8:07pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((Maybe you guys should wait for the others...))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
8:08pm Feb 11 2010
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Jash nodded. "Yeah, I think so, kind of... I just really gotten my powers yet. Sometimes I think it has fully come for one minute, then it's gone." He turned around, his eyes half-closed. Jash had his blonde hair falling into his eyes, blocking off some of his vision. Rakoren completely finished off the bread. The food had been so tasty. He closed his eyes, so satisfied. Immediately, he thought of his brothers, especially the young one, Jash. Is he still around? Maybe not. He was so young after all. Right now, he'd be like, ten or eleven, I lost track of how old already he might be.
10:39pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 9,641
ooc; Ack! You guys posted so much, recap please!!
1:41pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((Detneth~ I thought so too until I read all the posts... not too much happened, just go back and read ;3 Wolf~ Hmm.. Do you think the others should somehow meet up with Jash?... ))
3:21pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 1,299
((Maybe, a few days after, they move out, and Rakoren, Kaina, or someone else runs into Jash, and Rakoren after some time discovers it's his little brother. He won't find out immediately, until Jash finds out his element or until he removes the black and blue hair dye?))
5:27pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((-has idea- Or right now a bunch of Trackers barge in, we all run out and bump into Jash?))
6:07pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 1,299
((lol. Yeah, that would be quicker. I like it.))
6:19pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 9,641
ooc; Me too :P It's interesting
6:34pm Feb 12 2010
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((It's a go then xD )) Klair was still sitting, relaxed, flopped, and happy on the couch... She was eating everything in sight, having not had a good meal in a long time. It was the amusing and perfect picture of peace... That is, until the door was knocked down and about ten Trackers armed with guns barged in and ruined everything. They ran in and kicked everything over, sending her food flying away from her. Klair grew angry; how dare those freaking trackers who ruined her life completely destory her feast?
6:46pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Tempest literally hissed in fury as the trackers burst through the door. She touched the nearest, encasing his head in a raging storm cloud, suffocating him. A he dropped to the floor, another grabbed her from behind. She screeched, "Get off me!" as they held her. Oh, they will pay for this! she thoght menacingly.
9:06pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 1,299
Rakoren's eyes widened in surprise as trackers burst in, heaviliy armed with their stinking guns. One tracker aimed a gun at him, and Rakoren recognized that he had been one of the trackers he had been saved from. "We have a score to settle. No one hurts one of us," the tracker said. He was ready to pull the trigger when, Kaina leapt in front, and knocked the tracker to the ground. Kaina glared at the tracker. "Nobody hurts an Elemental!" she yelled, and punched random blows at the tracker. Sometimes tiny, powerful waves of water slapped at the tracker's face. She looked at Rakoren. "Run!" she said. Rakoren nodded, slightly startled, and ran off, reopening the entrance to the hideout, going out into the metal street.
9:58pm Feb 12 2010
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10:39pm Feb 12 2010
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Rakoren had run out of the room and escaped... A tracker was currently lashing out at Klair with a knife that he had with him. Klair muttered a curse under her breath. She gathered some shadows in the palm of her hand and formed it into a dagger. She flicked her wrist and it flew clean through the tracker; he fell to the ground. She took her chance and flew out the exit, hoping the others would follow too... She spotted Rakoren, finally, and caught up to him.
10:47pm Feb 12 2010
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Rakoren barely even bother noticing Klair was there, with him. His heart was beating rapidly, and he had his life falshing before him. Please let me live... Please let me. His sneakers smacked against the tough, metal street. Rakoren's eyes were wild with fear. Kaina gave a few more smacks in the face to the tracker, before standing up. She glanced around, afraid that she wouldn't be able to help the rest. She was already tired from attacking that one tracker. "I'm sorry," Kaina whispered. Then the teenage Elemental fled. In a few graceful movements, she was out the entrance. Jash thought he heard the sound of footsteps approaching his way. He stiffened. "We might need to hide," he muttered, then slipped into a dark corner, only to be almost run down by Rakoren. Rakoren stared at the ten-year-old boy. I almost ran over him, like I did to Kaina. This just isn't my lucky day, huh? Rakoren said, apologetically,"Sorry, I didn't see you there."
10:58pm Feb 12 2010 (last edited on 10:58pm Feb 12 2010)
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Klair stares as Rakoren tripped over someone... Again. She sighed. He would always do that, wouldn't he? Klair stared at the boy. What the... she thought. She felt that aura coming from the boy, that of an Elemental. Just how many of us are left, anyway? If there were that many of the Elementals left, they might just have a chance if they worked together... She shook her head. She gave a sideways glance to Rakoren. I think he's a friend she tried to say with her eyes.
11:17pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 1,299
Jash looked quite shaken. "That's alright," he said quickly. Jash had no desire to be pitied by anyone. He squared his shoulders, and tried to look like he could manage on his own. Rakoren noticed at look in Klair's eyes. He didn't really understand it, bu the could just catch that this kid was no problem, and wouldn't go and call for the trackers. "So who are ya, kid?" Rakoren asked. Jash avoided eye contact. "It's really none of your business."
11:27pm Feb 12 2010 (last edited on 11:28pm Feb 12 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
Erin had been quietly munching on carrot sticks when the door had slammed open. Within an instant she was on her feet, facing the nearest Tracker. He met her gaze and smiled. She grinned back evilly, electricity crackling at her palms. He stepped towards her. Too slow! She lurched towards him, ducking left as he groped at the air in front of him. Just where he had expected her to be.
"You have to be alot quicker than that, Tracker." Erin spat, already behind him. She threw one arm around his neck, squeezing his throat, then touched the spot where his heart would be with the other hand. He choked quietly, sending flecks of spittle all over her arm. How gross. She shocked him with the hand that was pressed to his chest. He dropped instantly as the electricity hit his heart. She released the limp body and stepped back, eyes flicking around furtively.
Someone grabbed her hands from behind, and she yelped, twisting around painfully to face him. It was, of course, another Tracker. He was wearing an all-rubber body suit. Erin froze, her eyes widening with horror. Crap! She kicked at him, but the electricity she sent through her soles had no effect, and her raw power was weaker than a full-grown man's. He twisted her wrists harshly and she bit her lip. Calm down Erin.She told herself in the midst of it all. You need to remember how to escape this. The answer came to her after years of honing her skills in combat. She focused on breathing like she normally would in this kind of situation so that the Tracker wouldn't suspect her about to do anything, then she threw herself to the ground.
Her offender grunted in surprise, losing his balance as well as part of his grip on her. One of her wrists broke free; she cupped it over her second hand, which was still caught, and locked them together, then twisted. Hard. The Tracker's thumb snapped backwards and he screamed, letting go of her as his thumb broke.
Erin twirled on the smooth floor, hooking a leg around his and kicking him right in the crease in his leg, below the knee. He tumbled to the floor and Erin leapt up. She ripped his plastic helmet off and zapped him with a strong, furious dose. He died.
"Everybody get OUT!" She screamed overtop the chaos, bolting for a bolthole. A few people had already escaped, but there were a few who remained inside still. She opened it up and stood beside it, ready to fight off any Trackers that came near. She would stick near it until everyone had gotten back outside.
(( Long post is long. ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
9:10am Feb 13 2010
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Posts: 1,895
((Just like longcat is long. :3 I like it!)) Zynonia watched calmly as elementals and trackers were seen running about everywhere suddenly. She wondered if running would be a good idea. No, that would just tag her as an elemental as well. Mabye if she just sat here all scared likes then the trackers might mistake her for a normal person caught in the caos. It seemed like a good idea to her, so that's exactly what she did. She sat where she was, gripping the bench and looking around at elementals fearfully. She was quite convincing really. Years of practicing her fake emotions and acting had been a good idea.
5:55pm Feb 13 2010
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9:11pm Feb 13 2010
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Klair stared at Jash. She narrowed her eyes. "You're one of us, right?" she said. Without even waiting for his reply she said, "Then maybe the fact that a bunch of Trackers about now are on our trail possibly heading this way should be your business."