2:18pm May 12 2012
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((I'll kill Tosh's second character. c:))
5:38pm May 12 2012
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((Can Kit have half of the job? -superbiggrin-))
My hand shot down to my leg and grabbed the side of it, much like a cat on ice. My nails sunk into my skin, and I knew I was bleeding from it as a liquid ran onto my hand. My eyes were frantic as I started pushing people out of the way, including Joesph. I heard him fall over, along with other people, but I didn't look back as I ran straight towards the building. I grabbed onto the door handles and tried to pull. As they didn't move, I pulled harder and harder at them, trying to escape the large crowds. Little did I know that above my hand was a sign on the door that read "Push". Even if I had seen it, it wasn't like I could have read it.
"Settle down, dear." A voice said from behind me. I jumped and flipped my head back in between my shoulders as I had done once before on the train. My brain started to work again as I locked eyes with a tall, slender man. He had darker skin and the most beautiful, chocolate brown eyes.
"Darek!" I almost screamed as I examined the man. His face grew into a grin.
"No, my dear, not Darek. My name is Jacob Matthews. I am your mentor." He said in a honey-like voice. He was so much like Darek... I couldn't believe that it wasn't here. First he didn't show up at the Justice Building. He just let me go without even saying a word.
No. Not now Kit. There will be a place and time to cope. Not now, and not here. I told myself. Once more, I would have told my self "Shut up!", but that would just further provoke my insanity.
"I know, I know. It's hard, but you are right." The man called Jacob said. He was staring into my eyes intently. I guessed I wasn't doing the best job keeping my emotions out of my eyes. I turned my face back to a hard mask of no emotion, hoping that would help. "Please, don't worry about your emotions. Everyone has them." He told me, still smiling.
"I suppose so." I said flatly, but didn't let my face, or eyes, show anything.
"As you wish. But please, dear, come in. I shall show you around." He walked up to me and placed a darker hand on my shoulder. I flipped my head back up right and turned to look at him. He placed his other hand on mine, which were still clasped on the doorknobs. His touch caused me to drop my hands. It was most unlike me to be speechless, but they way he was affecting me... It was unusual to say the least.
"It does say push, you know." He whispered in my ear. He pushed the doors open and walked inside.
"Y-yeah?" I said, as if unsure how to speak. Jacob chuckled and took my hand. He pulled it slightly; only enough to get me to come inside as well. He closed the door behind us and led me into a strange contraption. "What is this?" I asked him.
"It's called an elevator." He said with a hint of laughter. This made me slime a little, though it was much apposed to my will. He pressed a few buttons on it and it shot up. I heard a thump, and I knew I was no longer on my feet. Jacob knelt down on the floor of the elevator.
"Are you okay?" He asked me. He put his hand on my chin and looked into my eyes again. It looked as if he were searching for something lost; something my eyes had hidden from him.
"Y-yeah. I'll b-be fine." I managed to say. He let out a sigh of relief.
"Good to know. I suggest you hold onto something next time. But for now, I would stay put until we stop moving." He said, now smiling again. I decided his advice was better than my own would have been, so I followed it.
It only took a few more seconds before the elevator stopped moving. The doors we had entered through opened.
"District four." A speaker said from in the elevator as Jacob helped me up. He held my hand tightly as we exited the elevator. The doors closed again, and I heard a quiet buzz. I guesses it was going back down to floor one, but I wasn't sure.
"Looks like we are the first here." Jacob said warmly as he sat down on a white sofa. I followed him in sitting, but did it reluctantly.
"So... What do you mentors even do?" I asked him, my eyes dull from the lack of curiosity.
"I suppose that is like you; not doing what you're supposed to. You really should have, you know..." He said. He was saying things that only one person other than I knew. It was creepy, yet I didn't feel like he was invading me by knowing everything about me.
"Yeah... I suppose I should have." I said uneasily, but smiled.
"Well, we mentors help keep people like you and Joesph alive." He said with a warm slime. He went on about how he would help us get sponsors, looks good, and act like we were in love with the whole world.

6:49pm May 12 2012
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6:51pm May 12 2012
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((Since Beetee already sorta did this speech, Imma wait for a bit to post my post.))
 <-- Click me
6:54pm May 12 2012
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((Kit will have something to say about that one... She would want as many kills on her record as she could get before Joesph kills her. Because liek. In her mind, he is still going to will the "Annual 100th Hunger Games!" >>))
7:10pm May 12 2012 (last edited on 7:29pm May 12 2012)
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Posts: 4,355
((I'll just ignore your slight powerplay. ^^;)) ((Or will Joesph kill her?))
Joesph made his way to the Justice Building, still smiling and yelling stuff like, "I love you!" at the frantic Capitol people. When he'd pushed his way into the cool stone building, something-or someone-grabbed his hands from the back and forced him to the ground. A rough voice snarled above him, "are you a Tribute?" Joesph shifted uncomfortably, "uh...yes?" He squeaked. A massive rumble seemed to shake the room. "That's good kid. Now get me off." The man had complete control of Joesph, so it was difficult to throw him off while remaining calm. Finally the man sighed and let Joesph up. He found himself staring into the chocolate brown eye of a twenty year old-looking male, twice Joesph's size. He had thick brown hair that was kind of flipped over to one side and covered an almost almond colored eye. He wore simple black clothing, matching his dark skin and eyes. His lips were set in a smirk. "Who are you?" Joesph frowned, and the man laughed. "Luke Discord, your mentor."
Joesph nearly shivered. This jerk as my mentor? Luke laughed heartily, noticing the slight shaking of his new apprentice. "You failed my first test. Always be alert-always. You never know when someone could be pinning you down, armed with a knife. And you just failed my second test-" Joesph groaned, "which was never be afraid of your enemies." Joesph rolled his eyes and made his way to a cream colored sofa, and collapsed. He sighed tiredly, "whatever..."

7:18pm May 12 2012
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Posts: 1,997
((D: Gawd. I didn't even realize that... -soepicfail- Butliek. Just forget I even said that part... -evenmoresuperepicfail-))
12:51am May 13 2012
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[ If I missed anything out, please tell me ! :c Im rather caught up in studies, stressed out, and not thinking straight. ] Before I could even open the doors, they flew open in my face and a female about my height pounced out and attacked me. Shocked, I reeled back from the sudden weight flung onto my already lithe body and almost fell over. "My name's Kerilyn and I'll be your mentor! I'm so excited to see you, Kolea!" Her enthusiasm could easily have her mistaken as a child if not for her height. Her bronze locks were pulled back into a messy ponytail by a small pink ribbon, and there were periwinkle blue highlights in her hair. Her eyes were a rich chocolate, filled with innocence, and I wondered how she won the Games. But she was very likable and calming,and I did not even have to express my worries as she had miraculously worked them away, weaving them between her words and soon hid them with the final stitch - a simple, "I will always be supporting you. No matter what, I will make sure that you will win." She then smiled, melting all my doubts and replacing them with confidence. Holding up a soft carnation pink dress, and grey leggings, she gushed, "I'm sure you will look cute in this!"

3:37am May 13 2012
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Appearance: Black hair, brown eyes, skin the color of gingerbread. Name: Vega Nightingale Gender: Male District: 13 Age: [12 to 17] 15 Weapons: [Ones you have experience and skill with] Simply poison. Darts, Personality: Very shy. Rarely talks. He only attacks if he's attacked. Can I RP rest out? Crush: [I don't expect you to have one. o_o] I'm so derpy, I say Shyne. History: N/A Other: |
8:18am May 14 2012
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 <-- Click me
9:47am May 14 2012
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((-waits for Clouding-))
6:25pm May 14 2012
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Posts: 1,651
[[Sorry I haven't been able to post. I had to walk my cousin's dog. :I]]
Shyne was escorted from the crowd into a building. She eventually caught up with her mentor and her other fellow tributes. "Now you get to meet your stylist." Sphere groaned. "One at a time!" she added quickly. "We all wear the same costumes on the chariots though." I said. "Yeah, but we're changing some things." I jumped as I turned around. There stood a man, dressed in a pair of jeans and dress shoes. He wore a simple blazer. I couldn't believe he looked so normal. Capitol people always seemed so screwed up. But once he turned his head I knew it was too good to be true. His head was shaved in a weird pattern and he had half of his beard. I tried not to gasp. "Our District colour is pink. Usually is." Pink. I wouldn't be caught dead in pink. I let out a silent groan. "Both Male and Female tributes will wear the same thing. But---" He said. "The Female and Male tributes will be wearing the same for their gender, not same overall." Sphere laughed. "You can't do that. They'll stop you someway." The man spoke flatly, "Trust me, they won't. By the way, call me Ernesta." Such a girl's name. I thought to myself. "Now, can I have the female tributes come with me please?" I followed Ernesta into a brightly lit room. "Now. All of you will wear this." He held up a tle="" href="http://images1.chictopia.com/photos/RoCkHouSeVintaGe/1820235197/pink-dress_400.jpg" target="">pink dress that I had to admit, it wasn't all that bad. The other tributes let out gasps and then giggles in pleasure. I was disgusted. "But, that's not all." He held up two things. A pair of tle="" href="http://images.lovelemonade.com/images/products/medium/1334328920-23348900.jpg" target="">pink heels, and a tle="" href="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_BBcCc7p9aVw/SvX8wx5TAbI/AAAAAAAADP0/Bce5DtGBxR8/s400/vintage+pink+flower+headband+ban.do+fanciful+bride+planner+nashville+wedding+opulence.jpg" target="">beautiful headpiece. I groaned. Ernesta noticed my displeasure. "All of you, out. I need to talk to...Shyne." The female tributes giggled and took their last glances of awe at the things they would wear. The door slammed and he beckoned me to sit down on a couch covered in fabric. "Listen, I know you hate this." I rolled my eyes. "Hate this? I'd rather die than having to wear that!" He grinned. I just scowled. "Listen, I know you don't like it. But your going to win them all over with your interview outfit. I said darkly, "I swear if anything's pink on it I'm going to kill someone." He laughed and shook his head. "No. That won't be necessary." He opened a closet and laid out a headpiece. I loved it immediately. "That's it?" I asked. He laughed. "No, I have the dress." He pulled out a beautiful silver dress. I said, "No! I'm not wearing that. I'll trip." He sighed. "I'd thought you'd say that." He pulled outtle="" href="http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=5604653" target=""> another dress. This time, it glittered and it was short. Perfect. I turned my head away because the light made it blinding to look at. "You name is Shyne! So you'll need to shine and win all the sponsors! Win the hearts, and say that you don't want to die! They'll have to help you!" I groaned. "I suck at talking in front of people. I don't have any friends." He smiled. "I'll help you."
 I am online..
8:05pm May 14 2012 (last edited on 8:06pm May 14 2012)
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"Hey!" I shouted, jerking my head up. I looked around frantically for my 'attacker'.
"I'm sorry. But, my dear, you fell asleep." A voice said from beside me,
just as the figure came into view. The melting chocolate eyes of my
mentor were smiling at me from on the blue sofa we were sitting. Well,
he was sitting, I was laying. I curled my legs up under me as I saw I
was laying.
"Uh..." I said sleepily. "Sorry." I apologized. It wasn't like me, but
his warm, inviting eyes just melted any part of me that tried to resist.
"Oh, no need to apologize. You should see how many people have done
that." He said, a playful smile rested on his lips. I managed a small
smile; an attempt to lighten the mood. But, clearly, the mood was as
light as possible for my mentor.
"Ha ha. So, Mr. Matthews, what now?" I asked him sheepishly.
"Just call me Jacob, please." He said kindly. I got the feeling he
didn't say that a lot, so I didn't question it. "And next, him." Jacob
said. Me pointed his chin back behind me. I flipped my head backwards,
and my eyes met that of a man who looked in his sixties.
"Meet John Davis. He will--" Jacob began to say, but a rough voice cut hm off.
"Be your stylist." John finished Jacob's sentence. "Welcome to the
Capitol, Miss Kit." The man said with a frown. As soon as he said it, I
had a feeling he and I were going to get along splendid.
"Why thank you, Mr. John." I said with a grin. I turned my head back to
Jacob, who smiled, as if giving me permission. I nodded, and got up off
of the sofa.
I wasn't sure, but when I looked back to John, I thought I saw a hint of
a smile on his lips. I glided across the floor and to the door where
John was leaning on the wall.
"Where to now?" I asked John. He grunted and walked past me to the other side of the room. He opened a door and walked through it. I followed him, then closed the door behind me. We walked for a minute or so, then reached another room. We walked into it, and John directed me to a chair. He stood back and looked at me with a hawks eye, almost like mine. "Perfect." He muttered under his breath. He walked over to a closet and took a few things out of it. He held them up in front of me, comparing the different colors to my skin tone, hair color, and eyes. "Try this." He said dully, holding up a tle="g" href="http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A2KJkPqfI5xPPB0AM5GJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3DSimple%2BShort%2Bblue%2Bdress%26n%3D30%26ei%3Dutf-8%26y%3DSearch%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D57&w=450&h=450&imgurl=s6.thisnext.com%2Fmedia%2Flargest_dimension%2F33D5977E.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thisnext.com%2Fstore%2FE1783DF9%2FFashionJunkee%2Fblue-dress&size=7.6+KB&name=Jersey+Short+Sleeve+Wrap+Dress%2C+Side+Tie-Blue+-+Photo&p=Simple+Short+blue+dress&oid=63ae9b5a559347683e2defb5a0eb0b5f&fr2=&fr=&tt=Jersey%2BShort%2BSleeve%2BWrap%2BDress%252C%2BSide%2BTie-Blue%2B-%2BPhoto&b=31&ni=60&no=57&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=11v3fvig8&sigb=13f3tsfbs&sigi=11k095hdv&.crumb=.xD9AGHVgsX">short blue dress. It wasn't that fancy, but I supposed it would work. I stood up and took the dress in one hand, while playing with my hair in the other. I walked over to the corner of the room and put the dress on. When I turned around again, John was looking at me skeptically. I huffed and walked back over to him. He made a circle with his index finger, so I began to model the dress. He held up a hand once I had spun twice, telling me to stop. He reached out a cold hand and picked up my tle="g" href="http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A2KJkK37Y5tPNxwAa7CJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dturtle%2Bnecklace%26norw%3D1%26n%3D30%26ei%3DUTF-8%26y%3DSearch%26fr2%3Dsp-qrw-corr-top%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D2&w=520&h=520&imgurl=www.parrissjewellers.co.uk%2Fimages%2F_lib%2Fsea-turtle-silver-enamel-diamond-necklace-3011258-0-1298395244000.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.parrissjewellers.co.uk%2Fsea-turtle-silver-enamel-diamond-necklace.ir%3FcName%3Dwomens-jewellery-necklaces&size=21.6+KB&name=Sea+Turtle+Silver%2C+Enamel%2C+Diamond+Necklace+-+%C2%A3165.00+-+Necklaces+...&p=turtle+necklace&oid=ac26f0b0db906a16c3c39d9e783ad196&fr2=sp-qrw-corr-top&fr=&tt=Sea%2BTurtle%2BSilver%252C%2BEnamel%252C%2BDiamond%2BNecklace%2B-%2B%25C2%25A3165.00%2B-%2BNecklaces%2B...&b=0&ni=60&no=2&ts=&tab=organic&norw=1&sigr=13f0fdl4d&sigb=141ftbe9l&sigi=13cqleafr&.crumb=.xD9AGHVgsX">turtle necklace. "Hm?" He asked me. I grasped his hand in mine, then tore the necklace out of his hand. "No." I said dully. He nodded understandingly. He set his arms by his side, and started walking around me slowly. I put one hand behind my back, the other at my side. I heard a grunt from behind me. I felt a cold hand enclose around my arm and pull me back to the chair. I willingly sat down, and I felt a tugging at the back of my head. I let out a quiet growl, and the tugging stopped. I hear a louder growl, and decided that I better let John work. I felt a hot, burning sensation as he began to iron my hair flat. I hat tried to do this once or twice, but it never worked. *** After he was done, he walked around to the front of me. He brushed my bangs to the side, then stepped back to admire his master piece. "Very good." He said flatly, then led me out of the blank white room, back into the room where Jacob had taken me. A gasp was let heard as I entered the room behind John about a yard. I suddenly felt self conscious of my tle="g" href="http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A2KJkPlZZZtPkwoAgAaJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dturtle%2Bearrings%26n%3D30%26ei%3Dutf-8%26y%3DSearch%2BImages%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D17&w=300&h=357&imgurl=auntiestreasures.com%2Fimages%2FSterling-Silver-Adorable-Synthetic-Blue-Opal-Turtles-On-French-Wire-Earrings-ea-cejj-cfaw.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fauntiestreasures.com%2Fearrings-turtle-earrings-c-13_10244.html&size=15.8+KB&name=Sterling+Silver+Turtle+Earrings&p=turtle+earrings&oid=6da33240bf950bfaaa86c4190d1355a1&fr2=&fr=&tt=Sterling%2BSilver%2BTurtle%2BEarrings&b=0&ni=60&no=17&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=124hkqp45&sigb=13ekg3ep2&sigi=13p0ataii&.crumb=.xD9AGHVgsX">earrings and other assorted dress items. "You look beyond magnificent!" I quiet voice said. I knew it was Jacob's as all my self consciousness melted away. The corner of my lips curved up into a smile. "Aah! Yes! Just like that, my dear." Jacob marveled at me as he began to circle me. It was in a way almost like a hungry wolf about to pounce on a wounded deer, but I didn't say anything. "You did this, John?" Jacob's delighted voice asked John, who was now sitting on the sofa. "Duh." John said in a bored voice. I almost cracked a full smile, but I didn't. I heard Jacob laugh from behind me. "Of course, of course." He said humorously. "Now. We," He said, and walked in front of me. He placed one hand on my chin and looked into my eyes. "need to get that attitude under control, my dear." I didn't much mind him saying I had an attitude. In fact, it made me feel better that he did. Then an idea clicked in my head. "Or, we could let it shine as bright as the sun..." I said. Jacob's face lit up, as if he were thinking the exact same thoughts I was. I managed to crack a smile because of how happy he looked, and this seemed to make him beam even brighter. ((Sorry the first part's spacing is all messed up. I had to copy it onto my Microsoft Word... It messed everything up. D: Also, sorry if it is a bit confusing. I'm a bit distracted at the moment.))

8:51pm May 14 2012
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"I want to try something new with you, being that you are the youngest." I looked at the floor, my cheeks growing red with embarrassment. Everybody else was already dressed in their outfits. They were silver with sparkles and strange gear-like things on their heads. The man looked my over my naked body for a moment, but I didn't know this was wrong. I used to walk around the house in my birthday suit all the time. "AH HA! I got it!" He suddenly shouted and threw me a robe. I stared at it for a moment before putting it on. I followed him down a long corridor where he kept a few dresses, I guess. He pulled out a small dress. It was sparkled and silver. He took off the robe and settled the dress over me. It fit like a glove and I giggled as I twirled about in it, feeling like I was back in district 3. He handed me some black stockings and I put them over my pale legs, hoping to feel the softness of the capital. They were quite comfortable. Next, he took a pair of small shoes from a drawer and handed them to me. I loved them instantly. They were a soft silver color and had beaded opals into them. the colors complimented perfectly. I snuggled them to my face for a moment before slipping them onto my feet, instantly feeling the warmth of the slipper-like shoes. I sighed from relaxation, forgetting, for the moment, of the horrible things to come. I felt him begin to brush my hair and winced as a particularly stubborn knot was pulled out of my head. When the brushing was done, he scraped my head, trying to get every last bit of hair into a tle="" href="http://www.realbeauty.com/cm/realbeauty/images/rb-fishtail-braid-lg-medium_new.jpg">fishtail braid. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I was gourgeous. I was surprised to learn that he wasn't done. On my braid, he put a crown of silver with opal jewels. Now, he was done. He sat back to admire his work while I twirled around in my dress...
 <-- Click me
9:09pm May 14 2012
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[[Am I accepted?]]
9:16pm May 14 2012
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Joesph fell asleep on the couch eventually, dark dreams haunting his mind. A screaming girl, blood flooding from her sliced open stomach. A wailing boy, clinging onto life. And Joesph, winning the Hunger Games as savage beast. With the lifeless Kit in his bloody hands.
He jerked awake, screaming silently and thrashing, throwing a perfect cream pillow across the room. Joesph looked over to the side, where he'd thrown the pillow and noticed that his mentor, Luke, was glaring at him, covered in tiny white feathers. It was all Joesph could do to stop from laughing at his "touch guy" mentor covered in little white feathers. Luke shook the feathers free, and growled, "don't you dare laugh." Joesph suddenly shot up straight and nodded, "of course." When Luke turned away, Joesph buried his face in a pillow and burst into full blown laughing until his side hurt and tears flooded his dark eyes.
He felt a sudden sharp snap against the back of his head, and Joesph leaped to his senses. His mentor had slapped him in the back of his head, and mindlessly Joesph rubbed his head and kind of scowled at his mentor. Luke however, was more distant than angry. A girl, maybe 25, was hanging out by the doorway, long dark brown hair and warm, hot chocolate brown eyes that seemed to melt into her pale face. An inviting smile lit up her otherwise, neutral face. "So this is Joesph the Victor, huh?" Her soft eyes blinked, "well then, we don't have that much to work with, now do we? If you're already winning the Games, not much needs changing, isn't that right dear?" A grunt sounded from Luke, "except maybe his personality and sense of humor."
Joesph growled, but it soon faded into confusion, "what do you mean, "I'm already winning"? I'm probably going to die within the first day..." The girl laughed, "you're the boy, who volunteered in such a huge Game? And acted like such a lover of the entire Capitol? You're on fire with the public, Joesph!" Joesph grinned, "really?" The girl shrugged, "of course! Anyway, I'm Lily Cash, your stylist. Come with me." Joesph followed, an Lily handed him a dark blue tuxedo, made of what looked to be silk of some sort. Reluctantly, Joesph stripped down and glanced around awkwardly, while Luke snickered from the side of the room. Joesph scowled, "be mature Lucas." The snickered ceased immediately.
Joesph quickly pulled on the tux, and Lily smiled, "yes, yes. Perfect. It's matches your little lover." Joesph snapped around to look at her, "what...who is that?" Lily giggled, "all of Panem knows about your affair with Kit." Joesph rolled his eyes, stupid media. Lily handed his a bracelet with a small aqua turtle hanging off the side. Joesph slipped it on and asked, "what's this for?" No response. Much to Joesph's dismay, Lily brushed out his hair for what seemed to be hours and stood back to look at it after a while. For more excruciating moments, she struggled with his hair until the front was gently brushed up in different directions, and the sides were flat against his head. Joesph turned to look in the mirror and smiled, messy like he liked it but formal at the same time. He laughed, "perfect. I love it Lily. Thank you."

9:12am May 15 2012
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 <-- Click me
2:36pm May 15 2012 (last edited on 2:36pm May 15 2012)
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Posts: 1,997
“Hell no!” I said stubbornly. “There is no way in heaven of
hell you are getting those on my feet!” I growled at John, who was holding up a
pair of high heels.
“Calm down, my dear.” Jacob’s soothing voice said. “You don’t
have to wear them if you feel that strongly about it.” He told me, placing a
hand on my shoulder. “Right, John?” He said firmly, stealing a glance in his
direction. John mumbled something that I assumed was a yes, but with John, you
could never be sure.
“See my dear?” Jacob asked me, smiling. I felt like saying
no, but once again, his eyes melted my will into the drain. So, I nodded, and
hoped he wouldn’t press the matter of shoes. “Wonderful. Now, practice that
attitude once more?” He asked me. I sighed and shook my head.
“I should go find Joesph…” I told him. He picked his hand up
off of my shoulder and took my hands in his.
“Let me show you your room first.” He said and got up off of
the sofa. I followed him. We walked out the door and he led me around the floor
on which we were on. It didn’t take long for him to find the room he was
looking for. He opened the door and the first thing I thought was; This is my room?
The whole room was colored with various things. It was the
most beautiful room I had ever seen, yet it repelled me so much I almost walked
back out of the door. There was everything, yet nothing that compelled me to
“This is… Horrendous.” I gagged. I heard Jacob chuckle.
“Very.” He said, suppressing a laugh. “Well, go on in.” He
urged me. I looked up at him.
“Must I?” I begged him. It wasn’t like he could stop me if I
really didn’t want to go in, but I had that much decency in me.
“Yes.” He said, and this time couldn’t hold back the laugh. “I’ll
be in the lounge if you need me.” He turned around and walked out of my room,
leaving the door open behind him. I walked over to my bed and sat down. I
picked up my necklace, then in tied it. I looked at it in my hand. It looked
just like it did the day Darek had got it for me ages ago. I sighed and put it
back on. I stood up and walked out of my room. I leaned on the wall by my door,
thinking about everything that had happened to me. Without realizing it, my
mind wandered off to Joesph. My thoughts filled with scenes of him dancing on
the train, trying to imitate me. My the corner of my lips curved into a smile
as I ran this through my mind.
((I couldn't wait. I am so wrapped up in this RP to think of anything else. e_e Once more, sorry about the spacing. Microsoft Word sucks xD))

6:25pm May 15 2012 (last edited on 6:26pm May 15 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 4,355
Lily smiled, "of course dear. Its nothing." Joesph smiled back, and got up. He began to walk toward to the door when Luke stopped him. "Where are you going?" "To find to Kit." "Too bad." "Hmm?" "You need to go to your room." "Later." Luke shrugged, "suit yourself. Go find your little Kitten, your room can wait." Joesph scowled, but pushed his way out of the door anyway, and was about to leave when a smug remark came from Luke in the corner of the room. "By the way, Joesph. Nice ass."
Joesph wandered around for a bit, finally stumbling to his own room and began to search for Kit's. He gently pushed open a door, and glanced in, "anyone there?"
9:06pm May 15 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,997
I heard a voice down the hall a ways, around a turn. I got up from my spot on the floor and began walking down the hall.
"Hello?" I asked as I turned around the corner. Once I saw that it was Joesph, my face went into that mask of no emotion. "Great. You." I said dully.
Perfect, Kit! Great idea, by the way. The other person in my head said in a mocking tone.
Why thank you, Bob. I thought back. If I had a mental face, it would be grinning from ear to ear. My lips began to tremble slightly, but I resisted the urge to smile.
"What do you want?" I asked in bored, annoyed, and very real voice.
You are doing great, Kit. Add a little growl in there, won't ya? The person who I had just named Bob said. For once in my life, I actually did what I was asked. I let out a low, oh-so-bored-and-annoyed growl. Once more, my mental face was grinning at my work. I truly didn't see a way this wasn't going to work.
You are a pro. Bob said happily.
I seriously find it disturbing that you let me call you Bob... I thought to Bob.
Eh. Why not, Steve?
