11:49am Jun 8 2011
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Jettora's breathing slowly returned to normal as the chain came off of her neck. She could just barely see out of the corner of her eye the new scar around her neck that had been covered up by the chain before. The scar was probably from her old human owner choking her with the chain, aalong with the chain constantly rubbling up against her neck. "Thanks," She said, now that she could breathe, she had no problem talking. She still couldn't get up yet, but she tried to, and managed to sit up. [[XD]] (Where is Ketu, anyway? O.o)
5:26pm Jun 8 2011
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Thor smiled at Kalsera. "Yes, we're finally free." He sighed, relieved. "But what if they come back for us? They'll all kill us..." He wimpered softly, loud enough for Kalsera to hear. He was still wobbly, so he decided to lie down. He rested his head on his paws and looked at all of these wolves. The Mongrels were so much nicer than the Elites. He should've been in their pack.
3:13am Jun 9 2011
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10:12am Jun 9 2011
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"We should get back." Kehale said gruffly. "That big dog may bring support with him next time." He nudged Leto to her feet, and both of them padded towards the two ex-Elites, Leto constantly glancing back at Jettora in a worried manner. "Are you no longer with the Elites?" She asked the two dogs. The black and white collie shook her head, seeming somewhat relieved. "No." She replied instantly. "The Elites mistreated us. We would've have left sooner, but we don't know how to escape from Nykamar and Ketu." She whimpered a little at their names. --- -herpderp, I don't know what to do with Ketu-
10:28am Jun 9 2011
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(Nykamar needs to explain to Ketu what happened but Idk where Ketu is. :P) Jettora managed to stand up and slowly walk a little ways, holding one paw above the ground that'd been hurt when Nykamar threw her aside. She'd landed on it. But it'd be okay. She looked at Leto, then Kehale, and started to attemt to walk back to the Mongrel territory. She turned to Kalsera and Thor. "How big is that pack anyway?" She didn't really care which one answered her question. (I will just say he goes and finds Ketu. :P) ------- Nykamar went and found Ketu. He looked nervously at the black and white dog. "There was a problem with the patrol," He said nervously," We ran into a small MOngrel patrol, but Thor almost immediately turned against us, and Kalsera wouldn't fight, so I was brutally beatan by the enemy patrol. I was too badly hurt to do anything. Thor and Kalsera left to join the mongrels."
11:29am Jun 9 2011
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Kalsera, who was new to the Elites, did not know. She looked down at the ground, then turned expectantly to Thor, waiting for his answer. --- Ketu twitched his ears as he listened to Nykamar's tale. "So you were too weak?" He asked Nykamar, though his eyes did seem to betray slight concern. This dog was one of his best guards, and he was in a bad condition. "Those two traitors. I suppose we could kill them on immediate sight now." Ketu nodded, quite happy with his punishment for the two cowards."Nykamar, you have been through a long day. I am not ungrateful for your act of loyalty, but I'm not happy either. Go rest, and in a few day's time, we should be able to ambush the pitiful Mongrel pack." Ketu narrowed his eyes maliciously.
4:02pm Jun 9 2011
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(Let's wait for Demon)
4:54pm Jun 9 2011
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"Um... Quite a few. Alot of Elites." He said. He didn't know exactly, because there were so many. He didn't want to follow the mongrels, though. If the Elites came back for him and Kalsera, They'd be in trouble, too. He looked over to Kalsera. "We cannot go with them. Th- They will come back for us, I just know it. We'll get the Mongrels in trouble. We must stay outside the packs for a while." He said with pleading eyes. "I don't want them getting hurt." He said, looking at the Mongrel dogs.
4:18am Jun 10 2011
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"I don't know." Kehale said with a shake of his head. "How can we trust dogs that have already betrayed their previous pack?" He narrowed his eyes, staring at the two pitiful dogs. The colli gaped, and tried to fight back, but she couldn't say anything. That was when Kehale felt a sharp nudge in his ribs. "Oh, be quiet, Kehale." Leto sighed. "Can't you see? They've been through enough. And anyone in the Elites would want to leave." Turning to the two ex-Elites, Leto asked with a kinder voice. "Can you stand up? I'm sure the Mongrels would be happy to accept you into our pack. What are your names? Mine's Leto. And this is Kehale." She nodded towards Kehale.
8:15am Jun 10 2011
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I'm Thor," He said, "And this is Kalsera." he said, looking at Kalsera, and then the mongrels. "But I don't think we should come with you. for now." He paused. "If we go with you, we will get you in trouble like us." He stood up, not as wobbly as before. "They will come for us, and if we are with you, they will hurt you guys too. Me and Kalsera will have to stay away from the packs for a while. We will come back..." A chill ran down his spine. "If they don't kill us first." He really wasn't trying to scare anyone, but he knew that his ex-pack would do something like that.
5:24pm Jun 10 2011
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Jettora nodded. "At least there was only one of them in that attack," She said. I wonder what would've happened if they were alll there. She kept the thought to herself. "My name's Jettora." She said. She thought she must be the only one who was against letting them join, so she didn't say anything. They had betrayed their pack. What if they betrayed the Mongrels? And what if this was planned out? They could be spies, for all she knew. --- Nykamar nodded. "Sorry, Ketu." He said. He walked away and laid down and closed his eyes, but didn't fall asleep. I've failed... He thought. But then he remembered Ketu's words. " We could kill them on immediate sight now,' and 'In a few days' time, we should be able to ambush that pitiful Mongrel Pack.' When the ambush came, he would make sure that the traitors didn't make it out alive.
5:51pm Jun 10 2011
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Thor nodded. "yes," He said. He started to trot away, hoping Kalsera will follow. He looked back at the Mongrels. "Good Luck, you guys." He flicked his tail and looked in front of him. He trotted away, and as he did, he thought about what might happen to him and Kalsera. He squinted when a ray of sun entered his vision.
11:47pm Jun 10 2011
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Jettora was releived when the dogs began to leave. She stayed quiet, as usual, then turned to the dogs who had pulled the chain off her neck. If they hadn't pulled that off her, she would've died. They'd saved her. They must at least care about her a little. She smiled at them, then began to walk back to Elite territory, then turned around and looked at the ex-Elites who'd risked their lives for the mongrels. "Wait!" She barked. "I...I'm coming with you."
12:20am Jun 11 2011
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With a growl of frustration, Leto started bounding towards them again, cutting both dogs off. "You will die without our protection. The Elites already hate our guts, as you can see from that big dog's reaction." She looked at Kehale, expecting him to chime in. But Kehale remained silent, as if not knowing what to do. Kalsera shook her head. "I don't know... Thor, where else can we go if we're not part of the Mongrels or Elites?"
12:44pm Jun 11 2011
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Thor looked back at the dogs, surprised they would like to help him and Kalsera. He thought that they thought of him to be untrustworthy. He was glad for some protection, though. He looked at Kalsera, "I- I dont know. Maybe... we can just go to that remote forest on the outskirts of the city? Or-or... Um... maybe.." He tried to get that idea out of his head. But it came back and escaped his mouth. "Maybe we can make our own pack there?" He said. He wasn't so sure of the idea, but it could work. (Is it okay if we make our own pack, Kupa? If we decide to?)
1:34pm Jun 11 2011
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(Yep, It's okay with me.) "I honestly don't think that's a very good idea." Jettora said. "If you made your own pack, especially in the forest, humans might think they've got a wolf problem and shoot you. Also, I'm sure the Elites are going to be hunting down this pack. If there was another pack, it'd more than likely be their next target." She was lying, she just didn't want there to be another pack that she had no power over. And this was Leto's fault in the first place, in her opinion, if Thor hadn't fallen in love with Leto, none of this would've ever happened. Leto was so much luckier than her. She didn't seem to have had a past like Jettora's, she wasn't covered in hideous scars, she just seemed like...everything Jettora wasn't. Jettora was jealous of the dog. Extremely. But she wouldn't let it show.
2:06pm Jun 11 2011
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Thor shrugged. "That was the plan. I have nothing else." He sighed and sat down. His eyes were closed hard. He was trying to think of something else. He wanted to figure out what the rest thought, but he would be going against Jettora. He had a feeling she didnt like him already. "I don't know." He said, raising his head to look at everyone. He let them down...
9:29pm Jun 11 2011
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(I'm gonna make more dogs. :P)
9:52pm Jun 11 2011
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Kehale finally strode up to the two ex-Elites, gruffly pushing both of them in the direction towards the Mongrel main camp. "Come on, you two." He said, glancing at Leto and Jettora. "We'll help you guys, alright?" Leto said to both Kalsera and Thor. [[ Short post, sorry x.x ]]
10:18pm Jun 11 2011 (last edited on 11:27pm Jun 11 2011)
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Name:Cuma Gender:female Age:Teen-age-ish Looks (pictures): Pack:none, she'll join the elites quickly. Rank:none yet. Personality (NOT AN OPTION!):She's quiet and friendly to most dogs, but it takes a while to earn her trust. She can't stand cruelty to anyone, so she never learned to fight, and is useless in battle. She is thin and fast, and she's very smart. She is unually un-agressive towards dogs from other packs, but never trusts them completely. She was raised by Nykamar and is like an a daughter to him. And she might be the only dog who can stop Nykamar from attacking. History: When Nykamar still 'had a heart,' he was between the age of a puppy of an adult dog. He found Cuma as a puppy and took care of her, like she was his adopted daughter, but then later lost her and became so frustrated that he turned into what he is today. But Nykamar doesn't know Cuma is alive. Crush: None. Other:none - - - - Name:Zaru Gender:Male Age:YOung Adult Looks (pictures): Pack:Mongrels Rank:Member Personality (NOT AN OPTION!): Zaru is loyal to the Mongrels and the mongrels only. He is never happy when new dogs join, but gets used to them eventually. He's hot headed and jokes around a lot, but is serious when he knows he needs to be. His strength is simply average, but he tries to look stronger than he is. History:Normal. Crush: None Other: Tld, could he be Kehale's brother? :3
