6:18pm Feb 3 2013
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Posts: 1,895
Karis glanced at Jai and tried not to laugh. Tried being the key word here. " You, you look like a wet cat! " he laughed as he said the words. He wondered what she thought she would accomplish by glaring at the sea. Maybe she thought it would glare back. The thought made him laugh a bit harder. The fish found this wave to be just as amusing as Jai did and swam away, leaving the two alone with the starfish.
((Having a hard time thinking of another useless ability for a character. :/))
6:28pm Feb 3 2013
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Posts: 2,963
((Same here! Well..talk to fish, quote movies word for word...))
"I don't like bein' wet!" Jai exclaimed, flailing. "Swimmin', yes, wet, no. As soon as they make air swimable in, I'll be the first one in. I shall be a cat until then." She nodded with finality as she finished her rant and frowned, crossing her arms and glowering at the ocean a moment longer for good measure.
Resident mounted archer
6:34pm Feb 3 2013
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" If you hate being wet so much then why are you still in the water? " Karis asked in a mildly mocking tone. He stood up and seal the fish food again. It was a little wet but that wasn't much of a problem. The fish didn't really care. Sleek brushed past his ankles one last time before leaving the tidal pool. Karis watched the large fish leap over the small rock pile separating the pool from the rest of the ocean.
6:47pm Feb 3 2013
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Name: Vesi Cabell Gender: Female Age: 15 Looks: She has tan skin and brown hair with subtle, natural highlights. Her eyes are the color of the ocean. Power: She can change the length of her hair. Not just head hair. Anyhair. She can look like a monkey if she wants to. Other: She likes to do things outside, especially reading. She usually makes all of her hair so short that it isn't noticable, except for the hair on her head which is usually around shoulder length. She has to brush he hair if it's tangled and she wants it to be shorter.
6:58pm Feb 3 2013
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Posts: 2,963
"Because I'm already in the water," Jai said in an equally slightly mocking tone. "So it doesn't matter." She stuck the tip of her tongue out at the boy and tried not to laugh herself. Her efforts were broken by a small chuckle. "That makes so much sense don't it? But it's true." With a large step she was out of the water and on drier land.
Resident mounted archer
7:03pm Feb 3 2013
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Karis silently raised an eyebrow and used his right foot to splash some water at her. He grinned cheekily at her and hopped out of the water. He looked at the ocean and then back at Jai. He wasn't sure whether he wanted to go swimming or hang out with her more. It was nice having someone to talk to, but with the day as pretty as it was it was almost guaranteed to be rainy tomorrow.
7:18pm Feb 3 2013
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"Ah!" Jai hopped away from the water Karis had kicked at her and stared at him, blue eyes flashing. Then, in one movement, she bent down, picked up a heaping handful of wet sand, and threw it at him. It struck him squarely in the chest abd scattered.
Resident mounted archer
7:31pm Feb 3 2013
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" Hey! " Karis stumbled back a step and flash a playful glare at Jai. He dug his hands down into the wet sand and scooped up a pile about twice as big as what had been thrown at him and threw it at Jai. He didn't give her a chance to throw anything else at him as he ran away laughing.
11:29pm Feb 3 2013
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Posts: 2,963
Jai blocked some of he sand with her hands and caught the rest in her neck and chest area. With sand down her shirt she squealed as Karis took off. She shook the sand out and took off her shoes before taking off after him barefoot. Her toes dug in the ground and worked with her powerful legs to propel her after him.
Resident mounted archer
7:34am Feb 4 2013
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Karis ran back to the house and straight inside, not really caring that he was getting sand everywhere. He saw a room with an open door and darted in, using the corner as a hiding spot.
Vesi usually slept late, and today was no exception. While Karis and Jai had already eaten and were running around all over the place, she was tangled in her sheets and unaware of her surroundings. Until someone ran into her room. She woke with a start, sleepily looking at her door to see what made the noise. A trail of sand on the floor led her eyes to someone who was using her room as a hiding place. She didn't know his name, but she had seen him by the ocean a few days ago. She gave him a questioning look, and he motioned for her to stay quiet as he tared at the door. Vesi rolled her eyes and curled back into her sheets.
2:17pm Feb 4 2013
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Posts: 2,963
She slid on the floor when she entered and hit the wall hard but laughed it off and continued down the hallway at an easy jog, following the trail of sand Karis had left in his wake. Jai didn't know what she would do when she found him, but nevermind that. When she got to the room where the sand trail went in, she swung around the doorway yelling "Gottcha!"
Resident mounted archer
5:52pm Feb 5 2013
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Stifled giggling came from Karis as he moved out of his corner slightly. He was prepared to continue running the moment the doorway was clear. Vesi sighed and sat up in her bed, giving the two intruders her most irritated stare she could handle while being tired. She had no idea why they thought it was a good idea to go running around her room like they owned it. It she weren't so lazy, she would probably yell at them. Instead she settled for disgruntled body language.
6:29pm Feb 5 2013
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Posts: 2,963
Jai stopped breathlessly and looked over at the bed. "Sorry," she said. "I'm Jai. This is Kar-IS!" She dove after him.
Resident mounted archer
6:44pm Feb 5 2013
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Posts: 1,895
Karis tried to dodge, but Jai still manage to catch him. The two fell to the floor laughing, with Karis complaining that Jai was too fat and was going to crush him, even though he was bigger than she was.
Vesi squinted at the two, still not quite understanding why they were in her room and getting sand on everything. " I'm Vesi, " she slurred, still mostly asleep despite all of the noise, " Why are you even in here? " She continued squinting at them as though narrowing her eyes would bring some clarity to her.
((Don't forget to post in The Abyss.
That sounds really dramatic and ominous. I like it.))
6:50pm Feb 5 2013
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Posts: 2,963
((I won't ^^;))
"Me, fat? Oh, no, sir. I must....whatever. I disagree!" Jai had him in a hold that was hard to get out of, but it was like a child trying to pin a grown man, so it asn't very effective. She explained over his head. "I was chasing him."
((I'll bring in a male charrie soon. I promise. XD))
Resident mounted archer
11:23am Feb 7 2013
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Posts: 2,963
((bumo if people will join...))
Resident mounted archer
3:01pm Feb 7 2013
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Posts: 1,895
((Sorry for not posting. Sometimes school takes up most of my time.))
Vesi stared blankly for a couple of seconds before dismissively saying " Whatever. " and ggetting out of her bed. She usually slept in her regular clothes because changing into pajamas took too much time in her opinion. She left her room and headed for the kitchen, dragging her feet as she went. With those two running around and being noisy, she probably wasn't going to get back to sleep soon.
Karis watched her leave, wondering if they had made her angry. He probably would be angry too if two people ran in and got sand all over the floor. Speaking of sand on the floor, he had better escape outside again before someone came along and made him clean it up. He rolled, making Jai fall off of him so he could get up and run back outside, which he did.
4:31pm Feb 7 2013
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Posts: 2,963
((oh it's fine! I tottally understand! :) ))
Dusty sat at the counder of the small kitchen, lazily munching a waffle and staring at the wall with a bored ex pression. He set it on the plate and leaned back stretching the ntire length of his body from the top of his red haired head tto thee soles of his pale feet. He sighed, he got up, he walked to the couch and flopped down, turning on the tv to a channel about fish. Such strange people, caussing all that comotion.
Jai got up and chased after Karis, slipping and sliding on the sand once moreI'll clean that up later, she thought and barrelled out the door.
Resident mounted archer
9:32pm Feb 7 2013
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Posts: 1,895
Vesi passed Dusty on her way to the kitchen, paying little attention to him. Food was her current priority, not socializing. Well, food and coffee. She made a bowl of cereal and started her coffee. While she waited for her coffee she stood next to the coffee maker and ate her cereal.
Karis ran to the beach, knowing just the place where Jai wouldn't get him. The ocean. He bounded through the surf, making sure not to step on any animals living in the shallow water. He swam out to a large rock that wasn't too far from shore and climbed onto it, turning to back to Jai with a victorious smile.
12:21am Feb 8 2013
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Posts: 2,963
"Oh, you are cruel," she muttered under her breath and stopped just short of the water. Jai paced back and forth and stepped in to where the water barely covered her feet, shuddering. ((*brain dead and in a horrid mood*))
Resident mounted archer