5:28pm May 8 2012
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[[Okay, now they've arrived at the Capitol. :3]]
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9:04pm May 8 2012
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Shyne walked though an empty hallway, her boot heels thumping whenever she walked. They were uncomfy, now that she had been walking in them for a long time. She opened a door which led her to an area with three green couches. There, sat a tall woman with long, tle="" href="http://cosmetic-candy.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/palty-hair-dye-honey-brown.jpg" target="">honey coloured hair. She wore a tle="" href="http://www.comparestoreprices.co.uk/images/bh/bhs-classic-lace-long-satin-nightdress.jpg" target="">satin nightgown, without shoes. An Avox walked up to her and held out a tray of tea and cookies. The woman knocked the tray out of the Avox's hands and I grimaced as I heard the crashing of china glasses and plates. The Avox jumped, and let out a low moan. "Clean it up, you mute piece of trash." the woman snapped. She turned her head and saw me. Her face lit up like a firework. "Come! Sit down!" she beckoned. I shrugged and took a seat beside her. "So you're my mentor?" I asked. She nodded. "Hurry up!" she yelled at the Avox who crouched, picking up the broken china pieces. A Peacekeeper marched in and didn't bother noticing he was walking on broken china. "I heard your screaming, Ms." the man spoke, "Is there anything I can help you with?" The woman stood up, her hands shaking with rage. I stood up as well, prepared to restrain her if needed. "This fool!" she pointed to the Avox. "Spilt everything, everywhere! And she's not cleaning it up! Shyne and I want to have a civilized conversation, with out this mutt here!" That was quite an insult. Technically, Avoxes were once proper humans. Until they got in huge trouble, their tounges were in place. Apparently they were cut off or surgically removed when you unconcious. Depending on your crime, you might have to watch yourself get mutilated. I shivered at the thought. Another Peacekeeper entered and grabbed the Avox's arm. The other Peacekeeper did the same. "Don't worry, we'll make sure she's paid for it." With that, they dragged her out of the room. I heard the slam of a door, a crack of what sounded to be a whip, and then loud animal-like noises. I showed a face of disgust. "Now. Yes, I am your mentor. Call me Sphere." What an awkward name. Not that my name wasn't as bad, but that just seemed to be a bit stupid. "You need a strategy." I sighed, "What about the 19 other tributes?" The woman let out an annoyed huff, "Don't care about them! Your the only one that's got a shot!" My eyes widened. "You! Your face is beautiful! You'll win sponsors like there's no tomorrow! And your skills, with knives and---" I stopped her. "Wait, how do you know about my knives?" Sphere laughed, "Oh don't be silly! Everyone knows." Fear began to grow inside me as she continued. "Make allies. Maybe with those tributes from District 4. They have a good chance. And who's that other loverboy?" My eyebrows arched, "What boy?" Sphere laughed again, "HA! You must know about him, don't you?" I rolled my eyes. "No. I don't." The train lurched to a stop as I fell of the couch and onto the large puddle of hot tea. She simply stood up and began to walk away. "Oh, you'll know soon enough."
[[Toshiro's character will be killed in the bloodbath. If anyone wants to call disposing of the character, let me know. x3 She decided to quit the roleplay.]]
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9:55pm May 8 2012
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((can Avalia accidentally kill that character? Maybe she disobeys and goes to the bloodbath to find some daggers and she is defending herself as she tries to get away.))
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4:21am May 9 2012
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( sorry for the late reply.) Trees blurred as the train whisked past them, as swift as lighting. The gold-and-blue themed train cabin was filled with the aroma of fresh duck and buns. Caffeine stung my nose as I sat downon the royal blue chair, looking around at the elaborately decked out train. Two hundred or so tributes had sat in this regal train only to be sent to their deathbeds in the Capitol. I sat across from my mentor, a man in his forties. His hair was a dark brown, his eyes as dark as pools of water at night. I had said nothing to the man, nor did he initiate any conversation, however it was known to Career tributes how exactly the Arena would be like. We were practically born to fight to the death, to entertain the Capitol. The train made an ominous stop, the wind gushed in from outside as the metal doors flung open. I could almost hear it whispering my name, welcoming me into the arms of death.
5:12pm May 9 2012
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[[Sure Feyth. :D It's okay Twintkitty. :3]]
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5:30pm May 9 2012
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((cool. Okay, I shall post when I get home.))
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5:54pm May 9 2012
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Joesph smiled lightly, "you keep thinking that."
"You're army idea sounds cool." He said simply, biting into a salty piece of District Four bread. "Careers, huh?" He muttered, swallowing a chunk on bread. "Even better plan."
He smiled and nodded, "until the..." his smile faded. "End." He didn't dare mention how he planned to wipe out Kit at the end, knowing deep down that he had the upper hand in strength. It shouldn't be that hard to...Joesph wiped the thought from his mind.
He grinned, "of course I'm coming. What else would I do, stay on this loony Capitol train?" He followed Kit and smirked, "by the way, do you want some flying lessons with that chair?"
7:07pm May 9 2012 (last edited on 6:20pm May 10 2012)
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I felt the train stutter to a stop and jolted myself out of my strange thoughts. I saw many things as I walked out of the train. I could vaguely remember the word for a few of the trees and all the flowers were completely new to me. I wonder if Beetee can help me learn berry names, so I don't eat nightlock... I remembered the name of the berry that had killed Foxface. I had seen that on one of the commercials for the hunger games. That was the only berry I knew the name of. At least I can avoid that one... I thought to myself, wondering why everbody was taking pictures of the tributes as we stepped from the train. the bright lights were blinding me...
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8:34am May 10 2012
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((You may not die! -bumps-))
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9:52am May 10 2012 (last edited on 9:53am May 10 2012)
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I grinned widely, ignoring his little comment about how he would kill me in the end. We both knew that it would come down to who was quicker. But that didn't matter now, as we were so far away from the end.
"Levitate!" I chuckled and yanked a small branch from a tree that passed right under us. I held it out and waved it in a graceful manner. "Ooh! How perfect that one worked!" I laughed and dropped the stick. I flung my legs over the side of the railing as I had before, and I watched the city. People were lined at the tops of every roof, in every inch of the street, taking pictures and smiling at us like we were a birthday cake, just waiting to be tasted by the greediest hands.
"Hideous, isn't it?" I asked Joesph. I flipped my head back between my shoulders to see him. It was an odd thing to do, yes, but Darek said I was special because no one else he knew could. My face was the same hard mask as before, this time it showed a little understanding in it, though. I set my head back upright and watched as another hundred people snapped pictures of my black face.
"Aah. What the hell, right?" I said as I molded my face into a large grin. One you would see on a three year old that just got to meet Super-man. I was glad I didn't say anything about him, seeing as Super-man was very, very old and forgotten. Yet I had re-discovered him.
((Sorry for my late post. I was watching Avengers all night xD))

5:17pm May 10 2012
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Joesph smiled back, "absolutely horrendous." As Kit smiled, Joesph knew that the only way to get sponsors in this situation, was to upstage her. He smiled as largely as he could, pushing Kit away playfully and waving like mad my the crown, smiling but secretly wishing to be able to spear all their ungrateful necks.
5:21pm May 10 2012
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(( ooPs...I thought they were ff the train...))
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5:48pm May 10 2012 (last edited on 5:05pm May 11 2012)
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[[I thought Clove was killed from Thresh. o_o And Foxface ate the berries that Peeta had put on his jacket. Unless your talking about some other Clove. x'3]]
I had collected myself rather quickly, now there was a splotch of hot tea that had remained on my sweater. I quickly took it off and grabbed the tle="" href="http://s10.thisnext.com/media/largest_dimension/F900F647.jpg" target="">sweater that Sphere probably had worn before she left. In a panic, I left my other sweater in a puddle of tea. My hair and dress had not been affected. Good thing too. I exited through a door with flashing blue lights that said, "DISTRICT 1". There, 8 other fellow tributes from my district stood. One of my friends that even I feared stood in a pair of tle="" href="http://anonymousla.com/store/images/large/AV4_100206_014-250.jpg" target="">white jeans and a tle="" href="http://www.godoon.com/fashionimg/full/DS/95/FSDS9517_1.jpg" target="">pretty top. Odd looking people with weird hair and clothing were cheering and screaming and clapping. I realized that I suddenly needed to kick up looking pretty and a person they'd want to sponsor. She also wore a tle="" href="http://s9.thisnext.com/media/largest_dimension/978B374F.jpg" target="">pair of boots similar to mine that I'd used to wear to bed. Her and I were the only female tributes that had a chance. Almost all male tributes were here, talking amongst themselves and who they thought they should kill first. I guessed they watched the replay of the reapings. I hadn't even bothered to do so. But, I would have a couple of weeks or so to do that. I stood now, waiting to be herded wherever we were supposed to go.
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6:19pm May 10 2012
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((For some reason I thought it was the other way around. -facepalm- I shall fix that now.))
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4:41am May 11 2012
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KOLEA; At first I thought the bright light was the Sun, but then I realized that it was just a swarm of Capitol citizens. Their cameras raised as I stepped out from the train, forcing a smile and trying to make it look as genuine as possible. The crowd cheered wildly - were they just bloodthirsty and waiting for yet another piece in their Games to die a tragic but memorable death? [ guys... what comes after the train ? ; o; ]
1:09pm May 11 2012
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I laughed overly loudly for the crowd as Joesph playfully pushed me. In return I pushed his a little, this time more serous than playful. I knew it looked no different than if I were being playful, but I knew the feeling was the difference.
"Hunger Games survival tip four; For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action." I muttered under my breath through clenched-into-a-smile teeth.
To reset my popularity with the crowds and to shove Joesph off of the scale completely, I began to blow kisses at the crowd. When they started to scream and flash pictures even more wildly, I knew that nothing Joesph did would outshine that.
After a few minutes, the train halted to a stop. I continued my ear-to-ear grin, but I slipped off of the railing. I slipped one hand into Joesph's and began to tighten my grip. It wasn't intentional, and I did try to loosen it, but it kept on getting tighter. To avoid any mishaps, I started to pull Joesph back into the train.
"C'mon." I said tensely and began to run down the hallways to the exit.
Great time to get scared of large crowds, Kit. A voice in my head told me. I would have lashed out at myself, but I was now at the exit to the train.
"All off board." I muttered and walked out of the large, hideous train.

7:30pm May 11 2012
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Joesph pulled his hand free and stomped ahead, out of the train and into a mass of complete idiots. He grinned wildly, yelling out, "I love you all!" and blowing kisses to the crowd. He was going to do it before, but Kit pulled ahead and did it before he could. Joesph thought it might be a tad overdone, but oh well. The Capitol people raged, screaming and flashing camera's like a maniacs. That's how you get sponsors Kit. He said silently.
10:17am May 12 2012
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[[Then they meet their stylists. I think. o_o]]
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10:54am May 12 2012
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"Get out, now!" I looked behind me as three fellow tributes from my district were thrown off the train. One wore a tle="" href="http://fashionphilosophia.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/summer-dresses5.jpg" target="">pink flowery dress with tle="" href="http://a1.ec-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/85/28213fbb359b45e4b4c00dc93f93be81/l.gif" target="">flats, another wore a tle="" href="http://fashionphilosophia.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/summer-dresses5.jpg" target="">blue flower dress, and the other wore a tle="" href="http://fashionphilosophia.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/summer-dresses5.jpg" target="">beige/blackish dress. I looked down at their shoes, and realized they all wore matching flats. They giggled and flipped their hair aimlessly. Stupid. I thought. They're underestimating their competition. I stood with the girl that was out first, talking to her privately of who we should kill first. "We should set a camp up by the Horn." I said. She nodded, "And take everything out of it, kill anyone that tries to steal." She looked at me hard. "Allies, okay?" I shook her hand. "Allies." I thought about it now. "But, shouldn't we be allies with the rest of our tributes?" She nodded and rolled her eyes. "Duh. They'll die off. We'll keep a few males and then we'll kill the rest." I grew fearful and suddenly began to regret being allies. "But after that?" I asked. "Then, we see who's better." she said flatly. I walked away from her and started waving and saying things like, "Your such a great crowd!" and, "I love you guys!"
[[-Facepalm- Just realized Toshiro has another character. Anyone want to kill her off? If not Shyne will likely just see her as a threat and, you know. :u]]
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11:30am May 12 2012
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As I got off the train, more bright lights hit my face and I stared at the ground, just standing there as the other tributes passed me. My hands were up at my face, cradling my head. Tears were falling from my eyes. The crowd stopped yelling for a moment and I tentatively lifted my head to know why. I saw that the other District 3 tributes had turned to face me and I waved awkwardly. For some reason, this set the crowd off. For the rest of the trip, I walked with my face to the ground. I already didn't like these people who wanted to watch me die...
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