10:33pm Jun 20 2010
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Aaron Ryuin got up today feeling different, like there was hope. His father left his room for the first time in four years, ever since his mother died. Aaron now felt there was hope for him. He got up to feed his pet wolf, Syuin, but it was already done by his father. Maybe dad is finnally healed by time, Aaron thought.
8:30am Jun 21 2010 (last edited on 11:06am Jun 22 2010)
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Dusk yawened, showing rows of sharp teeth that had appreared during the expiriment. She flicked out her tongue and tasted the air as if she was a snake. She was blind, so of course her other senses were heightened, but she was wierd for the expiriment on her had backfired and now she swore she could hear the trees speaking to her in their whispy voices. She clutched her head in agony as a headache took hold of her and she fell to the floor, tears streeming out of her eyes. It ended as suddenly as it had come and she wiped her eyes. Tears are a weakness. She thought. She stared around, she had no one, there was no one who wanted her and there was no one who would ever want her. She had no memory, no family, and no friends. If she did before the expiriment, she didn't remember them, her memory was gone and the headaches made sure it stayed that way. Whenever she tried to think of her past and remembered even a glimpse of it, the headache would come and interuppt her thoughts...
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1:42pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 993
Name: Cain Poswell Age: Twenty-one years old Gender: Male Alchemist or Apprentice: Apprentice From sector ____: Marah Race/Species: Human, and strictly so. Skin Tone: Medium, with golden undertones. (Pretty tan. He works in the sun a lot) Hair Color: Sandy blonde, edging on light brown. Hair Style: Cain keeps his hair fairly short, though not in a buzz-cut fashion. It's soft and cat-like to the touch, such as that style, but a bit longer so it suits his face more. Eye Color: Bluish green, though more green. Eye Shape: Almond-shaped. Face Shape: Difficult to describe, with high cheekbones and an almost-square jawline, though it softens out. No particular shape describes it. Height: 6'3" Build: Muscular, often works oddjobs in his spare time so he can eat. Clothing: Finding that it acts more of a second skin than clothing, Cain often wears a tight-fitting white shirt, usually with whatever pants he can find. Long ago, his mother bought him a big coat, telling him he could have it when he grew into it, so now the apprentice has something to wear when it's cold outside. Accessories: Nothing of real importance. Tattoos/Piercings: None of either, though considering getting a tattoo. Pets: He has a small love of cats, though can't seem to find a stray that likes him. Personality: Cain is not what he seems. On the outside, cold, emotionless, even evil, maybe. The perception of the apprentice varies, and few know him truely. He cares. In tough times, he's frightened. He's a normal person, and is very easily misunderstood. Often times, people will be too afraid to approach him. Cain is kind, when you talk to him, and wants to justify his cause. Though not many know, Cain is a bit of a flirt, though no one ever gives him enough of a chance for him to fall in love. He's stubborn and a little childish, but Cain is a very mature boy. However, in battle or when there is an eerie seriousness, Cain delivers. He's devoted and loyal, even if that means being ruthless. Nothing matters more to him than the well-being of close ones. History: Not-so long ago, Cain's mother had her third and final child, the childbirth being too much for the woman of poor health, and she died shortly afterwards. He, his father, and his younger brother work as hard as they can to provide for Cain's new little sister, each of the three working as many jobs as they can hold down. Luckily, the three are strong and useful, so they get by, even being able to afford a few luxuries. Other: Nothing I haven't mentioned.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
8:55pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 56
ooc:// Fantastic introductions so far, everyone! I'll post mine very soon. Winterisis- Character accepted; I'll addhim to the list!
1:29pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 56
ooc:// Here are my character introductions: bic:// It was cold; an odd thing due to the fact that King Nikifor's palace was sitting at the foot of an active volcano. Everyone was collecting extra blankets and firewood, along with bartering for goods of which they could store. But the streets were silent, except for the occasional whisper. The malevolent tyrant that Kaizer's people had to call 'King' had ordered soldiers on every street corner, near every house, and in unexpected places so that the people would 'stay in line'. This also meant that the people lived in utter fear; afraid that at any moment the soldiers––bloodthirsty beasts––would strike. But one person was willing to do whatever it took to obtain freedom, and was acting upon that goal as the moon appeared. Dressed in a dark cloak, a figure glided across the cracked pavement with ease. No one had ever seen this person except for the King. And when he did, Nikifor would unleash every bit of wrath in his body upon Na'vaté Dyhearte, his esteemed alchemist, until there was no more wrath left. This abuse had begun when Na'vaté was only twelve; the day she had been captured by the king's men and thrown into a world of violence and captivity. Nikifor's objective was to take over the world using the girl's incredibly advanced alchemy, and if Na'vaté refused or disobeyed, a member of her family would be killed. When there were no remaining relatives, he would use torture to get his way. Na'vaté felt terrible for leaving her good friend and apprentice, Camarina, to fend for herself, but she had no choice. The King had been on one of his rampages the night before, and all that rage came down upon Na'vaté in the form of torture and abuse. Fresh wounds still leaked blood as the alchemist ran down the streets, causing her immense pain. But she couldn't stop––she wouldn't let Nikifor prevail.

9:31am Jun 23 2010
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1:32pm Jun 25 2010
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Posts: 56
ooc:// Sorry I haven't been on for a while! Let's get posting!
1:37pm Jun 25 2010
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Posts: 2,962
((Hey everyone! I thought that I would let everyone know that I'm going on a trip for the weekend. I'm going to a pretty remote place, so I highly doubt that I will be able to log on. I'll be gone for about five days, so I'll be back around the 30th. See you then! ~Lola))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
5:54pm Jun 25 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((Here! (sorry, had a trip and wasnt back til two days ago, which I had totally forgotten this, XD lol)))
3:42pm Jun 27 2010
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Posts: 56
ooc:// Lola - sound fine. We shall await your return! ashdog - It's great you're back! LETS GET POSTING!
3:45pm Jun 27 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((okay. * starts coming up with intro* ill post in a second.))
4:41pm Jun 27 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((Uh oh, cant come up with anything. *Forces brain to think* ))
1:16pm Jun 29 2010
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Posts: 56
ooc:// I feel that people don't really want to participate in this roleplay. Now, i can understand when people go places where they cannot access the internet, but people that decide to join yet never post really urks me. So here me out: IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS ROLEPLAY, THEN YOU NEED TO TELL ME FIRST. Otherwise I'll just delete your character from the list and not let you participate. This may seem rash, but I'm tired of this. Seriously, people. POST!
5:59pm Jun 29 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((I am back, but I need a reply to my post))
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6:08pm Jun 29 2010
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Posts: 12,384
Ash sat around. She trys not too use alchemy too much, because of the effect that followed. But that isnt to say she never used it. ((Fail XD))
12:59am Jul 2 2010
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Posts: 993
Rays of golden sun danced in patterns across the floor of Cain's bedchamber, finding holes in the curtain to run through. Feeling the warmth of the light tickle his face, one of the boy's eyes flickered open, searching for the source of the heat. It was a pleasant feeling, one which the boy was inclined to wake for, standing and scratching his shoulder absent-mindedly, then scolding himself remembering the large wound on it. He opened the curtains with a sweeping movement of his arms, looking out on Marah, the sun peeking over the horizon. A smile played upon Cain's lips as he crossed his arms, leaning on them and watching the cities begin to come to life. These things that he saw, they were what inspired Cain to train to be an alchemist, even if using his powers had side affects. Becoming an alchemist would allow the peace in Marah to expand, unlike the others who want their unrest and destruction to spread. He sighed heavily, turning his back to the window and staring at his feet, then grabbing a white shirt to cover his body and pulling a pair of pants on over his underwear. Cain grinned and swung the door open, glancing back only for a moment at the slightly-tidied room before he galloped off down the hall, stopping abruptly at the kitchen, head slamming into the large wooden door. "Ahhh..." He rubbed his head slowly where it had hit into the entry to the chef's domain, forgetting the pain as he opened the door, slipping into the heated room silently. It was one of the small pleasures he had to watch those whom cooking inspired at work, their delicate and percise movements like notes in a symphony. Hopefully, Auburn knew him well enough that the country's alchemist could find him there in the kitchen when she needed him. ((I do hope that's enough to show I want to roleplay here. I'm really sorry that I couldn't post sooner, it's just that my life has been hectic and full, and I'm about to leave again. This summer is really busy.))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
6:06am Jul 2 2010
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Dusk ran through the streets of the city belonging to Auburn the alchemist and collided with a large wall. She groaned quietly and climbed it like a spider. She felt heat rising from a window and moved onto the ledge. She felt movement as a cook moved and she leaped in, snatching a piece of meet, still very hot. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" The cook screamed and Dusk knew she had nlot been quick enough...
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10:50am Jul 4 2010
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11:48am Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 56
ooc:// Guys, this post is in hopes of keeping this roleplay going, but I doubt it will. Just be blunt; do you want to continue this roleplay?
12:41pm Jul 16 2010
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ooc: YES!))
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