4:28pm Jun 3 2011
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(( Okay. I know what to do. :D ))
9:57pm Jun 3 2011
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[[ Sorry for poofing :c I couldn't think of what to post. And omgyay, Leto has a crush 8D ]] Leto drew her lips back in a snarl when Nykamar charged at her. When Jettora [it was Jettora, rite? :c] flung herself in an attempt to help Leto, she let out a small no! Turning back at the large male, Leto charged straight at him. [derp, I suck at fights] --- Kalsera ignored the fray, heading for the dog that Nykamar had tossed carelessly aside. When Kalsera neared the injured female, she slowed her pace, afraid that the rival pack member would still bite. "A...are you alright?" She asked in a small voice.
11:11pm Jun 3 2011
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(yeah, it was Jettora.) Nykamar saw Kalsera out of the corner of his eye, but he had more important things to worry about. Snarling, he bit Leto's front leg as she came toward him. He yanked her leg downward towards the ground and let go. Then he turned to Thor for a moment and smiled evilly. he mouthed the words "Kill her" to Thor. and he waited. Jettora growled at the black and white dog. "Why does it matter to you? Why don't you fight with those other dogs?" She couldn't stand up. Was it really worth it? She wondered to herself. Was it worth it...to take the strike meant for Leto?
11:13pm Jun 3 2011
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(yeah, it was Jettora.) Nykamar saw Kalsera out of the corner of his eye, but he had more important things to worry about. Snarling, he bit Leto's front leg as she came toward him. He yanked her leg downward towards the ground and let go. Then he turned to Thor for a moment and smiled evilly. he mouthed the words "Kill her" to Thor. and he waited. Jettora growled at the black and white dog. "Why does it matter to you? Why don't you fight with those other dogs?" She couldn't stand up. Was it really worth it? She wondered to herself. Was it worth it...to take the strike meant for Leto?
11:14pm Jun 3 2011
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(yeah, it was Jettora.) Nykamar saw Kalsera out of the corner of his eye, but he had more important things to worry about. Snarling, he bit Leto's front leg as she came toward him. He yanked her leg downward towards the ground and let go. Then he turned to Thor for a moment and smiled evilly. he mouthed the words "Kill her" to Thor. and he waited. Jettora growled at the black and white dog. "Why does it matter to you? Why don't you fight with those other dogs?" She couldn't stand up. Was it really worth it? She wondered to herself. Was it worth it...to take the strike meant for Leto?
11:37pm Jun 3 2011
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Kalsear gulped. "I don't like fighting." She replied sheepishly. "And what's the point of striking an opponent that's down already?" She watched. The Mongrels were clearly outnumbered, but Nykamar kept on going... Kalsera wished she could help, but how? --- Leto let out a yelp of pain when she was dragged down. Her leg was bleeding and was obviously sprained, but adrenaline flowed through her, and she was unable to feel the pain. She launched herself up and landed on Nykamar's neck, right behind his ears. Leto bit down as hard as she could, using the other three working legs to help her latch on.
12:13am Jun 4 2011
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Nykamar winced. The red-pelted dog was causing serious pain in his neck, blood was running down his shoulders. He was somewhat greatful that the dog hadn't gone for his right front leg- that was where his father had bitten him when Nykamar was a puppy, and the scars were unable to heal, the fur had never grown back and his leg was always sore. But Leto was on his back, and all the pressure of the other dog's weight was causing him extreme pain in his leg. He had to get this dog off his back. He couldn't bite her. She was out of his reach. He snarled angrily. nykamar collapsed for a moment, but got back onto his paws. (I'm not saying Leto is fat, its just that nykamar already weighs a lot its just his and her weight is more than he isused to and puts pressure on his bad leg.) He saw the black dog with scars stand up and thank Kalsera. Then the black dog came at him. she had a choke chain collaR around her neck, and he grabbed it by a loose part of the chain and pulled back, choking her.
12:31am Jun 4 2011
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[[ 'I'm not saying Leto is fat' xDD Made me lol. -waits for Wolf- ._. ]]
10:03am Jun 4 2011
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Thor shot a look to Nykamar. "Why would we have to kill them? They weren't about to hurt us!" He growled. He knocked down Nykamar so he could let go of the choke-chain collar and held him down with his to front paws. "The one who should get killed is you!" He snarled, and slashed his claws on his face. He leaped off Nykamar and ran to Leto's side. "Are you okay?" He whispered, cocking his head. (Drama! Lol! I love it!)
10:45am Jun 4 2011
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Leto stumbled off the large dog, dazed by his thrashing. She nodded her thanks to the Elite dog, too tired to care why he helped. Leto staggered towards Jettora, nudging her weakly. "Jett... Jettora..." Leto nosed her friend, trying to see whether or not the large dog had killed Jettora. "Please get up...." Leto whimpered. Through her grief, her ears were still angled towards the large dog, in case he decided to stand up and attack them. It seemed like the other male was on their side... But why? The black and white female didn't make any attempt to fight. Leto let out a hollow, small laugh. "Elites are weak." She mumbled to herself. --- "Thor!" Kalsera's eyes widened fearfully when he swiped at Nykamar. Running towards the dogs, Kalsera wasn't sure who she should've sided with. The fallen Nykamar, clearly outnumbered but as strong as ten dogs? Or the Mongrels? The ones who promised much more than Ketu? Kalsera shook her head, confused.
12:23pm Jun 4 2011
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Nykamar snarled at Thor. "You idiot." He stood up."No one is strong enough to kill me. Both of you (he means Thor And Kalsera.) We'll see What Ketu thinks of you two standing around and betraying the Elites when we get back there. i'm sure you will be punished severely." He smiled at the thought. "But..." he had to pause to catch his breath. "But what...better punishment...than to watch these dogs die right in front of you?" He slowly looked over to Leto and Jettora. he could see that Jettora was once again too weak to stand up, but she kept saying to Leto; "I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay." But her voice was so quiet Nykamar could barely hear it. then he bit Thor's head with his giant jaws and bit down hard.
3:30pm Jun 4 2011
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Thor yelped loudly and thrashed around, trying to get Nykamar off. Finally, he thrashed him with his paw, harder this time, and got him off. He didn't go down to get him, though, but he just stood and snarled at him. Then a sudden pain went through him, mostly at his head, and he slowly started to stumble. He was on the ground, and, looking up at Kalsera, he said, "You might wanna leave. Now. Before you get hurt." weakly.
9:49pm Jun 4 2011
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[[ Kupa, ya think Nykamar's a bit too strong? I'm not too sure about PPing, but he just brushes off attacks like they're nothing ._. ]] "No!" Kalsera yelped at Thor. "You know he'll kill you now. We've got to run!" She tried to go underneath Thor to toss him onto her back, but he was a bit heavy. She looked helplessly at the red-furred dog, but she seemed to be attempting to help her own friend. --- "Liar." Leto muttered, trying to pick up Jettora. She glared at the large dog. "Nothing we do is going to stop him. We need some help." Leto threw her head up towards the skies, and let out a loud, mournful howl. --- Kehale's ears pricked at the sound of the howling. He could tell by the tone and frequency that it was Leto, and she was in trouble. "Quick! Our pack members are in trouble!" He barked to the few remaining dogs in the main Mongrel camp. He dashed off towards the source of the sound. [[ Derp. Nessie's not replying. And we need more Mongrels to back up Kehale? xD ]]
12:44am Jun 5 2011
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(I wasn't trying to make him seem super storng. He's pretending the attacks don't hurt so he doesn't look weak, but he's about to collapse anyway, so once Kehale gets there they'll easily be able to take him down.) NyKamar panted, blood nearly covering him. All his energy gone. And in extreme pain. He'd fought way too hard than he should've, and now he felt extremely weak. If these dogs wanted to kill him, they needed to do it now. for a few seconds he didn't move. everyone else he could see was now against him, all working together like cowards while Nykamar felt like the world was against him. Surely he'd proven himself loyal to the elites. He had to get back to the commander...this fight could wait and he'd made his point. He turned away from the dogs, about to turn and walk back to the elites. He paused. "Kalsera," He said, "c'mon, let's go. Thor...you tl
12:44am Jun 5 2011 (last edited on 12:54am Jun 5 2011)
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((Doublepost and I forgot jettora in the fist post, so I might as well use the extra post for something.) Jettora's eyes closed for a second, but she forced herself to keep them open. She wasn't okay like she had been saying she was. jettora came from the dog fights, but never had she been hurt this badly. it was hard for her to breathe, and she was losing blood from the first wound Nykamar had caused. She looked at Leto. "D-don't go." She whimpered, feeling like she was going to die. and if she was, she didn't want to just be left alone to die.
9:53am Jun 5 2011
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Thor stared helplessly at the Nykamar. "I would, Nykamar. If you didn't crush my skull." He growled. Blood was flowing down where Nykamar bit him, on the head. But he attempted to get up, and he did, but stood weakly and was very wobbly. He looked back at Leto and Jettora mournfully. Then back at Kalsera and Nykamar. He started walking towards them so they can leave. He really wanted to help Jettora and Leto. But that would be cowardly.
12:53am Jun 6 2011
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Kalsera seemed to shrink away from Nykamar. "No! You're going to kill us. Ketu is going to kill us." She looked at him fearfully. She started to follow Thor, and all the while checking back on Nykamar in case he decided to leap at them again. --- "I'm not going anywhere without you, Jettora." Leto replied, looking sincerely concerned for her friend. "Kehale and the others are coming soon. Just, hang on." She swung her head from side to side anxiously, looking for any sign of the massive German Shepard. --- Kehale skirted through the streets, dashing through roads and startling a few humans. When he arrived, the scene was horrible. "Leto! What happened?" He was confused. Who was on their side now? All the dogs seemed to be shrinking away from a particularly large dog, though he seemed just as exhausted as them. "Jettora! Ugh, what happened, Leto? You're going to have to catch me up on this."
4:09pm Jun 6 2011
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Thor glared at Nykamar and then heard a new voice. A german shepherd appeared. He growled for a second to Nykamar and limped over to Leto, Jettora and Kehale. He felt so cowardly, but so proud of himself for sticking up to Nykamar. "Are you guys alright?" He attempted to choke out.
8:22pm Jun 7 2011
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Nykamar snarled. If they didn't come with him, fine. They were weak. He'd see what Ketu thought when Nykamar told the commander of the elites that the two slave dogs had betrayed their pack. Surely Ketu would have them killed. Both were just worthless mutts. Nykamar was especially angry with Thor, who had left the elites just so he could be with a pretty dog. Nykamar sighed. Kalsera seemed to be leaving, too. Would Ketu be agry with him for losing the rest of his patrol? He slowly made his way back to the Elite territory, then looked around for Ketu to explain what had happened. (Tld, could Jettora later crush on Kehale? :D) Jettora weakly lifted her head and saw Kehale. The chain was very tight around her neck, making it hard to breathe and causing her pain. She looked at both dogs."The chain," she whispered, having to stop talking to catch her breath,"Get the chain off me..." She whimpered. The chain was still choking her to death, it hadn't loosened up any since Nykamar pulled it. (:P i'm gonna delete my characters Ru and Cricket. I hardly rp them.)

4:06am Jun 8 2011
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"Tell your leader that your pack will lose its members if they continue this attitude." Leto growled weakly. She had seen the poor state the two new Mongrels were in. The collie seemed terrified for her life, and the male seemed eager to defy the Elites. "Come on, Kehale, help me pull the chain off Jettora." Kehale nodded, both dogs leaning in and clamping onto the shiny metal tightly. "Ready?" Kehale said, his voice muffled. "One, two, three!" And with a mighty tug, the chain was near Jettora's ears. After another painful tug, the chain slipped free. --- "W-we're free now, Thor." Kalsera seemed relieved. The newcomer, a German Shepard, seemed much more relaxed than the Elites. He was obviously strong, but didn't seem to radiate a cruel aura like the others. [[ Shoor, Kupa :D I think she's gonna scare him first xD ]]