5:49pm May 26 2011 (last edited on 11:09pm Jun 11 2011)
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(Not sure what I think about the song. But the lyrics fit this rp, so I will deal with it. And i don't own the song, it's owned by Linkin Park. so yeah.) I'm tired of being what you want me to be Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface I don't know what you're expecting of me Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
I've become so numb I can't feel you there Become so tired so much more aware I'm becoming this all I want to do Is be more like me and be less like you
Can't you see that you're smothering me? Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control ?Cause everything that you thought I would be Has fallen apart right in front of you
Every step that I take is another mistake to you And every second I waste is more than I can take
I've become so numb I can't feel you there Become so tired so much more aware I'm becoming this all I want to do Is be more like me and be less like you
And I know I may end up failing too But I know you were just like me With someone disappointed in you
I've become so numb I can't feel you there Become so tired so much more aware I'm becoming this all I want to do Is be more like me and be less like you
I've become so numb I can't feel you there I'm tired of being what you want me to be I've become so numb I can't feel you there I'm tired of being what you want me to be (gosh, that's lots of words. now anyway the plot:) Plot There are two packs of stray dogs living in one city. There is one small pack that tries to stay away from their rivals, who are stronger in numbers, and just plain stronger, since they have more dogs to find food. The small pack is simply referred to as "The Mongrels" by the larger pack, who call themselves the "Elites." The 'Mongrels don't give themselves any particuallar pack name. But the leader of the Elites forces any stray dogs he thinks are strong enough to join his group. in the elites, there are three ranks; commander (the leader), guards (to guard the commander), and the lower-ranked dogs who are basically slaves to the commander and guards, and are forced to fight eachother for the entertainment of the higher-ranking dogs. The Mongrels have two ranks; the leader and the members. But for the elites, the Mongrels are a problem; they want to stop them from torturing the 'member' (aka slave) dogs. Rules No swearing No powerplay No superpowers no unnaturally colored dogs or weird markings no wolfdogs No powerplay No marysues or garysues If you join as the commander of the elites, make him/her real mean >:D don't only have females fill up the high ranks. Even gender ratio. There need to be less Mongrels than Elites. post 'numb' to join. don't ask to join, just post your bios :P Semi-lit Don't fight OOC. no gay/bi/lesbian dogs. Kupa is going to rp a guard, so leave a guard spot for her! I will pick a co-owner. if you ask me to be co-owner, i will make sure you are not co-owner. >:D Be realistic. No insta-mates You can't join as a pup or elder. it makes me mad. Bio: Name: Gender: Age: Looks (pictures): Pack: Rank: Personality (NOT AN OPTION!): History: Crush: Other: Dogs: The Elites: Commander: Ketu (Tld) Guards: 1. Hawk (Nessie) 2. Nykamar (Me) 3.Shiba (Demon) 4. Members/Slaves: Kalsera (Tld) Dancer (Nessie) Thor (Demon) The Mongrels Leader: Members: Kehale (Tld) Zaru (Me) Leto (Tld) Ash (Nessie) Jetorra (Me) Dusk (Nessie) Aero (Golden) Sylphie (Golden) Other Dogs: Cuma (Me) Kupa's Bios coming soon

8:07pm May 26 2011 (last edited on 5:22pm May 27 2011)
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Posts: 314
(numb) Name: Dusk Gender: female Age: 2 yrs Looks (pictures): 
*without the collar* Pack: Mongrels Rank: member Personality (NOT AN OPTION!): Dusk is that quiet, somewhat skittish dog. It's not that she's unfriendly, though she may seem to be at first. She's actually quite the opposite, it's just that it takes a while for her to warm up to you and come out of her shell. Once she does she's talkative, playful, and very loyal. Her past did not leave good impressions of humans on her, and she'll snap at any that come near her. History: Dusk and her brother Ash were born in a household. When they were old enough to be away from their mother, their owners tried to sell them. Though cute, no one wanted to buy a mutt. And so, after trying for weeks, the owners gave up and abandoned the two pups on the streets. Dusk and Ash quickly learned to fend for themselves. Crush: open Other: nope ------------------ Name: Ash Gender: male Age: 2 yrs Looks (pictures): tle="mutt dog" width="439" height="351" />
Pack: mongrels Rank: member Personality (NOT AN OPTION!): Ash is pretty much the polar opposite of Dusk, at least on the outside. He's loud, extremely playful, and at times very obnoxious. In other words, he acts like a pup 99% of the time. The only thing that can bring out his serious side is if something has happened to a dog he's close to, especially his sister. If you're even slightly friendly to Ash, be prepared for lots of play-fighting. History: Same as Dusk's Crush: open Other: nope ------- Name: Hawk Gender: male Age: 3 yrs Looks (pictures): Pack: elite Rank: guard Personality (NOT AN OPTION!): He's rather serious, and deadly. If you get on his bad side, there's no getting off. He's very loyal and stubborn, in a quiet way. He won't ob ject to the commander, but will happily fight against another guard or a regular member. History: He was born and raised in the pack Crush: open, though not likely Other: nope -------- Name: Dancer Gender: female Age: 1 yr Looks (pictures): Pack: Elite
Rank: member Personality (NOT AN OPTION!): She's very friendly, but not as...extreme as Ash. She has those few dogs who she'll trust and stick with. Most other dogs she steers clear of, prefering to have her little group rather than a large one. She doesn't like to make trouble but will defend a friend in need. History: nothing too special, has always been in the Elites. Crush: open Other: nope *All credit for photos goes to original photographers*
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
11:23pm May 26 2011 (last edited on 7:48am May 27 2011)
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[[ I didn't look at the rankings, but join as a commander and others? 'numb' ]] Name; Ketu Age; Adult Gender; Male Rank; Commander Breed; Chinook Pack; Pure-breds Persona; Ketu is a loyal and trustworthy dog. Although he does have a formal, stiff and cold demeanor, he would almost never break a promise. He doesn't like loners, and sometimes prefers 'quiet time'. Despite this, Ketu always enjoys teasing dogs from other packs, especially the Alphas. His cold attitude really shows when Ketu communicates with dogs from other packs, always looking down on them in an almost disdainful way. Crush/Mate; Open / No :I Appearance; --- Name; Leto Age; Young adult Gender; Female Rank; Regular Dog Breed; Mix-bred Pack; Mongrels Persona; Leto is very agile and fast, and also extremely competitive. She focuses hard on improving her skills. She's somewhat dense, unable to tell whenever she's in trouble. She loves contests and will always enjoy showing off what she has learned, or her skills. Leto hates losing, and always strives to become the best and to work harder. Crush/Mate; Open / No Appearance; 
Name: Kehale Age: Young Adult Gender: Male Pack: Mongrels Rank: Member Appearance: Credits to DragonHeartLuver @ Deviantart Personality: Kehale is eager to jump into battle and fight for justice. His version of justice seems naive, and like Ketu, doesn't really like the Ohu code of never killing a dog. However, Kehale is young and does not understand the meaning of that code, unlike Ketu. Kehale would jump to conclusions quickly, and will charge without thinking at a bear. He hates fear, and would gladly give up his life for Ohu. Crush: He won't crush first. Other: None---
Name: Kalsera [Sera] Age: Young Adult Gender: Female Pack: Elites Rank: Member Appearance: Credits to Dukacia @ Deviantart Personality: Kalsera isn't the one to speak her opinion. She may be happy-go-lucky and cheerful, but she's always afraid of being judged. Kalsera obeys the leader, and wants to be the commander some day, so she doesn't have to be bossed around so much, and any dog that questioned her would be punished. She's hot-headed and also quick to jump to conclusions, always attacking any dog without asking who they are first. There were a few times where she would accidentally ambush fellow Elites. Crush: She won't crush first. Other: None[[None of these pictures belong to me ]]

5:11pm May 27 2011 (last edited on 5:11pm May 27 2011)
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Nessie, could you make some Elites? There need to be more elites then mongrels. If you don't want to, that's fine.)
5:12pm May 27 2011
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Posts: 314
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
5:14pm May 27 2011
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(ok, thank you.)
5:19pm May 27 2011
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Posts: 314
(Added them, looking for pictures now.)
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
5:35pm May 27 2011 (last edited on 11:34pm May 27 2011)
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Name:Jetorra Gender:female Age:Young Adult Looks (pictures):  (And she does have the chain, the explaination is in her history.) Pack: Mongrels Rank:Member Personality (NOT AN OPTION!): Jetorra is cold and usually quiet, she only speaks if someone needs to talk to her, and she will rarely start a conversation. She mostly keeps everything to herself, talking to no one, and she sometimes wanders off from the Mongrel Pack. History: Jetorra came from the dog fights. She was beaten and fought, trained to be a sadistic dog that could kill off all the competition. Whenever she lost, her owner choked her with the chain that she still has around her neck, and then she lost a fight, and her master threw her out into the streets. She never managed to get the chain off. Crush: No. Other:None Name:Cricket Gender:Male Age:Young Adult Looks (pictures): Pack:Elites Rank:Slave/Member Personality (NOT AN OPTION!):Cricket is psychotic and overly friendly, but unlucky enough to be one of the most picked-on dogs in the Elite Pack. He is anything but Elite. He's clumsy, always tripping and falling, psychotic, he talks way faster than he needs to nonstop, weak and annoying. History: Crush:Normal Other:none Name:Ru Gender:female Age:Young Adult Looks (pictures): Pack:Elites Rank:Member Personality (NOT AN OPTION!): Sure, Ru is one of the lower ranked 'slave' dogs of the Elite PAck. But she's willing to stand up to the higher ranked dogs. She's like a person who right when they're about to get in a fight, they're like 'we can take 'em.' She can't, though, and thinks she's a lot tougher than she really is. History: Normal. But she has a big scar over her left eye where a human smashed a beer bottle over her face. She is blind in her left eye. Crush:None Other:None Name:Nykamar Gender:Male Age:Young Adult Looks (pictures): (without collar) Pack:Elites Rank:Guard Personality (NOT AN OPTION!): Nykamar is only loyal to the commander, and no one else. No one else is higher ranked in his opinion, since he thinks that he is the best guard. So he thinks he's second in command. And He's not. He's not a very smart dog, and enjoys the pain of other dogs that he doesn't care about. (Members/Slaves etc) He is a huge dog. HUGE. So he's got a bit of an advantage in fights because he's bigger and stronger than most dogs. But speed and intellegence...uh...not so much. History: Crush: Other:

8:33pm May 27 2011 (last edited on 9:09am May 28 2011)
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(Numb. I hope it's okay to have my dogs in the same pack, because if I dont, I tend to forget about one of them and leave them out.) Name: Shiba
Gender: female Age: 2 human years
Looks (pictures): Pack: Elites Rank: Guard
Personality (NOT AN OPTION!): Very defensive of herself and others. Likes to be alone. Kinda has anger issues. Stays away from the leader, because she gets mad easily and is afraid she might hurt him/her.
History: Shiba was born in the pack. Her father liked to abuse her as a pup, but he killed himself when she was 1 year old. Noboby liked her father. Shiba still loved him dearly, even though she as beat by him. (She got her "anger issues" from her father.) After her father's death, she went into a deep depression. Still depressed, but not as bad as before. Crush: Pfft. Try me. (OPEN) Other: None. ~ Name: Thor
Gender: male Age: 3 human years
Looks (pictures): Pack: Elites Rank: Member/slave Personality (NOT AN OPTION!): Outgoing and easy to love. If you get on his nerves... he. will. bite. Can be goofy at times, but will take things serious if he has to. History: Normal. Born in the pack. His famiy died a few months back, because of an unknown disease. Perfectly fine now - The loss didn't affect him to much. Crush: Open - looking. Other: None

9:01pm May 27 2011 (last edited on 9:35pm May 27 2011)
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Posts: 597

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
9:33pm May 27 2011
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Posts: 597
Name: Aero || Sylphie Gender: Male || Female
Age: 3 human years || 3 human years Pack: Mongrels (?) Looks:
  Rank: Member || Member
Personality (NOT AN OPTION!): Aero is very sly and loyal. The awarness of his pack that he holds is strong, but his heart is also strong. He is always watching his sister's back and always has an eye out for the pack. unlike his sister, he has patience and can stand longer than to just burst out with anger. Sylphie is the kind generous dog. Loyal like her brother, Aero, she has a heart for the pack. She has a short temper and she's able to lose it quickly. She also goes out of her way, and says what she needs to say. History: When they were born as puppies into a nice home, a couple of the neighborhood kids and their little owners were playing with matches. As the house caught fire, they were able to escape, along with the rest of their family dying, they have been able to remove themselves from human life. Very few times do they encounter humans - only to get shooed away. Crush: None || None (: Other: That's all!

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
11:20pm May 27 2011
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11:48pm May 27 2011
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Posts: 314
((Yay, lots of dogs. We just need a leader for the mongrels.))
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
11:52pm May 27 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Maybe in the rp, the mongrels are just a group with no ranks yet, but they can choose their leader later >:D And we can start...I don't want to though...someone else start? PLease? D:)
11:54pm May 27 2011
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Posts: 597
(( I would but I'm not so sure how to start this off xD))

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
12:00am May 28 2011
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[[ 'kay o3o ]] Ketu prowled through the streets [I assume that's our setting?], accompanied by a few of his dogs. Kalsera, a fairly new member, pranced along next to him, her black and white tail wagging. She was obviously enjoying the company of many dogs, and the protection they provided. Ketu wanted to strike her, but she didn't seem to be doing anything wrong asides from acting a little too happy, her tongue lolling out and her eyes sparkling along with the blue skies. --- Leto paced along the streets with Kehale, patrolling the road and watching out for members of the Elites. They basically avoided any dog they didn't know, though both of them would occasionally catch the scent of a dog that was definitely an Elite. Kehale seemed to growl, preparing to launch himself onto a stray. Leto pulled him back, telling him off for not thinking carefully. Kehale snorted, obviously not wanting to obey the orders of a dog that was just as old as him, if not younger, but he stayed by Leto's side for the rest of the trip, finally returning to what was considered the 'base camp' for the Mongrels.

12:18am May 28 2011
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(yeah, the setting is the streets. Nykamar will just be one of the 'few of his dogs' Ketu's travelling with, and Ru and Cricket are trying to escape the Elites. a couple other elite member dogs can be with Ru and Cricket,too.) Nykamar slowly followed behind Ketu, his giant paws hurting from walking on concrete for too long. The pads of his paws were bleeding and looked raw. But he wasn't going to say anything, because that would seem weak. He turned and saw Kalsera. What's she so happy about? He let out a low growl of annoyance- Nykamar hated when the slave dogs were happy. To him, it just meant they weren't being attacked enough. He was barely paying attention to anything. He was just walking. Cricket looked around, running through the streets with Ru following. "Do you think we'll get caught?" He asked, looking back over his shoulder. "Not if we're careful," Ru replied, passing him and leading the way, "THis way! Follow me!" Jettora lifted her head from her scarred paws as she saw Leto and Kehale returning. She said nothing, barely moving.

12:52am May 28 2011
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Posts: 314
Dancer crept along the street, staying in the shadows. It wasn't hard for her to hide, with her mostly-black pelt, but the white points practically glowed next to the black. Ru and Cricket were ahead of her, sneaking away too. Her ears perked up as she listened to Ru's intructions, and, with a burst of speed, darted after the other two. ---- Hawk walked silently near Nykamar and Ketu. His pads were raw from the hard concrete, but he ignored the pain and kept going. Kalsera's happiness was somewhat annoying, but he didn't snap or growl like the other two. Quiet and serious, as always. ---- "Ash," Dusk murmured softly. "Do you think we'll find a place to stay sometime?" She sat in the shadows next to her brother. Ash's tail wagged slowly. "We have a place to stay, Dusk," he reminded her. "Yes, but...but do you think we'll have a more...organized place?" Ash shook his head, standing and padding towards the others happily. "We're lucky to have a group to stay with at all." He approached Jettora, tail wagging. "Hello," he greeted her as he lay down. Dusk hesitated but stretched out next to him.
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
1:39am May 28 2011 (last edited on 8:26pm May 28 2011)
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Posts: 136
Bio: numb XD Name: Echo Gender: Female Age: Young Adutl (About 2 human years) Looks (pictures): Basically a pure white Akita Dog.
Pack: Elites Rank: Guard Personality (NOT AN OPTION!): A very mysterious dog. She is quite beautiful but keeps all her thoughts to herself and just does her work good and quietly. She is very mysterious and in any free time she has wonders off unknowingly. She is very reserved and disclosed about many matters. The only way to make her open is to become a close friend to her, and perhaps then she may say never before told secrets. History: Her history is unknown Crush: None known Other: A very mysterious dog Thanks! ^^ Nevermind, I'll wait untiil a slot for another girl opens up. Thanks anyways!

We are the eyes of the night. Ths silence within the wind...
9:19am May 28 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Sorry about that. I forgot to post the pictures for my dogs, and get them right. Their pictures are on right now. Would the Elites pack border be... in the street? Or do they roam as a pack? )) Shiba prouled along the border in the streets, looking for intruders and the leader. A chill crept down her spine when the wind shifted and the leader's scent brought in. She looked around fiercley but no sign of the commander. Yet. She continued guarding. ~ Thor shifted his gaze from here to there, looking for something - ANYTHING to eat. He decided to try the hard, hard task of asking commander Ketu for food. He trotted up to the commander, and firmly stated "I want food.". He braced himself for what might happen.