9:12pm Feb 1 2011
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Moug glanced upward from his relaxed position. He still had sight of the metal cage where the canines Ralphie and Kalite stood. he saw Zre perching on the balcony, no longer looking towards the fights. He turned his head and caught sight of other dogs. He knew them to be Whis and Sollek. He sighed heavily..."Childish." he growled lowly his eyes rolling in annoyance. Nothing but ignorant mutts. he thought in his mind. They all feared the humans. Thats why they did nothing to them. Just let each other rot. He sneered at the thought and closed his eyes halfheartedly. Zre inhaled deeply. She felt her breath come out in slow and easy gasps. Calm. Unafraid. She feared none of the dogs... and unlike many... her fear towards the humans was light. Her fury to them burned far worse then any fear. She outgrew fear long ago. Now hatred and the pas.sion to kill drove her onward. She no longer feared death. It was a common occurence here. Kill or be killed. Survival was the only task. Dogs become monsters. Trust is not in existance. Zre had watched siblings tear themselves apart in order to recieve a scrap of meat. She watched mothers abandon pups. She watched innocent lives be murdered and slowly perish. So many. Far to many. Her dark pelt made her resemble a phantom. Her deep green eyes made her poison. She took the lives of many...her heart being lost with the first kill. She no longer could feel her own heart beat. And in a way...she was already dead.
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9:19pm Feb 1 2011 (last edited on 9:19pm Feb 1 2011)
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Swift laid down in the gras's. The humans never seemed to want her to fight. She was fine with it, less work, and that was a good thing. She was fast enough, but she wasn't strong. Sure, her mother was psrt coyote, but her father was weak. It was his fault that she was weak as well, in her opinion. Her mother had only been one quarter coyote, the rest was mixed breed dog. But her mother acted like a coyote. So did Swift.
10:00pm Feb 1 2011
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Kalite wanted to lunge at the cage again and go for Ralphie's throat. How could this dog be so... not full of hatred towards the humans? "Stop being suicidal, Ralphie." Kalite growled from her cage. "Dying won't solve your problems. Think of all the other dogs here. The way to get out of this place is by terrorizing the humans." - Vesko watched as Sollek left. He shrugged. Sometimes not knowing other dogs and bonding with them was the best way to live in this forsaken place. He made his way through the ark towards the place where he last saw Kalite and Ralphie. Zre was also there, though she seemed disinterested in them. Vesko sighed, wishing that he could be as heartless as her.
10:34pm Feb 1 2011
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"Terrorizing.. the.. humans..." Ralphie remembered when he was first brought back home to his owners , he was so nervous he bit one of the younger ones. That terrorized the human pup and its mother. He didn't believe that , that would terrorize these humans. They were strong, burly, and could easily finish off a dog with one hit of the metal stick. He noted that violence would be the only way out of this, even if he hurt the human. He imagined what happened if the human escaped with serious injuries; he'd be so proud of himself, yet guilty. Without thinking, he slammed against the metal door. It flung open and he dashed forward to a human who was turned around, not realizing Ralphie's escape, and Ralphie, who mustered up all his strength, attacked the human from behind, causing him to fall, then bit him tightly on the thigh. "I'm not letting go!" He managed to whisper out.
5:37pm Feb 2 2011
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Zre whipped around to see Ralphie lunge for a human foe. she held her expressionless face. Her eyes unreadable... but the familiar merciless sneer glistened from the irises. She inhaled deeply. Her body remaining stiff. Her ears perked at the sounds as many turned to the brawl. She said nothing. She did nothing. She half expected the canine to be dead in a matter of seconds. "See you in hell." she growled under her breath. ((oh god. That was rather short D:))
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5:45pm Feb 2 2011 (last edited on 5:45pm Feb 2 2011)
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((Mind if I roleplay the human Ralphie took down? He won't do anything too crazy. ))
7:00pm Feb 2 2011
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Sollek growled, unable to think of what to say. But that bone, he loved meat, and was craving for some. Since Whis wouldn't flee, like other dogs, it was next to impossible. "Fine. Have it, but when we fight, if your alive by then...you'll be sorry." he let out a low growl before turning around. Walking away in defeat. "Who do you think you are?" Sollek turned around to see Kallik, swishing her tail around nervously, she certainly did not think about threatening Sollek, the one and only. "What about you?!" he whipped around, to only see Kallik bolting away in fright. "That's right fleabag! RUN!" He thought about following her, but his stomach said otherwise. He saw a little box, but only filled with tissue. He ripped open a box, from Mcdonald's. It contained a hamburger, with lettuce. No bun, tomato or bacon, just a burger patty and lettuce. Sollek nearly swallowoed it whole with a gulp. Maybe with this luck, more and more would flow. Nope, just diapers and yucky stuff. Kallik, tired and apparently wounded from scraping her forelimb on thorns, made her exhausted. If Sollek wanted you, he would follow you. He was just bratty and thinking he's so awesome as always, and it was stupid to confront him. What were you thinking Kallik?! BATTLING HIM! Too late now. One day she would be in the cage, one day.
7:50pm Feb 2 2011
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Whis harrumphed. That dog was all bark and no bite, he thought to himself. didn't even try and grab the bone. Grunting, Whis sat down and crunched his bone happily. It made his mouth bleed lightly, but it tasted so good, it didn't matter to Whis. Whis sniffed the air, and discovered two dogs were in his area; Sollek, Kallik, and As. Whis wasn't worried of As, as she was farther away than Sollek and Kallik. But Sollek and Kallik were too close. Whis thought for a while, then got up, clutching his precious bone between his teeth, and started walking, hoping to get away from the other dogs, so that he could eat his bone in peace.
8:08pm Feb 2 2011
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Kallik continued to wander around when she saw Whis. "Whis? Is that you?" She barked. Sollek growled again, something was telling him off in his mind. He should have fought. But he didn't.. why? Was poor little Sollek becoming the opposite of what he was already? Fight it out, not vocab arguments.
8:14pm Feb 2 2011 (last edited on 8:17pm Feb 2 2011)
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"Yes, why?" Whis said, not bothering to hide the hostility in his voice. "You better not be like Sollek." Whis grabbed his bone firmly, just as a precaution, as Kallik could too, possibly try and steal Whis's property. This mutt is way to friendly for her own good, Whis thought, Digging his dark black claws into the muddy dirt and shaking his head at the overly-friendly dog. "Come on, Kallik, speak!" He growled. As soon as this useless conversation was over, he'd leave his spot once again, to try and find a place not covered in dogs.
8:18pm Feb 2 2011
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"No, I just ran from him. I'm not hungry anyway." He stomach did a little rumble. Shoot. That Blew It. "If I was going to steal that bone, I would be attacking you now." Did he notice?
12:11am Feb 3 2011
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[[Ice seems rather dead. Twint, Full and I shall be the human RPers now. And of course you can, Full.]]
12:13am Feb 3 2011
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Swift stretched out, not caring what was going on around her. Her life was so boring. The humans hardly ever fought her.
3:31pm Feb 3 2011
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Moug glanced towards Whis and Kallik. He watched from his corner... the she-hound...Kallik, would deffinatley perish if she cannot learn to be more fiersome. With a darkened smirk a low growl escaped his throat and he instantly went silent after several moments; rising to his feet. He shook out his coat of slate and his eyes transfixed on the canines around him. He noted Zre's position remained the same. As ralphie brawled with the human... he watched Kalite remain in the metal ring. Sollek and Swift about Silvergate. ((I dont have much to post now D:))
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8:33pm Feb 3 2011
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(fun, what do you mean, 'sollek and swift about silvergate?' Probably a dumb question, but i didn't understand it.) Swift could see a few dogs a little was away. She stood up, and walked in the opposite direction of them with a blank, expressionless look on her face. She wanted nothing to do with these other dogs, and barely paid attention to any of them.
6:33pm Feb 4 2011
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((I really have nothing to post. D:))
7:35pm Feb 4 2011
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(I'm going to have to resign from this rp. I'm sorry.)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:53pm Feb 4 2011
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((kupala... just that he saw sollek and swift about silvergate... or...he saw them in silvergate. The sentence was just acknowledging that he saw them.))
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4:28pm Feb 6 2011
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4:32pm Feb 6 2011
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(oh. duh. I feel stupid now.) Swift could see Moug not that far off. She stood up, but didn't walk over there. She only watched. (FAIL)