8:23pm Jul 14 2010
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((there im done))
8:35pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 7,187
(( Coolio! Toboe likes Aex! =O Can we start? =D ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:39pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((yeah! lolz lets get this party started!!! im not starting it!))
8:54pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 302
((Alrighty, I shall post the my characters intro now)) The early morning rose with a whistling chime. Birds chirped, the pure white clouds shifted with leisure within the partially crystal clear sky. Cars growled and gurgled going to either work or school. Elodie fixed her clothes in front of her closet mirror, her torso was covered by a cold shoulder rose top and it flowed together with her dark skinny jeans. Before leaving she checked her feet that were concealed by cute grey boots that came mid shin. Elodie brushed her wavy hair once more and checked up on her make-up, it was simple: cat-eye eyeliner and mascara. "Alright, I seem good to go." Elodie smiled to herself in the mirror before heading down the stairs and into the garage. She looked to her car, it was pretty much Elodie's pride and joy. It was a Xterra S in black, she saved up money since her fifteenth birthday to help her parents buy the car of her sixteenth birthday dreams. In the matter of seconds she was on her way to school, she was ready to talk her friends and see what she was learn during her cl*censored*es. It only took around fifteen minutes for Elodie to arrive at school, traffic was moderate and she peered around for her parking spot. After turning her car off and settling the keys in her purse, Elodie, gave a miniature sigh and got out of her car.

9:11pm Jul 14 2010
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(( James and Alex are gonna be bestest buddies XD )) "HEY HEY YOU YOU I DON'T LIKE YOUR GIRLFRIEND! NO WAY NO WAY I THINK YOU NEED ONE!..." "Grrrrrrraah!" Alex groaned as she tried to get out of bed to turn off her alarm clock, which was blasting her eardrums. But not realizing that she was tangled up in her blankets she reach for her radio and fell out of bed landing on her shoulder, "Owww!" she cried. She laid there for a few seconds before she untangled the blankets from around her legs and stumbled to the alarm clock, hitting it with your hand. Hard.
The only good thing about this morning so far is that the alarm clock, was in fact, off. Grumbling about how she hated alarm clocks and wishing that she could sleep in she went to the bathroom, looked in the mirror to see that she had bags under her eyes, "great just another amazing thing to start off the day," she said sarcasm dripping from her voice.
After she was done in the bathroom she headed back to her room to get dressed for school, she pick out a pair of black jeans and a white Cami to go under her black sweater with white stars on it. she put on white eye shadow with black eyeliner and mascara, and was ready to leave. she grabbed your backpack and keys and go outside.
"Hi baby," she crooned, as she see her car which she lovingly paid for by herself. She got to her best friends house five minutes later and honked the horn irritably. She saw the front door open and James comes out "hurry your lazy as.s up!" you shout out the window. "God woman have patience!" he yelled back as he trips over his feet trying to hurry to the car. He gets to the car and gets in. "Hey I haven't had a good morning so I'm not really patient so don't upset me," she told him."Oh no I am so afraid," he replied, waving his hands, his voice flat, she glared at him. "Don't make us late, ok?" He asked sweetly, smiling. Alex growled but hit the gas.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:38pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 896
Twack. "Argh!" Dani grumbled, rolling over in her bed to avoid being hit again. She squinted open her eyes to see who it was, letting her eyes adjust to the light before speaking. "Ash? What the hell? I was sleeping!" "Exactly!" Asher, her older brother said. "You were sleeping, and straight through your alarm too. You have about 15 minutes to get ready for school. You aren't ready, I leave without you. Simple as that. I'll be downstairs. Hurry up." Dani rolled her eyes as he left her room. "You aren't ready, I leave without you." She muttered in a mocking voice. 15 minutes? That's plenty of time for me. She rubbed her eyes, rolling out of bed and headed for her closet. Picking out some light blue jeans, a slightly see-though fitted black top, and turquoise cami for underneath, Dani was dressed in no time. She hopped over to her bathroom, getting her teeth brushed and pulling her hair into a messy bun. "Alright, let's go. I'm ready." Announced Dani as she walked down the stairs with her bag a few minutes later. "See? It was no big deal. I may have overslept but I still got ready in time and we won't be late." "Yeah, whatever." Asher yawned. "Just go get in the car. Unless you prefer to walk?" He inquired as he walked out the door to his silver truck. Dani was right behind him. As soon as they were both in the vehicle, Asher started to school.
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
9:42pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 5,310
The faint beeping of an alarm clock woke Sculyr from his sleep. As a hand snaked out from the covers that hid his body, he shut off the alarm before he rolled over... and unfortunately off his bed. Landing on the carpet with an “oof” he pushed himself off his back to a sitting position as he rubbed his shoulders. They took in most of the impact. With one eye mostly closed, he slowly got to his feet and walked to the closet whose door was open at the foot of his bed. A few minutes later, he walked out wearing a white t-shirt that hung pas-sed his hips, black jeans that started as his hips and ended roughly at his ankles. A necklace hung around his neck. Running a hand through his blonde hair, he shook his head as he picked up a gray sweater. Grabbing his backpack from next to his door, he slung it over his shoulder and he walked out of the room and trotted down the stairs. Snatching a piece of toast from the kitchen and his keys from the counter that faced the family room, he headed towards the door and slipped his feet into his white Nikereax sneakers. “Heading to school!” he called over his shoulder before he closed the front door behind him. Making his way towards his crimson Kia Forte, he unlocked the driver's side before slipping into the seat as he closed the door behind him. Setting his bag in the pas-sanger seat, he started the car while buckling up his seat belt. Putting it into gear, he checked his mirrors before driving off as he took a bit out of the toast he had in his hand. Now, the whole drive took the better part of ten minutes. By the time he got to school, the toast was gone but a few remnants remained on his left cheek. As he slowly drove around the parking lot looking for a decent space, he had to stop a few times for other students to cross in front of him. Finding an empty spot, he parked in it and turned off the crimson car before getting out. Noticing the remnants of food on his cheek, he wiped it off with one sleeve-covered arm as he grabbed a strap of his backpack. With it slung over a shoulder, he closed the door and locked up the car. Slipping the keys into a front pocket, he walked up to the school doors with a sort-of spring in his step.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:13pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 302
Elodie stood silently by her car, analyzing the parking lot she noticed Sculyr. Her cheeks flushed crimson red and her voice seemed to jump to the back of her throat. Strumming her fingers against her purses's outer exterior, she decided to head to her locker. "I don't like him...I don't have a reason too. We hardly say two words to each other and it doesn't matter than he is extremely cute..." Elodie muttered under her breath as she hurried to her locker in a light jog. The roaring thunder of voices from other kids in the hall bogged her mind. Turning and leaning her back against her locker Elodie ran her fingers through her copper brunette hair. She gave a simple laugh and faced her locker, she twisted and turned the combination lock and the locker cooed open. Fiddling through the books she pulled out Psychics and English. There was more than enough time for Elodie to head for her Psychics cl*censored*, she looked around and wondered if anyone wanted to talk with her. She was normally some-what quiet but she really needed to think about things other than what was on her mind right now.

10:27pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 2,338
Arya woke to the sound of her alarm going off. "great." she muttered reashing out and shutting it off. she hated getting up in the morning. "gosh seriously? why now?" she asked her alarm when she saw it was 6:00 in the morning. she got up and quickly got dressed in a white t-shirt and a plad mini skirt. she put her long blonde hair up in pigtails and grabbed her book bag off of a chair she had at her desk. she raced downstairs to see her twin brother Toboe was already up. she sat down next to him and made herself a bowl of cereal. she ate it quickly and her dad came down. "you guys ready?" he asked Arya nodded and put her her bowl in the sink. she quickly went outside and got in the front seat. Toboe finished his breakfast and grabbed his bookbag. he ran outside and got in the back seat. as he got in the car his dad turned the key and took off. they drove to the school in a few minuets and Arya and Toboe got out of the car. "have a good day" thier dad said as they shut the door. "ready?" toboe asked Arya looking at the school Arya nodded "are you?" she asked him Toboe nodded "you bet." and they started walking towards the school
10:34pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 896
After pulling into the back of the parking lot, Dani hopped out, grabbing her bag out of the bed of the pickup. Asher followed her more slowly. "Alright sis, you know the rule. No acting like you know me." Dani glanced over at him. "I'm more worried about people thinking I know a dork like you." She teased him with a slight smile. "Anyways, don't worry about it. We hardly see each other remember?" They had reach the door by this time and Asher held it open for her. "Yeah, whatever. See you after school then." He gave her a small wave as he walked off to his locker. Dani walked off in the opposite direction. She didn't need anything in her locker so she just walked around the halls, hoping one of her friends would find her.
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
10:41pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 2,338
Arya walked into the school and walked to her locker. she put her stuff in and went to her first cl*censored* as soon as she could. she tried to avoid Toboe when she saw him. but it wasn't that easy when they had the same exact homeroom. Toboe walked to his locker and emptied his stuff into it. he saw Arya many times. he kind of like to hang out with her because she was like his only friend when they were little. he knew that she would try to avoid him but he luaghed when he found out that they found the same homeroom.
10:43pm Jul 14 2010
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Sculyr had a little difficulty on getting to his locker. The knots of students blocked the halls. Surpressing a sigh, he slipped around the groups and managed to get to the metal cube that was essentially called a 'locker'. He smiled slightly as he spun the dial that entered in his combination. When the metal door was open, he propped his backpack against one knee as he took out all the books that he had taken home the previous night. Making sure the homework was still inside the textbooks, he nodded once to himself before he placed the supplies for the first three cl*censored*es of the day. Art, AP Lit, and his favorite cla-ss; Computer Programming. With a smile, he closed his locker and spun the dial once to erase the combination. Zipping his backpack closed, he slung it over one shoulder and glanced at the clock on the opposite wall. Taking in the time, he walked to the Art studio. Maybe he could catch up on his sleeping before school actually started. He yawned tiredly and covered his mouth with a hand before blinking his blue eyes sleepily. "I shouldn't have spent all night on the computer," he muttered to himself.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:02pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 5,310
[[ I'm heading off to bed. Dad said it is time to shut off mah laptop. G'night! ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:44pm Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 11:48pm Jul 14 2010)
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Posts: 7,187
Alex pulled int othe parking lot of school and got stuck behind the light traffic that usually occuried in the morning before school. I was much worse after school. "Why do we never take your car?" Alex asked, looking in the rear view mirror at the car behind her. Nope, no one she knew. "Because, your oh so willing to waste your gas on me when I live in the opposite direction of school than you. Who am I to decline such a generous offer?" James said sweetly, the sarcasm was like vemon to Alex. "Is that right?" She asked just as sweetly, "Well, tomorrow. I won't be so kind." She pulled up in front of the school and stopped. "You go ahead and I'll find a parking space." Alex said to James as he got out. "See ya!" he said, pulling his messanger bag out of the floor board. She drove off and turned down one of the 'alleys' of parking spaces and found one at the very end. Perfect. She turned off the engine, reached into the back seat, grabbed her bag and got out. She twirled the keys around her finger as she walked. She got in just before the warning bell and went to her locker, which was beside James' "Hey hun." He said from behind the blue metal door of his locker. "Hey." She said, lifting the latch without having to unlock her locker, she knew James had already entered it for her. She opened it and there was a loud pop and about a ton of differently colored paper burst out and litter her, her hair, and the floor around her. "Happy Birthday." James peeked from behind the door of his locker. Students were staring at Alex, and the ones close enough to have been hit from the blast were glareing. Alex beamed, "You remembered! I was so P.O.ed because I thought you forgot!" Alex said happily. "You're the best." She had already gotten her books so she closed the door. "i don't know how you got my locker to do that, and maybe it didn't have to be so messy, but still. Thanks." She said, hugging him. "Ah, leave it up to Alex to constructivly critisise my hard work..." he said sarcastically, but he hugged her back. "Come on, time for cl@ss." James said, pulling back. "Homeroom." Alex corrected, walking around him. "Clas.s" he argued, they had the same homeroom clas$ as well, lucky for them they didn't have to stop their conversation. They both walked into the claszroom argueing about homeroom and whether it was a 'clas$' or not. (( They're all in the same homeroom in the morning or.... ? If not, Alex and James are in the same one as... Toboe and Arya XD *random charries lol* ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:26pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 7,187
(( Bump ^^ ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:16pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 12,418
Akila got to clas.s with her newest best friend Kristen. Akila went into clas.s. "Everyone. This is Akila Monteik. She's new here."The teacher said. "Hi, I'm Akila. I like sports and music."She said as she sat down next to Kristen. Kristen saw people looking at her. She shrugged.
 (Banner made by Kina)
1:06am Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 7,187
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~