1:13am Feb 2 2013 (last edited on 1:51am Feb 2 2013)
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Posts: 2,963
Maybe I should go to bed, but I just had a cool RP idea! :D
The year is 2030 and the world has gone through many changes. Not so much on the outside, which indeed seems to be the same as it was seventeen years ago. The people go about their daily lives, still content to drive old Fords or Toyotas to and from work, school and play. Those lucky enough to have animals are seen playing with them in fenced yards to keep them from those who may covet them. However, on a small island in the Specific ocean (thusly named to make it easier for litle lykes to say), nearly undetectable, a large white house portrudes over the cliffs, looking out over the blue-green waters. Herer reside a cetain number of teenagers, each gifted with one, well, gift. However, these gifts are practically useless, making them more like jokes.Those in control of them are kept in this house for reasons unknown by people they have only vague memories of. Like dream images you can never fully grasp but keep you wondering. Why?
So...lalala! Ze rules! General board rules Be kind Do your best to write at least three sentences, please Make your powers as ridiculous as possible, such as fluffing pillows just so, taking things apart (but not together), or being able to do incredibly complex math problems so long as given chocolate. Anything. No character card rerquired, but if you're morer comfortable with one, go ahead. If you don't use a charrie card, please be desc[injection]riptive. :) If someone is gone, please don't go morer than 10 posts without them...unless they say we can. Readysetgo! ------------------
Jai stared out the large bay windows thatlooked out to the balcony positioned over the sea. the surf crashed against the rocks and made a pleasant noise that was soothing to her. She shook her long light brown hair back from her face and sighed before turning and walking back to the kitchin in the corner of the front rom. This is the room that they all could be together in, with various setups for each of their...special...talents. For her: this kitchen. or more likely, the waffle iron. For that was her gift. Making waffles. She was a girl of diminutive height with a petite built. Indeed, she loked more like a child than the eighten year old she was. She had light blue-gray eyes and a curious mind, as well as a ready and easy smile with an air of innocence that added to the people assuming she was only fourteen. As she stirredthe batter for waffles she hummed a tune and thought of what events might occure today. Only when the only door out of this room and into the halls opened did she pause and look up.
Resident mounted archer
10:15pm Feb 2 2013
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Posts: 2,963
((...yup. I should've gone to bed. 0o))
Resident mounted archer
10:42pm Feb 2 2013 (last edited on 6:47pm Feb 3 2013)
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Posts: 1,895
((I know we don't have to do one of these, but I tend to forget my characters so...yeah.))
Name: Karis Lurrin Gender: Male Age:17 Looks: He is tall and thin with short black hair. Because he prefers indoors activities, he has a very pale complexion. His eyes are a muddy mixture of green and brown. Power: Making perfectly straight lines without a ruler or anything else to guide him. Personality: (Will be filled out as I roleplay.) Other: He computers and electronics because they involved more straight lines than most things do. He likes straight lines. They're his favorite kind of lines.
Name: Vesi Cabell Gender: Female Age: 15 Looks: She has tan skin and brown hair with subtle, natural highlights. Her eyes are the color of the ocean. Power: She can change the length of her hair. Not just head hair. Anyhair. She can look like a monkey if she wants to. Other: She likes to do things outside, especially reading. She usually makes all of her hair so short that it isn't noticable, except for the hair on her head which is usually around shoulder length. She has to brush he hair if it's tangled and she wants it to be shorter.
((Question:Is Jai in a kitchen or in a room that has a kitchen in it with some other stuff or is it something completely different?))

11:16pm Feb 2 2013
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Posts: 2,963
((XD I like his power... she's in the front room which has the basics for them in it; a kitchen, a dining room setting, a walled off bathroom...I'll make a drawing for the building later. I was planning to last night.))
Resident mounted archer
11:29pm Feb 2 2013
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Posts: 1,895
((Sometimes I wish I had his power. Usually when I don't feel like getting up and looking for a ruler.))
Karis shoved the door open and strode into the room and to a chair by the window. He flopped down into it, not once looking up from the sketch book and pencil he had in his hands. He was in the process of drawing many straight lines on one of the pages, one of his favorite pass times, and usually the first thing he did in the morning. He was too tired to play around with electronics before he had breakfast, but he could make lines whenever he wanted to, regardless of how he felt. He smelled waffles cooking and mutter a hello to Jaii, and the stopped drawing for a moment to examine what he was working on. In some places it looked like a circuit board, but in others it was just a garbled mess of lines. Picking a mostly clear spot on the page, Karis started drawing yet again.
11:39pm Feb 2 2013
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Posts: 2,963
((Oh, I know! Same here.))
"Hello there," Jai replied cheerily "G'mornin'!" She resumed her humming as she opened the waffle iron with the edge of the mixing bowl and poured just the right amount of mixture in, then turned away as she closed the cover and wiped her hands on her jeans, leavong battery streaks. She paid no mind as she lifted a plate of already-made waffled and asked "Would you like a waffle? Fresh made since five this morning. There are soft ones and crunchy ones on either side cause some people like different kinds. I've already had quite a few of them."
Resident mounted archer
11:52pm Feb 2 2013
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Karis flipped his pencil around, erasing a line that had been about 1/16 of an inch from where he wanted it to be. When you were working with perfect lines, you had to be precise. He redrew the line in it's proper place, paused for a moment, and redrew the line he had just erased. Better to have both than to have that faded line lurking behind the others. He realized Jai had started talking around the time when she offered him food. " Yes! Food. Yes for waffles..or, uh...me waffles. No wait. " Karis shook his head, hoping to wake up more so he could properly construct a sentence. " Yes I would like waffles. " He drew one more line then set down his drawing things to get some food. He got a glass of orange juice form the fridge and grabbed a couple of crunchy waffles, not bothering to get a plate out of pure laziness. He returned to his chair, quickly eating the food he got.
12:05am Feb 3 2013
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Posts: 2,963
"Yay!" Jai grinned and waved her hands Wallace style (from Wallace and Gromit) and turned away laughing. She was in a particularly good mood this morning as it was a lovely day outside...or it had been at 4:30 am when she woke up. It had been dark then, but now the sky was a cheery morning blue with a few whisps of clouds. She leaned against the counter and looked out over the ocean. "It's beautiful today,"
Resident mounted archer
12:16am Feb 3 2013
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Posts: 1,895
Karis swallowed a large chunk of waffle and stared out the window. " I guess. I prefer cloudy days. It's too bright out for me right now. " With of the time he spent indoors, Karis's eyes weren't very accustomed to sunlight. This meant bright sunny days like today weren't as attractive to him as they were to people who liked the brightness. " You wanna go feed the fish in a little bit? " Karis asked. There was a small tidal pool where small colorful fish liked to gather that he fed everyday after breakfast. Some of the bigger fish would let you touch them if you gave them food to distract them. Karis liked to go there and sometimes he tried to draw the fish but it always looked strange because he drew with straight lines and fish were full of curves.
((I'm gonna sleep now. It's about midnight over here. o.o))
12:21am Feb 3 2013
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Posts: 2,963
"I prefer any weather besides snow. Rain is my favorite." Jai said as she stood up. When he asked about the fish, she nodded vigorously. "Sure, I'd love to!" She supposed even if it was too bright out... "I've seen you out there every morning. Always wanted to join but never was brave enough to ask, and I didn't want to disturb you."
((Oh wow. XD Okay then, good night!))
Resident mounted archer
12:18pm Feb 3 2013
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Posts: 1,895
" Huh... " Karis said. He wasn't really sure how to respond to that. He didn't know anyone else really cared about what he did with his mornings. He hastily finished the remained of his breakfast and hopped to his feet. He went to a small table near the door that had drawers in and and pulled out a bottle of fish food. The flakes in the bottle were nearing the bottom again. He was going to have to ask for more. " Well, let's go. The fish are getting hungry. " he said as he opened the door for Jai.
4:01pm Feb 3 2013
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Posts: 2,963
She wiped her hands on a towel. "Alright!" Jai said and stepped through the door being held open and into the hall. It was a long hall, white walls with a wood floor. Other doors branched off. These were the rooms they slept in. Their rooms. This was a strange house, she knew, even though she'd never been in a 'normal' one before. She stopped and waited for her companion.
Resident mounted archer
4:36pm Feb 3 2013
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Posts: 1,895
Karis stepped through the door and went down the hallway, not paying much attention to what was in the rooms as he walked by them. The two of them walked through the building until they reached one of the doors that lead outside. Karis took a deep breath of fresh air. It was bright and warm out today. Most people would describe it as perfect weather. Maybe he would go swimming today. Usually he didn't swim because it was too hot or rainy outside, but today looked promising as far as consistent temperature and weather went.
((I think I might make another character soon. It's feeling a little lonely with just two people.))
4:44pm Feb 3 2013
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Posts: 2,963
(( XD great minds think alike.))
Jai walked with her hands behind her back, sometimes skipping a few steps but alwats returning to behind and to tthe left of... "I'm Jai, by the way. I don't know yours...I mean, I've known there were other teens here, but not their names..."
Resident mounted archer
4:51pm Feb 3 2013
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Posts: 1,895
Karis was a little confused, then realized he was the same. In the months he had been here, even if he interacted with a few of the others, he never really bothered to learn anyone's name. It had never really been necessary. Usually there were only one or two people around at once, so he could just use 'hey you' to get people's attention. " I'm Karis, " he said. He probably would have said more but they had reached the tidal pool. The fish clearly recognized him, as some were jumping out of the water with excitment. " All right you guys, calm down. It's not like I'm just going to run off without feeding you after coming all the way down here, " Karis said as though the fish could understand him. However, it was obvious the fish didn't understand a word as they kept jumping just as feverishly as before.
((Four is more, and more is better in this case. :3))
5:28pm Feb 3 2013
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Posts: 2,963
(( Yup! Forgive my short posts. I'm a litle brain dead. ^^;))
Jai laughed at the sight of the fish, then said as she watched them "That's a nice name. Do you have a nickname people use? I don't want to offend you." She smiled a little embarassedand looked away toward the beach, facing the wind.
Resident mounted archer
5:42pm Feb 3 2013
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Posts: 1,895
((It happens to the best of us.))
" No. I don't really have any friends so I've never needed a nickname. you can give me one if you want to, I guess. " Karis opened his fich food container and grabbed a handful of fish food, flinging it out to the fish. The flakes fluttered down into the water and were promptly consumed. Karis waded into the water until it was about halfway up his shin and crouched down. He held a clump of fish food in his hand while gently petting one of the larger fish. It was a silver one he called Sleek. Sleek was easily the friendliest fish that came to the tidal pool, and Karis liked petting him when he came around. Sleek usually came to the tidal pool every other day unlike most of the fish who were always here.
5:53pm Feb 3 2013
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Posts: 2,963
"Hmm. okay then." Jai watched Karis with interest as he walked into the water among the fish. She inched forward until her shoes were just on the edge of the pool but wasn't willing to go farther. A few fish swam lazily past her and she crouched to sit on her heels to watch them. They were so graceful. Tenatively she dipped a finger in and giggled when one swam close to nibble before swimming away on the discovery she had no food to offer.
Resident mounted archer
6:02pm Feb 3 2013
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Posts: 1,895
" Here. They're like you more if you have food. " Karis explained as he handed her a clump of fish food. Sleek swam over to Jai to investigate her, brushing past her ankles before swimming back to Karis and eating his food. A strong breeze suddenly blew by, making on of the small waves outside of the tidal pool get big enough to rush in, resulting in both Karis and Jai getting soaked with sea water.
6:09pm Feb 3 2013
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Posts: 2,963
Jai took the food with a grateful nod and was about to feed the fish when the wave came and soaked them. It left her sputering and shivering. In truth, she had the ex pression of a wet cat...and she growled like one as well as she glared at the ocean. "Don't like water," she muttered darkly.
Resident mounted archer