10:23pm Feb 13 2010
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Jash stiffened. "Those trackers really can't do any harm to me, considering I barely have any powers." Rakoren thought he could hear yells, and more trackers coming. "We have no time for your tough talk!" he yelled. "Move!" Rakoren roughly grabbed Jash by his shirt and dragged him off, forcefully. Elemental or not, this kid needed to get out of the way, or he might get killed in the line of fire.
2:30pm Feb 14 2010
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((Random change of font ;3)) Klair froze. This kid didn't have, or hadn't found his powers yet? But she had felt something. She shook her head and focused on running away from the trackers. Klair thought with a cold hand clutching her heart that a sighting of such a large group of Elementals might make the government go to more extreme measures to get rid of them all. She swallowed and focused more on running... Running, something she had much practice with. Running... She was running from everything. Soon when she was getting old (if she lived, of course) she would have spent so much time running that she would not have lived life.. When would she stop running? She laughed in spite of herself. Never... She answered her own question. After what seemed hours of escaping, the group reached a place which seemed foreign to Klair, which was weird since she'd been everywhere in this prison of a city. She slowed down a bit. Her breathing was heavy and her throat was dry as paper. "Do..You..think we're...Safe here?" she gasped, asking Rakoren.
2:42pm Feb 14 2010
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Zynonia watched the elemental and the trackers run. Apparently, her simple plan had worked and she calmed down, relaxing in her bench as she wondered what she would be eating soon. It had recently occured to her that she was getting hungry after all of the day's events and she would need something to keep her going before long. Mabye some berries and a rabbit would make a nice soup...
2:46pm Feb 14 2010
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Rakoren felt like his throat was burning on fire. He took in a breath of cold air, and released his grip on the boy. "I'm... not sure. I don't even know if the trackers know about this place," was his answer. Kaina had caught up to the others, and peered at the boy, that had been brought. He had black and blue, which could only be dyed. His height was unbelievable. How old was he anyway?
3:31pm Feb 14 2010
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"Okay..." Klair trailed off slowly. She gazed around. Her eyes fell upon the tall boy. "You. Are you an Elemental? Or not?" she asked. If he wasn't, they were going to have to keep him. Otherwise he would probably go alert everyone in the city and they would be caught in no time.
4:06pm Feb 14 2010
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Jash stared hard at Klair. Did she really think that he would let himself be carried off, if he wasn't an Elemental? "Of course I'm an Elemental," he said. He pointed a finger at Rakoren, acting as if he had no idea who he was. "That guy, is he a Fire Elemental? It looks like one, especially with that darn temper of his." Rakoren gritted his teeth. "Kid, why don't you shut-" Kaina stepped in between them. "Calm down, Rakoren. We don't have time for this."
4:18pm Feb 14 2010
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"Good," Klair said, letting out a sigh of relief. She faced Jash. "Yeah," she answered him, amused, "Rakoren here is a Fire Elemental." She looked at the surroundings; it looked like an abandoned part of the city... Shops with their windows broken were on either side of them. A gust of wind blew down the street, making her shiver. "Let's find a place to stay. It shouldn't be hard. Just find a store and we can hide there."
10:52pm Feb 14 2010
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"An empty one," Rakoren added. Kaina shot a glare at Rakoren. "Just listen to her. She seems to know what she's doing." Jash gave a slight smile. In a few minutes, they might start quarreling, and such. Rakoren noticed that the boy was smiling. "What are you doing that for!" he demanded. "Do I look like some clown to you." Jash said quickly,"Um, no."
7:57am Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 7:58am Feb 15 2010)
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Posts: 1,551
A faint smile played on Klair's lips as she watched Jash and Rakoren bicker. Almost as if they were siblings she mused. She turned to the group of Elementals and said, “Okay. Let’s walk farther down this lane and then find a building. Without waiting for them, she started walking down the narrow street. Klair finally came to a stop when they reached the dead end. She looked to her left and saw a store that said Subway in an old sign. Weird she thought. What the heck is Subway? Then, something caught her eye. Coming from the end of the narrow street’s walls, Klair felt… A familiar trace of an aura. She glanced at everyone, wondering if they felt it too. She walked up to the wall and studied the bricks that made it up. They looked normal… But one of the bricks had the small symbol of the Elementals on it ((Whatever you want that to be ;3)). She touched the brick with the palm of her hand. Then all the bricks pushed open like a door and lead into a huge circular room…Marble floors…Intricately decorated walls… It was huge. And on the cealing… Probably most surprising of all, was the symbol of the Elementals again. Klair whipped her head around to catch the group’s eyes. “Do you think,” she said, “that some Elementals formed a resistance here?” ((I hope you don’t mind me sort of playing a little piece into the plot?))
8:19am Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 1,895
Zynonia got bored sitting where she was. She had just eaten and felt too restless to keep sitting here. She knew that when she got restless, something she didn't want happening was happening. She thought for a moment, wondering what could have triggered this little natural alarm bell in her. Mabye someone had found it....no. She had been to careful about hiding it for something like that to happen...right? Deciding that it would be best to just go and check to make sure, she jumped onto her feet and lifted the ground she was standing on so that it floated. She sat down on it and began to move the rock. ((Hope you don't mind if I take advantage of your plot twist. Will edit my post if plot twist ends up being denied. :3))
11:48am Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((ooohhh interesting!! >:3 Hmm... Let's wait for what Wolf has to say))
6:59pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 1,299
((It's an very interesting plot twist. I say yes to it.)) Jash stared at the inside. "Interesting," he commented in a soft voice. Rakoren stared with unbelieving eyes. "If there was a resistance, they must have not lasted long." Kaina glanced at Rakoren. "How do you know?" she snapped. When Rakoren didn't reply, Kaina snorted. "You don't know, just what I thought." Jash, narrowed his eyes at the two of them. "Just quit it please," he said. "You're acting like toddlers, and that's even younger than me." Rakoren, glared at Jash. "You're not my mother." "So?" Jash said. "You are acting immature, so I have a right to say that. Whether you're older than me, or not, you are acting immature, so please just stop it." He sighed, and turned to admire the room. "Interesting," he murmured, as he ran a hand over one of the walls.
7:10pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 1,895
When Zynonia got close enough to see that her special place that she called home was open wide for all to see and a group of people had gathered around it. She sensed that they were all elementals, but was still furious. How dare they just waltz into her home like that! They didn't even bother to hide it again. Outrage, Zynonia got off of her rock, making several large and sharp rocks hover around her and she stormed towards the group of elementals. " Ey you! " She yelled agrilly, " Get away from there! " She growled loudly and a few cats could be seen gathering. It was obvious by the way they watched curiously that they had come here to figure out what had upset Zynonia, and found something extremely interesting to them. ((Just so youy know, Zynonia doesn't worry about trackers quite as much as some other elementals do.))
7:14pm Feb 15 2010
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"It's so beautiful," Klair breathed. The walls depicted scenes of older Elementals. She saw that one picture showed a cool shadow attack she had never tried or seen before. She told herself to remember it, so she could try it out sometime. "Even if it isn't that old," Klair said, "I think it...Inspiring that a group of Elementals tried to fight back. After all, all I've been doing for my whole life has been running." She let the words sink in.
7:19pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 1,895
Zynonia stormed into the place and yelled at the top of her lungs " GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! " She glared evily at the elemental in tehre. She wasn't about to let them come right on in and do whatever they wanted here. This place was all she had to reemmber those lost friends by. She swore that if they had broken anything, she would kill whoever had broken it.
7:24pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 1,551
Klair nearly jumped a foot in the air and faced Zynonia. "Y-your house?" she stuttered, surprised. "Sorry!" she quickly apologized. Then she felt a wave of anger; they hadn't done anything wrong. "We were just trying to shelter ourselves from the Trackers who were hot on our tails. You should be happy to know that we didn't break a thing," she hissed.
7:28pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( o___o Uh oh. Sorry, I'm very, very behind... -sigh- Okay then. D: I'm going to make Erin die then. ))
Erin struggled in the tracker's grasp. Her wrists burned from rubbing against rubber for so long, but all she wanted was to escape. One tracker held her around the stomach, too; she had no chance to make any moves to free herself. "What do we do with this one?" One of them murmured into the phone. "She's fiesty; took down two of our members already." He glanced at her as he spoke. After a quiet static sound, another voice replied from the phone. "She seems very powerful; We have never captured an Electrokinetic before. This may be a good chance to study them." Erin's heart clenched with fear. Study her? Like, scientific labs and such?
"Lock her up for now." Continued the voice. "Just in the local jail, she can't melt the bars or anything. We will come for her in a few days." The line ended and the phone buzzed quietly. "You heard him." The tracker said, turning around to speak to the others. He was the one who had her in a grip around her torso. "We put her behind bars and then-" Erin elbowed him in the stomach, hard. He gasped as the air was beat out of him, and his grip loosened. Immediately, once he let go, she kicked off the ground with one foot and whirled in the air, her feet swinging above her, to smack the first tracker on the head. He dropped to the floor, groaning.
Yes! I'm free! Erin thought, leaping to her feet and dashing forward. She had just begun to smile at her victory when she felt a sharp pain in her shoulder. She cried out as blood sprayed onto her cheek, stumbling and falling onto the hard street floor. She bit her lip at the pain, crying silently. "Damn, you're troublesome." A tracker growled above her. It was the same one that she had kicked. "Too troublesome. Not worth it." He raised his gun and squinted, trying to aim. She yelled as she kicked upwards, causing the gun to turn around just as the tracker pulled the trigger. The bullet tore through his neck, and he bled to death.
She tried to get to her feet, but was shoved down again. Something cool and sharp slid across her neck. Oh no, I'm dying... She thought as her vision narrowed. At least I took one of them with me. "Hmph." The remaining tracker grunted, looking down at the lifeless Elemental body. "Serves you right." He turned around and left her on the street, surrounded by a scarlet pool.
(( Okay. She's gone. D: Sorry I had to leave like that. You guys could like, find her in the street and be like 'Omg! D: Trackers are so evil!' and stoof if you want. ;o Have fun roleplaying. ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:28pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 1,895
" You can't shelter yourself here! Last time I let other elementals in here, terrible things happened. " Zynonia said ominously. At least they hadn't broken anything. She let herself calm down a little bit. She had a way of getting really angry, really fast, then getting tired and calming down again very quickly. Now all she wanted was for these people to leave before something actually did get broken.
7:34pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 1,551
"Wait." Klair's voice suddenly grew husky and rough. She had heard a gunshot. Right nearby. She didn't wait for anyone to ask why she was acting so strangely. She ran past everything... Her heart was beating quickly...She ran, not knowing what had happened but knew that something terrible had happened... Something bad.... Then she slipped on something wet, and landed on somebody. "Oh my gosh, I'm-" she broke off. She was going to say sorry. But then she realized something; the person was dead. The thing she had slipped on was blood. Worse, even, she recognized the person as the Elemental she had met not too long ago. Never had something happened like this to her. She couldn't process that Erin was... Dead. "Somebody... Help," she muttered. And then she promptly fainted.
7:45pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 1,895
Zynonia watched her dash off, going as well to investigate. What she saw shocked her and brought back a flood of unwanted memories. She looked in horrow, knowing there was nothing she could do. What tracker had gone to such a length? They hardly ever killed. Mabye it was the same one who had killed her friends all those long years ago. No, she had killed him for what he had done. There was no way a normal person could come back from the dead. This had to be someone new. " Every time! " She hissed angrily, refering to how an elemental died in some horrible way every time someone found her home. She wondered if the murderous trackers was still around. She didn't want to take any cahnces and decided she would have to shelter Klair temporarily. She also planned on taking the body with her. She couldn't just leave it out here for who knows what to pick at it. That was against her ethics. So, she lifted the ground under the two elementals and ran back to her home, getting them inside before hiding it. Zynonia set Klair on the couch before going to tend to the dead one. She didn't touch that one and lifted the dirt still under it once more before opening a secret room where the poor person would be buried. ((Ah poor Zynonia. Having to live with so much bad luck. O3o))
