9:28pm May 15 2012
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[[Bob your accepted. IT DELETED MY UBER LONG POST. D:]]
 I am online..
9:51pm May 15 2012
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((Press "Control Z" It may also be ctrl, depending on the keyboard. c:))
11:00pm May 15 2012
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Joesph smiled, "come on Kit. You know you missed me." He did some kind of really weird and exceptionally lame eyebrow wiggle and smirked, attempting to get a giggle out of Kit, who was trying so hard to remain motionless.
((Lame post. :I))
2:07am May 16 2012
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[[Can Katniss be my stylist? Y'know, a old participant. Please?]]
8:40am May 16 2012
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((Ya, but Katniss didn't ACTUALLY like fashion, she just needed to have a talent.))
 <-- Click me
9:49am May 16 2012
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My face stayed emotionless, seeing as I found his little eyebrow dance a very bad attempt.
"Now. What do you want?" I hissed at him.
Ooh. I love the hiss there, Steve. Bob said.
Why thank you, Bob. I thought back. I shifted my weight which gave a good emphasis to my bored appearance, if I do say so myself.
"I'm hungry." I said in that bored tone. I turned around and began to walk back to my room. I hoped Joesph would fallow me, but I wasn't sure if he would. It only took a few seconds to get there, and I found it easily; it being the only room with it's door open. I walked inside and sat down on my bed. I realized that my dress had gotten messed up, so I straightened it out; an obvious sign that I was bored out of my wits. I never bothered with my appearance except when I was bored.
5:53pm May 16 2012
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6:20pm May 16 2012
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[[Katniss is from 12 though, so she'd have to be from 13 to be your stylist. Sowwy. 3':]]
Shyne walked into her room to find her chariot outfit laid out on her bed. Despite the pink, she smiled. She was going to pretend that she was scared, just wanted to get out alive, look fairly weak, then win the hearts of those sponsors. I pulled my hair free of the braid, then yanked off the boots which now my heels seemed huge and sore. I sat down on the bed and rubbed my heels until they began to relax. I stood up in a pair of socks and a dress, turned around, and stared at my outfit. I grabbed the outfit and walked into the large bathroom. Larger than the one on the train, it was luxurious. I set my outfit down on the ground and pulled free of the clothes I had on. I turned on the shower and relaxed as the hot water seemed to throw away all the stress. After about an hour, I got out of the shower and turned it off. Then, I dried myself off and dried my hair. My hair, going nearly halfway down my back, it was hard to dry. I grabbed a white robe and slippers and grabbed my outfit before walking out of the bathroom. I walked out of my room and down to wear I was to get ready.
I had arrived at the room where I was to be prepped and dressed for the chariot ride with the other tributes from my district. I was one of the last ones there, so I had to wait. "We're ready for you, Shyne." A young women, that looked not much older than I was, called me over. She had pink hair, and tons of makeup on her face. "Just sit." she said. A man with green hair walked in and gasped. "This will not do! We need to make her like Ernesto wanted!" he exclaimed. Then, in a flurry of movement, they began to even out my hair and make my skin smooth. Then, they began to apply pink eyeshadow and other makeup for what seemed to be forver. I stayed like a statue, just breathing. Nothing else. I held out my hands for one member of my prep team to do my nails which seemed like an impossible task because I had nearly bitten them bloody in nervousness over the last few days. Then, after about fifteen minutes, I had fake nails and makeup on. Then, with steady hands, the pink haired woman finished a tle="" href="http://www.mynewhair.info/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/side-braided-french-braid.jpg" target="">beautiful braid. I myself had always tried to braid my hair like the victor from 12, what was her name? Cateye or something? People in my district never talk about her. But now I promised myself if I won the games I would find out how to do it myself. Then, they helped my get in my tle="" href="http://images1.chictopia.com/photos/RoCkHouSeVintaGe/1820235197/pink-dress_400.jpg" target="">pink dress, and then I slipped on my tle="" href="http://images.lovelemonade.com/images/products/medium/1334328920-23348900.jpg" target="">shoes. Finally, they added the tle="" href="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_BBcCc7p9aVw/SvX8wx5TAbI/AAAAAAAADP0/Bce5DtGBxR8/s400/vintage+pink+flower+headband+ban.do+fanciful+bride+planner+nashville+wedding+opulence.jpg" target="">headpiece. "I'm Ellie, by the way." The pink-haired woman said softly. You look so beautiful. That man over there is Claud." I looked to where Claud is, and there I saw him sobbing. Was I really that pretty? I haven't even seen myself yet. Ellie handed me a mirror. I let out a short scream. My face, my body...I looked so different it was like I was in a different body. She led me to a door, a different one from where I had entered. She opened it and I walked into a room that seemed to be made out of concrete. Nothing special. It actually looked kind of old, too. I joined the other female tributes from my district and together we giggled about stupid things. But only I and my secret ally knew that it was just an act.
About five minutes later, I saw other people beginning to arrive from different districts. What was that? I laughed as I saw the people from the Textiles District in patchwork clothing and leather sneakers. The funny part is that they looked stupid. Really stupid. Some of them returned the mean gesture, by pointing at is and gigling, or talking loudly about how District 1's costumes looked like they just went through a glitter machine. Glitter machine? I thought. Must be something that they have in their district. Now I stood, looking around, waiting for the signal to get on the chairot and start waving. [[Lol, sorry for the fail humor and long post. I had to re-type it...]]
 I am online..
7:12pm May 16 2012 (last edited on 7:13pm May 16 2012)
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"Don't get your tail in a puff," Joesph laughed, holding out his arms, "come on. Embrace the Joe man." When Kit continued to have that ugly scowl, Joesph considered pulling her in and hugging her anyway, anything to bring her smile back. Just as he was about to do this, he looked closely at her for the first time, and nearly gasped. She was genuinely...stunning. "You look..." he said quietly, "beautiful."
((Most of this is based on a guy in my class named Joesph, who does stupid eyebrow dances to impress me and calls himself the Joe man. x3))
8:02pm May 16 2012 (last edited on 8:11pm May 16 2012)
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"You look like the ocean barfed, and you were in the wrong place a the wrong time." I said darkly. I hoped that he wouldn't take that to heart, seeing as he looked way hotter than a dark-brown-haired-blue-4 like I ever dreamed of being. He looked better than my mentor, and that was saying a lot. I looked over to see an Avox in the corner of my room. "I'm hungry." I told him with a scowl that looked more bored than anything else. He dropped the what ever he was doing and rushed out of my room. actually hoped he wouldn't come back, because then I' have to eat all of the food he brought. And seeing how Jacob had just fed me, I wasn't too keen on that. "And by the way, Joe man? What kind of nickname is that?" I said in disgust. I looked him over with a skeptical eye. "Hey, at least it's better than what you look like." I growled. I think you may have overdone it, Steve... Bob said. And for once, I agreed with him. Me too, Bob... I thought back, my mental voice sounding worried. Luckily, I had locked my face in the oh-so-bored face, and it wasn't trying to move. I heard my clock strike, and my eyes flashed up.
"We better go to the chariots. They will want to do touch-up on us when we arrive." I said dully, and got up. I picked up a blue handbag I had set down before Joesph arrived, along with a tle="h" href="http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A2KJkCJhT7RPAgsAdFiJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Ddark%2Bblue%2Bfancy%2Bhandbag%26n%3D30%26ei%3Dutf-8%26y%3DSearch%26fr%3Dffds1%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D60&w=647&h=460&imgurl=img04.taobaocdn.com%2Fimgextra%2Fi4%2F191501255%2FT2PO4WXlxbXXXXXXXX_%21%21191501255.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2FNew-Dark-Blue-Cosplay-Venetian-Costume-Masquerade-Fancy-Ball-Party-Flower-Mask-%2F130574915974&size=122.1+KB&name=New+Dark+Blue+Cosplay+Venetian+Costume+Masquerade+Fancy+Ball+Party+...&p=dark+blue+fancy+handbag&oid=f93a90db278b77f1b0a1a48315a9c8e2&fr2=&fr=ffds1&tt=New%2BDark%2BBlue%2BCosplay%2BVenetian%2BCostume%2BMasquerade%2BFancy%2BBall%2BParty%2B...&b=31&ni=60&no=60&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=13k8be05a&sigb=13o1vm42i&sigi=12cgg88oq&.crumb=ofCvTO9dvBS">face-mask on my dresser. I looked back to Joesph as I was in the doorway. "You coming?" I asked grouchily, and spun into the hallway. ((Kit is so going to be an actor if she survives this XD ))

8:08pm May 16 2012 (last edited on 8:13pm May 16 2012)
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Joesph frowned, and stalked after her. He caught her by the arm, and looked at her calmly. "I don't know what you're doing Kit. You need me, I need you to survive this. What happened to together? For the Games? We're in the Games right now, so why are you doing this? If your trying to prove something, out with it. I don't care, as long as I can have you back. That girl who imitated me on the train? I miss her." Not caring anymore, he pulled her in and rested his head on her shoulder. "I miss you Kit."
8:11pm May 16 2012
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((:U Sorry, I edited my post. It looks like you posted before I finished. xD Sorry... ))
8:13pm May 16 2012
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((Edited my post by like. Four words. x3))
8:15pm May 16 2012
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((lol kk -reads-))
9:14pm May 16 2012
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A silent tear rolled down my face as he pulled he in. No one; not even Darek, had said anything like that to me before. A smile crept onto my lips as well. I pulled back slightly; just enough to look into his eyes. Mine showed happiness, yet sadness.
"Look, I'm sorry I did that to you, but I had to. Jacob told me to." I said and my smile grew into a grin. Every trace that I could ever be emotionless was swept from my face.
"I miss you too, Joe man." I whispered, almost silently.
Hey Steve? I think you guys need to leave... Bob said quietly.
"Aah hell. Bob is right. We should go. Come on!" I told Joesph. I tore out of his arms and raced down the hallway and into the elevator.
"Ground floor, I believe." I shouted back down the hall to Joesph. The elevator was only about 50 yards from my room.
9:24pm May 16 2012
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"Offf course he did." Joesph laughed as she stated that Jacob told her too. "All I care is that your back. Don't leave me like that again, okay?" As Kit darted off, Joesph yelled back, "who is Bob and...damn your right! We gotta go!" He dashed after her, smiling. Kit was back, and that was all that mattered.
He followed Kit to the elevator, and stopped her for a moment. He took a deep breath, "are you ready? Kit, I wan't you to know that everything I say will be true. None of this Capitol crap, just to entertain their short attention spans, this is will all be true."
((They're going to the interviews, correct?))
10:29pm May 16 2012 (last edited on 10:30pm May 16 2012)
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"Uh... What if I told you that I had about fifty other people in my head right now, and I'm having conversations with them all?" I asked, biting my lip.
"Hell, I'm never ready, am I? But yes, I know. I can't say the same will be true about me, though. Most of it will be quite entertaining, but that is just because most of my life has been interesting." I said, and pressed the button for the ground floor. The doors closed, and the elevator shot down. I grabbed onto Joesph's shoulder for support as I remembered Jacob's words.
"By the way, Joe man, have I told you of my cove?" I asked in a strained voice. Just as I finished, the doors flew open on ground floor. "Come on!" I said and darted out of the elevator, and into a big, concrete room. Chariots lined the whole place. I didn't wait for Joesph, I just darted up to a large, black horse that pulled a chariot numbered "District 4."
"I see you behaved yourself." A voice said from behind me. I didn't jump this time, but instead started to stroke the horse.
"And so I did." I told Jacob. I heard quiet foot steps behind me as Jacob came into view.
"Please, come with me." He said quietly. I looked at him, and seeing the seriousness in his eyes, obeyed. He led me to a corner of the room that was blocked from view, then stopped.
"First, I wanted to give you this." He said. He pulled a small, blue ring from his sleeve. He held it up and I could see all the beads that decorated it. Then, on one side, was a turtle that matched my necklace perfectly. I was stunned into silence as he knelt down and attacked it to my ankle.
"T-thanks?" I asked, too stunned to speak. He let out a small chuckle, his face smiling brightly.
'Come on. We better get you back. The chariots are almost really to leave." He said, and grabbed my hand. He led me back through the room that was filled with other people and chariots. We arrived back at the chariot that we had started at. I stared at the black horse with those ice blue eyes of mine.
"Is this ours?" I asked Jacob. When he didn't reply, I turned around to look at him, but he was no where to be seen. I shrugged and climbed into the chariot.
"Damn them if it isn't ours." I muttered, and waited for the chariots to begin. I put the ice blue strap of the mask around my head, letting the mask settle on my face.
((Chariots, then interviews, I hope. o.o))

10:41pm May 16 2012
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((Make shorter posts. :c I can't respond to a giant...blob of words. It would be weird.))
Joesph rushed after Kit, not being able to speak, as Kit talked so fast. Finally he caught up to, the chariots ready to leave and the horses stomping their feet impatiently. As he was about to mount the seat, Luke pulled him aside and handed him a mask, very similar to Kit's. "So you match." He said flatly, turning away and letting Joesph go, "have fun out there kid. Don't be afraid to lie."
Joesph pulled on the mask, and quickly pulled himself up next to Kit. "Take my hand." He whispered, "we're a team. This isn't any of that Katniss x Peeta crap, got it? This is real. We're a team. Forever."
10:47pm May 16 2012
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((I gotta go to bed. :c Goodnight!))
4:32am May 17 2012
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"Not to much, please?" Vega whispered quitely. The stylist was a tall man with messy brown hair. "You know what they say, more is better!" "Actually no one says-" Vega was interrupted in the middle of his sentence by the stylist putting his hair into a fohawk. (ref tle="fohawk" target="">ja va:nicTemp();) His black hair was unusually lifted from his face which it usually hid. "That was... quick." "Looks good, right? We'll be putting you in a suit. Not too much right? By the way, I'm Dale.We'll be going to the interviews now." Dale gave him a mask that covered his face and made it look as if he had tattoos.