9:07am May 30 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Thor lowered his head and stopped kicking the pebble. He saw Kalsera bring out human food, and he perked his ears and watched her bring it out. He sat and his hard tail thumped on the ground. ~ Shiba yawned. Why shall there be guards when no one ever even dares to intrude in Elite territory? She looked around. Nothing.
2:40pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( BUMP ))
2:54pm May 30 2011 (last edited on 2:56pm May 30 2011)
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Posts: 3,371
"Quiet," Nykamar growled back to Kalsera and Thor. He continued to move forward. "Do you want to hunt, or just look around for something the humans threw out?" He asked, not really caring what they wanted. He sniffed the air, then said nothing and kept moving. (Who's Kehale talking to?) Jettora followed Leto. "Where are we going to hunt?" She asked, no emotion in her voice. She wondered if they would run into any of the Elites. If they did, hopefully they wouldn't be outnumbered.
8:38pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Thor glared at Nykamar. "I want food now. Not later, now." He snapped, then looked back at the food Kalsera had. Then he stood glaring. He was surprised. He talked back. He was usually so... loyal to his packmates.
5:02am May 31 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Wanna have the Mongrel hunting trio run into the Elite hunting trio? o3o And Kehale is talking to Ash. ]] Kalsera took Nykamar's words as a hostile command. She lowered her ears and muttered a sorry, though Kalsera still trotted along, the half-eaten piece of meat in her jaws. She heard Thor's stomach grumble again, and was afraid of Nykamar lashing out at them if Thor dared to talk back again. She tried to discreetly nudge Thor, whispering: "Here, you can have my steak. Just don't... Y'know. Upset him." Kalsera nodded slightly towards Nykamar, then returned to her position next to him, searching fora nything else. --- "Oh, I don't know." Leto said airily, then turned to Dusk. "Hey, you're new here, aren't you, newdog?" She asked her in a friendly manner. "I think we should introduce you to the Mongrel area." Leto seemed very happy at the thought.
1:14pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Nykamar turned around and stopped. He was angry with Thor. ." Do Not talk back to me, mutt." He snarled. Then he turned to Kalsera, who he wasnt anywhere near as angry with, then turned back around and kept walking. (for sure, tld. >:D)
3:10pm May 31 2011
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Thor just let out a growl to himself. He was about to talk back, and say that he was almost purebred, but he listened to Kalsera. He also was about to say to kalsera that she could have the steak, because she found it. He wanted to be polite. But she already continued walking, and he grabbed the steak in his mouth, threw it in the air, and caught it. Then continued walking.
6:34pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 136
XD Thats so for little kids. ROFL I mean that I'm not aloud to enter unless I'm a boy and I don't want to play unless I get to be a girl so I'll wait until there are even gender ratio's so i can play a girl. Lolz

We are the eyes of the night. Ths silence within the wind...
12:07am Jun 1 2011
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Posts: 3,371
OK. I am not trying to be mean. but If youve got such a problem with the rules, go make your own rp and quit spamming this one. I am in a terrible mood today, and you arent helping. The gender ratio in this rp will always stay even. we will never need you to join with only a female. End of story. and the rule's not for little kids. It's for people who are mature enough to rp both males and females. And i dont think that's little kids. this rp isn't overrun by female characters thanks to that rule. i made the rp, i made the rules. And that's a rule. understood?)
4:03am Jun 1 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Don't 'splode, Kupa D: Ash was just replying to me. And the 'little kids' thing, I think, was referring to my cooties thing. Ash, I was just saying that to say how childish it is to be unable to RP a male. I'm a female. I'm sure lots of people on this RP are too. So, please, either join with a male and female, or stop hovering over the board and waiting for a spot, as this RP has strictly even genders and a 'female spot' will never open because it doesn't exist. ]] [[ Perhaps someone should rmail the other members. They seem kind of dead D: ]] Kalsera casted a pleading look at Thor, then looked rather happy when he snatched up the steak. She carried on silently, occassionally drifting off from the group to inspect more trash cans, each with no edible food in them. That was when she spotted a very brightly lit building. Kalsera's tail began to wag. Brightly lit buildings usually meant lots of food. "Nykamar! Thor!" She alerted them, then dashed off towards the trash cans eagerly. "I think there's going to be a lot of food in this!"

9:32am Jun 1 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(*stops 'sploding.* Sorry ash...I 'sploded. D: and I will rmail them.) "We'll need to get back to Ketu soon. We have to return before the sun sets." He looked up at the sky. "We've got about an hour." He said. Nykamar tipped the trash can over, and garbage spilled out around his paws. "So eat quickly." He began looking through what was in the garbage. With all this food, he could afford to be picky. Jettora looked at Dusk and Leto, sating nothing, then ran a few steps to catch up to them. "Hey, I smell food," She said, her voice barely audible. "Here...uh," She began walking towards the scent of the food, "Follow me." (And she's going toward the Elite trio's food.)
4:35pm Jun 1 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Thor yipped happily because of all of that food. He gorged down his steak, and then digs his nose into the garbage. He takes out a "hot dog" and trots next to the garbage to eat. After he eats that, he looks again and finds a partially eaten "hamburger" and eats that too. He then rolls on his back and sighs, His stomach filled with that wonderful food.
4:29am Jun 2 2011
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Posts: 5,998
"Hey, I smelled it first!" Leto said indignantly, grinning at both Jettora and Dusk. She dashed ahead, crashing into a trash can and toppling it over, allowing them to get the food inside. Leto snatched up a slice of meat, tossing it in the air and jumping up to catch it again. She landed on something oddly fluffy, jumping off, startled. She saw another dog, [Thor] and opened her eyes in surprise. "I didn't know we recruited in more dogs!" She said, not knowing that they were Elites. --- Kalsera looked happy. At least Nykamar seemed a little happy too, right? She trotted over to a nearby trashcan, pushing it over with her head and daintily picking through the wreckage. She saw a red-pelted dog crash into Thor, though Kalsera didn't seem concerned. She only assumed that it was another hunting party sent by Ketu.
12:44pm Jun 2 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Nykamar smirked at the red pelted dog. "you didn't." he snarled. he had been waiting for someone like these idiots to try and invade Elite territory. He came out from behind the trash can, knowing he could kill any one of these dogs. He turned to Kalsera and whispered in her ear; "These dogs are mongrels." hopefully she knew what he meant. hopefully she had heard of the mongrels.
6:42pm Jun 2 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Thor was suddenly bumped in to. He saw the red-pelted dog and growled lowly, startled. He didn't know what to do though. Were they Elites, too? He didn't regognise this dog. But she was pretty. But he still growled, just so Nykamar didn't yell at him for being friendly to this stranger. He got up and shook his pelt. And stared at the dog. No. Intruder. Be mean and vicious... he thought. No! I can't be mean to a pretty dog. He has to. He barked weakly at the dog, trying to sound mean. (( As you can see, Tld, Thor has a crush on Leto. Is that okay? ))
7:49pm Jun 2 2011
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Posts: 58
(is anyone going to accept my fourm? I seem to have been forgotten.)
0/100 leverene eggs, 19/100 kayoki eggs, 0/100 myotis eggs, 6/100 draqua eggs
11:33pm Jun 2 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Nykamar growled. He wasn't blind. He smacked Thor with his paw, then growled quietly. "These are Mongrels, thor, fight and stop daydreaming!" But he hadn't said it loud enough for the Mongrels to hear. (and you are accepted dragon.)
3:16pm Jun 3 2011
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Posts: 58
Star and Earth were laying together in the mongrels camp. "Hey Earth. Want to go out hunting?" Star mumbled. It felt like forever since she'd last gone hunting. "Sure. I could use something to streach my legs." As Earth stood up he sniffed and looked around, hoping no one would notice them leaving. While he waited for Star to streach, he thought about where they would hunt. "Maybe we should try around the dumpsters. The stench will hide our smell, and raccoons tend to live there."
0/100 leverene eggs, 19/100 kayoki eggs, 0/100 myotis eggs, 6/100 draqua eggs
4:08pm Jun 3 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Thor yelped and then growled at Nykamar. He turned to the dog and growled lower, but as weak as he did before. (fffail.)
4:25pm Jun 3 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Nykamar snarled at Thor. "You coward..." He growled. He lunged at the red-furred dog with open jaws, but a black-pelted dog with several scars jumped in his way and Nykamar ended up biting her back. He heard the dog yelp, then tossed her to the side with blood dripping from his jaws. She landed on the ground and tried to get up, but was too badly hurt. He growled, frustrated that he'd bitten the wrong dog, then ran at Leto again in another attempt to attack her. (We need to wait for Tld.)