10:39pm Jun 11 2011
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Jettora looked at Leto, suprised. "So...they're staying with us?" She asked. She stopped walking and looked to Thor and Kalsera. (Omg, FAIL T.T) Nykamar closed his eyes, but they shot open within about ten seconds as he heard high-pitched barks. They were familliar, but he hadn't heard that voice in so long. He thought he must just be imagining it, or hearing a voice similar to the one he'd heard such a long time ago. He'd lost her. It was nearly impossible that she'd stayed alive on the streets, especially alone. Cuma had been too small and scared of everything. She wouldn't have stood a chance. Cuma barked continuously at a pidgeon on a powerline. She had tried to hunt the pidgeon, but had been way too loud, and the bird had heard her and panicked and flew up on to the powerline. Cuma was thin, her ribs were visible. And she was hungry. Cuma growled at the bird. "Forget it!" She barked. She ran off.
10:43pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Omg, Zaru can totally be Kehale's brother o: This is going to be awesome x3 ]]
11:08pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(Yay! :D let's wait for demon.)
10:31am Jun 12 2011
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4:01pm Jun 12 2011
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((EEp! Sowwy! XD)) Thor shrugged, then nodded. "Okay. We'll stay with you." He said. He worried about what the others will think of him. The other Mongrels. His eyes drooped at the thought, his ears laid against his head. Suddenly, a pain shot through his head, and he yelped. He had forgotten about his bite for Nykamar. It wasn't bleeding anymore, butthe pain was still there. "I'm okay..." He sighed.
9:18am Jun 17 2011
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(( Maybe I can make this come back to life? ))
8:26pm Jun 21 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(sorry I was gone for so long, I was grounded, I'm back now. I'll reply once Tld posts again.)
8:43pm Jun 21 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ A bit braindead o-o ]]
11:18pm Jun 21 2011
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(fine, Tld, I will post. again. XD) Jettora's eyes widened. She hadn't seen Nykamar do that to Thor, but it was quite obviously painful. She gasped. "Oh my god!" She ran over to Thor. "You're sure your okay?" She looked at his head-wound. Cuma bolted through the streets, smelling the scents of several dogs. and blood. She quickly ran in the opposite direction of the blood, not wanting to be dragged into a fight, but stopped. there were bloody pawprints on the ground. Huge ones. "Woah," she whispered to herself. If the pawprints are bloody, the dog must be hurt. Surely, too weak to want to fight me. But...i need some food first. What's the point of going to some blood-covered giant dog? What if it's some other dog's blood, and not the big one's... Cuma pawed the blood with her own paw and lifted it up to her face to get a better smell. She narrowed her eyes. "Is this...Nyke's blood...?" She wondered out loud. Nykamar stopped thinking about his lost puppy and decided to act like he'd taken a nap. He padded over to Ketu. "I heard some barking while I was laying down," He said. After a long pause, he sighed and spoke again,"I could've sworn...I recognized the voice." (Zaru should like be wandering and find the Mongrel pack. so...he is not in the pack yet.) [Zaru wanders]

1:32pm Jun 22 2011
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(( YAYYY :3 )) Thor sighed. "Yea, pretty sure..." He sighed. "I think." He lowered his head so Jettora could examine it more carefully.
5:16pm Jun 22 2011
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"Jettora, you should be careful too." Leto said, ears flattened a bit in concern. "Yup, those wounds that big dog made could be bad." Kehale chimed in, nodding his head and agreeing with Leto. They both gingerly made their way towards Thor, Kehale checking the wound overall while Leto checked the rest of his body in case the large dog made any more wounds. The border collie was not a concern, she had stayed away for a majority of the fight. "Will Thor be alright?" Kalsera asked in a hushed tone, looking quite anxious. "Well, it'll hurt for awhile, but if we treat it quickly, I think he'll be okay." Leto made a very rough guess.
6:34pm Jun 22 2011
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Thor nodded, lifting his head. "What should we do, then?" He asked. Then he remembered about Ketu and the others, wanting revenge on him and Kalsera. He stopped worrying about himself, and started worrying about the others. "Maybe we shouldn't worry about this now. My Elites leader Ketu might be coming any time." He said, worried.
12:27pm Jun 24 2011 (last edited on 12:29pm Jun 24 2011)
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Cuma sighed. I am about to sound like such an idiot. She barked his name, Much louder than the first time. "NYKAMAR!" Nothing responded except for a human walking by, who screamed "Shuddup!" She could've sworn it had been Nykamar's scent, whether it was his blood or not. But it had been years since she'd seen him, and she had never been sure where he had gone. He should've at least taught me how to hunt so I don't have to eat garbage. She growled and ran off, away from the yelling human. Nykamar sighed and walked away from Ketu. Had he been listening? Instead, he went to Shiba. "SHiba, I keep hearing a voice, I think I recignize it, listen." At the same moment, he heard the voice yell his name. Jettora sighed and shook her head. "If they come," She said," We will have to be ready." Her voice was grim and somewhat sad sounding. "I can't think of another way." (Dramatic Jettora is...dramatic.)