11:49am May 19 2012
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((ok, I'm ready.))
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12:08pm May 19 2012
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12:30pm May 19 2012
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((Oh, Avalias gonna love all those trees XD))
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10:29pm May 19 2012
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3:41am May 20 2012
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[[Holy chips and dip. Someone likes him back.]]
"Looks darker than the moon, heart brighter than the sun." He sighed. Never in his life had he known someone as beautiful. Inside and outside. It made Vega think of home, he had the warm feeling, the feeling of love. "Looks like you've got a little crush." Dale snickered. "Oh, shut up." Anyway, he had a reason. She was perfect. In a Hunger Games like way.
10:40am May 20 2012
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[[Lol. In a Hunger Games like way. :o Posting soon...]]
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11:14am May 20 2012
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((I'll post soon.))
11:36am May 20 2012
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My eyes were bored and dull as I sat down on the ground next to Joesph. I didn't dare sit in the chair labeled "Kenania," because it was now missing a leg.
"Those were some pretty stupid answers on my part, eh?" I said, the about of boredom I was feeling layered on my tongue. "That these Capitol people will believe. They were all lies, you know." I said, ot thinking about the part about me saying I loved him. I honestly didn't think he would be bothered by it; I knew that I loved him, and I thought he knew that.
11:38am May 20 2012 (last edited on 12:10pm May 20 2012)
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I tied my hair in a tle="" href="http://www.blogcdn.com/main.stylelist.com/media/2011/03/alexander-baradi-spring-2011-ponytail240.jpg" target="">ponytail quickly. My hands shook, so it was impossible to hold anything. I had broken about five plates by now. I didn't even feel like eating anyway. But Sphere coaxed me into eating. I'm pretty sure she's still upset, but I don't care. When I went back to my room, the clothes had arrived. Pants, and a pair of tle="" href="http://keetsa.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/vegan-no-leather-boots.jpg" target="">boots. I looked around for a top. There. I grabbed the first tle="" href="http://www.stylebop.com/grafic/product2/123/900/123254.jpg" target="">t-shirt I saw. I pulled off the nightgown I had on and pulled the t-shirt down over my head. Then, I pulled the pants on. My whole body shook now, so I sat down on the bed. Then, I grabbed the boots and tugged them on. Even though the shirt and pants were warm, I still shook. I took in a deep breath, then walked down the hallway. When I arrived in the small room, I saw Ernesta. I rushed forward and hugged him tight before he literally had to pry me off. He helped me into the tle="" href="http://i00.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/442226998/short_Women_s_leather_jacket.jpg" target="">jacket. Then, he pulled something out of his pocket. The tle="" href="http://img1.etsystatic.com/il_fullxfull.220022713.jpg" target="">necklace. My necklace. How did he get it? I had stuffed it into the back of the dresser when I got to the Capitol. He put it around my neck and clicked the fastener shut. As if all the worries escaped me, a capitol voice filled the room. "Into the launch tube in 10, 9..." He hugged me one more time before stepping out of the way. I walked into the tube, and it shut immediately. I pounded on the glass and started saying things like, "Help me!". Obviously it was soundproof because he just put his hand up the glass and mouthed, Don't die. Don't trust allies. Then, I felt a lifting motion. I leaned back against the glass and closed my eyes. I didn't want to see the other tributes. Now, I stood on the pedestal, waiting for the start of the games. I surveyed the area. All water. I started to panic. Relax. You've trained for this. I saw two bags about fifty feet infront of me. I kept my eyes on them, waiting.
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11:46am May 20 2012
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((Water! Kit is going to get weeet! :D ))
11:46am May 20 2012
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((Wait, we're skipping that far ahead? what about training?))
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12:00pm May 20 2012
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"Pretty stupid..." Joesph muttered, shifting in his chair. He stared mindlessly of into the distance, and said quietly, "I didn't lie." He was suddenly angry, "did you know that I attempted suicide, Kit? All the lies that you said, they catch up." He got up silently, anger pulsing out of him. He spun around to face Kit, his teeth clenched. "If the stupid Peacekeeper hadn't been there, I'd be dead. Because you lied. Did you lie to make me feel bad, Kit? So it would be that much easier to slaughter me? Well, good luck with that Kit." He swiftly opened the elevator and walked inside. As the doors began to close, he whispered, "happy Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor."
12:04pm May 20 2012
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[[Feyth: Yes, because I think it would be a bit too much time-consuming. D:]]
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12:27pm May 20 2012 (last edited on 12:36pm May 20 2012)
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I felt a cold tear gather up in the corner of my eye as I ran Joesph's words through my mind once more. I have been avoiding him for the past week or so because of his stunt back at the Interviews.
"Just ignore it and focus on the Games, my dear." Jacob's voice said soothingly. It was only moments before the launch, and I needed to get my head in the game.
"Meet up with Joesph. Use your plan, Kit. It will work like a charm." Jacob told me as he wrapped a dull jacket around my shoulders. I stuck my arm in the sleeves. I knew I was going to need the jacket, because the top they gave me for the Games was about as protective as nothing.
"Be brave, my dear, be brave." He said. A glimmer of sadness was in his eyes as the glass closed around me. I put my hand on it, and he did the same. The chute slowly went up, exposing the water all around me. My face was grim, but I knew now that I was going to have a much easier time getting a bow or trident now.
I braced myself as the timer began. "Ten, nine..."
(("So, Kit, you've marked yourself as quite a target with that score of nine the Game Makers gave you. What do you say to that?" Caesar asked me.
"Well, Caesar, I'd like to say one thing to that. Go ahead and mark me as a target. All it will do is get more kills on my record when you come looking for me." I said with a ferocity to my voice. I found myself pointing to the camera when I said this, as if I were saying it directly to the other tributes. And that was exactly my intention.
"You won't stand a chance ageist me, and every one of the knows it. So if you dare say I'm a target, know this; there is not a single thing, human or not, in this world or others, that won't kill you quicker than I." And with that final sentence, I got up and walked off the stage, into the elevator without permission from anyone.))

12:34pm May 20 2012
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Joesph slowly approached the chute, and looked back at Luke, "good luck out there, my little *censored*." Joesph laughed for the first time since Kit had betrayed him, and said back, "I'll try my hardest." The door slid open, and he had no choice but to step in. He put his hand against the glass, and Luke gave him a thumbs up. He mouthed the words, "you'll do great kid. You can win this." The tube lifted higher until he could see a stretch of water, and then a marsh-like shore. 60 seconds until the Games. 60 seconds until certain death.
12:55pm May 20 2012
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I caught sight of Joesph right next to me. "Over there!" I said quickly and loudly, then pointed to a far corner in the arena. "Meet up there!" I told him. We were down to seven seconds on the timer before the Games started.
I looked back to the Horn, which was sitting on an island in the middle of the water. It was an hard swim all the way out there, even for those of the 4s who fished every day. Fished. Not swam over a mile out to a cove every day, then swam back and forth usually more than once to check traps back on the main land. It would be as easy as breathing for me, especially as I say no currents. Back home on the way to my cove, I had had to fight currents constantly. This was going to be pathetic for a challenge for me. My eye caught on the three objects I wanted most; a trident, a bow and arrows, and a larger backpack.
"Six, Five," The loud speakers counted down.
12:58pm May 20 2012
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"Four, three..."
1:18pm May 20 2012 (last edited on 1:20pm May 20 2012)
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Beetee had told me not to go for the cornucopia, but I knew that if I survived, I would be set for the first day of the games. Something silver caught my eye and I glanced towards the outer rim of the cornucopia. A set of silver daggers next to a large backpack and a trident. I didn't need the trident, but I could use the backpack and the daggers.
"Two, One... Let the 100th Hunger Games... BEGIN!" It took me a moment to catch my guard as I realized the sheilds were down and I could step off my plate. I raced for the daggers, grabbing them and the backpack. Something slashed my arm and I ran towards the trees. I spun around, still getting chased. One of the daggers left my hand before I realized I was throwing it. The girl (Toshiro's girl from 12) fell backwards. I wanted to cry, but there was no time, I had to get away from the bloodbath.
((I think she stole the backpack Kit was eyeing XD
EDIT: the reason I started the games is because the person above me said 4,3, so I figured I had 2, 1))
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2:21pm May 20 2012
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[[Happy Hunger games! :D]]
I ran off the plate and grabbed the two bags. Slinging them over my shoulders, I looked around. I watched as a girl fell backwards to the ground, bloodied. I took the time to open my bag and grabbed the knife that was in one of them. I took a deep breath and dove underwater. I put the knife in my coat pocket. Then, I opened the second backpack. Arrows. There must be a bow somewhere! I resurfaced. I looked around, ready to kill anyone that got near me. The horn was about ten feet away. The water was shallower, so I ran through the water. My fellow district tributes were already there. I got to the shore. There, five of the tributes from my district were dead. "They drowned." My friend laughed. "So much for them." I looked around for Vega. He was nowhere to be seen. "You guys go to the forest, I'll take the rest of the stuff." Her ex pression darkened before smirking. "Fine." She grabbed her spear and bag before leading the rest of the 1's from the Horn. Then, I saw a blonde boy, struggling in the water, flapping his hands like wings. I rolled my eyes. I'll let him drown. I thought. Then, I noticed in his hands, was a bow. I ran towards him, jumping into the water.
Peter watched in horror as a girl ran towards him. He started to flee, thrashing in the water. "Help!" he cried. Then, as she reached him, she pulled out a knife. In one clean blow, she came down on his skull, and everything went black.
Shyne pried the bow from the tributes hands, washing the blood off of it. She put the bow over her shoulder. Then, she made her way back to the horn. By the time she reached the Horn, the ground was littered with dead tributes. Trying hard not to vomit, she grabbed threr dry bags. She looked at the direction where her fellow 1's went. Turning on her heel, she walked into opposite forest.
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2:26pm May 20 2012 (last edited on 2:28pm May 20 2012)
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Everything was a blur as I swam to the horn. It was only a half second before I was on the shore, reaching for my trident. My backpack was only yards away, but as I looked back up from my trident, it was gone and a young girl ((Guess who? ;o)) stood in it's pace. A whizzing sound was heard in front of me and I ducked. My eyes caught a glimpse of a girl only feet away form me, fall over dead. I looked back to the girl. My first instinct was to throw the trident and kill her. I had a clear shot.
No. I let her live. but she was going to owe me that backpack if we met again. I looked into her eyes as if to say "This is the only time," then I raced over to my bow and two arrow quivers that were over filled with arrows, with more swiftness than I had hoped. I heard arrows, tridents, hammers, and all other sorts of weapons flying about, and I decided that it was time to go. I turned around, my bow and arrows on my back, trident in and, and ran to the other side of the horn. My eyes raked around for anything that would be helpful. I found a few daggers and swathed them up under my armpit. I couldn't use them well, but I could use them as bait or something of that sort later. I found another backpack. It was smaller, but not by much. Then there was another one, right next to it; the same size.
Which one? I don't know! I knew I had to hurry, but the decision was killing me. I spotted another girl running for the backpacks. Suddenly my hand was in the air, and now empty.The girl was only a yard away, my trident in her heart. I raced over to the backpacks and dropped the daggers. I grabbed both backpacks and then my trident. I raced back through the water and into the trees. I was headed in the direction of Joesph's and my corner when I felt a sharp pain in my hand. I looked at it for a moment. There was a knife stuck right in it. I flipped my head back as I had before and saw my pursuers. Three of them, falling behind further and further as I ran faster and faster. I pulled my bow off of my shoulder and took one of the arrows out of my quivers, and loosed three. I wasn't sure if I had hit, but three yelps, then thumps on the ground told me I probably had. I slipped my bow back onto my shoulder and took the knife out of my hand as I ran. I stuck the knife into one of the backpacks; leaving it with a whole in the side.
((I'm gonna keep track of how many people she kills. Don't mind me xD
Kit Kill Count: Four.))
