin raised an eyebrow, cracking the tab off the can. "Fine." She said evenly. "Then I'm going to go out and buy some food for us. I'll be back soon. We won't touch your food if you don't touch ours." She smiled, then pulled herself out of the bolthole again. She pulled her hood over her head and started walking down the alleyway. The heels of her shoes clicked agains the concrete, echoing slightly. Although the high, brick walls on either side blocked out any sunlight, she could tell it was already evening. Better hurry, then. She reminded herself. Most shops close during the evening.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:08pm Feb 10 2010
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Sais raised an eyebrow as she left. She was going to buy food for the rest of them. He looked at all the kids. She must be pretty loaded if she could afford that. But why would she steal their money. Sais barely had anough to feed himself and Sayuri. If she had that much what was the point. ((fail))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:39pm Feb 10 2010
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The truth was, Erin didn't have nearly enough to buy enough food for everyone. Not even enough to feed one person for a week. What better reason to do something daring? Erin smiled to herself nervously. She was leaning just outside of the alleyway entrance, hood down for once. She didn't want to look suspicious, especially when she was just about to execute her plan.
The large building next to her was a bank- and a very famous, wealthy one at that. As a few more people trailed out of it, she detatched herself from the wall and strolled casually inside. The moment she was inside, Erin clenched her hands into fists simultaneously, squeezing her eyes together with concentration. It took alot of focus to affect so many sources of electricity at once.
After a few moments, darkness engulfed the bank. With a quiet whizzing sound, the lights went off, and the machines broke down, some with minor explosions. Erin smiled as a few of the people around her screamed, banging at the now-sealed automatic doors. No one could get out, no one could call help, and there was nothing stopping her from getting to the cash registers.
Erin ran lightly to the main counter and placed one hand on it's smooth granite surface. Using her hand to swing herself over the counter, she took out a banker on the jump with her feet. He worked for the government anyways. She pulled open the drawers of the cash registers, grabbing money and stuffing it into her bag. She didn't bother with the coins; they were too heavy.
She only took from a few registers, but it would be enough. She didn't want to cause a complete uproar. Many bankers were pressed against the wall with fear. Those that tried to oppose her were zapped with small doses of electricity. Not enough to kill. She jumped over the counter again just as the lights started flickering again. Erin blinked with surprise. She was losing her grasp on the electricity; within seconds more than a dozen people were dialing for the trackers.
Erin let go of the electricity completely, and everything burst into life again. She shot towards the automatic doors, and they opened to receive her. She ran through them and veered right, back into the alleyway. Instead of going directly to the base she took several different routes. It was incrediby tiring, and she had to take breaks several times, but apparently no trackers had gotten to the scene of the crime in time. Eventually she headed back out onto the street, but it was a different area. No one was likely to recognize her from the bank robbery, since it had been completely dark in there. She bought a bunch of food, then returned to the base. Soon she found herself slumping onto the same beat-up sofa as she had been barely half an hour ago.
"Remind me to stick to small crimes." She breathed, dropping the food beside her. "Dig in, guys. Don't eat all of it though."
(( Woah. D: Long. Sorry. Won't write as much in later posts. ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:48pm Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 1,299
Rakoren stared at the food intently. He smacked his lips, imagining the taste of the food in his tongue. It had been a while since his last meal, which made Rakoren entirely open to eating right now. Rakoren stood up, and picked out a piece of bread. Using the fire he was able to use, in his weakened state, Rakoren warmed up the bread. He offered a piece of it to Kaina. Kaina just looked at the warm bread, and shook her head. "I'm not hungry," she said in a simple voice. Kaina, during her time with the normal people, had been fed most of the time. She had pretended to share the same fears as anyone else had done, and ate at regular times of the day. Kaina had in fact already ate, an hour ago, before she had been caught up into this. Kaina closed her eyes for the moment, thinking about the past.
7:57pm Feb 10 2010
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((Hello! Is it to late to join? I have read all the posts so far and this rp has become rather interesting to me...))
8:03pm Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((What happened? ;;))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
8:06pm Feb 10 2010
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((Panda: It's always not too late. Ferro: Nothing much. Erin got food. Rakoren and Kaina are starting to hate each other even more than ever. Umm... Maybe you can get more information from everyone else.))
8:17pm Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Nothing much what Wolf said. And Sayuri was answering dravius about the doll thing))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:26pm Feb 10 2010
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Name:Zynonia Age:13(looks a few years older though) Gender:female Element:a mix of earth and plants. Personality:you'll see...you'll see...*grins evily for no apparent reason* Looks:She has rough brown hair that was obviously self cut. Her skin is a little bit pale and has freckles all over it. Her eyes are hazel colored and normally have a sleepy look in them during the day. At night, she tends to look a bit more lively. History:I dunno. She never really tells anyone about it. Bf/Gf:none Other:She almost always has one or two cats following her and she can actually talk to them. She can't really translate what she's saying though so don't try to make her. ((Would have posted it sooner but got distracted on youtube. O3o))
8:39pm Feb 10 2010
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((Accepted! And though it adds to the characters to play for me, I think I should put Rakoren's youngest sibling into play.)) Name: Jash Age: 10 years old Gender: Male Element: Unknown right now (will discover when older hopefully. At the moment, he'll only have flashes of his element emerging sometimes.) Personality: This is my first time trying this character out, so I don't really know, until I finally use him. Looks: Jash is 5"9 and has short blonde hair. You usually don't know he is blonde, because he usually dyes his hair blue with streaks of blue. His eyes are silver like his brother, Rakoren's, except maybe a bit kinder looking. Jash has pale skin, with no tattoos, unlike his older brothers. He has long legs, which are seemingly very fragile to him, so he tries not to injure them. It allows him to be quick when on the run. History: His parents are Rakoren's. Jash is one of the few of the siblings that are still surviving. That's it, all I've been given. Rakoren wouldn't let me say anything more about his little brother. Bf/Gf: None Other: None
8:45pm Feb 10 2010
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Jash wandered the streets, his head low. It had been a long time since he had seen any of his brothers, and it made him feel so lonely, afraid to be the only of his family left. He thought of his brothers, Rakoren and all the others, and gave a huge sigh. Jash missed his brothers even more than his sisters. They had always been there for him before, but now, this time they weren't. They all were on the run from the government and their cruelness. His hope had been raised when he had spotted Rakoren get captured, and end up getting away, with some help. Jash was glad that at least someone was alive. The ten-year-old kicked at a little pebble, in frustration for a moment. He had never known his element. Everyone else had discovered it so quick. It was hard for him to do anything, with not knowing what element he was capable of using.