9:45am May 28 2011
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"I'd like to eat a bit too, Ketu." Kalsera piped up, following Thor. She wondered why the male seemed to be grimacing. Was Ketu really that terrible? Sensing a few disapproving looks from the other dogs, the bounce in Kalsera had gradually died, and she looked merely innocent. Ketu cast a flickering look at them, as if they didn't matter much to him. "You two are free to roam, then." He growled, shooting a look at Nykamar. Loyal as the dog was, he did tend to scare the others a bit with his reckless loyalty. "Return before the sun sets." Ketu then narrowed his eyes at Thor. "You remember what happened to the last dog that didn't obey those orders." His voice was dead calm. --- "Hey guys!" Leto said, breaking the silence that fell over the Mongrel's camp. "We managed to dig out and catch a bit of prey." She tossed a meager day's worth of catch, and Kehale followed suit. That was when he saw newcomers. Kehale stiffened, padding towards them. "You're not with the Elites, aren't you?" He asked them in a mildly accusing voice, his tail raised a little as a sign of hostility. He was thrown slightly off-balance with a nudge. "Of course they're not. Idiot." Leto narrowed her eyes at Kehale. "Sorry. He doesn't like the Elites." Leto shrugged. "I'm Leto, and this is Kehale. Who are you two?" She seemed friendly enough, at least.

9:54am May 28 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Are the two dogs Leto and Kehale are talking to Thor and Kalsera? I'll post once I know you are talking to Thor and Kalsera or not. :) ))
10:03am May 28 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Err... Thor and Kalsera are with the Elites. And if you read my previous post, Leto and Kehale are in the base camp, where Jettora and your two dogs (presumably) are ^^'' ]]
10:56am May 28 2011 (last edited on 10:58am May 28 2011)
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Posts: 3,371
Nykamar nodded. He assumed Ketu wanted him to take them to hunt. He wasn't thrilled that he had to take Kalsera along, but his ex pression stayed the same. He started off slowly in another direction, assuming that Kalsera and Thor would follow him. His raw paw pads were leaving a bloody trail behind him. Jettora looked up at the dogs. Neither of them seemed to be horribly bothered by all of her scars. "Jettora." She said, then laid her head back down onto her paws. Who were these dogs? And what did they want? Jettora had heard of the Elites before. They weren't from the Elites, were they? Probably not, otherwise that one dog probably wouldn't supposedly hate the Elites. "Dancer!" Ru whispered. She stopped running, and Cricket stopped as well. Ru hadn't seen dancer coming. "You're not going to tell Ketu, are you?" She asked, worried.
11:19am May 28 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Pfft ^^" wow lol )) Thor started following Nykamar. His paws left a trail of blood. He flinched, but continued walking. Then he watched his own paws trot against theconcrete. Are my paws ever going to be like that? He griminced at the thought. But he as to hungry to even think about something like that. ~ Shiba saw Ketu and some of the other members walking the streets. She growled to herself, but then stopped growling after she noticed he might hear. She saw a little rabbit a few yards away, then looked from the rabbit to Ketu, and then again. She hoped Ketu won't see her sneaking a meal without asking. She stalked up to the rabbit and bit its throat, and it died instantly. She gorged it down.
11:45am May 28 2011
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Posts: 314
Dancer shook her fur out. "Why would I? I want to get out as much as you two." Ash wagged his tail slowly. "I'm Ash." He nodded at the black dog next to him. "That's my sister, Dusk." Dusk stayed silent, watching the other two. "She's just shy at first," he told Jettora. As he looked up, his tongue lolled out at the mention of food. "Enough for everyone?" he asked, though he doubted it. The streets weren't exactly the best place to catch dinner. Hawk watched the other guards silently. He agreed with the others; he stomach was growling, demanding food.
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
11:45am May 28 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Ooops. Sorry, I mixed up the usernames and thought you were Nessi oo'' ]]
11:57am May 28 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Shiba looked around. She saw that other dog's were hungry as well. The rabbit still had most of it's meat on it. She saw a fellow guard, Hawk, and noticed that he looked hungry. She backed away from the rabbit carcas.s and waited to see if Hawk wanted a little bit of the rabbit she killed. She looked at him hopefully.
11:58am May 28 2011 (last edited on 6:59am May 29 2011)
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Posts: 58
Name:star Gender:female Age:1.5 human years. Looks (pictures):  Pack:mongrels Rank:member Personality (NOT AN OPTION!): star is a shy dog that doesn't talk much. she is a strong fighter but tries to avoid fighting. She is energetic and loyal, and will fight to the death. History:Star and Earth used to live with people. Despite there loving nature, their owners made them fight for food. Star wouldn't fight because of her nature and kept getting weaker and weaker. Soon she and Earth escaped and gathered their strength. Crush: Other:Star will quickly change moods, but first impressions are what she goes by. numb. is this still open to people? Name:earth Gender:male Age:1.5 human years. looks: Pack:mongrels Rank:member Personality (NOT AN OPTION!):Earth is a defensseve and aggresive dog when he gets a bad immpression. no matter what would happen to anyone else. He is loyal and working, with a great sense of smell. History: Earth was raised by twolegs that really enjoyed dog fights. They made him fight Star every day to get food. When they fought, he would always win, but when he tried to give her some food his owner beat him. Soon, he took of with Star in hopes he would never see them again. Crush: Other: Earth has a good nose and may sense wolves and take off with star.
0/100 leverene eggs, 19/100 kayoki eggs, 0/100 myotis eggs, 6/100 draqua eggs
12:14pm May 28 2011
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Posts: 5,998
Kalsera also followed along, eager to get away from Ketu. The leader's moodswings were unpredictable and most of the times scary, and she was rather happy to be away from him, even if it meant being with Nykamar, one of the scariest dogs she had ever met. --- Ketu eyed Shiba disdainfully. "Preferring to offer food to fellow guards instead of the leader, Shiba?" He asked in a tone filled with contempt. "I'm starting to reconsider why I picked you." He glared at her dangerously, then resumed his patrol. He had heard Hawk's stomach grumble, and had half-expected the male to pad off along with Nykamar and his small group of hunting dogs. Ketu felt exasperated. Honestly, was he supposed to do all the thinking for the pack? "Hawk, you go hunt by yourself, or follow Nykamar. Shiba, you can offer your food to the others. They must be starved." --- "I'm going out on another hunting patrol. But Kehale's got guard duty next." Kehale looked ruefully at Leto, who seemed happy at the prospect of hunting, even if it meant foraging from the garbage can. "Anyone want to come?" She asked the mongrels.

1:29pm May 28 2011 (last edited on 1:31pm May 28 2011)
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Posts: 3,371
(Dragon, you need to make a male or I will not accept you. 'even gender ratio' means you need to make a male and a female. no exceptions. and are you semi-literate? Same with you, AshEcho) Nykamar heard Ketu say his name. "Huh?" He looked back over his shoulder. He looked at Hawk and realized that Ketu was offering for him to come. Then he noticed Shiba and growled. He realized that he wanted to strike her even more than Kalsera. She had food, and had been planning to keep it to herself. He muttered something under his breath, then began walking again. "C'mon," He said in his extremely low voice to whoever planned on following. (XD Tld you've said 'he did tend to scare the others a bit with his reckless loyalty' and 'even if it meant being with Nykamar, one of the scariest dogs she had ever met.' yep. He's my big scary monster-ish dog XD I tried to make him like that...I guess it worked.) "I will," Jettora hated speaking, but she was starving and stood up. The several scars were all visible now, including the giant one one her neck. The chain around her neck made a jingling noise as she stood up. "Good," Ru said. She broke into a run. "Now c'mon, this way! Follow me!" Cricket followed her.

3:38pm May 28 2011
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Posts: 58
I try to be very litterate but not streach the page. that has happened to me before XD. Okay I'll update my post.
0/100 leverene eggs, 19/100 kayoki eggs, 0/100 myotis eggs, 6/100 draqua eggs
4:17pm May 28 2011
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Posts: 314
Dancer nodded silently and followed, still keeping in the shadows. Ash jumped to his feet, padding excitedly towards the other mongrels. "Dusk will hunt!" Dusk looked at her brother, bewildered. "I'm not a good hunter," she protested softly. Ash laughed. "She's better than me. Go on, Dusk." Dusk sighed but padded towards the group gathering for a hunt. Hawk nodded and broke away from the patrol. Following a faint scent trail, he soon had a limp rabbit in his jaws.
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
8:23pm May 28 2011 (last edited on 8:27pm May 28 2011)
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Posts: 136
I'll just wait until a slot for another girl opens up. Thanks anyways.

We are the eyes of the night. Ths silence within the wind...
11:31pm May 28 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ I don't think there are 'slots' in this RP, Ash o-o You either join with a male and female, or you don't join at all. oo'' And Dragon, not to boss you around, but Kupa's rules say no insta-mates, and your characters not only have a crush on each other ( which is something not a lot of people like :c ), they've already had pups. ]] "Great! We're ready to hunt. See you, Kehale!" Leto said cheerfully, leading the two other female dogs out of the camp. Kehale didn't seem too happy with being left behind, but he did feel rather important, standing guard and watching out in case the Elites came.
11:43pm May 28 2011 (last edited on 11:44pm May 28 2011)
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Posts: 314
Dusk followed the two other dogs silently. As they padded along she kept her ears perked for the slightest sounds. She was natually skittish, and she didn't want to take chances of running to any rival dogs. Not without Ash there. She felt so much more comfortable with him at her side.
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
7:02am May 29 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 58
Updated. Sorry for all the trouble.
0/100 leverene eggs, 19/100 kayoki eggs, 0/100 myotis eggs, 6/100 draqua eggs
9:12am May 29 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Shiba growled to herself after hearing Ketu's harsh words. She eyed him carefully before turning back, but she was glad that Hawk had taken her offer. She layed against a tree and hummed to herself, but still guarded. ~ Thor followed Nykamar still, waiting to find a meal. He started to kick a pebble on the way. (Fail.)
5:31pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 136
XD I meant until a girl character is available, as in I won't play until I can be a girl because there are even gender ratio's. CX

We are the eyes of the night. Ths silence within the wind...
8:57am May 30 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Err, that's the point, Ash. Everyone's going to join with a male and a female. RPing a male isn't that hard owo'' It's not like they've got cooties or anything. ]] "Sh!" Kalsera shushed Thor rather vehemently. "We'll never get anything if you go around making so much noise." Her floppy ears had pricked, and were alert for any sound. Unfortunately, she had heard nothing, but wandered off a bit from the group to scour the trash cans. "I got something!" She said happily to herself, bringing out a half-eaten piece of human food triumphantly. --- Kehale sighed, uncomfortable with the silence between him and the new dog. "So, how long have you been in this pack?" Kehale asked conversationally, hoping to spark something out of the other dog. [[fail on Kehale's part :C ]]