3:24am Jan 27 2011
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Ralphie saw Kalite batting the human with her claws and knew that he was going to be at fault if anything happened. A human raised a metal stick and almost hit Kalite with it when Ralphie bit the human on the leg. Bleeding, the human barked out angrily, "Damnit! That dog!" One of the others managed to catch Ralphie from behind and another caught his head, fastened a harness on it and lead Ralphie off. Ralphie tried to struggle free of the human's grasp , but a muscular one held the harness' lead tight and pulled it tighter with every struggle. Ralphie had no choice but to go along with them, after realizing he would be choked to death sooner or later if he didn't give up struggling.
11:44am Jan 27 2011
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(that a bit better?)

Albino Uilus 24/120
12:09pm Jan 27 2011 (last edited on 7:21pm Jan 29 2011)
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Zre flew from her stiff position, manuevering with ease through the sea of humans and canines. Her devilish eyes roaming her scenery as she darted out of the way from an outstretched hand. Her coat pricked to the end. Her lip curled above her dagger like fangs. Her ears flat against her skull as she readyed herself for the run. She was in a defencive position. Not wanting to cause a scene or brew a bloodshed...but also prepared to end one. She slid past; her claws inlodging in the earth as she twisted to a side. She disappeared further into Silvergate park before coming to an abrupt halt on a desolate plot of land. The earth singed black from a fire that must have once burned. Moug saw the others run. Yes. They sprinted past him. His relaxed poise on the slab of stone. He has been here his whole life. Raised from a pup. He knew all to well that the humans would catch each dog. He watched the dog called "The Grim" He knew the bulky man who was left wounded... a common goer to these fights. Of course "The Grim" was just her fight name. She had only been here but a year or two and already her name was known to several of the older fighters who remained here. Small, though. Compared to most that would share the same blood as her breed. He saw the dogs called Ralphie and Kalite. Both quick and fierce fighters. But he knew. He knew that none of the dog's here would survive if they didn't listen.
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4:49pm Jan 27 2011 (last edited on 4:58pm Jan 27 2011)
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Swift saw a human coming, and she growled before she sprinted out of his reach. "Idiot." she snapped. (I apoligize for how short this post is.)
5:54pm Jan 27 2011
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((Added another character to my first character group on page one.))
9:56pm Jan 27 2011
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[[Um, Fun, can you make Zre not sound so... strong? ]]
7:09pm Jan 28 2011 (last edited on 7:14pm Jan 28 2011)
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((Sorry, haven't been on in a few days, and I caught up.)) Kallik groggily woke up from the hard gras.s she was resting on when a human walked by. Kallik instinctively let out a snarl as she dreaded fighting. He simply looked at her and began walking again. With one last glance, she turned back around again. It was time to look through trash to see if she if any food was available.
8:28pm Jan 28 2011
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((Not so strong? I don't quite understand your question...do you mean not let her fight the humans?))
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8:30pm Jan 28 2011
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[[Well, I'm not sure how to put it. Everyone is just making their dogs attack the humans willy-nilly now. I'll go add a new rule to clear this up >.> ]]
3:15am Jan 29 2011
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[[ What's with 'Bazinga', tloody? xD Fun made the longest post I can ever recall stumbling across in an RP. o_o Someone make the human do something to Ralphie ;o! ]]
3:16am Jan 29 2011
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[[From Big Bang Theory. Sheldon is awesome 8D ]]
3:19am Jan 29 2011
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[[Freaky Flood :c ANYWAY. DO SOMETHING. You, ice and Full should make the humans have actual names, so the dogs can actually know which human's doing somethin' to them rather than attacking some poor guy eating bacon ;c ]]
3:22am Jan 29 2011
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{{Tld, I read the rule... and I was curious of how you wanted me to fix it? twint: really? That post was rather short from what I usually do o.O And most of that post is just vicious attacks o.O))
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3:24am Jan 29 2011
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[[I think Tloody doesn't like over-powerful dogs that attack the humans; to the dogs , it's either fear or obey, instead of rebel against the humans. :3 ))
10:06am Jan 29 2011
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(FEAR. Or OBEY. Or DIE. TEHEHEHEHEHEHH C:< ) Sierra retreated back into her box. She sat in the back corner. Now it was time to be careful. If humans were out there, she didn't want to get caught herself. She could tell that they were on the hunt for some juicy torture for innocent dogs. Riker sat beside a thin, small tree. He was ready to run away if any humans came towards him. If they did. If not, he was safe.. in the meanwhile. It was all the fight for life at Silvergate park for him. For everybody, he guessed. Not just him, after all. Looking over at some other dogs, he tried to as.sess their personality. Some weren't hard. Some were tough to analyze, though.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
12:05pm Jan 29 2011
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((Omg I love The Big Bang Theory! :D)) After garbage time, Kallik went back to find a box. Maybe she could steal one. With not luck, all the boxes were taken, and the dogs were most likely very aggressive. She let out a small whine as she went back to her muddy gr*censored* patch. Why did she always have to have the worst of luck. Humans walked by her as she just laid her ears to her head in defeat. ((Adding my male charrie now to my first post. ^^))
7:12pm Jan 29 2011 (last edited on 7:36pm Jan 29 2011)
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((THE BING BANG THEORY FTW!! Edit: Oh hey, I can be human dog-trainer-controller thing! :D ))
As sniffed the box curiously. What if it was a trap to catch her and put her in the ring? She backed away at the thought, tail between her legs. The humans were horrible. They would chase you down on their huge machines, never stopping, giving you no rest. They bruised you, cut you, took your soul, making you go mad. A bird chirped loudly, and As whipped around. stop being so paraniod! She thought to herself angrily, taking her eyes off the bird. No dogs had claimed the box yet, so shetook it for herself. As scent-marked the box, then with a huff, laid down, her intelligent eyes staring into the forest around her. The hair on As's back lifted. She sensed someone. Not a human, but another dog. She marked the box again, and looked around.Nothing. The only thing that was moving was the bird, still twittering madly. "Shut up!" She barke, annoyed. The bird glowered at her, then flew away, off to go bother some other not-so-innocent dog. As would've gone to search the trash-cans for half-aten doughnuts and such, but she felt she must protect the box from other dogs. ((Sorry for the fail. XP))
7:22pm Jan 29 2011
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((Does that look okay? I edited my other post...if its not please inform me on how to fix it up? (: Sorry to cause problems D:))
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4:38am Jan 30 2011
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[[Bretts, you cannot control the humans. Only Ice, Full and I can c: Sollek is accepted, remember to post his intro. And dun forget Whistle and your paranoid albino, Full xD Though I find albinos rather... unlikely. They're super rare, and extremely sensitive to the sun. Yes, I looked them up. I should get more than half a life soon ._. Big Bang Theory fans are cool 8D It's alright, Fun xD I guess I just wasn't prepared for this RP. This is my first Dog Fight RP o3o Oh yes, one last thing: Since Wolfie seems rather... dead, I changed the battle-thingies. Ralphie will go against Kalite.]] Kalite could hear the humans roar in excitement and triumph as they carried her and Ralphie back to the metal cages. Kalite struggled against the human's grasp. "I'm... I'm sorry, Ralphie." She managed to bark weakly before she was shoved back into the metal cage. Kalite watched from the back of the cage as the humans slammed the bars down. - Vesko scurried from one tree to another, always alert. He watched as the humans carried away two dogs - Kalite and Ralphie. He sighed. Kalite was always so anxious to escape from Silvergate Park, this was probably the reason why she wanted to. Knowing that the humans would be satisfied for awhile, Vesko let his muscles relax and ears droop a little.

3:23pm Jan 30 2011
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Zre caught sight of the human's capture of two dogs. With a look that seemed almost like a smirk, she stalked off the patch of burned ground and crept closer to the humans. She heard the human's roars. She knew their bets would be exchanged. She, herself, bared her fangs at any who approached and ascended the staircase to a low viewing platform that was like a small porch. She took her seat. Her tail wrapped around her slender form as her ears were on alert; her fur still pricked in threat to any who dare pick a fight. Her dark pelt shimering in the dim light of the fights. Her body stiff and unmoving. Almost statuelike as her eyes glanced through the railing. The echo of the metal bars slamming down was a common occurence in Silvergate park. It was at this noise Zre watched. Watched and waited. Waited for the fight to end. Waited to see who reined victorious. She knew better then to underestimate any soul in the fights...but it horrifyed her to know that even friends were paired against each other. The drive to kill was not strong in many of these dogs. But it was fear that consumes their hearts. It was the fear that drove them to kill. But in some... some like herself...it wasn't only fear. But it was the merciless devil that perched on her shoulder. My shoulder. That taught her to never look back. Never show guilt. Never reveal a weakness. For it was then...it was then your opponent struck you. Moug inhaled deeply. Two dogs were just taken. He reconized them as Ralphie and Kalite. Both fierce dogs. Both knew how to fight. He stood up from his perch on the broken stone bench and crept closer... he could feel the eyes of some onlookers. He didn't muffle a sound. He glanced upward...seeing ol' grim watching from a platform. He glanced at her. His gaze waiting for several moments. But for what? He didn't know. He knew the screeches of pain would soon echo from the ring. He lowered his head. The sound brailed into his brain like a scar to flesh.
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