11:06am Jun 16 2010
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((Random XD ))
12:27pm Jun 16 2010
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12:41pm Jun 16 2010
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((Lore isn't on right now, everyone. Just be patient. <3 ))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
5:55pm Jun 16 2010
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Posts: 56
ooc:// Wow, a lot of people replied. ;~; Sorry for the wait. You may all join! The characters posted so far have all been accepted; welcome to the roleplay! I shall update the characters in the first post, then post my character. :3
6:01pm Jun 16 2010 (last edited on 6:11pm Jun 16 2010)
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Name: Auburn White Age: Unknown Gender: Female Alchemist or Apprentice: Alchemist From sector ____: Marah Race/Species: Half human, half fire sorcerer (Is this okay?) Skin Tone: Fair Hair Color: Strikingly auburn-red Hair Style: A short, sleek bob Eye Color: Fiery green Eye Shape: Large almond-shaped Face Shape: Oval, with a slightly pointed chin Height: Fine feet, eight inches Build: Lean, but strong Clothing: Auburn prefers men's styled clothing turned slightly feminine above everything else. She detests dresses, skirts, and all other impractical forms of clothing. Her favorite material is leather, and she likes short sleeves to long ones. Accessories: A small gold chain necklace around her neck. She also carries two daggers and a small whip with her. Tattoos/Piercings: None. Pets: None--she does like riding, though. Personality: Auburn is a very moody person, above all else. One moment, she may be staring thoughfully out of a window, and the next she may be bearing down on you in a powerful fury. Most times, though, she is cool and calm. Auburn in independent, ambitious, and sometimes sarcastic, too. She prefers to keep her emotions and her feelings to herself, and trusts few. The one exception to this is Ashton. A long-time friend and companion, Ashton is one of the few people in Auburn's closest circle. She often finds herself confiding in him, and trusts him with her lfie. Besides all of these contradicting traits, Auburn is a very philosophical person who loves to learn and think. She's loyal to her home and her sector, and would do almost anything for it. History: Auburn grew up in the Marah sector. Because of her half-fire sorcerer heritage, she has a much longer lifespan than a normal human would. She grew up with her mother, father, sister, and brother, but left them to serve her sector. She has a minor control over some fire, such as the ability to summon sparks, and, with intense focuse a small flame. She can make fires grow a few more flames, but beyond that, her powers dwindle. Auburn has been serving at the alchemist for many years now, and plans to so for many more. Ashton, her other half, joined her not long after she left home, but how they met is unknown to anyone but themselves. Other: None.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
6:08pm Jun 16 2010
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Posts: 56
ooc:// Happily accepted! Welcome to the roleplay; I'm glad you could join. Here is my second character (you can make up to two): Name: Petar Dubravko
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Alchemist or Apprentice: Alchemist
From sector ____: Cicon
Race/Species: Albino Human/Dragon
Skin Tone: Pale
Hair Color: Extremely light blond
Hair Style: Medium-length, curly/wavy
Eye Color: Clear
Eye Shape: Round
Face Shape: Angular
Height: 6'5"
Build: Tall, Thin
Clothing: Petar wears a long, transparent tunic with King Andelko's crest on it, tattered cream slacks, and does not wear any shoes. EVER.
Accessories: None Tattoos/Piercings: A full set of Greek blessings, written in Greek, inscribed with permanent white ink on his back.
Pets: N/A
Personality: Petar is an extremely humble person, and never boasts about his discoveries with his alchemy, although boast-worthy. He is shy and keeps to himself. Never talks much.
History: Petar Dubravko was born in what was former Croatia to loving parents. His dad practiced alchemy in secret, while his mother stayed home. When Petar was twelve, his mother died from cancer and his father was arrested for performing alchemy without government permission. Petar was sent to live with his grandmother until he was eighteen. During that time, he took up alchemy just as his father had done, only this time with a license. Petar was so incredibly gifted at alchemy that he was taken from his grandmother and put into the position of King Andelko's alchemist at age nineteen. The only reason Petar has continued alchemy is because of the penalty for not doing what the king wants him to do: death.
Other: Petar can turn into a magnificent dragon due to a permanent alchemy spell. However, when he uses this power an unknown amount of his lifespan is taken away.

6:17pm Jun 16 2010 (last edited on 7:00pm Jun 16 2010)
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((Thanks. <3 )) Name: Ashton Lithaldoren Age: Immortal (Looks to be around the age of twenty-three) Gender: Male Power: Besides immortality, Ashton has a strange control over ice. He can also shift the ice into forms around him to create ice-creatures. This process take a lot of emergy and focus, though, so it cannot be done too much. From sector ____: Aaria Race/Species: Was once human, now ice sorcerer. Skin Tone: Fair, but when exposed to a lot of sunlight, tan. Hair Color: A very pure silver Hair Style: Long, but usually tied back with a leather cord Eye Color: Electric, icy blue Eye Shape: Round Face Shape: Long and thin, with a square jaw and high cheeks Height: About five-foot eleven Build: Tall and well-muscled, but not bulky Clothing: Likes strong, flexible pants and loost shirts. Accessories: A long, thin, leather whip in which he uses expertly Tattoos/Piercings: An asian-style silver dragon along his right arm. Pets: None. Personality: Though Auburn's closest companion, Ahston is a near opposite to her. Ashtonisn't afraid to show his emotions, and he is very trusting. Often, a little bit too much. He is kind and understanding, and after many years with Auburn, knows how to handle her well. He is alao a deep thinker,as well as very protective. Ashton is calm for the most part, but when you anger him, he can be very violent. Ashton enjoys nature, and often retreats tothe forest for peace and quiet. History: Unknown, but supposedly troubled. Other: None.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
6:21pm Jun 16 2010 (last edited on 6:21pm Jun 16 2010)
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Posts: 56
ooc:// Also accepted; powered character, correct?
6:53pm Jun 16 2010 (last edited on 7:03pm Jun 16 2010)
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((Oops. Yeah, sorry. xD I forgot to post the headings for those. I'll edit in the missing information in a moment. <3 EDIT: I have to log off soon. Try not to start without me? <3 ))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
7:31pm Jun 16 2010 (last edited on 7:55pm Jun 16 2010)
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Posts: 56
ooc:// Sounds great! We'll be waiting for you.
12:29pm Jun 17 2010
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3:48pm Jun 18 2010
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Posts: 842
Name: Camarina Aerilee (Cama) Age: 19 Gender: Female Alchemist or Apprentice: Apprentice From sector ____: Kaizer Race/Species: Human Skin Tone: Mocha Hair Color: Black Hair Style: Short and layered. It it long by her face, cut at a sharp angle. Eye Color: Deep green Eye Shape: Close to almond shaped, but not quite there yet. Face Shape: Like her eyes, her law is sharp, but her face still has a slighly soft look about it. Height: 5' 8" Build: Lean and fit. Clothing: tight t shirts, but loose baggy pants. Accessories: an odd *censored*ortment of bangles and braclets around her wrists. Tattoos/Piercings: no piercings, but she has a small tatto of a tattoo of a vine curling up her back and stopping on her neak. Pets: None Personality: She is bold and not afraid to face people, even being what she is. She can rain terror, if you mess with her friends. She is crazy, random, and fun to be with. Cama is smart when she needs to be, but all other times, nothing will make sense to her. Cam is not the person you would expect when you look at her. She probably isn't even the person you think she is. History: If she told you, you nust have drugged her. She worked hard to get to the place she is now. Don't mess it up for her by asking questions. Other: Nothing.
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
6:41pm Jun 18 2010
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Posts: 56
ooc:// Accepted. Welcome, casanev! As for actually starting the roleplay, I do not have a sure date; however, I'd like to start it around Sunday, June 20. If this works or does not work for you, please say so. Also, I am up for suggestions on when the roleplay should start. Thanks!
10:12am Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 56
12:07pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 2,962
((That sounds fine to me!))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
3:52pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 842
ooc; works for me!
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
3:58pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 993
((This sounds like a beautiful roleplay, is it possible for me to join as an apprentice, since all of the slchemist spots have been taken?))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
9:03pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 56
ooc:// That's great, guys! I can't wait to get started! winter– Of course you may! I can't wait to see your character!
3:27pm Jun 20 2010
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Posts: 56
UPDATE! Hey, everyone! It's time to start the roleplay. Anyone can have the first post, but be sure to wait to post again after everyone has at least had a chance to reply. All posts must be at least four sentences long, and please try to be as literate as possible. LET THE ROLEPLAY BEGIN!
5:01pm Jun 20 2010
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Posts: 2,962
((Happy Father's Day, everyone!)) Auburn woke early. The sunlight streamed into her bedroom chamber. She mentally scolded herself for not closing the curtains last night. Auburn sat up and stretched her cramped arms, and then climbed out of bed. She then dressed and readied herself for the day. Quietly, she slipped out of her room and into the hallway, wondering what today would bring.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.