5:54pm Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 10:18pm Jul 14 2010)
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Posts: 302
Plot:;; There isn't really a plot except it's just normal High-School life. Rules:;; 1. Follow all normal Rescreatu rules 2. Keep things to an extent, Romance PG-13 and Violence PG-13 as well. 3. You can get in school fights but this is also followed by consequences. 4. Have fun. :3 Character Skeleton:;; Name: Age: (14-19) Gender: Grade: Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Looks: Favorite School Subject: (You can put none for this if you want) Crush: (Who they are crushing on) Boyfriend/Girlfriend: (If you have crush filled out than you don't need to add anything to this) GPA: (Not everyone is a straight A student) Other: My Characters:;; Name: Elodie "Ellie" McGinning Age: 17 Gender: Female Grade: Junior Personality: My personality is one with a strong sense of right and wrong, who despises discord and confrontation. I am a person who approaches life with a bit of sugar-coating to make the ride less bumpy for themselves and for those around me. I am innately and often unconsciously strive for balance and serenity in my life, sometimes going to extremes to maintain the peace despite the ups and downs inherent in everyday living. I am generally well-liked in my social circles and function best in situations in which I am surrounded by admiring friends and family. I am able to see both sides of an issue, but in my need to please everyone all the time, I may often be perceived as uncommitted or indecisive. I appreciate beauty, and will usually have top quality possessions and a tasteful wardrobe and hair style. In my quest to be all things to all people, I may come off as somewhat flirtatious in some instances, and may have a tendency towards gossip, as I can't get enough of learning all about the people around me. I tend to be the peace keeper, and when trouble arises, you can count on me to help smooth ruffled feathers. Likes: Acting in plays, dancing, hanging with friends, debates, learning, and boys. Dislikes: Being criticized, thick-headed people, and opinions that are not based off both sides of a situation. Looks: Favorite School Subject: Science Crush: Sculyr Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None GPA: 3.8 Other: None

5:55pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 2,338
5:57pm Jul 14 2010
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Name: Akila Monteik Age: 16 Gender: Female Grade: Freshman Personality: RP it out Likes: Guys. Dislikes: Some sertain girls. Looks: Coming.... Favorite School Subject: Music Crush: Open Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None yet GPA: Accasional A's and B's Other: Nope
 (Banner made by Kina)
5:59pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 302
AMh148, please join :DD Thanks Tribecka :DDd
6:01pm Jul 14 2010
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Name: Arya mickles
Age: 15
Gender:female Grade: 10 sophmore
Personality:rp it out
Likes:school, books, wrting, animals lots of stuff
Dislikes:stuck up girls, people who think they are popular. Looks:  Favorite School Subject:math Crush: open Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none GPA: 4.0
Other: none
7:25pm Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 8:00pm Jul 14 2010)
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Posts: 302
(( Thanks for joining, hopefully we will get enough people to start soon ))
7:32pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 5,310
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:37pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 302
Ooc:// Please, Dragonstar. :) You are aloud to have more than one character, we need more boys. :)
7:39pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Thanks, Moo. My bio will be up shortly.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:40pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 7,187
OoC: Join? =D
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:42pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 302
Ooc:// No problem, ^ ^. Sure, LadyTsunade! :DDD
7:47pm Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 7:55pm Jul 14 2010)
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Posts: 5,310
Name: Sculyr Treaty
Age: Eighteen
Gender: Male
Grade: Senior
Personality: Sculyr is sort of a go-with-the-flow sort of guy. He loves to have fun and he basically tries to be everybody's friend. [[ Yea... ^^; Rough personality. Might redo this when I get the chance.]] Likes: Electronics.
Dislikes: Extremely rude and annoying people.
Looks: Sculyr has light blue irises with a ring of yellow-gold around his pupils. If and when he glares, the colour of his eyes seem to turn to ice. When he stands up, he is roughly around six foot. Favorite School Subject: Computer Programming
Crush: Currently open. :D Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None. GPA: 3.1 Other: Nothing really.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:49pm Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 8:35pm Jul 14 2010)
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Posts: 2,092
((Join?)) Name: Dimitri Ramos Age: 18 Gender: Male Grade: Senior Personality: Dimitri is a very gruff person, blunt and straight to the point. He prefers to be left alone to his own thoughts and doing rather then be bothered by anyone else's problems. He is a bit of a loner, not one to be able to make and keep friends easily because of his snappish attitude towards other human beings. And those he considers friends are not always the best of company. He does try to keep his temper in check, though not always does it work. Because in truth who wants to have a ticked off person, weather its him of the person he's punched. Nor is Dimitri always on the right side of the law, he's not afraid to steal or rob, though he would not dream of actually killing anyone unless he was forced to. He was at one point not going to school at all, that lasted for about half a year before he was forced back, and he regrets doing what he'd done. Likes: Very little really. Music, only the eighties rock bands really. The Full Moon, something about that yellow ob ject in the sky always intrigued him, not to mention he loves werewolves. Reading, if it is nothing but romance it's going across the room into a wall, but a little is alright, he prefers horror or fantasy. Stephen King, any one who can write horror and suspense as well as Stephen can puts him on Dimitri's good list. Hanging out with friends is alright at times, though his friends are not exactly creditable. He will never admit it aloud, but he does enjoy school as long as theres no homework Dislikes: Jocks, he really hates those guys who think they run the school with their muscles. Preps, just not happening. Math, all those problems and hundreds of ways to solve them. Sunny days, they interrupt his sleep and it's just to darn bright. Rap, it's not even music just people spitting out fast words. Kids... Looks: Dimitri is not a person you would want to meet in a dark alleyway. He looks sorta like a guy who would slit your throat without a backwards glance. He is tall, standing about 6'4 in height. He has a strong distant face ith dark brown eyes that seem to glow when he's angry. His hair is dark brown and reaches his neck, and is slightly wavy with darker black streaks. He normally wears comfortable dark jeans and a black shirt. A long black jacket normally covers him. A scar goes over his left eye and he has a tattoo spiraling down his shoulder that looks like a snarling wolf. Favorite School Subject: History Crush: None for the moment Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nope GPA: Mostly B's, the occasional C's Other: Nope ------ Name: Faythe Sanders Age: Seventeen Gender: Female Grade: Junior Personality: She is most defiantly not a person to annoy or mess with, she tends to let her temper, which is sky high, get the better of her. She is a bit of a violent person, enjoying to fight and not minding the pain once-so-ever, in fact she likes it. Yeah she's a bit on the sadistic side of things. She also hates emotion or to show it, looking at it as a weakness that could, and will, get you hurt. Even though she tries to deny any sort of friendships, she is loyal to those she trusts and would protect them with her life. Due to her miss matched past, Faythe believes the world is a awful place, very few trustful enough not to hurt her again. Likes: Fighting, she enjoys the adrenaline rush it gives and the thought that she can dominate whoever she's going against. Music, rock and rap mostly though she does like a little Gothic rock. Fanfiction, she loves reading it and even at times writing it. Poetry, yes she's one of those weird people who enjoy writing what their feelings in rhyme. Breaking the law, Faythe loves annoying the police and the thought that she can, at times, out smart the people normal civilians look up to. Knives, something about those pointy objects make her happy. Dislikes: People in general, she tends to stay away from them because of things that had happened in her past and the thought that everyone is against her. Preps, she could just bash the heads in of those prissy little cheerleaders who flaunt what they got and tend to give females a bad name. Jocks, she hates all of those testosterone filled males that think their all that. Sports, how likes getting sweaty in matching uniforms while doing nothing but throw a ball of sorts around? Looks: let it out,. But she believes the world is a awful place, no one trustful enough not to hurt her again. Looks: She is about 5'6 and very hostile about it, with a lean body type. Even though she's small, she is little to no fat with thick, hidden muscles under tanned skin. She has many scars as well, mostly around her back and legs, seeing as she was never hit around the face much. Her eyes are a deep green with slight golden flecks near the center. Her face is defined by a small chin and high cheek bones with a small mouth that hardly ever smiles. All-in-all it's very harsh and cold. Her hair is about shoulder length in the front and slightly shorter in the back with a spiky look. Its a deep chestnut brown with darker streaks running thorough it. Favorite School Subject: She hates them all Crush: I feel sorry for anyone who tries to hit on her... Boyfriend/Girlfriend: No... GPA: She could care less about school, so pretty much F's in everything Other: Nothing of importance

7:57pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 302
Ooc:// Awesome characters so far guys! Thanks for joining, Stray! :D I am thinking about adding a guy charrie as well. :)
8:00pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 896
Ooc: Join?
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
8:02pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 7,187
Name: James Alexander Age: 17 Gender: Male Grade: Junior Personality: Calm, Cool, And Collected. He’s Usually He First One To Get Bored Of Something And Make Up Some New Game To Occupy His Ever Wondering Mind. And ‘Unfortunately’, In His Opinion, He’s Really Smart And Has An Uncanny Ability To Understand Mostly Everything He Comes In Contact With; Even People. Even Though He’s Smart, He’s Easy To Talk To An Has A Natural Gift To Become Friends With Anyone He Meets. Loyal, Kind, And Understanding. Likes: Girls, Music, Video Games, and Sleeping. His Favorite Pastime Would Have To Be Sleeping, Second Only To Hanging Out With His Pals And Flirting With Girls. However, He Never Really Take His Flirting Seriously. His Favorite Colors Are Red And Black, ‘They Look Awesome Together’ Is His Usual Thought When He Sees The Two Together. Dislikes: Loud Noises, Stupid Questions, Cl*censored*ical Music, And Pointless Drama. He Hates To See Girls Cry; It Usually Makes Him Want To Beat The Crap Out Of The One Who Did Them. He Absolutely Hates Light Colors, ‘They’re Too… GIRLY…’ Is His Opinion, And He Sticks To It. He Hates the Silence, And Even Though He Hates Being The One To Really Cause Noise, He’ll Do It To Get Away From The Silence. Looks:
 Favorite Subjesct: Literature Crush: [Open] BF/GF: Nope GPA: 4.0 Name: Alexandra O' Donalds Age: 16 Gender: Female Grade: Sophomore Personality: Diversified, Unlabeled, Different, Unique, Priceless, She’s Not Like All The Other Girls, She Won’t Take What All The Others Do. She Won’t Fake It Like All Of The Other Girls, She’s The Girl Who Will Burst Out Laughing In The Dead Silence About Something That Happened Yesterday, She Hangs With Those Who Make Her Happy, She Laughs Nearly As Much As She Breaths, She Loves Dancing In The Rain, The Kind Of Dance You Dance You Dance When There’s No One Else Around, Loves Like She’s Never Been Hurt Before, Sings Like No One Could Ever Hear Her, Lives Like Heaven Is On Earth, She’s The One You Can Tell All Of Your Secrets To And Never Have To Worry About Others Hearing Them. She The Kind Of Girl That Will Go To The End Of The Earth With You Or For You And Never Ask For Anything In Return. Likes: Likes The Way The Air Smells After It Rains, And After The Gr*censored* Is Cut. Playing Her Guitar, Singing, Hanging Out With Her Friends, Making Others Laugh. She Also Likes Black And Hot Pink. She Likes Awkward Silence Because That’s When She Can Make People Laugh The Most. Dislikes: Being Laughed At, Being Alone, Being Quiet. She Doesn't Like Being Judged And She Hates When People Use Things She Told Them Against Her. Looks:
Favorite Subject: History Crush: [Open] BF/GF: Nope GPA: 3.6 Other: Call her Alex
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:02pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((i might))
8:14pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 302
((Yeah, we can start soon. Amh148, if you want to make another character go ahead. We will start once he/she is posted. ))
8:21pm Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 9:45pm Jul 14 2010)
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Posts: 896
Name: Dani Whitmer
Age: 17 Gender: Female
Grade: Junior
Personality:Working on it.
Likes: Sports, mostly football, baseball, and dance. Reading. Animals. Thunderstorms. Playing in the rain.
Dislikes: Chatspeak. Criticism. Being bossed around. People who don't try to enjoy life.
Looks:  Favorite School Subject: English Crush: Open Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None GPA: 3.5 Other: Nope Name: Asher Whitmer Age: 18 Gender: Male
Grade: Senior Personality: Working on it.
Likes: Sports, flirting with girls. Making jokes. Hanging out with friends.
Dislikes: People who always complain. People who always try to please others.
Looks:: : Favorite School Subject: Gym Crush: Open Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none GPA: 3.0 Other: Nope
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
8:21pm Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 8:22pm Jul 14 2010)
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name- Toboe mickles
Age: 16 Gender:male Grade: sophmore Personality:rp it out
Likes:wolve, reading about wolves, learning about wolves Dislikes:his siste, school, Looks:  Favorite School Subject: language Crush: alexandera Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none GPA: 3.0 Other: Arya is his twin sister