10:35pm Apr 28 2012 (last edited on 10:38pm Apr 28 2012)
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I frowned as I looked across the ocean of people to the one person I had ever related to. He had just finished with the blood test and was now moving into the pen of animals most called humans. Careers. All of them. All but one, now that Darek was in the crowd. My eyes snapped back in front of me. I scanned the backs of about five other girls heads. I recognized them all. I had seen her, watched her fish, and possibly shot a rock at her with my make-shift sling shot. "Next!" The grouchy Peace-keeper said and the line of girls moved forwards about a foot. "If only I had that sling shot now." I muttered to myself with a small smile. It looked as if the girl who I had once shot the rock at smiled. Probably not. After all I could only see her long, blonde hair that flowed like an ocean of yellow. I quite resented that color. No reason, but I found it ugly. "Next!" The peace keeper almost shouted at me. I hadn't realized it while I was caught up in my thoughts, but it was now my turn. I stuck my hand out and the lady poked it. No blood. She poked it again. Still non. She growled when for the third time, the needle was still unaffected on my finger. She quickly jabbed it into the base of my finger and tore a line down to the tip of my finger. A few drops of blood oozed out. I grinned at the woman's frustration. I smeared my bloody finger on the paper. "Next!" She called as I moved away form the line and into the pen of animals. I waited. I played with my tle="dress" href="http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A2KJkIY_JJxPTBQAYDWJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dshort%2Bblue%2Bbridesmaid%2Bdress%26norw%3D1%26n%3D30%26ei%3DUTF-8%26y%3DSearch%2BImages%26fr2%3Dsp-qrw-corr-top%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D18&w=429&h=650&imgurl=classywed.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2011%2F07%2Fdark-blue-bridesmaid-dresses.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fclassywed.com%2F2011%2F07%2Fblue-bridesmaid-dresses%2F&size=24.1+KB&name=light+blue+bridesmaid+dresses&p=short+blue+bridesmaid+dress&oid=8d0b68bcc7f55a0a8f34246fbf69296a&fr2=sp-qrw-corr-top&fr=&tt=light%2Bblue%2Bbridesmaid%2Bdresses&b=0&ni=60&no=18&ts=&tab=organic&norw=1&sigr=11l3r7ote&sigb=14lse6d03&sigi=129faqei2&.crumb=.xD9AGHVgsX">dress. After about thirty minutes, everyone was in the pens. I looked over into the male's pen and met the eyes of my one true friend. We had a silent conversation from across the animal-ocean. It went something like this, with him starting; "How many times?" "Three." I had said silently. "Only that many? Usually it takes more..." He had said. "You missed the last part. That was before she slit my hand open." I had joked as I held up my hand. I saw his face light up with a grin as mine did. I heard the clop of high heels and Darek and I looked to the stage. In front of a mic was a short, red haired, black dressed woman. "Welcome welcome, to the annual 100th Hunger Games Reaping! As usual," she said and walked over to a large screen. The video played, as it always did. The woman walked back to the mic. "Now, as always, Ladies first!" The obnoxious voice said into the mic. She walked over to the huge, glass bowl that held over ten thousand tickets for the girls. "Now! The moment you've all been waiting for!" She called as she shoved her hand into the bowl. She swirled it around, as if looking for one in particular. Who knows? Maybe they fixed it so one special girl would be chosen? "Kenania Ladorath!" The called joyously. My heart stopped beating. "No!" I heard someone shriek. It was the only thing that saved me from suffocating. "No!" The voice shrieked again. It was once I turned my head to see who the voice of pure agony was comming from I recognized it. It was Darek. Our eyes locked. "I can't lose you!" His eyes screamed to me. I said nothing back. My face was a mask of pure blankness. "Please!" His eyes begged mine. I still showed nothing. I felt a cold tear gather up in the corner of my eye. It was nothing compared to the salt-water-satined boy's face I was looking into. The drop of water rolled silently down my face as I tore my gaze from his. My eyes moved to my left, opposite of the direction in which my friend was shrieking out my name in agony. I made one foot move. Then the other. Slowly, ever so slowly, I made my body move through the now clear pen of animals. My eyes looked at all the faces that had parted out of my way. I made my way out of the pen, taking in each face that parted out of my way. I heard Darek's cries faid as the arms of my unknown friends slowly held him back. Obviously more people knew and cared about me than I had cared to notice. "Come on, dear." The woman who had called my name said. I was almost up the steps as one last scream from my true friend escaped his lips. My head whizzed around to look at him, but instead all I saw was about fifty people with their arms, hands, and bodies enclosed around what looked to be a human. My face turned back to the woman as I slowly ascended the steps. "Aah! Very good!" The woman said, closing her warm arms around my frozen body. "Yes, very good! Now," She said as she began to pluck the names from the bowl. The names of the girls that would die in less than tow days, I reckoned. I didn't pay attention to anyone, anything. I just stood there, by that Woman's side as my body shut down. "Yes! Excellent choice for our 100th Hunger Games winner, don't you think?" The woman said and started to clap. No one clapped. No one moved. One man, a parent of one of the girls who was sure to die, raised his hand and did the solute for District 4. He was saying good bye to his daughter, I thought. Then another. Then another. Soon almost every Man, Woman, girl, and boy was doing it. It was then that I realized that even the girls on stage were doing it. Doing it to me. ((Drama Queen~ lol jkjk. But still, I think that counts as a Drama Queen... And I agree with Fey. All but liek. One outfit is disgusting. Also, I included a picture of Kit's dress in there. She is also wearing a tle="t" href="http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A2KJkK37Y5tPNxwAa7CJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dturtle%2Bnecklace%26norw%3D1%26n%3D30%26ei%3DUTF-8%26y%3DSearch%26fr2%3Dsp-qrw-corr-top%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D2&w=520&h=520&imgurl=www.parrissjewellers.co.uk%2Fimages%2F_lib%2Fsea-turtle-silver-enamel-diamond-necklace-3011258-0-1298395244000.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.parrissjewellers.co.uk%2Fsea-turtle-silver-enamel-diamond-necklace.ir%3FcName%3Dwomens-jewellery-necklaces&size=21.6+KB&name=Sea+Turtle+Silver%2C+Enamel%2C+Diamond+Necklace+-+%C2%A3165.00+-+Necklaces+...&p=turtle+necklace&oid=ac26f0b0db906a16c3c39d9e783ad196&fr2=sp-qrw-corr-top&fr=&tt=Sea%2BTurtle%2BSilver%252C%2BEnamel%252C%2BDiamond%2BNecklace%2B-%2B%25C2%25A3165.00%2B-%2BNecklaces%2B...&b=0&ni=60&no=2&ts=&tab=organic&norw=1&sigr=13f0fdl4d&sigb=141ftbe9l&sigi=13cqleafr&.crumb=.xD9AGHVgsX">turtle necklace.))

12:58am Apr 29 2012 (last edited on 1:05am Apr 29 2012)
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[ If this is the 100th Games... it would be a Quell, no? ] KOLEA. I strode up to the lady at the counter after the person in front of me had finished. "You seem to be the only cooperative one today," the woman sighed. That was a surprise. District 2 was a Career district, all of us were trained to participate in the Games ever since we learnt how to walk. We were taught to accept the Games with warm, open arms, and I tried hard to pretend that I adored them. However deep inside I'm hurling all sorts of insults at them. Trying not to dirty my bronze-colored dress, which was littered with pearls scattered across them, I lifted it up by the sides slightly, careful not to step on the flowing skirt. Twirling my golden curls with my index finger, I looked around. Several young children which I assumed were twelve, seemed pumped up and screaming, as if they couldn't wait to participate. I smiled, trying to seem as enthusiastic as them, but it broke my heart at the thought of them going in and possibly dying. On the seventy-fourth Hunger Games, twenty six years ago, I was told that our tributes, Cato and Clove, did not win. Instead it was a pair of lovesick tributes from Twelve, Peeta and Katniss. Cato was mauled by dogs before this Katniss girl decided to shoot him in the head. Talk about a bloody end. "Welcome, welcome!" the lady at the stage boomed, her voice rolling for miles. "To the hundredth annual Hunger Games! As always, ladies first!" She hovered her hand over the glass bowl, which had been used so many times. The names which went in belonged to trembling people, and those who came up usually never came out of the Arena. Only one can survive. "Kolea Ravynn!" There was only one Kolea Ravynn. And that was me. I tried to look enthusiastic as I bounded up the stage. I looked down at the audience, who were clapping and giving sighs of relief that it wasn't them who was chosen for the Games. I smiled at them to thank them for their support, trying to look confident. But inside I knew that I may never come out of the Arena alive. I watched as nine other trembling females were chosen, and hoped that they would die instead of me.

10:03am Apr 29 2012
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((I will post when I am home from Girl scouts. No, I'm not 5, I'm 16. I love GS. So sue me XD))
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10:55am Apr 29 2012
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[[Feyth: They arrree. But as long as what your wearing everybody else wears from the District, yeah, I'm fine with that. Oh, and it has to do with your District too. So, 7 would be something to do with trees? lol. And 3 would be whatever 3 makes.]]
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11:31am Apr 29 2012
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Joesph ignored the pricking of his finger, he'd done this for three years in a row. There was no way a needle would distract him from the Games, which the twelve year old's seemed to do. Pretend the pricking was all the pain they'd suffer today. After the lady impatiently yelled at him, Joesph smeared his finger across a piece of perfect white paper and then hastily shuffled into the crowd and stood quietly. Joesph was wearing a dark indigo tuxedo, one his father wore for his Reaping. The tux covered a clean white dress shirt, which had a black tie pinned to it. Much to Joesph's dismay, his hair was combed back. He ruffled it until it stuck out in about five different directions, like he always wore it. Finally, a lady went on about the Hunger Games for five minutes before the video was shown, and Joesph literally fell asleep during it, and was so utterly surprised when the blaring noise stopped Joesph nearly fell over. The lady called out, "as always, ladies first!" And went on, taking the entire process a good half hour. Joesph mainly ignored the names called, but picked up one in particular. Kenania Ladorath. Joesph had seen her at school a few times, but other than that, she was a complete stranger. As the last female was called Joesph took a deep breath, and pushed his way to the front of the crowd. "I volunteer as the first male tribute."
The lady at first looked surprised, but it soon faded to gratitude. "What a courageous young man! Come up here, and tell us your name." Joesph stumbled onto the stage, and grunted. "Joesph Wolfe." The lady smiled. and said to the crowd, "let's give him a round of applause!" As usual, complete silence followed. Slowly, one by one, everyone said the goodbye signal for district four, and Joesph grimaced. It was the sign of his death, but at least...the sign meant no training. In the Arena, he was free. No one said anything after the solute, not a scream from his sister, or a yell of disapproval from his friend. Just...silence. Joesph was ushered to his seat by restless Peacekeepers, then the rest of the process seemed to drag on for ages. Finally, as the last male was called, the lady smiled to the crowd and yelled, "this years District Four tributes!"

7:04pm Apr 29 2012 (last edited on 7:05pm Apr 29 2012)
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"Zima, I'm scared..." I tugged my sister's skirt as she got her finger pricked by a small needle. "I don't like shots..." My sister grimaced, as if I was annoying her, but then I just realized she was staring at her finger, rather than me. I felt a small sting as the lady took my hand and pricked it, getting a droplet of my blood. It was my first year in the reapings and Zima had told me I wouldn't get picked, but I had 100 tickets in there and I was scared. We hadn't known before that we would each have an even chance of getting picked. I held my sister's hand as a woman stepped up onto the stage wearing uncomfortable looking high heels. The woman looked me over, taking in my short blonde hair and simple black dress. My glass obstructed her view of my light hazel eyes.
"First, we start with the movie. It's my favorite part, you know." The woman said in a high-pitched, squealy voice. I disliked her already. I didn't really pay attention as Katniss shot Cato in the head as he was mauled by dogs. I didn't like death. The prospect of dying scared me. I remember watching a rerun hunger games when Rue was killed. She was my age. I hoped that if I was called, I would win. I could use daggers, I was taught when I was 5 for this exact reason, but I didn't like to use them. They brought death and death was terrifying.
"As Always, Ladies first!" I heard the pink-haired woman call in a shrill voice. i watched as her hand rummaged into the glass bowl and pulled out a piece of paper. "Avalia Energa" My ears stopped registering noise as soon as I realized my name had been called. I vaguely remember my sister's voice, muffled and indistinct, but there. Suddenly, her hand was wrenched from my grasp and I waited for her to volunteer for me, as Katniss had done, but she just stood there, her eyes leaking tears.
"NO!" I heard myself shout, startling only me, but my voice was lost in the shouting. Everything went quiet. My ears had returned to normal, but everybody was completely silent. I felt their eyes on me as I was helped up to the stage, tears falling onto the ground, betraying my emotions to the crowd. Many other people were called up, but they were all older, much older. They stared at me like a cat stares at a mouse. A few, I recognized, but most of the faces were new. It was finally over and I was allowed to see my family for a few minutes.
"I love you Zima..." I cried as I embraced my sister. "I'll win for you, I promise." I rubbed my eyes as the 'peacekeepers' dragged me away...
((I don't feel like doing one for Gordon. I mean, basically the same thing happens. I wish I didn't have to have two characters...))
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7:10pm Apr 29 2012 (last edited on 7:10pm Apr 29 2012)
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((I feel a little bad because my character got all the drama xD Bu liek.. I NEED THIS RP TO LIVE! LIVE ON BABY, LIVE ON!
I am sooo sorry...))
8:21pm Apr 29 2012
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((Geh, My post deleted it'self))
Maizy's head was a blur. No. no she couldn't be. She was the first name to be called. No. This was terrible. She wanted to go back to her field and sob, but that wasn't going to happen. Slinking her way to the front and up the steps, she held her head in her hands the whole time. She sniffed. No. This isn't right. she can't... NO not Lizzy! Her cousin would be one of the competitors too? That wasn't fair! Sure, they weren't close, but she was her cousin. It would be harder for the Family to process. Sobbing some more, Maizy finally lowered her hands, her eyes were slightly puffy. She wiped tears away with her sleeve before turning her head slightly. She was the tallest by far. taller than one of the 17 year olds who was considered tall too. Maybe that would give her an advantage? She didn't know. She just wanted it to all be a dream, but It wasn't. ~~~~
Blood on a blouse... what would that say? Alana wore the same as she did every year. A pleated skirt, worn leather boots, a white blouse, and a leather belt to go around her midsection. The only thing different this year was the splatter of blood at the top back section. Ah well. Just blood. If she was picked, she would be going into a blood bath anyway. Perhaps it would give her an impression that she wasn't afraid of a little blood. Sharn Gates had learnt that the hard way. Alana wondered what Gate thought of the entrails present she left for her to find. She kind of knew. Gates thought she was a maniac after that, but Alan wished she could read minds. Find out the exact thought of the girl who used to pick on her because of her height. Oh. more blood. Yippie. She sucked her finger after it was pricked, and stood in line, sanding beside her best friend Sarah. "Welcome, welcome." It was starting. How she hopped her sister didn't get picked in the first four. the fifth was fine. She would volunteer. It was seen as the norm thing to do after Everdeen. At least her family thought it was. her granddad used to receive game from katniss herself, so It was seen as the right thing to do. The first girl called was 14. She was one of the Dutton twins. The short haired one of the otherwise identical sisters. Three other girls were called, one of them being Gates. Hah! Gates. The girl she found out was terrified of blood. wonder how she is going to cope? Okey yes, it isn't nice, but that was Alana's coping method. Question things, no matter how gruesome or immoral. The final name. "Alana Warrent." The girl sighed. Typical. I'm gonna die, aren't I? Hrm. No. I wont. I'm not going to die. I can't. I'm 17. Too young to die. She turned her head to look at Sarah. She was crying. "Hey. I'm not gonna die. I'm too optimistic for that." She gave a small joke in a hushed whisper as she passed by her friend. Squeezing her hand, She left fort he stage. In all honesty, she wask scared out of her wit, but she hadn't shown an upset emotion in 2 years. she wasn't going to start now.
To boys names soon followed. And the first one... Crap. Peter?! Deja vu? Alana brought her had to her face and rubbed the side of her nose. The collection of teens varied. But all of them had a scared or confused look on their face. Alana didn't. Her face, if anything, showed boredom.
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
7:09pm Apr 30 2012
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4:59pm May 1 2012
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[[Peter's post is on Shyne's post. :3 I edited it. I'll post tomorrow, busy with homework and stupid tests.]]
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5:22pm May 1 2012
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((I know Clouding XD))
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
6:36pm May 2 2012
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[[Ooops. Just making sure. xD I'm too busy again, with an English Honors Exam. Just got home. I'll post tomorrow, I PROMISE.]]
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6:38pm May 2 2012
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((-lesigh- Okay. I just need this RP to live on... I literally, can't stop thinking about it. Not even in my sleep. I dream about it. xD;))
7:59pm May 4 2012
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((I have a feeling this thread needs a bump ^^))
3:10pm May 5 2012
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((Where is everybody...))
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12:39pm May 6 2012
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[[This is Shyne's post. Oh and sorry for the delay. :(]] I sat on one of the plush couches, looking out the window. The fear had kicked in, and I had sat here for about an hour now. When it first kicked in, I ran into a closet and locked myself in there. Then I let out a silent scream, which eventually changed into sobbing. Then when I finally believed I wouldn't go mad, I walked out of the closet, and sat down on a couch. Now, my hair was damp from chewing on it and my shirt was damp from wiping the tears off my face. Now I was exhausted. So reluctantly, I closed my eyes and sleep overcame me. I woke up with a furry blanket over me. One of the avoxes or maids must have put one on me. I threw off the blanket and stood up. I walked back to my room and opened the window. I didn't care that the curtains blew around like crazy or that the rain was pouring in. I opened the drawers that contained a variety of clothes. I grabbed a simple tle="" href="http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=25490893" target="">blue dress and atle="" href="http://www.newagemarkets.com.au/joomla/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/Shrug___White_4ed315e9f1095.jpg" target=""> simple sweater, along with undergarments before I entered the bathroom. I turned on the shower and undressed myself before entering the shower. About 15 minutes later, I dried myself off and dried my hair before putting my new clothes on. I threw the dirty clothes into a hamper in the bathroom before turning the light off and going back to the bedroom. Now, the curtains were stuck together from being wet and the room temperature had dropped about 10 degrees. I shivered, and closed the window before sitting down on my bed. I looked for a pair of shoes in the drawer, but couldn't find any. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the closet by the door. There, sat dozens of shoes of all types. I looked through them, and picked out atle="" href="http://cn1.kaboodle.com/hi/img/b/0/0/25/3/AAAAC77eXaoAAAAAACU-lA.jpg" target=""> pair of boots. I've never seen any shoes like these before, but I slid them onto my feet after putting on a pair of nylon stockings. I stood up and went to the mirror where I did my hair in a tle="" href="http://howtohairbraiding.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Hair-For-Braids.jpg" target="">long braid. I walked out of the room and then began to look for where I was supposed to go.
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1:08pm May 6 2012
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((Who would be her mentor and Gordon's mentor. Btw, If its okay with you guys, can I drop Gordon. It's really tough for me to have two characters. If not, I could just kill him off in the blood bath...))
I looked out the window at the passing scenery. Being from a district that worked on technology all day, I was new to all the fauna and flora. I knew how to climb trees pretty well, but I was scared of heights and being up in trees made my heart race. I hoped they would have daggers somewhere at the cornucopia because otherwise I was out of luck. Well, if they had something technological, I could use that too. I turned my hazel-eyed gaze from the window, unable to bear looking at anything anymore.
Finding where I was supposed to sleep, I tore off my pretty black dress and threw it across the room, suddenly angry. "Why didn't she volunteer? She's good at weapons!" I heard myself shouting. Tears streamed down my eyes, obscuring my view of the clothes I was trying to pick out. My sister could've volunteered. I told her I would win for her, but how could I. The odds were NOT in my favor. Everybody was at least a year older than me and somehow, when I watched the people get selected, none were 12.
I pulled on some soft capital clothing; a simple blue blouse and jeans. I sat on the bed, planting my head in my hands. I didn't want to die, but it was inevitable. I wondered what the other tributes were doing right now. Probably planning the deaths of the other tributes. I grimaced...
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5:14pm May 6 2012
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Joesph watched silently as fir trees whizzed past, and frowned. It was too nice of a day to be sent to death. He shifted uncomfortably, disturbed by his thoughts, and took the time to look around the room for a first time. Although it was a train car, the entire room was exceedingly lavish. Plush crimson colored seats, flowing cherry red drapes, six glass tables embroidered with gold, and each table included a set of crystal glasses and silver wear. He sat intently for a while, staring at the room, then went into his room and slammed the door.
He got into casual wear, a pair of dark gray jeans and a simple blue shirt. He scowled in anger, knowing he'd be dressed in a ridiculous fishing outfit that District Four wore every year soon. He flopped onto the velvet gray bed, and suddenly was enraged. He didn't have to volunteer! There was thousands of tickets, and it could of been anyone! Joesph gripped a perfectly square red throw pillow and tore it in half, sending tiny white feathers flying every where, coating the bed and floor. He shook the feathers from his body, and stomped back out to the dining room. It's not like he was doing much in his room, any way. He slumped down onto the couch, and muttered to himself, "survival of the Games tip one: Don't tear throw pillows in half."

5:33pm May 6 2012
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[[You can drop him if you want. :) If you want action, feel free to get him killed in the bloodbath.]]
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5:35pm May 6 2012
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[[Oh and as for the mentors, I think you could just control them. x3]]
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